"Starry Sky" game graphic full Raiders, full content strategy of Starfield, the full-branch task strategy of the entire plot process (including "plot/ending", "branch line/activity", "system tutorial", "gameplay skills/collection elements"). Starfield is a role-playing game developed by Bethesda. The background of the game is set in the vast universe. Players can create and cultivate characters freely, set foot on epic journey, and discover the ultimate mysteries of human civilization. The story takes place in 2330. As an unknown interstellar miners, you will join the star organization (a space explorer group looking for rare artifacts in the galaxy) and start a journey of adventure exploration. The game world is magnificent, the branch is rich in content, and the degree of freedom is extremely high.

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Chinese name: Starry Sky

Original name: Starfield

Game type: role-playing

Game platform: PC/Xbox Series x | S

Series: Starfield

Developer: Bethesda Game Studios

Issuing company: Bethesda Softworks

Issuing date: September 6, 2023

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Minimum configuration

Operating system: Windows 10 Vering 21H1 (10.0.19043)

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X, Intel Core i7-6800K

Memory: 16 GB RAM

Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 5700, NVIDIA GeForce 1070 TI

DirectX version: 12

Storage space: 125 GB available space

Note: You need SSD (solid state hard disk)

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《》 starfield

Recommended configuration

Operating system: Windows 10/11 With Updates

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, Intel I5-10600K

Memory: 16 GB RAM

Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080

DirectX version: 12

Network: Broadband Internet Connection

Storage space: 125 GB available space

Note: You need SSD (solid state hard disk)

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《》 starfield

shortcut key

There are many shortcut keys in the game, but most of the key positions are RPG conventional keys. You can check it in detail in the key binding option.

F: Scan, press and open the flashlight.

TAB: Return, long press on the star chart can be directly closed by the star diagram instead of progressive layer by layer.

F5/f9: Quick access.

P/I/L/M/K: Skills/items/tasks/map/capabilities. Remember that these keys do not need to enter the sub-option from the main menu every time.

Alt: After holding down the spacecraft interface, you can switch the subsystem of the arrow key and increase the energy.

Mouse roller/mid-key: You can switch 1 or 3 people as the perspective.

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Plot background

— Plot Background —

As a new member of the Agos mining company, you have come to a mining whistle station in the Vitra galaxy.

Lin Jian and Clear Hyller take you familiar with your work, and you will start your own rookie miner.

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The supervisor of Lin took you to complete the entrustment of the star organization and let you dig a special object.

When you come into contact with objects, you see strange light and shadow, hearing a strange voice.

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This time the "supernatural" contact has caused you to get into a brief coma.

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When you are awake, Barrett, a star organization, is followed by the pirate of the dark red fleet when he takes this strange object.

Barrett decided to let you drive the ship to bring the objects to the stars.

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You just started the interstellar journey like this.

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When you come to the star organization, you see a magical scene-

Multiple "objects" started automatic combination after putting together, which surpassed the knowledge of human beings.

Finding these objects has also become the task of you and the stars, and the grand universe adventure really kicked off.

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Stand -up guide: background

— Bit Guide —


When creating a character, you can choose the background. In fact, you choose 3 preset skills.

You can choose to learn any skills during the game, so the background skills are equivalent to initial skills.

It is best to choose the skills that can be used in the early stage, and you are willing to strengthen it later.

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If you like fighting, you can choose soldiers, trajectory plus bomb weapons damage, physical fitness increases oxygen, and fly backpacks allow you to have better maneuverability in the battle.

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Players who like to create, like to experience the plot and conduct various search can choose an industrialist.

Personation gives you more means to solve problems. Security can allow you to open various locks. The research method allows you to quickly promote manufacturing and whistle stations.

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Players who like to explore can choose a professor and walk around each galaxy.

Celestial dynamics allows you to run farther, geological and research methods are convenient for resources collection and manufacturing.

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Similarly, you can choose a new home.

Exploration makes you scan a larger scan, and weighing weightlifting is convenient to pick up trash.

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Those who like dive can choose electronic intelligence vendors.

Pay attention to the sneak strategy of the following period, which is a bit different from the usual stealth.

I won’t say theft, NPC is inexhaustible (laughs).

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I like to engage in freight and conduct interstellar battles (the share of spacecraft fighting in the game is not particularly large), and long-distance transport drivers are also a good choice.

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Stand -up guide: Characteristic


When creating characters, you can choose 0 ~ 3 features. The features often bring positive bonuses and negative effects.

Most features can be removed at the Antai Medical Center, so it doesn’t matter if you choose a character wrong.

Pay attention to the removal of the features permanently, so as long as it is not too troublesome, choose the characteristics first, and then eliminate it (some features require special scene removal, but they can be removed).

Some characteristics, good income, negative effects are easy to ignore or acceptable, I recommend a recommendation.

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Basically, unless the wolf lover, it is still convenient to bring teammates and can also be a mobile storage box.

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Parents will burst money equipment from time to time. It is more interesting to interact with them, and sometimes there are tasks.

The problem is not big every week.

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Low-life damage is not particularly useful, but players who like fighting can encounter more mercenaries.

From time to time, some good things can be burst.

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The luxury homes are good. Remember to leave at least 500 yuan to repay each week, otherwise there will be no house.

It’s not stressful (laughs).

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That is, the free treasure box, and another life … can only choose one.

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Local natives of colonies

Similar to the settlers and street mice below, there will be more convenient options when dialogue. As long as it is not a criminal enthusiast, the reward is not very so-called.

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It’s not afraid that NPC will mess around and interrupt. It is actually pretty good.

Only in the city will encounter.

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Stand -up guide: Oxygen


You can see the watch display in the lower left corner, which is the basic information function.

The outer circle can see the interests and the direction of the enemy. The inner circle will indicate the orientation and various possible environmental factors.

But the most important thing is the display of oxygen/carbon dioxide system.

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When you perform high-intensity activities such as sprinting, strikes, jumping, oxygen (white arc strip).

The higher the load, the faster (the problem is not large), and when the overweight is overweight, it will reduce it very quickly, and walking alone can reduce oxygen.

Therefore, bearing is a very core ability.

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After you consume oxygen, you will produce carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is displayed as red energy bar, filling from right to left.

Once the carbon dioxide strips are full (semi-circular), you will reduce blood when you perform the operation of adding carbon dioxide.

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At this point you stop slowly, oxygen will gradually recover.

And the restored oxygen will gradually "eat" carbon dioxide until the carbon dioxide is completely removed.

When you are okay in the early days, you will keep more than 75%of the load to do the task of running legs. Pull the sprint distance enough to improve the level of weight.

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Stand -up guide: Wait/sleep


Many tasks in the game have a fixed time, and you often need to wait for time to pass.

Find a place to sit down at this time.

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The waiting button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen B.

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You can choose to wait.

Note that waiting on the planet will consume the world and local time at the same time, and waiting in space will only consume world time.

So wait for local time or go to the corresponding planet.

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In addition, if you have bed, you can sleep.

Sleeping can not only be slightly over time, but also restore life and cure many negative states.

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Stand -up guide: Fast -stretch column


Thanks to the "excellent" newcomer guidance design of the starry sky, I have to introduce the shortcut column (laugh, many people don’t know this).

Press Q to mix out the shortcut bar. You can see the items corresponding to the above numbers above and press the corresponding number key.

Note that you can use items without pressing the fast bar. Press it just for you to see it for easy memory.

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Select a certain item in the backpack and press B to put it in the fast bar.

Proposals such as adding blood, removing negative status, and increasing persuasion and other skills can be put here.

It is also very useful to switch weapons and equipment through the shortcut bar.

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Stand -up guide: Function interface/operation

-F function interface

The starry sky function interface is divided into 5 parts, and the player can enter the sub-item (but it is recommended to directly remember the corresponding shortcut key).

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① Map: From the galaxy to the planet position point, you can switch on TAB and press the TAB to exit.

There are many exploration points on the planet in the galaxy. You can press V/G to view the planet in detail.

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After clicking the exploration point or the planet/galaxy, you can press X to set the route. Most of the time, you can return to the spacecraft on the map interface R key after you stop relying on the planet.

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② Skills: Each upgrade gets 1 skill point, each skill has 4 rows, different colors display.

The skills in the lower row need to unlock/upgrade to a certain extent before unlocking.

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Note that each skill has a challenge progress. If you want to upgrade this skill, you must complete the challenge progress, and then spend 1 skill point upgrade.

A skill can generally be upgraded 3 times.

The challenge progress directly views the skill description, which is very clear.

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③ spacecraft: you can see the specific value of your spacecraft, including the situation of crew and cargo cabin.

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④ Equipment: Equipment is divided into weapons, space clothes, backpacks, helmets and clothing.

Be careful not to be overweight (see the weight of the items). After the overweight, you will consume a lot of oxygen and not move quickly, which is very troublesome.

Therefore, it is good to increase the weight of the initial skills.

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⑤ Task: Click the corresponding task to track, and the blue dot prompt position and distance will appear on the screen.

There are many categories of tasks. This is clear at a glance. It is recommended to complete the event task in the early stage, which will help to familiarize the systems of the game.

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After pressing F to open the scanner, the ground target navigation trajectory will appear on the ground.

After pressing L to open the task, you can press B to display the task point. At this time, you can see the task prompt next to the exploration point. Click the exploration point corresponding to the task and press X to quickly transfer to the area.

It is best not to follow the task prompts to run blindly, otherwise it may be a big action of turning over the mountains (laughs).

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Stand -up guide: Spacecraft-control


① control

White solid arcs of spacecraft control interface 1, 2, and 3 represents the ammunition of three types of weapons of ballistic, missiles, and laser. It will automatically loaded after the hit, and there will be a short time CD.

Purple numbers 4 positions are speed. Through W/S, the number 5 is booming, that is, sprint energy, which takes time to restore.

The next part of the energy distribution of the spacecraft project: construction of the spacecraft.

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The spacecraft turning is to slide to the edge of the screen (actually unable to slide out of the central ring) by the mouse.

The number 100 in the lower right corner represents the shield capacity (the shield will automatically recover automatically), and the ship’s progress bar is equivalent to the blood volume of the spacecraft.

Laser weapons are more effective in dealing with shields, ballistic weapons are more effective to deal with hulls, and missiles have various types. Generally, they have higher damage to shields and hulls.

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During the battle, the blue strip below the enemy’s name is a shield, and the white bar is the blood volume of the hull.

You can left the shield on the left-click laser, and right-click the ballot to quickly reduce the blood.

Pay attention to try to frame the target.

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The fascinating star continues to cover the target will gradually become smaller and there is a red box tip, which will display the locking locking neutralization and the locked prompt.

After being locked, you can automatically track the target by firing the missile.

If the hull is damaged, it can be repaired by consume the repair tool according to the O key. It is best to quickly get away from the asteroid to avoid it and restore the shield.

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Press E to interact or switch the target after the target is close to the target.

Pay attention to short press, long press E and get up.

This operation is needed to pick up the wreckage of the space or close when it is close.

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Stand -up guide: Spacecraft-attribute

② Attribute module

You can consult a nearby administrator near the apron, and many of them can buy and build spacecraft.

The core of the spacecraft is the reactor. You can see the energy progress bar, which represents the total energy of the spacecraft, the higher the better.

When driving a spacecraft, you can hold the ALT and then switch the laser, ballistic, missile, engine, shield and gravity. The energy is divided into these sub-items, which can be reduced.

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That is, laser weapon damage, facing the target of shield thickness can allocate this item with higher energy.

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In the same way, increasing ballistic weapon damage.

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Increase missile damage.

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Engine promotion is the maximum speed, and maneuvering is the maximum acceleration of sprinting.

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Control shield capacity and recovery speed.

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Control the speed of the transition, the higher the energy from starting to jump to avoid being entangled by enemies on the track. Generally, you do not need to allocate energy during battle, and you can increase when you run or escape.

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Stand -up guide: Spacecraft-sailing

③ sailing

When sailing, press E at the target point to view the distance.

Objects within 500 meters can interact. If there are multiple objects, press E to switch to select.

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Far goals, such as other planets, will display travel keys after pressing.

Press R without letting you go without letting go.

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When jumping, sometimes you can see the words where gravity jump is waiting for approval, which means that the energy distribution of your gravity subsystem is not enough.

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Alt switch to the gravity system, and the energy can start to jump.

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Stand -up guide: resource


There are massive planets and various resources in the game.

These resources can be used to build a large number of construction and manufacturing, which is the key to strengthening the strength of the character.

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You can roughly understand the resources of the planet through the planet view.

With your investigation, the details of resources will be clearer.

After investigating a planet’s minerals, animals and plant resources, these complete data can also be used to sell.

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Animal resources are usually obtained by killing and picking.

The number of animals that kill enough can complete an animal resource survey.

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Open the scanner to align with the animal/plant to see the survey progress.

You can also see the overall progress of planet resources on the left.

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The scanner will also make the mineral highlight, and it can be harvested with the cutter attack.

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Plant resources are similar to animals, and surveys can be completed after multiple collection.

The survey progress can be seen on the right side of the scanner.

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In addition, many resources can be purchased from the NPC (the initial manufacturing has not yet been formed, the purchase of resources is more convenient, and the manufacturing can be quickly promoted), you can also create yourself.

South Gate Er Alpha Star System → Jamisen Star → New Atlantis City, the landing point has been to the station area, and the NPC of the left-transfer store has a lot of resources.

Rest in a spacecraft or hotel for 48 hours.

You can also build a whistle station to continue to collect and produce. See the details after this part of the content.

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Stand -up guide: Store/sell/purchase


The role of the character’s own items is limited, so a large amount of equipment, props, and resources need to be stored.

It is not necessary to say that the storage of the room boxes is. I will talk about the most practical flexible storage in the early stage.

One is his teammates who can choose a transaction with your teammates. He will give him the temporary unnecessary things, and find him back in the future.

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The green pavilion of the initial parking apron-the trading pavilion of the Trade Administration can sell redundant items to get credit coins.

South Gate Er Alpha Star System → Jamisen Star → New Atlantis City, the landing point has been to the station area, and the NPC of the left-transfer store has a lot of resources.

Rest in a spacecraft or hotel for 48 hours.

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The administrator next to you can buy and build a spacecraft.

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You can see such a blue storage box on the left and rear of your own spacecraft.

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Interaction can access items, which is equivalent to your big box.

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Stand -up guide: Manufacture


Research, manufacturing, and whistle stations are a production system that recycled each other.

Study unlocking formula → Manufacturing item → Building a whistle station equipment → obtaining resources → investing in new studies → ……………………

The materials that are not enough in the early stage can be purchased directly for NPCs, which is not expensive. Many NPCs in the event task can actually provide initial resources.

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In the process of continuously upgrading the manufacturing industry, new resources and new parts have been obtained.

Then you can create various equipment, props and supplies at this stage.

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The stars’ tissue rushing into the door directly to the right, and there are various manufacturing equipment in the basement.

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By studying the unlocking weapon module formula, you can replace the weapon module and strengthen the weapon.

Equipment such as space clothes is also the same.

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The industrial workbench can make facilities and provide parts.

In this way, you can build a whistle station on the planet to get richer raw materials.

(In the manufacturing table summary …)

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The research laboratory is the result of investment in resources and output, which is the key to unlocking various production.

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The cooking table can make various foods such as blood, BUFF, and eliminating negative effects.

Note that although simple ingredients have basic effects, it is far less effective than cooking.

Therefore, try not to use the primary ingredients directly, it is better to cook.

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Stand -up guide: Lock: Summary


① review

When unlocking, there will be several layers of large circles (locks) on the left side (inside the blue frame), and the gap appears randomly on each large ring. We can call it a lock hole.

There will be several small circles on the right side (in the red box). We can call it the key, and there will be different plugs on each key. We can call it lock.

In simple terms, insert the plug on the right to the gap on the left (insert the tooth lock into the lock hole), and make up the lock ring (fill it into a complete ring) to unlock it.

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Where to point the right key point and which one is displayed on the left, you can see the matching situation.

For example, in the figure, I clicked on the third key on the right. You can see that the two lock teeth can be filled with the lock hole on the left lock.

The mouse roller or Q/E/A/D keys to rotate the key to let the lock lock and the holes match.

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If you feel that the matching is okay, click the white dot of the right key center again, and the plug will be inserted to the lock.

Once you click the key for the first time, you will consume a pry lock.

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You can continue to insert the remaining locks into the lock hole one by one and make up the ring.

Subsequent operations will not consume pry locks.

If you make a mistake, you can press R to reset the lock ring and try again, but the pry lock that consumes it will not be returned.

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It should be noted that only when all the plugs on the key can be placed in the lock hole of the lock, the key can be clicked into the lock.

For example, in the figure, there is a lock hole that can be matched, so this key cannot click to insert the lock.

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In the case of multi-layer lock ring, the outer layer will disappear after filling the outer layer, and continue to fill the inner lock ring.

All the lock rings can be unlocked after filling.

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Stand -up guide: Open: Tips

② Matching the lock hole

You can click on the key on the right to rotate the lock teeth to see if it can be matched into the lock hole.

At this time, you need to plan, so that the locks of each layer have locks to fill.

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The higher the difficulty, the more the lock ring and the key, and the greater the amount of information that needs to be matched.

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The best way is to rotate the matching first. After thinking about the relationship between the inner and outer layers, click to insert one by one, and finally unlock.

If you do n’t have a complete match, you can insert it while trying it. Maybe you ca n’t correspond later. At this time, you can only press R to rear, and lose the pry lock.

However, the archive is also done before prying the lock, and the uncle is not satisfied, but the lock-locking teeth faced by the unlocking is random.

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Note that when you click a key, the lock ring on the left will have a blue high brightness, which means that the key is matched with the locking hole with the ring.

For example, the outer ring lock ring is used to use the only key that can match the outer ring. Otherwise, after unlocking the outer ring, the outer ring key cannot be used in the inner ring even if it is not used.

Prioritize the key that can only match one circle, and then look at other keys.

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Many keys can match multiple circles. At this time, it is best to "pre-lock" first. In short, it is to turn each key in place to see if it can be locking layer by layer.

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There is only one teeth key. It can be said to be a universal key. It is best to stay at the end. Where can I make up?

In addition, you can also accumulate automatic unlocking by unlocking, that is, the charging frame of the R key at the bottom right. Automatic unlocking can be accumulated many times to get difficult locks and save time.

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Stand -up guide: Unlock: Example

③ Example

step 1

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Step 2

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Step 3

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Step 4

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Stand -up guide: Persuasion: method


-The method of persuasion

Many times, successful persuasion (including threat intimidation and other interactions) will greatly simplify the situation and operations, even if you still choose to fight in the end, often have initiative.

After entering persuasion, you need to learn about the following projects–

①Prite the item.

② Personal progress.

③ Try the number of times.

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There are random entries in the persuasion, and there is a score of +1 to +5 in front.

The higher the progress, the more difficult it is to succeed. Upgrade persuasion can increase the success rate.

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The round is the number of attempts, and only so many times of choice opportunities.

Each time you choose to persuade items, you will consume the number of times, whether the persuasion is successful or not (the last round is not consumed if it is successful, you can continue).

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The persuasion progress is equivalent to charging bar, and a grid corresponds to a score, and is full to persuade the opponent.

White solid is the score that has been obtained at present, and gray is the score that needs to be obtained.

In the figure, 4 points are required to persuade, and the author gets 1 point.

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If you choose low-point persuasion items every time, although you may be successful every time you persuade, you will not be able to achieve the progress of persuasion.

If you choose a high score every time, you may not be able to achieve progress.

Generally speaking, if there is no skill support, it is more reasonable to run fast.

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You can also press R to select automatic persuasion (when you are full, see the post), generally the automatic persuasion will be successful.

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Stand -up guide: Persuasion: skills

— Personal skills

The first trick is to look at the face (laughs).

From time to time, there will be great success, which is equivalent to persuading crit, and it is basically convinced to complete it when encountering great success.

Therefore, when S/L is difficult to persuade the difficulty, you can also persuade items to be low-scoring, in case it is great.

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Pay attention to the automatic persuasion in the persuasion bar, there is a blue high box.

Every time you persuade, this high bright frame will be filled with energy, and eventually it will automatically light up.

You can directly persuade success by automatic persuasion.

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It is best to use automatic persuasion at critical moments, as long as it is not particularly difficult to persuade or manually.

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When persuading, the last chance (only 1 o’clock in the round) will not consume the number of rounds as long as it succeeds.

Therefore, there is only one chance in the end. You have a lot of progress. You can try to choose a low score of+1+2. As long as you succeed, you can continue. If you do n’t do it, you are full.

In other words, a simple persuasion skill is: Choose two big ones first (according to your persuasion skills, don’t be too fierce), you will always choose a small one.

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Stand -up guide: Reward

-The reward

Sometimes you do bad things to be rewarded. If you do n’t want to be chased, or you do n’t want to lose all illegal items because you are caught, you still need to clear the reward.

Many places have rewards and elimination services, such as the bar door of the bar at the main Line Mars base.

It can be regarded as spending money to eliminate disaster.

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Stand -up guide: Negative state

-Negative state

Many times you encounter negative states due to environmental, enemy and other factors.

The main interface state effect (press B) in the character interface can be seen.

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Many negative states can be eliminated through sleep.

You can also find the corresponding "antidote" in the item bar → rescue item.

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For example, the syringe and the function of treatment are clearly written in the introduction.

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Stand -up guide: Poor Station: Location


The construction of the stars in the starry sky is a big project, but once it is perfect, you have a steady stream of resources and products.

It can be said that the whistle station is an independent gameplay of the manufacturing department. You can operate up to 24 whistle stations in the universe (required skills support).

Below I will explain the details of the location, construction, and production of the whistle stations step by step.

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① position

First of all, it is naturally to extract resources. Earlier in the early stage, the planet of the planet and Tie Duo established a whistle station.

is the fuel of the interstellar logistics chain, and iron is the basic manufacturing material.

The planet interface can display the resources by pressing R. The color of various resources on the left resource bar is displayed on the planet.

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Go to the resource area and press F to open the scanner.

You can see the resources contained below to the ground, such as AL aluminum here.

There are often many resources in one area.

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For example, the author’s area, water and aluminum are sufficient.

A whistle station can be produced by water and aluminum.

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Note that this kind of smoke is manually mining (this is benzene), which is mining through corresponding tools and skills.

The whistle station only needs to see what minerals are scanned.

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If you add a scan talent, you will find that resources are always wrapped in low-level resources, so a series of resources can be solved by a whistle station.

You need to explore a lot of scanning, such as Tiacang 55, iron cobalt platinum, two three-level materials, a total of five materials exist within one whistle.

To reduce the number of whistle stations, finding this planet is the best.

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The galaxy/planet of the whistle station will be built. There will be a housing style of the waist trapezine.

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Stand -up guide: Poor Station: Facilities

② facilities

The F key can press R at the scan interface to place the whistle station, rotate left and right, and E confirm the location.

Note that the whistle station cannot be too close to the nearby interest, usually more than 800 meters.

After you place it, you can choose the building for construction.

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This is the basic function of post-stations, you can unlock and improve in scientific skills.

To assign crew members to the whistle station, you need to unlock the engineering skills of the post.

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As long as this power system is built, the power is directly obtained, and the transmission line is not required, which is more convenient.

However, the logistics still has to connect.

Wind power is very good. Solar energy is used if it cannot be built. After 3, it will use fuel to generate electricity.

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The transportation station can improve the efficiency of automation. There is an input box and output box, which can be connected between the transportation station between each two whistle stations.

Through this method, you can give the San San Express produced by San Sanxin to other whistle stations that need to be three, and minerals are also the same, so that each whistle station does not need to run once to collect resources once.

You can even build a whistle station as a warehouse and a transit station, fill 6 transport stations, receive the products or distribution of materials or distribute materials, so that the logistics of each outpost station are usually produced smoothly.

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That is, power supply, extractor extraction resources, construction device production, storage of logistics transportation and gathering resources, and making more advanced manufacturing.

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Mining areas can put three robots that can add yield.

If you want to live here, you can start the building and the workbench.

If there are aggressive animals on the planet, remember to build a turret.

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Stand -up guide: Poor Station: Production/Production

③ Production/production

Each extraction, logistics, and production facilities of the whistle stations can be unlocked by studying, and parts materials can also be unlocked by studying.

The research method this skill can reduce the demand for materials, and level 4 makes the demand for 5 materials into 3 types.

You can put 3 low-level, easy-to-find materials, and the remaining three more advanced are dissatisfied with skills and strong.

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To create Samsung and Four-star materials, or make the production of its own industrial workbench with special materials;

Either the whistle station is promoted to the third level, goes to study the diversified construction station in the Taiwan, and then built a pipe input material for the construction station to make it manufactured.

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With raw materials, it can be made (here to make handmade workbench) high-end weapons and equipment.

Similarly, related skills can make your production more powerful.

For example, astronaut skills allow you to make a powerful flight backpack.

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It is recommended to modify the third-level firearms and aerospace helmets in the early stage.

Then you can transform the weapon to facilitate you to quickly push the main line.

If you don’t want to spend too much time on the whistle station, simply minimize various basic resources, and then make your own materials.

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Stand -up guide: Poor Station: Construction Process

④ Construction process

When the whistle station is placed, the upper left corner can be seen in the resource that can be mined in the whistle station.

Of course, you generally scan first before construction. This step is just to see if there is any unexpected harvest.

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Then it is to build a generator. When there is wind, use wind power, and no wind can be solar.

There is a fuel generator after 3 fuels.

Then create a extract, such as extract 3, and then build a fuel generator to connect the extractor to the generator. The generator can continue to work by the 3 of the extractor.

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You can switch the facility project through Z/C, and the TAB key can be adjusted to adjust the mode.

For example, enter the adjustment mode, the right-click extractor can be connected.

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Electricity can continue to extract other raw materials, such as iron.

Building a warehouse, iron is a solid warehouse, and the three-made gasoline warehouse is placed in the warehouse. After the construction is completed, the adjustment mode is cut and each extractor is connected to the warehouse.

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You can transport the materials of the warehouse to other production machines and even other galaxies.

Then it is the production robot, turret (if necessary), and individual and crew facilities.

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You can build a parking flat to make the spacecraft more convenient to come.

You can create a star transportation station, and then the input box of the warehouse links the transportation station, and then connect the transportation stations, the things produced here will be transported to the output box of the connected transportation station.

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Stand -up guide: Poor station: galaxy resource distribution

⑤ distribution of galaxy resources

Example: Resource Name-Planets/Satellite-Owners-English Name

(Note 1: may be displayed error as zinc, for the game bug.)

(Note 2: The following is the galaxy that is recommended to build a whistle station. The resources of the same planet should be as much as possible to include a whistle station.

(Note 3: Most of the planet can be included in a whistle station. Considering the freight, Livatin Star is best divided into two planets of and .)

Water-Steel 3-Katydid-Katydid

Aluminum- 3- -katydid

— 3- -Katydid

LE- 3-Katydid-Katydid

–Livatin Star 2-Livatin Star (next to Xue Dingyu) -Leviathan

–Livatin Star 2-Livatin Star (next to Xue Dingyu) -Leviathan

Chlorine-Xue Dingzheng 2-Xue Dingxing Star-Schrodinger

Silicane-Xue Dingzhang 2-Xue Dingzhang Star-Schrodinger

AD-Xue Dingzheng 2-Xue Dingxing Star-Schrodinger


–Tiacang Five 8C-Tiacang V (left at the left) -tau Ceti

Nickel-Hui Rate 7a-Hui Ratsen-Huygens

Cobalt-Huyatti 7A-Hugen Ses-Huygens

TSN-Huyattz 7A-Huyatti-Huygens

Platinum-Tiacang 55-Tiacang V (left at the left) -Tau Ceti

-Tiacang 55-Tiacang 5 (left at the left) -tau Ceti

-Tiacang 55-Tiacang 5 (left at the left) -tau Ceti

Iron-Boat Land 3A-Ship Barrier-Carinae

Alkane-Boat Land 3A-Ship Base-Carinae

RC-Boat Land 3A-Ship Based-Carinae

5-Boat base 5A-ship base -Carinae

7 -Dicatran 7B-Dicatran-DECARAN

Uranium-Dicatran 7B-Dicatran-DECARAN

B-Dicatran 7B-Dicatran-DECAN

VY-Dicatran 7B-Dicatran-DECARAN

6-Whit Ratsen 6A-Hugen Ses-Huygens

6-Whit Ratsen 6A-Hugen Ses-Huygens

Lead-Gahaxing 7B-Gahaxing (next to Xue Dingzheng) -JAFFA

Tungsten-Gahaxing 7B-Gahaxing (next to Xue Dingyu) -JAFFA

Titanium-Gahaxing 7B-Gahaxing (next to Xue Dingzheng) -JAFFA

B-Gahaxing 7B-Gahaxing (next to Xue Dingzheng) -JAFFA

Hydroxycin-Xue Dingxing 6C-Xue Dingxing-Schrodinger

-Xue Ding c Star 6C-Xue Ding Star-Schrodinger

–Verne 1-Verne-Verne

Pharine 1-Verne-Verne

–Verne 1-Verne-Verne

VR-Verna 1-Verne-Verne

Silver-Xue Dingyu 6A-Xue Dingxing-Schrodinger

Mercury-Xue Dingzhang 6A-�� -schrodinger

Fluorine-Lunragos Paris Satellite-Lunara (next to Xue Dingyu) -lunara

Kim Lunragas Paris Satellite-Lunara (next to Xue Dingyu) -lunara

-Lunragas Paris Satellite-Lunara (next to Xue Dingyu) -lunara

Copper-Nanhe 3A-PROcyon A

Fluoride-Nanhe 3-Nanhe 3A-Procyon A

Ion solution-Nanhe 3-Nanhe 3A-Procyon A

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Stand -up guide: Poor station: layout

⑥ Positive station layout

Except for the planets that eventually gather all resources, other planets only build power stations, extractors, and cargo logistics.

If the planet is not at the final planet galaxy, build a cargo logistics-galaxy, and then right-click the point extractor to connect the red line to the output of the cargo logistics, and then set the transportation option of the cargo logistics to the final planet (or the corresponding transit station)Just accept it.

Due to the limited transportation capacity of cargo logistics, if too much goods can cause the backlog of the cargo, the extractor is too high and useless, and the 4 minimum extractors of each resource will be almost the same.

Cargo Logistics-Galaxy needs to be launched by Three, and it has been consumed. The usage method is to connect the starting end of the red line from the (or other containers) to the cargo logistics-the stars (that is, output, input, input, input, input, The third end is), so it must be built on the planet with its own three to be automated, but as long as there is a three at one end, it is recommended that the galaxy where the final planet is located has . The efficiency of Three extractors is related to freight efficiency, so it is best to use high-level.

The following is the recommendation of the optimized position layout-

-Diancang Wu

-Finally Planet-5 cargo logistics-1 ordinary

Lithium chlorophylene lithium-3 ordinary, output to the final planet

5 -5 cargo logistics-1 ordinary stars, output to lithium chlorobinel lithium

Iron Cobalt Platinum-1 is ordinary, output to lithium chloroblavane lithium

-Xue Dingxing

Silver mercury 2 ordinary 1st star system

, output to silver mercury

Chloropsenane AD-1 is ordinary, exported to silver mercury

-Seos Star

Water aluminum LE-1 individual galaxy


Nickel cobalt TSN-1 ordinary 1st star system

Uranium 1-1 ordinary, output to nickel cobalt TSN

-Bar base

Iron Aloth RC-1 ordinary 1st band-stars system

Chlorine-1 ordinary, output to iron RC RC


Y Three uranium -1 VY-1 Steel system


phenylpin VR-1 galaxy

-Ga Fa Star: Lead tungsten titanium -1 galaxy


Fluorin-1 galaxy

-Nanhe 3

Copper tetrafluoro ion ion solution-1 galaxy

In total, a total of 10 galaxies, one galaxy can be used for freight tasks, and then farming can continue to add whistle stations to Tiacangwu for transit. Some low-level resources are duplicated and can be taken or not.

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Stand -up guide: Poor station: resource conversion experience

⑦ Resource conversion experience skills

In addition to production and production, the a large amount of materials for the post production can also allow you to quickly add experience (you can also add money and laugh).

The key means are very simple, that is, the tower-level resistance is made on the workbench.

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This thing consumes 1 1 copper, it is not difficult to obtain.

Positive stations are produced in large quantities, just gather together.

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Each can get 1 experience during manufacturing, and 99 at a time is 99 experience.

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And without commercial skills, each can also sell 10 credit currency.

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The remittance of the short-term resource of the whistle station can easily make thousands of experience tens of thousands of revenue.

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Stand -up guide: Crew


Different crew members have different skills to strengthen your spacecraft or post.

The crew can be recruited through the mission.

There is also a large city bar/restaurant/tavern that can recruit many crew members.

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For example, Nanmen Second Alpha Galaxy → Jamimen Star → New Atlantis City, I went forward from the landing point to see the open area where the station was located.

Turn left into the store to talk to NPC, and most of the people here can spend money to hire.

Another example is Mars Base Bar and so on.

(Summary of the information of the entire crew will be carried out in the future.)

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The spacecraft interface (press H) can allocate the crew. You can see the crew item in the lower right corner, or you can also see C.

The crew can be assigned to the spacecraft and the whistle.

Note that it is distributed according to the skills of the crew, such as the production skills to the whistle station, the space and the combat skills to the spacecraft.

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According to the size of the spacecraft, the number of crew members can be allocated.

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To be assigned to the whistle station, you need to build a crew station at the sentry station.

This requires the unlocking of the scientific and skill post project.

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Stand -up guide: Weaponry


All weapons and equipment (Aerospace, Backpack, Helmet) are divided into four rare levels of white, blue, purple, and gold.

Each equipment has a basic model, which is equivalent to the foundation.

For example, there are ordinary eternals, the eternal prefixes, and the more affixes become purple and golden. The higher the level, the higher the basic attributes of the foundation.

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Then the model can be regarded as the good or bad of the foundation

The calibration attributes will increase by more than 25%.

The preferred attributes increased by about 20%compared to the school quasi-type.

Improved attributes increased by about 20%compared to the excellent selection.

Excellent attributes increased by about 20%than improved.

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There are multiple prefixes.

Each more prefix, the power of the weapon rises a step, even the whiteboard equipment, the two prefixes are easy to hang the unspoken gold suit.

And the improvement of game equipment levels is much larger. Unless it is a large period, there is no need to stick to gold, and there is no need to brush it repeatedly.

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In addition to model affixes, there are functional entries, which often bring special effects, such as random additional attribute damage.

According to the number of equipment entries, it is divided into white (0 entries), blue outfits (1 entry), purple (two entries), gold (three entries)

In fact, except for very few entries, most of the improvement of equipment is far less than models!

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In addition, players can modify weapons and equipment to increase modification, up to 6.

Even the most equipment, when the weapon modification skills are full and all modified accessories are studied, a full-modal weapon can bring a qualitative leap.

For example, the carrier modified the hive, the actual effect is the rocket.

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There are not many bullets in the game in the game, and it is recommended to change the self-active weapon.

Automatic change of automatic panel damage at least double (depending on the rate of fire), and saves ammunition.

(Let’s have a manual weapon, laugh.)

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Stand -up guide: Skill Book

-Skill Book

The most useful collection in the game is the skill book, which can permanently increase some ability after picking up.

For example, the star organization guidelines on the stars’ tissue table 01 can reduce the fall damage by 5%.

It doesn’t matter if you pick up the skill book, even if you discard the skill book.

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The skill book is distributed around the world, and the author will bring detailed explanations in the future.

Here is an example. Mars Saidia can enter the residential area next to the stairs.

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Go to the door, the channel where the salad is located in the picture.

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The roadside desktop has Mining Monthly 07.

Can increase the damage of holding tools and weapons, such as mining guns.

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Stand -up guide: Sneak


The stealth in the starry sky is relatively complicated.

Let’s take a look at the official instructions first.

Successful stealing can make theft easier, and stealth attacks the enemy’s damage.

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Look at the stealth skills.

Sneucidal skills increased the difficulty and mute weapon attack damage.

The highest-level stepping can also open the door and not detect.

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Sneak can also be hidden and enhanced. You can run when you sneak, and integrate into the environment when you don’t move.

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However, players will find that the enemy’s alert strip is rising quickly when the enemy often sneaks, even if the skill is already very high.

The key to rising alert strips is the weight of the equipment.

If you want to further improve the success rate of stealth, you need to remove space clothes, backpacks, helmets, clothing and throws (that is, 6 items in the figure) (that is, streaking, laugh).

Of course, weapons can not be removed and can fight with muffled weapons.

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With the improvement of sneak and concealment skills, the smaller the impact of equipment weight and moving speed on the increase in the alert bar.

And if the equipment is transformed into a stealth MOD, it is even more necessary to wear, and it has changed from a trailer bottle to a positive bonus.

In addition, electromagnetic damage guns can faint the enemy, which is conducive to continuing to sneak.

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When you kill the enemy, the enemy will be aware that if you have the effect of the color-changing dragon with equipment or hidden skills, you can keep it unmoved to eliminate the enemy’s perception.

You can put the color-changing dragon equipment on the shortcut bar and wear and take off with one click.

Of course, it is best to put conventional equipment on the shortcut bar, sneak off, and fight.

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Stand -up guide: Acts/hidden cargo cabin (1)

-The interference/hidden cargo cabin

East phase phase system.

The route is shown in the figure.

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Come to the East and Sangxiang III, click Hongli, and land.

If you cannot land, you can complete the task first: the first contact (when you come to the East and Shang, you will automatically trigger the task).

See the mission completion method later.

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After completing the first contact, you can click on Hongli to land.

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Go to the right side of Red Mile.

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On the right front of the door is Anderson of the spacecraft modification store.

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Select to add in the construction item, and then Q/T switch the project, there is a secret cargo cabin in the cargo item.

The secret cargo compartment is automatically merged with the ordinary cargo cabin, and the stealing items are automatically calculated into the hidden cargo cabin volume.

The probability of scanning in the secret cargo cabin is reduced a lot.

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There are also interference in the equipment item.

It can also reduce the scanned rate, which can be installed multiple.

The combination of hidden cargo compartment and interference can greatly reduce the chance of being scanned.

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Stand -up guide: Acts/hidden cargo cabin (2)

— The first contact task

In the east phase II orbit, the Yongong spacecraft (directly connected, unable to communicate), and found that Captain Diana took a wave of ancient earth immigrants.

It took them two hundred years to reproduce on the boat and came here.

However, due to the rapid development of human technology, it has been sent to other humans first.

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Following the captain to visit the spacecraft and promised to help her contact the Paradise Park manager of Dongshangxiang to negotiate the immigration arrangement.

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Find the supervisor of Sugiyama (you can also find him first, then go to the spacecraft), and he asked you to find a high-level.

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With the front description, you are the spacecraft on the track and enter the office.

It is best to archive and then talk, so that you have the opportunity to choose and regret.

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There are several solutions at this time-

① Destroy the spacecraft.

② Sneak into the damaged spacecraft engine.

③ I invested in the purchase of the engine to allow the spacecraft to go to other places to immigrate.

④ Persuading the captain to take the crew to work for the Paradise Park for immigration resettlement.

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If you have a lot of money, buy an engine, and you persuade the captain to work.

You can also persuade the captain to let her also provide some resources.

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After persuading, find Dapu to get resources.

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Finally, I landed again and again, II Paradise Park, and talked to the captain of the immigrant to complete the task.

In fact, this wave of immigrants endure hardship and work hard, and does not exclude work.

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After the task is completed, you can find the supervisor of Sugiyama to help him threaten/convince a hotel passenger (this step is not necessary, if you still can’t land in the red).

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Stand -up guide: Laundry

-Waste of white theft

There are often many interesting things in the stolen things (not too lazy to do it, laugh). If they are caught because of other things, theft items will be confiscated.

Therefore, it is best to wash important theft.

A better place is Wolf Star, as shown in the figure, just in the east of the solar department, two northeast of the south gate.

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Nest Point Station of Seton Nia Star.

The advantage of here is that there will be no galaxy scanning, which must be safe.

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Docking on the track, go straight after entering the station, and turn left after seeing the webmaster, you can find a trading store.

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Sell your stealing items to him and then buy it back.

(Of course, you will lose a lot of differences, and the trading skills can be slightly made up.)

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In addition, the new Atlantis deep well manager, the underground merchants of Mars Senia, and the Voli Star Neon City merchants will buy this kind of items for your whitewashing.

However, there are scans in these places, so be careful.

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Stand -up guide: Spacecraft construction/upgrade

-Feeoship construction/upgrade

The construction of the spacecraft is basically a module combined game, combining different components to form your spacecraft.

Note that the letter next to the spacecraft reactor, A/B/C, this is the skill level required for the spacecraft.

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Corresponding to driving skills, level 4 driving can drive the highest C-class spacecraft.

Those who like to play the vehicle challenge the driving as soon as possible and unlock the driving level.

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Earlier, the spacecraft subsystem has explained the role of the 6 systems, and it is necessary to assemble and upgrade as needed.

Here, the value of the lower right corner is the shield, and the energy bar of the hull is equivalent to the blood volume.

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As for the construction of the spacecraft, it looks complicated, but you just want to become Lego.

Each subsystem can get your spacecraft according to your needs.

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Note that only the green is displayed, it is considered to be normally assembled.

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The component is also upgraded. After selecting the corresponding subsystem, you can install and upgrade the component.

You can also choose to install the equipment module, such as hidden cargo compartment, jammer or something.

The module also needs to be displayed as green to be considered normally.

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Stand -up guide: Can recruit crew and skills

-The recruitment crew and skills

① Contains skills and recruitment methods.

② Contains only special crew members, without the low skill NPC and engineering robots.

③ If you choose to skip the main line for many weeks, Lin Supervisor, Hayler, Moyra, and Raphael cannot recruit.

④ The ending of the Double Universe Switch Research Institute of the main line. After the male engineer survives or perfectly endings, you can recruit back to the New Ya Bar.

⑤ Moyra, who saved people in the early days, can be recruited directly when returning to the Mars Paper.

⑥ The main line requires the world’s shuttle research stations, and the male researcher who sends the help signal can join the team if rescued.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-pistol

-Apractical weapon/ammunition/spacecraft/equipment acquisition guide

① pistol

The New Atlantis Flight Platform went forward and turned left into a business district.

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Merchant Erli will sell old A’s portable weapons, which is very powerful in the early stage.

It can be described as a high-cost novice weapon.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-rifle/heavy type

② rifle/heavy weapon

There is an alley next to Erli, and the elevator allows you to go to Shenjing District.

(You can go in in various ways, and the basement of the bad room is connected to Shenjing District. There are also tasks in this area.)

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There is also a weapon dealer here.

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There will be a powerful old earth hunting rifle on the table, and there are miniature guns in the box next to the box.

The way to obtain is to observe the boss at any time after the archive, as long as you don’t see you (laughs).

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Look at the boss’s sight throughout the process. Without other customers, sight avoids stealing.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-rare rifle/ammunition

③ Rare rifle/ammunition

Take the new Atlantis rail transit to the residential area.

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After arriving at the station, go to the golden exterior store in front.

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This NPC sells a rare rifle.

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27884, not expensive, you can buy it with money, you can use it for a long time.

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It is important that this NPC will not be easy to obtain ammunition in the early stage of sale, which is very important.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-quantity weapon

④ Energy weapons

After opening the highest confidential mission of the Dragon God Group in Neon City, Simon was found.

Choose to help him work (don’t choose money and persuasion, otherwise there is no task).

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Come to the mission point to the mandaro near Saturn.

You can get a gun directly, but you cannot get a boat. It is recommended to board the boat.

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Personal NPC can get guns and boats, and the same (laughs).

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Go back to hand in the task, Simon will give you the burst energy pistol.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-mandala

⑤ Mandala spacecraft

Still the previous task. Remember to walk to the driver’s seat after persuasion/kill the NPC and drive away the spacecraft.

Your own spacecraft will enter the hangar, and you can switch at the NPC of the apron.

The mandala is relatively average and can be used in the early stage.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-Aerospace suit

⑥ Aerospace suit

The main line of Laoju District will allow you to go to Huanyu New Star Shipyard.

Killing the pirates here will randomly drop the secret whistle.

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Listen to the pen recording meeting to open the prayer branch line and go to the secret whistle station of the five emperors-I. B.

Note that even if you do n’t pick up this, you can go, but there will be a lack of task prompt guidelines.

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Located in the southeast of Xia Anxing, the southwest of Cresstar, and northwest of the east.

The remote end north of the east of the solar system.

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There is a bounty hunter Aerospace in the box next to the BOSS war, which is much stronger than the equipment in the early days.

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The BOSS is a vulture of the space robbers. With the weapons and equipment mentioned earlier, it is easy to play (BOSS has 4 tubular blood).

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-prayer set

⑦ Prayer set

Continue to follow the task above.

You can find the NPC that has not been wearing uniforms nearby, and his last recording of Lyon Walkerlan.

When you listen to the recording, you can see the word Tyrannis, which is the tyrant and hegemony, which is also the password to be used later.

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You will encounter a NPC called Liva.

Go forward after the conversation.

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After opening the door, you will encounter an agency, and you may sprint and fly quickly.

The computer master next to you can be lifted, but it is generally not possible to come in early.

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The most secure is of course in the past according to Tyrannis’s prompts.

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In front of this door, you can prepare for fighting. He can kill Liwei first, and he will close the door.

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Inside are robots and machine dogs, killing the nest of the prayer all the way.

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Follow the task and you can get a full set of legendary space uniforms of the prayer.

Equipment is easel random, and the same name has only one effect.

Therefore, the best S/L is best to choose the best affix.

The box next to it should be missed. High difficulty legendary weapons can often be opened.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-razor leaves

⑧ Razor leaf ship

It is still the mission of the prayer above.

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When you come to the ground, you can see the spacecraft.

On board.

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You can drive away the spacecraft when you sit at the driver’s seat.

Your old spacecraft will automatically enter the warehouse. In the future, the manager of the apron/spacecraft can be mixed out at any time.

Old spacecraft supplies will also be placed on the new spacecraft.

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The razor leaf attributes are first-rate, the cargo cabin is large, and the driving skills are low.

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On the two floors, in addition to the cargo cabin, there is also a cabinet that can be stored (just unable to link with manufacturing/business activities, which is equivalent to the storage box at home).

There are also legendary weapons on the wall of the wall.

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Needless to say, it has been very easy to use for a long time.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-Xingxing Eagle

⑨ Star Eagle spacecraft

This spacecraft is A. There is no need to lift the driving skills level, the cargo compartment load is 2,500, and the crew is 5.

Can be described as an artifact, let’s get the method below.

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The main line of empty nest will let you come to Xia’an’s Aquira star.

You will encounter the mission of the branches, and start the mission of the free galaxy alliance camp after completion.

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It has been to appear tasks: precise blow.

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This task pays attention to the clue of the clinic as an emergency file disk on the table.

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The door when investigating the abandoned asteroid mines needs to be cut with a cutter.

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Another door needs to find a computer to open with the line.

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After completing the subsequent tasks, you can be awarded the Star Eagle.

Very good value.

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Stand -up guide: Equipment acquisition-Kaipule ridiculous

⑩ ⑩ ⑩ ⑩ ⑩ ⑩ ⑩

This is the strongest spacecraft in the game.

The player needs to complete the main line of money, and then talk to Walter, he will ask you to help supervise the shipbuilding.

Note that the budget must be the highest.

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Then follow the task to solve the problems of each NPC, and they must encourage them to do it (laughs).

Try to complete what they explain, and eventually there will be finished products.

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The only disadvantage of Class C and Class is that the C -Class ship needs to upgrade driving skills.

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There is no third weapon system in the spacecraft, and you need to install it yourself.

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Main line: a small step (1)

Main line: a small step

-Baging objects

The serious forest supervisor, humorous Hait, the first step in your miners is a good person.

You can learn a lot of things along the way.

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After introducing the basic situation, the forest supervisor asked you to get the cutter-the indispensable tool for miners.

(The cutter can be mining or an emergency weapon that can be used as an unlimited ammunition but a short distance.)

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The blue dot on the map is the task goal, and the number on the blue dot is the distance from you.

The "fire" and "explosion" in these ore will automatically enter your backpack (the technology content is really high).

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

However, in addition to mining, the Lin Supervisor and Hyle have accepted the entrustment of the star organization, which caused things that lead to abnormal gravity in the finding of the mine.

"You" are fortunate to participate in this special task on the first day of work.

(Long press f to turn on the flashlight and go all the way.)

《》 starfield

You quickly discovered the goal, and the output of this strange light "output" "After you decided to get rid of it.

《》 starfield

However, seemingly inadvertently touches you to visit the sky.

You shocked a glimpse of the unknown universe mysteries.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

When you return to God again, you are already on the bed.

Your strange experience has not troubled Lin Jian and Hayler for too long, they are just an interesting story.

Let’s give this item to the contact persons of the stars first. After all, business is business, and everyone does not want to have extraordinary branches.

(Next, pinch your face.)

《》 starfield

The equipment in the lower right corner of the menu interface, or open the item bar according to i.

Find the deep mine in the helmet project to minimize the space helmet, and click on it to get out of the base to deliver it.

《》 starfield

Main line: a small step (2)

-The leaping star

Barrett, a star organization, drove outdated spaceships to "receive the goods".

He cares about your "dream", and he seems to know this.

However, the business greeting was quickly interrupted by the pirates with Barrett.

《》 starfield

Immediately pick up the weapons on the box, pay attention to take ammunition at the same time.

The medical package next to it is also brought, you can press the number key 0 to add blood.

《》 starfield

Running point mining guns are not unavailable, but pistols are still reliable.

You novice miners instantly become novice bounty hunters, and it is easy to destroy a few pirates.

《》 starfield

After playing a few three-legged cat pirates, Barrett suddenly wondered, letting you drive his spacecraft back to report to the stars to report and submit that strange object-they are called the holy object.

Barrett stayed to help the pirates that may appear again in the defense of Lin.

The pioneering number is temporarily returned to you, and the robot Vasco will also become your assistant.

《》 starfield

Enter the pioneering number and open the cabin up to board the ship.

《》 starfield

You can also search for the table box on the boat, what pry locks, data boards.

Everyone will soon systematically pick up the life of the stars to pick up trash.

《》 starfield

Sit on the pilot seat, long press X to leave the spacecraft, and E is getting up in the internal activity of the spacecraft.

Take off the space key and start to swim in space.

(Then follow the prompt to complete the control tutorial of the spacecraft, which is relatively simple.)

《》 starfield

Get used to the direction control of the mouse to slide towards the edge of the screen.

The closer the mouse pointer is closer to a certain edge, the faster the angular speed of the spacecraft turned towards that direction.

《》 starfield

Tab interface click on the upper left star chart or M map, click the left star chart (or tab to advance to the star chart).

Choose the Crete satellite and set the route to set the route to go to the destination quickly.

《》 starfield

Click on the research base at the satellite interface, and you can land on X.

Vasco recommends that you first eliminate the pirates here, and then go to the star organization.

《》 starfield

Main line: a small step (3)

-Did Red Fleet

Pay attention to the carbon dioxide after being overweight, it will accumulate quickly, so it is traded to Vasco without equipment.

The storage space of teammates is independent, and can be exchanged with him afterwards.

《》 starfield

At present, the main goal is to clean up the crimson pirate here.

Most places explored by the planet can click fast travel.

Although Vasco makes you not messy, it is okay to freely explore the Crete satellite.

《》 starfield

Press the F key to enter the scanner mode. In addition to discovering minerals and telling you that the percentage of animals and plants can also be seen, you can also see the target navigation.

After the l key opens the task, click the task to track it. You can see the route in the scan mode.

Of course, you can also track the target on the blue hexagonal dot on the screen or the lower left map (you can also display the distance).

《》 starfield

Enter the Crete Research Lab.

《》 starfield

There will be pirates in the research room, but they are 2-4 teams, which are easy to deal with.

There are generally credit currencies on the corpse of scientists, and there are often credit buses on the table (actually credit currency).

It is easier to open rare weapons in the box.

《》 starfield

The safe can get ammunition, and then (see the previous tutorial) enter from the entrance of the roof to face BOSS Bolgen.

《》 starfield

After arriving at the roof, it is best to save a file quickly. After triggering the plot dialogue, it is recommended not to attack directly. First try to convince it (see the above persuasion tutorial).

Borgen is not difficult to persuade, and it is easier to achieve goals even without skills.

《》 starfield

You can gain some experience after persuasion, and more importantly, you can further plan in a safe environment.

You can throw the handle, let the mines, sneak attacks, and have the leading advantage.

《》 starfield

You can leave after persuasion, but it is also good to kill a wave of pirates to pick up some equipment.

《》 starfield

Main line: a small step (4)

-The star organization

M open the map and R can quickly return to the spacecraft.

Or L open the task and plan the route according to R.

Press X to hold X to jump to go.

《》 starfield

Planet surface can choose a specific location according to V. Each task location point has hexagonal labeling.

You can land after selecting the location.

《》 starfield

You can go to the three-headed alliance area through rail transit.

You can also choose to quickly transmit various areas directly on the planet interface.

《》 starfield

Entering the bad room, this is the headquarters of the star organization.

Turn to the basement to the right is a variety of research and processing places, which is very convenient.

Talk to Salad, she is the leader here.

《》 starfield

After putting the artifact on the table, the magical scene appeared, and the artifact began to combine itself.

It seems that getting more artifacts can "make" a stunning "magic weapon".

《》 starfield

Your personal step is to complete, and successfully changed from a native to a migrant worker.

It is recommended to complete various activities first. These activities are a good guidance you are familiar with games and the environment.

《》 starfield

Just on the table next to the artifact, you can get a guide to the Star Organization 01.

Permanent reduction of falling damage by 5%.

《》 starfield

Line: Bounty of Crete Satellite

Line: Bounty of Crete Satellite

The hidden camps in the north (red circle location) of Crete satellite can receive this task.

Completion of hunting can get 3000 credit coins and 150 experience.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Bounty hunters will invite you to track the pirate leader of the dark red fleet who reward the bounty together.

《》 starfield

Mission target is forgotten military base in the east.

It is best to get in with the bounty hunter before you get closer, and it will be easier.

The enemy here is good at the beginning, except for the high level of the leader, it is weak (the leader is not strong).

《》 starfield

Find a bunker from the outside, you can first clean up the enemy of the "standing pile" at the commanding height.

The pirate robbers BOSS, that is, the goal of bounty is best to kill a blast, otherwise he would return to the shield and hide himself.

《》 starfield

The center of Living Room of the BOSS has a weapon key on the table.

《》 starfield

The military database is near the whistle.

《》 starfield

Open the key directly with the screen on the left.

The big treasure chest will basically produce gold equipment.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Camp branch line: more than limit

Camp branch line: beyond the limit

The main line can be triggered when talking with Tu Ala to inquiries.

Tura asked you to join the pioneer team.

《》 starfield

Take the elevator next to each other into the welcome hall.

《》 starfield

Interact with the computer on the table and sign the agreement.

《》 starfield

You can interact with all the exhibition area buttons in the welcome hall to complete the optional task.

Completing the optional task allows you to finalize a higher evaluation and shorten the service life.

《》 starfield

Finally, enter the simulation warehouse to start the test, a total of 6 groups of aircraft simulation battles.

The first four groups are relatively easy, and the last two groups are very difficult. If you can open the distance from the asteroid and sneak attack on each of them, then you are the starry god.

But basically can’t beat, first exit the simulator.

《》 starfield

Interacting with the panel at the door can enter the debugging tools, which can increase allies, shields and damage.

If you have high-level unlocking capabilities, you can unlock panel locks and increase strengthening and allies. This is relatively easy to play the last two groups.

《》 starfield

Of course, in fact, the task can be completed in the first three groups.

After playing 6 groups, the service life of your qualifications can be shortened to 3 years.

Finally, you can join the camp with Tura to complete the oath.

《》 starfield

Line: There is a tree in the city of New Atlantis

Line: There is a tree in the city of New Atlantis

After coming to New Atlantis, near the bad room will trigger a event with scientists on the edge of the tree.

This NPC has a series of tasks.

《》 starfield

Coleton Villash invites you to collect the trees monitoring data in the city.


《》 starfield

Press L → B to see which areas are sensors.

You can also see the mission area when taking a train.

《》 starfield

Just follow the blue hexagonal reminder, and the labeling is still obvious.

《》 starfield

The conversation with Jo Ting learned that Ms. Zeng bought the sensor.

《》 starfield

Ms. Zeng actually has a lot of trading items in addition to buying back/persuasion, which is more useful in the early stage.

(For example, make cosmetics required.)

《》 starfield

Finally, return to the bad room to find Coleton to hand over the task.

Coleton finds that the big tree is changing, so that you will go to him after a while.

You only need to transmit it to other areas and then send him to pick up a new task.

《》 starfield

Line: isolated and helpless

Line: isolated and helpless

After completing the previous task, you can find Colos to pick up new tasks again when you come to the bad room.

He wants to ask you to help get the research information from colleagues Hadik.

《》 starfield

Follow the task prompt to find Hadik, but this guy is not a good stubble.

If persuasion skills are high, it is best to persuade him to get the data.

Otherwise, he can only help him to eliminate bad records.

《》 starfield

Black into the computer of the chief engineer.

《》 starfield

You can find the data to get the Hadik’s file.

《》 starfield

Give it to Columbia to complete the task of isolation and helplessness.

《》 starfield

Line: Refine confidence

Line: Refine confidence

Triggered by the activity (but you can go without triggering), go to Observation Port to talk to the wine insurance.

《》 starfield

In the talk, I learned that Paina’s goods were detained in a safe warehouse.

You can help her retrieve, but she strongly dislikes the method of using violence.

《》 starfield

The easiest way is to go directly to the warehouse near the apron and interact with the NPC at the door.

It is better to save a file first, and then persuade, it is easier.

《》 starfield

After entering the goods, the goods were sent to Nisha and completed the task.

《》 starfield

Line: network invasion

Line: network invasion

It can be triggered after the plot is advanced.

《》 starfield

Let you investigate the insufficient power supply in the following Shenjing District.

Shenjing District is the underground area of New Atlantis, and many places can go.

《》 starfield

Take an elevator to Shenjing District to talk to Louisa.

She asked you to check a few power supply devices.

《》 starfield

Follow the prompt to interact with the panel.

However, the goal guidance of the current game is somewhat bad, and the project guidelines will not disappear, so it is best to remember which points of operation have been completed.

《》 starfield

There are many gates in Shenjing District, and there are switches next to them.

Find the wiring box along the target point.

《》 starfield

There is also a machine dog in the room deep upstairs, and there is some money in the safe.

This room needs to be locked and can be completed by the way.

《》 starfield

After coming to the gate, you need to close the 4 panels on the left.

Just pull off the handle inside.

《》 starfield

After entering, open the door with the wiring box and enter the control room.

Louisa found evidence of someone stealing electricity.

She invites you to accompany her to confront the administrator.

《》 starfield

Line: AC current

Line: AC current

After completing the network invasion, she followed Louisa, and she and the administrator Reyz did not deal with it.

She believes that Reyz is stealing electricity and is full of private sac, while Reyz believes that there are other reasons.

《》 starfield

Follow the prompt to find the wiring box 47b and interact.

《》 starfield

Go to the residential area.

《》 starfield

You can find the 101F wiring board near the Athena Apartment, and enter the Athena Apartment after interaction.

《》 starfield

Evidence of electrical stealing on the computer that has never been authorized.

《》 starfield

It can complete the mission to Louisa or Reyz.

《》 starfield

Main line: Laoshan District (1)

Main line: Laoju District


After completing a small step, talk to Salad.

She said that the Lianhe Pioneer has a artifact information, hoping that you will be engaged in investigation with him.

(You can also connect the branches given by the mission publisher in the basement of the bad room.)

《》 starfield

When I came to the Lianhe Pioneer team, I talked with the Tu Ala at the door, and learned that someone in the solar system seemed to be in contact with things.

(Here you can also join the pioneer by the way, there are camp tasks.)

《》 starfield

L → R planning for routes, L → B display the location landing.

Enter the Mars base Sidonia.

《》 starfield

Finding Jie Jack who knew the situation, he said that Moyra, who had been in contact with artifacts, disappeared and owed a lot of wine.

He will tell you the location if you pay 2500 clearance.

You can use the dialogue option of salad Morgan to cut the money to 1000.

《》 starfield

By the way, you can understand the doorway to make money. Jack will tell you that there are tasks on the information board at the door (the same as the task release machine in the bad room).

If you don’t want to give money, you can persuade the life before and Moyra’s life.

Jack will tell you Moyra to Venus.

《》 starfield

The horse rushed to Venus, and the colonial artificial satellite beacon was nearby, and Miara could be obtained from the beacon.

However, the Walu madman moves nearby, it is best not to surprise this group of robbers.

《》 starfield

Hold the ALT, A/D switching subsystem, W/S addition and subtraction, reduce all subsystem energy to 0, and only leave the engine 2 grid energy.

Then approach the beacon.

Press E within 500 meters to interact with information.

(Press E to switch multiple times with multiple goals.)

《》 starfield

You can also directly facing the direction of the blue logo of the earth mission. Press E to display the distance, and you can directly jump to the R.

《》 starfield

Main Line: Laoshan District (2)


Then jump to the moon track.

This time, the Huanyu New Star Shipyard stopped on the moon orbit.

《》 starfield

The entire solar system is already very dilapidated. Here are some old human colonies, and there are a lot of deserted facilities.

Cosmic robbers and stray people are here, and endless fight for ruins.

There are two rings in the shipyard are fighting, and you have to join the battle group (all you see).

《》 starfield

There are two organizations: the Yodao Mercenary and the Space Robber.

The space robbers on the right will drop the information (secret whistle station) after the killing bandits are killed to open the prayer branch line.

《》 starfield

— Huanyu Star Handbook 02 —

The main line of Laoju District came to the ruins of the Huanyu New Star Shipyard on the Moon Rail and killed all the way.

When you come to the place similar to the control room, you can see green spherical machinery.

《》 starfield

Skills books on the table on the third floor of the room on the third floor.

《》 starfield

The fuel required for gravity transition is permanently reduced by 1%.

After picking up it, it will be permanently effective, and the book does not affect it.

《》 starfield

The strongest enemy here is a senior mercenary (higher than the player level).

《》 starfield

Finally, Miara’s location data was obtained on the desktop indicator.

Moyra was chased by pirates and fled to Neptune.

《》 starfield

Main line: Laoju District (3)


Continue to travel to the solar system and go to Neptune.

If you have turned off the spacecraft system before, remember to allocate each combat system first.

《》 starfield

Moyra’s spacecraft has been occupied by pirates. It needs to be beaten to unsuccessful first, and then closer to board the ship.

《》 starfield

Kill the zodiac mercenary and get the key to Miara.

《》 starfield

When you enter the spacecraft driving warehouse, you can see Moyra, he is very grateful for your arrival.

Just find him for an artifact.

《》 starfield

The artifact fragment is at the porthole.

《》 starfield

Back to the bad room, combine the artifact.

It will trigger the main task of entering the unknown place, returning to Vitra Star, and the empty nest.

The order is not very important, and you can return to Vitra Star in a step-by-step.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Main line: Return to Vitra Star (1)

Main Line: Back to Wetra Star

-Words of mining companies

You heard from Sarah that Barrett, who helped you to "watch the field" in Wetla, encountered trouble and decided to return to your "old owner" to see the situation.

《》 starfield

Sister Lin told you that Barrett and Heille were captured by pirates.

There should be a recent communication record on the host computer, which may be able to find the position of the pirate.

《》 starfield

Open the air gate with the switch interact with the door and enter the main cabin.

After entering, continue to find the switch to open the inner gas gate.

《》 starfield

— Tracker Getting Started Guide 05 —

This skill book is located at the Vitra Agos mining company whistle station.

The main task is returned to Vitra Star, and when entering the host cabin to find a computer, you can see it on the living table.

Increase 5%of battery weapon damage.

《》 starfield

After finding the host, the most secure way is to find the battery after interaction.

There are 2 spare batteries near the two rooms near the host warehouse.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Outdoor Lin, bad mining robots, and debris have batteries, and it is easy to find 3.

《》 starfield

Installing the battery into the socket next to the host, you can learn that Barrett’s whereabouts can be learned from the host.

《》 starfield

Don’t forget to recruit Sister Lin and leave.

《》 starfield

Main line: Return to Vitra Star (2)

-The boat point

You got the information, and the Barrett and Hayler’s boat crashed in the Navasi satellite.

《》 starfield

He followed the navigation to find Herler, and he said that Barrett suddenly attacked the pirates and turned over the spacecraft.

But was caught by another wave of pirates.

(Helping Hyrete to cure wounds will win the favors of salad.)

《》 starfield

Hyle can also recruit as crew.

《》 starfield

Open the backpack and open an emergency communication 02 in the notebook to get the further whereabouts of Barrett.

《》 starfield

Main line: Return to Vitra Star (3)

-The looted whistle station

Go to the looted research whistle station.

Note that you don’t need to clean up the pirates outside the whistle station, just click the room directly from the task.

《》 starfield

— Crester’s log entry 01 —

When this skill book is located in the main line task, when Backs of Star, it saves Barrett’s looting whistle station.

Can increase sales income.

《》 starfield

Entering the whistle station, you find that Barrett actually talks with pirate head Matsuura.

Of course, Songpu will extort you, but when you choose to let the salad speak, she will say that they have insurance and pay ransom (don’t need to give money and persuasion).

《》 starfield

There are quite a lot of things in the room, you can search.

All pirates can also be destroyed.

《》 starfield

There is a good box on the radar station on the outdoor hillside of the whistle station, which generally has legendary equipment.

《》 starfield

After saving Barrett, return to the bad room, and the task is completed.

Barrett can also become a companion.

《》 starfield

Line: Bags.-Darvik

Line: Parcel-Darvik

This task can be received on the task release machine at the door of the Mars bar. Because there is a 5 -day time limit, it can be completed first.

《》 starfield

Direct navigation to the task planet, this time on the space track.

《》 starfield

You can hold down R to stop at 500 meters.

After holding up X, you can enter the space station.

《》 starfield

This task is to make everyone familiar with the space station stop and simple logistics tasks.

In fact, the task rely on the task is completed.

《》 starfield

Line: Daifang Late Cheng

Line: Daifang Late Cheng

After completing the first two steps of Coleton, you can continue to talk to him after completing the main line of the old residence area.

He said that through data analysis, the big tree may be asking for even.

However, this tree is sent as a gift, and the same tree is only available in the distant Aquira City.

《》 starfield

When you explore to Akila, go to the Kor family museum.

Persuct Lia to give you saplings.

《》 starfield

You can use some supernovas such as an increased persuasive success rate.

《》 starfield

Line: bureaucracy habitation

Line: bureaucracy habitation

After completing the main line of old residential area, Mars’s Treg will want to talk to you.

Go to Mars Saitinia.

《》 starfield

He said that he wanted to ask you to help add production to the mining plant, and let them get enough supplies in various ways.

As an old miner, of course you are incomparable (hahaha).

《》 starfield

The translation of this task name will not vomit, and the translation of the entire game is weird.

You need 10 iron mines (just near Treter) and put them in the resource box.

《》 starfield

Then go to the Fire Second Shipyard.

《》 starfield

Apply for positions on the information publisher.

Note that reading the letters here can get the task of transporting 5000 salamanders.

《》 starfield

As for the issue of administrative assistants, it does not affect it at all.

《》 starfield

Go back to find Treg, he asked you to delete the application information of other people.

After communicating with him, the person who learned that the personnel department got off work at 17 o’clock, and the password was Password.

《》 starfield

After arriving at the personnel department, if the time is still early, you can find a chair to sit down, and then press the B key to pass the time quickly.

《》 starfield

Wait for a person to interact with the computer, choose the bottom item, and delete the application form of all others.

Then go back and find Trefer to complete the task, you will receive a new task-bureaucratic habit.

This task is relatively long, and it will be done before it is ready.

《》 starfield

Line: bureaucratic habituality

Line: bureaucratic habituality

After completing the gloomy bureaucracy, you get the position of help.

After talking with Treter, go to Peter Brunnan and start his own work.

Burenan asked you to help find the "private work" you were detained.

《》 starfield

You go to Governor Herst to contact.

The Governor obviously knew these cats, and he also participated in it.

He asked you to help the smuggling vessels hijacked by the deep red fleet, so as not to reveal things under the table.

《》 starfield

Direct task navigation to Tiandi II, you can directly attack the governor of Governor Heaster’s spacecraft.

This is the fastest, but it cannot be picked up (but Heaster’s criminal evidence can be picked up, and you can pick it up near the wreckage).

Lie said that he was a pirate of the dark red fleet and would be allowed to board the ship.

《》 starfield

It is best to persuade the pirates first without war.

It can also master Heaster’s criminal evidence.

《》 starfield

The note on the corpse on the floor is evidence.

《》 starfield

You can leave there, or sneak, landmark/grenade, and raid the pirates on the boat, you can search for some equipment.

《》 starfield

Destroy the spacecraft when you leave and complete the task goal.

You can also pick up additional evidence after hitting the spacecraft.

《》 starfield

After returning, you can find CDDR Wuda, and give him the evidence of Heasterde’s crime.

Then you can let Wu Dade help you take the package of Burenan.

《》 starfield

Because you have evidence, you can knock him when you interact with Hete (but she will be unhappy if Salad is in the team).

《》 starfield

Then you can apply with Burenan’s computer approved.

A passing toss achieves Trefer’s purpose.

(However, the problem is not over yet, see the next task.)

《》 starfield

Line: bureaucratic habit correction

Line: bureaucratic habit correction

After completing the bureaucratic habits, Treg said that Ferraro of the device did not bring the goods in accordance with the agreement.

《》 starfield

When he went to the apron to find an administrator, he said that Ferraro did not land in the space port although he returned to Mars.

Go back to find Treg, he asked you to break the spear bar.

《》 starfield

You followed Ferrarow’s "wild practice" (alas, just walking and walking), when he was stopped, he turned his face.

At this point, he could convince him or kill him directly.

At present, persuading him to even help him cover up things, he has not received additional benefits.

《》 starfield

Note that when you do bad things, it is best not to bring salads. She is upright and can’t rub sand in her eyes.

《》 starfield

Go back and find Trefer to complete this series of tasks.

《》 starfield

Line: space frog from outer space

Line: space frog from outer space

Heerbi can be found in the residential area of Mars Cenia.

This lonely child invite you to help you draw the painting you draw in the space station.

《》 starfield

Following the mission instructions in the core warehouse and 6 stickers to complete the task.

Press E on the wall after approaching the target point.

《》 starfield

After completion, get a reward for building a space frog poster at the post.

《》 starfield

Line: Fleeing

Line: Fleeing

Owadia can be found in the residential area of Mars Cenia.

She was tossed by the father who guarded her female, and she wanted to let his father don’t care about him again.

(You can find it near Trefa, at the mining time.)

《》 starfield

Owadia has respiratory diseases. If salads are in the team, you can give Owadia some healing props, which will greatly win salad.

Owadia invite you to make a bottle of whiskey as a meeting of persuasion.

《》 starfield

If you have good persuasion (or try more S/L, it is difficult), you can persuade Jack to give you wine.

Or buy it directly.

《》 starfield

If you do n’t want to, you can open the expert lock to steal it.

Two doors, high-end locks in the outer door lock.

In fact, even if it is not wine, there are bad things in it to search.

《》 starfield

There is a bottle on the cabinet in front of the Governor Herst.

Stealing means excellent (see the upper fingers sneak in the description) can be stolen directly.

If you do n’t work, you can use melee attack (V) or shoot, and hit the wine bottle all the way (how strong this bottle is this).

《》 starfield

There is basically no one in the alley that goes out to the right, and it can easily complete theft.

《》 starfield

When I came to Neon City, I talked to the hotel owner that there was a gift to the father of Owadia.

She will let you go to the third floor.

《》 starfield���

It is easier for her father to persuade her father if there is wine.

Go back to find Rufa Owadia to complete the task.

《》 starfield

Main line: empty nest (1)

Main line: empty nest

-The branches

After completing the old residential area, you will encounter Sam Cole in the bad room.

Talk to him in the greenhouse to turn on the task.

He asked you to meet in Aquira City.

《》 starfield

After coming to Akila, he will go with him.

His family is a leader-like existence in Aquira, but Sam’s relationship with his father is not good.

This time I wanted to say that my father gave him the family map of the artifact position.

《》 starfield

After entering the city, I found that the bank was robbed, and I had to complete this task first.

《》 starfield

When talking to the security officer, you can choose to persuade or sneak in to clean up the robbers.

It is recommended to persuade first, you can still choose to sneak in without persuasion.

《》 starfield

Interactive interaction with the communication device at the door of the bank began to persuade.

Of course, the best persuasion (the difficulty or high) can still make the second round of persuasion, let them go in to check whether the hostages are safe.

After entering, you can see hostages in the safe. You can choose to attack the robbers.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Or choose to take the key from the security officer and enter from the back door. This is a commanding height.

Those who have the ability to sneak can ambush, and those who have no unexpected assaults can be made.

《》 starfield

After getting the robbers, talk to Sam, re-enter, and look for a map.

The branch of the branch is completed.

《》 starfield

Main line: empty nest (2)


You can find a stool for Sam in the left safe.

《》 starfield

Chatting with him, you can persuade him to tell you that the person who takes the map to leave the stool is his father-also Akila’s "city owner".

It seems that he only accompanied him to visit his father.

《》 starfield

The meeting with Sam’s father Jacob is not pleasant. You can let Sam speak, and ask his father to give you the map.

《》 starfield

At this time, you can choose to let Sam take his daughter (the granddaughter of Jacobbu) to ask for pleasure. Although he can achieve the goal, it will make Sam unhappy.

Or talk to Jacob when talking with Jacob’s attention.

《》 starfield

Then you unlock and get the map, and the novice level lock is easy.

《》 starfield

However, it is best to directly persuade Jacob, which is not difficult.

《》 starfield

The map is on the file cabinet.

《》 starfield

— Solomon’s Adventure 01 —–

When the empty nest mission was looking for Sam’s father Jacob’s map, the bedside table in the bedroom next to the bedroom.

Night permanently increases weapon damage.

《》 starfield

Main line: empty nest (3)


With a map, you can directly navigate to the nest.

There are still many enemies outside the nest, but as long as you don’t want to fight, you can rush directly to the target.

《》 starfield

The enemy’s machine gun whistle tower can change the enemy and me settings through the computer next to it to help you hit someone.

This nest is Xiao Gang’s site.

《》 starfield

After entering the nest acupoint, people who will meet Xiao Gang all the way.

If you go straight, you will encounter a high-level lock.

《》 starfield

Eventually found an artifact in the depths.

Note that the mine around the artifact is best to dig, and it cannot be obtained through the whistle station.

《》 starfield

You feel that the core secret of the artifact is getting closer and closer.

《》 starfield

All the way out of the hole, it was found that Xiao Xiao had led Xiao Gang to block the entrance of the hole.

At this time, you can spend money to eliminate disasters or attack directly.

Of course, persuasion is still happy.

《》 starfield

You can also help Xiao Gang destroy Ashta that attacks the nest.

Get additional weapon ammunition rewards.

《》 starfield

Finally back to the bad room and put on an artifact.

Sal can also recruit teammates.

《》 starfield

Main line: Enter the unknown area (1)

Main line: enter the unknown area


At this time, the main line may be to enter the unknown area, or the money is universal (even the money may appear earlier).

Let’s talk about entering the unknown area first.

Go to the eyes of inspection and stop on the space station.

《》 starfield

Vladimir said that a particular signal was found, which is likely to be an artifact that allows you to search.

Next, you can go to multiple places. It is recommended to find Andrea first. This is a powerful girl.

《》 starfield

Nanhe Three Waste Mine.

《》 starfield

After entering, you can meet Andrea so that you can take two teammates in.

The enemies here are all hired mercenaries.

Just go all the way to the depths. If there is a staircase, you can also jump on the edge of the cave. It is difficult to fall to death.

《》 starfield

Also found artifacts in the depths.

《》 starfield

There is a hole in the mountain wall of the staircase, and there are some mines inside.

If you encounter problems that cannot be transmitted outside, you can enter the hole.

(Note that the overweight cannot be transmitted.)

《》 starfield

Main line: Enter the unknown area (2)

-Neira Star

Then go to Neira Star and enter the cave.

《》 starfield

I did not encounter any challenges this time to get the artifact.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Run the legs successfully and return to the bad room to install artifact puzzles.

《》 starfield

But before the end, Vladimir, the eye of detection, has new news.

This time is a planet with abnormal gravity, which is large in scale and may be a large artifact.

《》 starfield

Main line: Enter the unknown area (3)

-Femali Aita

After coming to the strange planet, press F to open the scanner and turn around.

It can be seen that the scanning instrument circle will disturb deformation and walk towards the largest direction of deformation.

《》 starfield

That is the red line.

《》 starfield

You can find a city-like area soon.

《》 starfield

This is the temple Aita.

Go around to the east, you can see a passage on the two walls, which are obviously bright at the end.

《》 starfield

After approaching, you will slowly reveal the stone gate and enter the temple.

《》 starfield

Main line: Enter the unknown area (4)

-God ring

After entering, you can see a huge ring instrument start to rotate, and you can fly.

Pay attention to the flashing light around the instrument, quickly approach and touch it.

When you come into contact, you will hear the changes in music.

《》 starfield

The light will change the position and keep chasing. If the movement is fast, you can hear the sound after contact with the music.

You can press the sprint key to speed up.

Trigger the plot after more than 5 contacts.

《》 starfield

You can enter the "God Ring".

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

In contact with "miracles", you appear on the top of the tower.

At this time, there will be new function items-ability.

《》 starfield

You can obtain the anti-heavy field ability through the god ring, and these capabilities can also be added to the shortcut bar according to B.

Click to activate it (displayed).

《》 starfield

Press Z to use these abilities.

You can float the surrounding items and monsters so that you can attack and sneak attack.

《》 starfield

Back to the bad room, you show you the ability.

Now they are more happy, maybe there is a temple that can provide new capabilities?

《》 starfield

Main line: Money Universal (1)

Main line: Money Mark

-Woritization is good

The normal situation of money will be triggered here (it is also likely to be triggered before). If you have other main lines, you will do other main lines.

If there is no main line, you can press the ~ key to open the console (below ESC), enter: setstage 002C1C9B 10 10

Forcibly trigger the task through the console, please archive and restart the game after triggering.

(Note that the console will affect achievement acquisition.)

《》 starfield

Walter Starla is the sponsor of the stars.

He said that there are people selling artifacts in Neon City, and he is going to buy it.

《》 starfield

After arriving at Neon City, I followed Walter to find her wife Eklen, and Strad Aklen Group was founded by their father.

When the two of them are scolding and scolding, you will work. First go to the bar to find the wine insurance. According to the information provided by Eklon, the transaction is in the bar.

《》 starfield

Find the security situation of the bars to understand the security situation of the bar.

It is best to spend 1,000 yuan in fighting to be a VIP, so that security is used for you.

This wine guarantee can also buy apartment houses here. Those who want to settle can consider it.

《》 starfield

Take the elevator upstairs, pass through the corridor, and find a control computer.

You can get remote access control after unlocking.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Then he found the bar owner (all of the task icon tips), indicating that he would arrange a meeting of Walter Starvan (that is, the opportunity to meet the artifact trading meeting).

There is no persuasion ability to pay 2,500 credit coins, and persuasive ability can save money.

《》 starfield

Finally, follow the prompt to get the letter information, and the preparation is completed.

《》 starfield

Main line: Money Universal (2)


Walt’s chat with his wife also came to an end and merged with him in the bar.

He said that the trading joint code was Ramzizi and Travis.

《》 starfield

The connector is on the stairs behind the dance floor, there is a big box next to it.

《》 starfield

After saying the secret code, I came to the second floor room for transaction.

He asked you to sit down and sit down.

《》 starfield

When he asked the price, he used the previous remote access control to close the door.

Then use the senior members he bought before so that the guards should not get involved, and you can win the artifact without the blood blade.

《》 starfield

When he goes out, he will encounter a chaser. He is the agent of Sryon, and the artifact is stolen from him.

You can continue to let the guard drive him away.

《》 starfield

The artifact got it, but Eklon came to report the letter saying that Spiron detained your spacecraft.

You have to go to this Neon City Aviation Giant to "chat".

《》 starfield

Main line: Money Universal (3)


Go to Slaston Aerospace.

《》 starfield

Try to persuade the front desk, otherwise you will sneak.

Of course, you can also kill all the way.

《》 starfield

When entering the elevator, Srighton had long guarded and trapped you in the elevator.

Fortunately, the reliable Allen bought the information officer of Slyton and guided you to escape from the elevator through internal communication.

《》 starfield

Out of the elevator and walk in the ventilation channel on the right (red circle location).

《》 starfield

Go to the end and jump off the repair mouth.

《》 starfield

Pay attention to the prompts of Eklon, go forward until there is a upward repair mouth, go in.

《》 starfield

After hearing that Eklen said that the robot left, he opened the door.

《》 starfield

Pass through the corridor.

《》 starfield

After entering the room, open the door and go out.

《》 starfield

Then jump off the door next to it.

《》 starfield

Main line: Money Universal (4)

Pass through the door, go out of the blue-green door, and come to the outdoor.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

The sneak ability here is excellent (refer to the previous tutorial of the previous article).

《》 starfield

There are not many enemies, and they can be killed directly.

Walk around the roof, go back to the staircase, all the way up.

《》 starfield

Finally entered the Swedeton Office.

《》 starfield

After seeing Srighton, you can not have to fight. It is easier to choose the thief rope that stole things.

And can win the favor of Andrea.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Finally, you need to run to the apron and drive off manually.

Money universal task is completed.

《》 starfield

Main Line: Star Star

Main Line: Star Star

When your artifact is collected to a certain amount, it is generally necessary to board the spacecraft manually after the money is completed.

At this time, you will encounter astrological spacecraft to let you hand over artifacts.

《》 starfield

They claim to be a star, just like natural power to artifacts.

They drove the spacecraft you have never seen before, claiming to hand over artifacts to you.

They are arrogant and rude, ready to destroy you at any time.

《》 starfield

You can choose to hand over artifacts to leave safely.

Or attack, but it is difficult to be an opponent.

The best way is to escape.

《》 starfield

Remember to quickly push the gravity subsystem to the highest, slippery.

《》 starfield

Back to the bad room, you have a discussion meeting.

The conclusion is simple. Stars are likely not to be humans. However, in any case, I can collect artifacts first. After completing the puzzle, they may know their origin.

《》 starfield

Main line: Deeper into the unknown place

Main line: Deeper into the unknown place

The eyes of Vladimir’s investigation found that the signal of artifacts came from the abandoned mine of the Talasa satellite.

(It is recommended to get the hidden cargo cabin and the interference.

《》 starfield

The mine has been occupied by pirates. If you don’t want to clean up the pirates outside, you can rush in directly, open the switch on the door next to the door, and enter the mine.

《》 starfield

Here are high-value items such as stolen artworks. It is recommended to bring it on the body after the interference is recommended. When the planet is flying, it can be archived to see if it can be scanned.

The best way is at the Wolf galaxy nest station. The merchants here will acquire all the stolen goods, and the galaxy does not scan is safer.

(Note that once you are scanned, all the stolen items on your body will be confiscated and the loss is great.)

《》 starfield

There is nothing special in the mine. Kill all the way to obtain artifacts all the way, and it is operated by conventional operations.

《》 starfield

The only difference is that after encountering the star, there will be a star when picking up artifacts.

Find a bunker, although not a boss, but the level is generally much higher than you.

Stars are not terrible. If you can’t see where you can’t see it, you will not move. They will not move behind hidden, and they are very similar to the color change dragon.

《》 starfield

The second artifact signal is in the mountainside cave of Tianjiang Second V-B.

《》 starfield

Here is really good.

《》 starfield���

It is also a star when taking an artifact.

After the death of each star, the quantum essence will be dropped, which can greatly accelerate the recovery of star energy.

At a critical moment, you can use R on the star skills interface.

The two artifacts were collected and the task was completed in the back room.

《》 starfield

Main line: short eyes

Main line: short eyes

To continue to explore, you need to upgrade the explorer (don’t be nervous, don’t use your money, it is purely a plot).

Come to the eyes of the investigation and start interacting with various systems.

《》 starfield

They are all click operations, which is very simple.

It soon upgraded the software.

《》 starfield

When you pick up the wrench, the circuit system fails again.

I feel that the eyes of the investigation are about to be.

《》 starfield

It seems to be completely fake, but Vladimir got new news.

There is an artifact on Captain Peter Rove’s rejection.

《》 starfield

Main line: Do not move messy (1)

Main Line: Don’t mess up

-Fangye number

You and Barrets hurried to Petrov’s "Palace" -fang.

《》 starfield

Barrett and Peter Rover are always acquainted with each other, but "breaking up" is not friendly, so speaking is not easy to speak.

You can persuade or simply stop the Fang’s number and board the boat.

《》 starfield

Fortunately, Peter Rove didn’t care too much, and promised to take you strolling.

《》 starfield

There are many good things in his collection.

Those who sneak high can follow him, first take the spacecraft key or something, search everywhere.

However, considering that in the end, there is no need to toss anyway, unless you are searching for the crew while searching.

《》 starfield

Peter Rove will show you the artifact, but will not give you in any way.

Grab it directly, and then beat him to let him surrender.

《》 starfield

Considering that there are a lot of things on the Fang’s number, just do things, kill Peter Rover and start sweeping.

《》 starfield

Main line: Don’t mess up (2)

-Sugs out of the siege

Peter Rover has a key on his body, and there are keys and access control systems next to the bathroom, office, and computer room.

Never, but you can pay attention to the whole boat.

《》 starfield

There are a lot of things he can sell here, provided that you can avoid scanning.

《》 starfield

The rest is to kill and kill, and the carriage man next to the artifact is a good weapon.

There is a lot of martial arts in the small space of the spacecraft.

《》 starfield

Some cabins need to be turned on with a computer, and all one-time can be opened (mainly the transparent cabin).

《》 starfield

You can slip after the sweeping, but this time you must pay attention to the grabbing thing first.

Directly landing the room and skip the scanning steps (if not, you can try to put all the stealing items on the body in the spacecraft storage box. Many times you can land directly, it feels like bug).

Selling the robbery to the Royez of the Trade Administration of the New Atlantis Deep Well, and then buy it back to wash it back.

《》 starfield

Or first go to the Wolf galaxy nest station. The merchants here will acquire all the stolen goods, and the galaxy does not scan is safer, and it can also wash items.

In addition, the underground merchants of Mars and neon city merchants of Vennia can wash items.

Once you do not handle the red marking items, you will trigger the task of the scarlet fleet during the scanning stage.

《》 starfield

That is, hiding the mission, let you go to the deep red fleet as undercover.

In fact, the task is nothing, but it will confiscate all your stealing items when triggering the task.

(Two people in the mission conversation are in the bridge command room, began to get next, don’t follow the navigation.)

《》 starfield

Entering the bad room will trigger a high cost task, and do not go in before you are ready.

《》 starfield

Main line: high cost (1)

Main line: a high price

-The Eye of Rescue Examination

Entering the bad room, the emergency line of the eyes of the investigation suddenly came. Vladimir was attacked by the star hunting.

Star descent also threatened to come to the bad room immediately, and you face dilemma.

Either to explore the eye to save people, or stay to guard the room.

《》 starfield

The two options are not essentially different, and they will lose a star organization comrades, and they will choose different people with different deaths.

Interacting with the door of the bad room is the final choice.

《》 starfield

At this time, the eyes of the investigation have been attacked and interacted with everyone on the spacecraft to treat them.

《》 starfield

Then quickly returned to the bad room, but it was still one step late, the bad room was attacked, and Barret died.

《》 starfield

Star hunting attack seems to have not stopped, they have not found artifacts.

Hurry up to the submerged channel and meet with Noville, obtain artifacts, and go to space port.

《》 starfield

Xingxing will also start chase.

The subsequent escape process is the same as adhering to the bad room. You can refer to the following part.

《》 starfield

Main line: high cost (2)

-Suke the bad room

If you stick to the bad room, you will encounter star hunting attacks.

After attacking Star Hunting, he quickly ran to the basement, not to fall in love.

《》 starfield

Xingxing will continue to appear and run to the flight platform.

《》 starfield

Cross the crowd and take the elevator to the space port.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Land on the spacecraft, quickly adjust the energy-filled gravity subsystem, leap to leave.

It can be seen that Xingxing is a black spacecraft, which is not the same as the star.

《》 starfield

When I came to the eyes of the investigation, I found that the salad was dying, and everyone was very sad.

《》 starfield

You discussed with Vladimir and put the artifact on your own spacecraft.

Since then, you can build a celestial titer at a spacecraft or outpost.

《》 starfield

Main line: High cost (3)

-The celebrities

Regardless of which route, it is impossible to avoid the death of teammates in a week.

You have to continue to move forward, communicate with Vladimir in the eyes of investigating, and decide to transfer artifacts-

Installed on the spacecraft (the spacecraft is easy to be attacked), and installed to the whistle station (the traffic without a tunnel station is not convenient, the whistle station also needs to be defensive), and it is taken on the body (you are easy to be attacked).

《》 starfield

When you come to the spacecraft or post, click to activate the celestial titles.

You can add new artifacts to it, or you can remove the celestial titles and find places to install again.

《》 starfield

Back to New Atlantis, due to the invasion of the astrology, this time, you need to re-take the tram to the three-headed alliance area to find the bad room.

《》 starfield
《》��� starfield

If you have something on the dead comrades, you can find it in the box of the basement.

This box itself can also store your things.

《》 starfield

Talking to Matio, he said that the Star said to the concept of "Guiichi", and maybe you can find a clue from here.

《》 starfield

Main line: Return (1)

Main line: Guiichi


When you come to the Church of Shengyu and talk to the guardian Aquelis, he invites you to the church to narrate.

《》 starfield

Sit on the chair to "listen to teachings".

Aquelus said that the enlightenment and the Waru sects have legends, let you go to Shenjing District and Lianhe Prison.

《》 starfield

When you come to Lianhe Prison (pay attention to your bounty on your body, don’t talk to any staff), talk to Mirhon.

The Waru denomination believes that the snake god will destroy the world. Except for believers, no one will survive.

《》 starfield

Come to Shenjing District and find Singh.

Singh shows you the concept of "second person", saying that the doctrine of the enlightenment is that human cooperation is win-win.

《》 starfield

Go back to find the guardian, you faded out of the coordinates of the second star of the Tianxun galaxy from a bunch of blindness (well, this is to be properly put in the TV series, it is a divine drama thinking).

This is the rest of the pilgrims, which may allow you to get inspiration.

《》 starfield

Main line: Return (2)

-The pilgrimage place in peace

Tianzheng II, the pilgrimage place in peace, your new goal.

《》 starfield

Specifically is the small camp next to the coordinate point.

《》 starfield

There are pilgrimage literature on the camp package 2. 2.

These documents include the "test point", and the author will all release specific content later for players to reference.

《》 starfield

There are literature in the big room 1.

《》 starfield

There are literature 5.

《》 starfield

There are literature 4 and literature next to the greenhouses next to 5.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Interacting with the pilgrimage computer, he will let you answer questions, and open the door to answer.

The answer to the question is in the literature found above.

Ask him what is to start the "Knowledge Competition".

《》 starfield

The burden of people: no one can. EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence

Enemy: I am myself

The indifferent mentality: stay

《》 starfield

After answering the question, the door opened. There is the last document of the pilgrimage, which records the position of the key galaxy.

《》 starfield

— Tracker Introduction Guide 02 —

In the room where the pilgrimage was completed in the restaurant of the pilgrimage, the final literature was completed.

It can increase ballistic weapon damage by 5%.

《》 starfield

Main line: Return (3)

-Pillon Literature

Literature 1

《》 starfield

Literature 2

《》 starfield

Literature 3

《》 starfield

Literature 4

《》 starfield

Literature 5

《》 starfield

Final literature

《》 starfield

Main line: Return (4)

-The Scorpio Stab

With the coordinates, you go to Hyla II and find the ancient relics.

(If you need to jump multiple times to reach, it is best to adjust the heavy force of the spacecraft to the highest, and quickly jump to avoid fighting.)

《》 starfield

The ruins are a strange altar that interacts with image characters to adjust the beam position on the altar.

The image character has 4 buttons up, down, left and right, and corresponds to 4 movement directions. You can treat him as a handle.

《》 starfield

Interacting with which small circle, the beam moves towards.

《》 starfield

On the ground is Scorpio Star Map.

Pay attention to the bright star at the end.

《》 starfield

Let the beam shine on this bright star.

《》 starfield

Then interact.

《》 starfield

Main line: Predecessor footprint

Main line: predecessor footprint

Back to the spacecraft take off, there will be a star hunting.

You find that there are many people in these stars.

You decide to have a substantial contact with them.

《》 starfield

It turned out that these astrologers were divided into star envoys and Xingxing.

The purpose is to find an artifact, but Xingxing is relatively violent.

《》 starfield

Guiyi is a road, a portal, and a place of rebirth.

He opens the door of the universe and lets you look at the mystery of the universe (alas, Che Yan).

《》 starfield

The star is to build a new order through artifacts, and of course they will become the "God" of the new order.

Xingxing believes that the creator of an artifact is teasing life, and they want to destroy everything and re-establish rules.

《》 starfield

If you talk to them further, you can know their philosophy.

By the end of the game, you will choose one party to help and fight the other side.

If the two do not help each other, they will fight the two of them.

《》 starfield

In the end, they will tell you to go to the satellite moon on the earth, where you can make the next step.

《》 starfield

Main line: Always miss

Main line: Always miss

Back to the bad room, Noville intends to hold a farewell ceremony to the comrades-in-arms to invite you to participate.

This task can wait for the passage of time.

《》 starfield

If you want to finish, you will simply lie down in the bedroom of the bad room and wait for the memorial service to start.

《》 starfield

Friends will make a touching speech.

You also need to go up and say a few words.

《》 starfield

Talk to you, and the appropriate language can also closer the relationship.

《》 starfield

Finally leave the bad room and complete the task.

《》 starfield

Main line: see the day again (1)

Main line: see the day again


Seeing the day, the final glance, and the entanglement of the three tasks will be completed before the final main line will be opened.

Log in to the moon and go to the Huanyu Star Research Station to find the information that I suggest to you.

《》 starfield

You can collect all information to help restore the full picture of the incident.

The magnetic card on the table is the data that needs to be collected. Here is the data 2.

《》 starfield

The data board on the table in the figure 5.

《》 starfield

Without pain, there is no harvest.

《》 starfield

Data near the master box of the upstairs 6.

《》 starfield

Data on the box downstairs 1.

《》 starfield

There is also one in the wardrobe, data 3. 3.

《》 starfield

Interact with computer and learn about prism programs.

《》 starfield

Out of the Institute, come to the building to listen to interact with the broadcast on the antenna.

After obtaining NASA access permissions, I also probably learned that the experiments on NASA on the moon may be related to the artifact found on Mars.

《》 starfield

Main line: see the day again (2)


It seems that you want to visit NASA, go to the earth’s track, and land on the NASA launch tower.

《》 starfield

The bottom of the tower can see a switch that requires electricity. There are emergency batteries on the ground next to it, and there is a power supply that can be inserted into the right side.

After inserting the battery, you can turn on the switch and open the door. This is a small storage library, some things.

There are many similar operations in the back. The battery is nearby, and the power supply is only found along the line.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Climb up from the boxes in the corner, and it will be easy to fly backpack.

Then follow the stairs up and skip the broken place.

《》 starfield

Go until the stairs, and you will see the battery switch mentioned earlier.

《》 starfield

Walk along the line and enter the door of the elevator.

《》 starfield

Find emergency batteries.

《》 starfield

Installation, you can go out and take the elevator.

《》 starfield

Main line: see the day again (3)

-launch tower

Enter the laboratory and find NASA’s computer.

From this understanding the mystery of Mars material, there are reasons to believe that it is an artifact.

《》 starfield

Cross the door and enter the underground area.

《》 starfield

Jetis’s personal record shows that NASA conducts large-scale experiments underground.

《》 starfield

Go to the room on the opposite side.

《》 starfield

Open the door through the previous power switch.

The emergency power supply is nearby, at most one room.

《》 starfield

There is a maintenance key in the room.

《》 starfield

Continue to move forward, then open the door to open the door and enter the room with turrets.

《》 starfield

You can unlock the turret after entering the computer, and you can even perform new enemies and self-certification to let the turret protect you.

《》 starfield

Continue to find another computer.

《》 starfield

Main line: see the day again (4)

-Mudan Laboratory

On the study computer, you found that the large experiments of NASA have folded the gravitational field.

Anti-gravity pusher was put on the schedule of research and development.

《》 starfield

Jump into the elevator well, this area can float.

Utilize the space, the left CTRL key rises and decreases.

Come to the lower level.

《》 starfield

Enter the door from the broken bridge.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

From the information on the computer, the impact of the gravity field here seems to gradually spread to the entire earth.

After clicking the button to cast an artifact, it is not an anti-gravity environment.

《》 starfield

Come to the central area and retrieve the release of the released artifact.

《》 starfield

Then return all the way, pay attention to the attack on the stars in the middle.

《》 starfield

Xingzhang and Xingxing are waiting for you outside.

You also realize the purpose they let you come-humans are to mess with the earth’s gravity field in the process of studying artifacts, and eventually let the earth slowly deserted.

《》 starfield

Human use of artifacts almost destroyed home, but also because artifacts have obtained the ability to explore the starry sky.

Star Hun and Xing envoy are representatives of two attitudes. At this time, you have to choose.

It has no effect on the plot. You can choose according to your preferences. If you do n’t choose, the final battle will be difficult to face the two sides.

(This task is actually completed here, and it will be displayed automatically after the final glance is completed.)

《》 starfield

Main line: the final glance

Main line: the final glance

Talking with Vladimir in the bad room, he obtained the artifact information of the distant galaxy.

To this end, you need a spacecraft with a leap distance of at least 21 light years.

《》 starfield

You can buy a new spacecraft, upgrade the gravity propeller, reduce the weight of the spacecraft or improve the celestial dynamics skills.

《》 starfield

This distance in the red box is more than equal to 21.

《》 starfield

Log in to Tianzhang IV-D and start exploring the unknown physical characteristics area.

《》 starfield

Enter the cave.

《》 starfield

Get the artifact all the way to the bottom, the old routine.

《》 starfield

Then go to Freya III to trigger entanglement.

In the end, it was actually completed here, and the entanglement will be completed automatically after finishing.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (1)

Main line: entanglement unclear

-S. O. S

This task is the longest and most exciting task in the game. Let’s talk about the conclusion first-both worlds can be saved.

It is recommended that you have sufficient ammunition, clean up the backpack space, bring enough unlocking device, and then start the task (also useful for alien biological effects, equipment for mechanical special effects).

After coming to Freya, I will receive a vague signal.

《》 starfield

You decided to go to the Renke Research Station of Freya III to find out.

This is the source of artifact signal detected by Vladimir. It seems that the research station is also engaged in artifact experiments.

《》 starfield

However, the people at the research station were inexplicable and said that no one had issued a signal.

Ontario Oson Hughes is also like an enemy. Although he agrees to take you to chat with the supervisor, he is very alert.

《》 starfield

Following Hughes, there was a strangeness soon.

You suddenly came to a ruined research station, and there are "bugs" everywhere.

(We can call the B world, the monster here is the heterogeneous bug.)

《》 starfield

After playing the bugs, after two steps, you suddenly returned to the intact research institute.

Hugas is shocked, and you can only tell him that it may be because of artifacts that let you shuttle in two different worlds.

(The world that has not exploded can be called a world of A. The enemy is mainly robots and turrets.)

《》 starfield

Continue to move forward, you quickly shuttled to the B world, here, you met Raphael.

He said that the research station exploded. Only he survived. He asked you to help close the instrument and stop the artifact experiment.

《》 starfield

Soon, you returned to the world of A and met Director Patt.

Your comprehensive information comes to conclusion that the two worlds really exist, one explosion, and the other (Raphael is the only person who dies due to gas leaks in the A world).

The two worlds may be in quantum entanglement and are approaching. Because you have exposed to too many artifacts, you can observe the two worlds at the same time.

《》 starfield

Researcher Maria’s tips that you told Raphael believe that you can find the quantum entrance through the instrument to let you go through the two worlds.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (2)

-The shuttle

You decided to follow Maria to the research room.

But in the process, you will continue to shuttle in the two worlds.

Note that there is a box in a certain position in one world, and the same location in the other world will basically be available, so there are a lot of boxes that can be unlocked here, and the skills are good.

《》 starfield

When Hughes opens the door, you can try to convince him to get a good weapon, which has special effects on worms.

《》 starfield

Maria’s controller lets you see the small light spots.

You decide to stand up and try.

《》 starfield

Through Maria’s tuning, you successfully transmitted another world through light spots.

《》 starfield

And you also found the controller in the B world.

In the future, you can see the light spots and freely shuttle.

《》 starfield

Subsequent exploration is actually switching between two worlds.

The road of a world is unreasonable. There must be a light spot entrance nearby, and entering another world can continue.

If it is not troublesome, the two worlds travel back and forth to pick up two parts.

《》 starfield

Maria asked you to go to the ground, control the computer, and open the door after opening the air leakage accident.

Before leaving, Director Patt tossed the "tram problem" to you-can only save one world, so you can consider it.

Just like the beginning of the author, in fact, both worlds can be saved, but it is a bit troublesome. If you are utilitarian, he can save Label’s world, and he can become crew.

《》��� starfield

If you persuade Patt, you can also find Dr. Barlakova for some medical supplies, and she can also be used as a "hospital" itself.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (3)


Then I took the elevator to break through the lower level of the Institute.

《》 starfield

A world is robots and turrets. If there are computers nearby, the robot and the turret can be invalid/re-identifiable.

However, most of the time still have to fight, and there are many parts of the robot dropped ammunition.

《》 starfield

There will also be turrets on the top, and you can pick up and drop it when you explode.

《》 starfield

Switching or unlocking can enter the lock room with a laboratory key card.

You can let you go through some door that must be kept.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

After you find the computer, switch the A world can be used.

《》 starfield

After the super control, the red security door opened and continued.

《》 starfield

You can find a miscellaneous key card in the B world. At present, there are blue dot task tips, which is not difficult to search.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (4)


Continue to move near the accelerator.

《》 starfield

Switch to the world of the A world to open the door with a debris, and come to the mission point near the task point.

《》 starfield

Then switch the world to the control room.

《》 starfield

Continue the super-control computer and open the door.

《》 starfield

After going out, switch to the big cave B.

《》 starfield

Jump all the way from the left and enter the room.

《》 starfield

In short, when you can’t get through, you cut the world, come to the storage room, and the super control computer opens the access control of the warehouse area.

《》 starfield

In the end, I came to the core area of the experiment, which is also the key to saving the two worlds.

If you just want to save a world, choose the world to separate 7 power locks.

The power lock is marked with blue, which is easy to find.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (5)


The author focuses on how to save the two worlds, and first control computer interaction in the B world and laboratory.

You can click initialization first to complete the initialization. Later A world can also be initialized first.

《》 starfield

Then choose to start demagnetizing.

《》 starfield

At this time, the power supply that needs to be demagnetized will be displayed.

Every time the game is random, the author is 4, 6, 7.

《》 starfield

When you come to the machine, find 4, 6, and 7 switches through the blue dot, and click to separate.

Pay attention to these positions, and wait for it to open it again. At that time, there is no blue dot prompt.

《》 starfield

After closing, you interact with the computer. Click the demagnetization to see that the state becomes complete.

《》 starfield

Then reopen those three switches (important, don’t forget).

You can see that it is red when it is closed, and it is green when it is turned on.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (6)

-Strectional calibration

Then continue to interact with the computer and select the frequency calibration.

《》 starfield

Frequency calibration is to allow the output frequency of the two worlds.

The world of B. The world of explosion. Choose 24GHz. You can see that the output frequency is 34.

《》 starfield

Main line: entanglement (7)

-The fusion

Back to the A world, control computer interaction with the laboratory, repeat demagnetization and calibration steps.

《》 starfield

Of course, the demagnetized power lock here is also randomly different. The author is 2, 3, 5, 6.

The completion method does not change.

《》 starfield

You can actually see the frequency you need to calibrate on the disk near the computer.

《》 starfield

In the world of A, that is, there is no explosion world, choose 40GHz. At this time, the output frequency is also 34.

《》 starfield

Both sides are demagnetized and calibrated, and the task will become the main program.

《》 starfield

You can see the console near the machine beam (note that the beam damage is high, don’t touch it).

After interacting, switch the world and interact with the console of another world.

《》 starfield

The sky rotated, the two worlds fused.

The laboratory did not explode, and Raphael did not die.

《》 starfield

The ending of all the joy will allow you to get gold (saving only one world).

Raphael is also a high-quality crew to hire.

《》 starfield

Main line: Shenqi (1)

Main line: Shenqi

-Hefa buried temple

After completing the re-seeing day, the final glance and entanglement, you can go to Masada for the final decisive battle.

In the end, the battle intensity is high, and both spacecraft and people must try their best to strengthen.

It is best to leave an automatic persuasion.

《》 starfield

The battle began from the star spaceship on the orbit.

If there are not many spacecraft skills, it is best to spend money to create a strong car.

《》 starfield

After finishing the star spaceship, landed on the temple.

Follow-up are land battles.

《》 starfield

Run all the way, and there are many corpses along the way to search.

Stars will snail at heights, and it is certainly good to be able to fight long distances, otherwise it can be wrapped around the right stairs.

Or make a high-end flight backpack+flight skills, you can play a star or Mandallo.

《》 starfield

In the temple, there will be a opposite mercenary attack.

Killing the enemy to a certain extent will produce astrology.

《》 starfield

After defeating the star, he found his identity card near the building.

《》 starfield

Open the access control and enter.

After that, you will encounter light spots, and you will travel to other worlds from time to time and see your past experience.

《》 starfield

Main line: Shenqi (2)


Enter the "big factory building" and continue to fight with star.

You can quickly rush over and rely on the terrain to cover and kill.

《》 starfield

There are base keys in the room.

《》 starfield

After opening the door, the computer can control the robot.

《》 starfield

You will meet Peter Ravev in the advance, and you can not fight well.

It is not difficult to fight, and continue to go back to your own world through the time after playing.

《》 starfield

Take the elevator, and you will encounter the plot of his dead comrades in the process.

Pay attention to speaking, you don’t want to meet with other world comrades-in-arms.

《》 starfield

The final battle is in front of the road, there are a lot of supplies on the side of the road, don’t miss it.

《》 starfield

Battle starts with killing replicas.

Try to move forward from the right bunker step by step.

《》 starfield

After discovering the guardian Finn, he attacked.

Get priority to destroy Finn to end the battle.

《》 starfield

Finally, interact with the gate, wait for the discs to appear, and open into the center of the temple.

《》 starfield

Final chapter: a big step

Final chapter: a big step

The center of the temple will have the final artifact that you choose to choose from (if you choose two people if you choose the side).

I won’t say the battle, and the intensity is enough here.

If you don’t want to fight or even be able to solve it.

《》 starfield

When obtaining the final artifact, you will choose the star of one party to talk to you.

You can get the remaining artifacts from him.

《》 starfield

Pick up your final reward.

《》 starfield

The next is the end, you can say goodbye to all your friends.

《》 starfield

Then put the artifact on the celestial titer.

《》 starfield

Finally, lift off and raise the gravity subsystem.

The spacecraft will automatically jump to return to one!

《》 starfield

Go forward, you will see yourself.

《》 starfield

You will be reborn, you will enter eternity, you will become a star.

You will open thousands of roads in thousands of universe and become the legend in thousands of universes!

Lighten your starry sky!

《》 starfield

For many weeks

For many weeks

Players will become star after the main line of customs clearance.

In addition to the level and skills (including the temple ability), the Xin Zhouju will reset other content (all main lines, branches, items, interpersonal relationships, spacecraft, whistle stations, exploration progress, galaxy/planet, crew, etc.).

《》 starfield

Xin Zhouzhu can get a new spacecraft and a new set of equipment.

《》 starfield

After the opening of the two weeks, you will directly let you return to the bad room.

You can choose to speak in a star-like manner (the main task of the main line of the week) can also pretend not to know the main task of the main line.

If you tell them that you are a star, you will enter the stage of finding artifacts directly. If you gather together, you will have to stand in a team. Remember that everyone who makes Star Hunter every time will be different, and the gender is different.

《》 starfield

Some main lines will be shortened or even merged, and all artifacts need to be collected again.

Players can immediately go to collect and skip most of the plots, which greatly shortens the time of the new weekly purpose.

《》 starfield

After completing the new weekly eyes, the new weekly eye+will be opened again.

The position of the artifact in each week is random (each player is different every week), and the position of the artifact is not fixed.

You can see the landing point on the planet, which is also randomly generated by each week (only some main cities and the plot related locations are fixed).

《》 starfield

If your companion is killed or the relationship with someone is broken, you can meet again in the new Zhou Dynasty, just like strangers, you can try to build a relationship again.

One of the customs clearance will also clear all the rewards of the player’s role. If you want, you can try some behaviors that will bring rewards when you are about to clear the customs.

For many weeks, the members of the bad room can not die.

《》 starfield

South Gate Er Alpha Star Event

(This part mainly includes the branch line of "Starry Sky", the content of the event and the camp task, which is original by the 3DM Raiders.)

South Gate Er Alpha Star


1. Talk to spacecraft technical waiters


After landing at the second Alpha Star in the South Gate, you will automatically get this event.

《》 starfield


Find the spacecraft service technicians at the gate of the city of New Atlantis, talk to him, repair the spacecraft or try other spacecraft upgrade dialogue bridges, the event ended smoothly.

《》 starfield

2. Investigate insufficient power supply in Shenjing District


When entering the fountain square in New Atlantis City, you will hear the radio news description about the lack of power supply in Shenjing District, which will trigger this branch.

《》 starfield


Use the subway to reach the three-headed alliance area, and find the maintenance personnel NPC Louisa Reyz here. After talking with her, she chooses to agree to help her. This will successfully end the event and trigger the next branch of the mission "network invasion".

《》 starfield

3. Go to Pioneer Building to visit your parents


After you arrive at the parliament room to talk to Sarah (the main line "a small step"), you will be able to explore freely.

This activity branch will be triggered at this time.

《》 starfield


Use the subway to reach the residential area, meet your parents and complete the dialogue.

《》 starfield

4. Talk to Noville about housing problems


After you arrive at the parliament room to talk to Sarah (the main line "a small step"), you will be able to explore freely.

This activity branch will be triggered at this time.

《》 starfield


Find NPC Nowell in the residential area and talk to her about housing questions.

After choosing all the bridges that can promote the plot, she will introduce the details of each room in the house.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

South Gate Er Alpha Star: Branch-Network Invasion

Branch task

Network invasion


When you come to the city of New Atlantis for the first time, you will hear that the three-headed alliance area will encounter insufficient power supply from the broadcast of the Fountain Square.

I came here to find NPC Louisa Reyz, talked with her and agreed to help, which will open this branch.

《》 starfield


You need to find some wiring boxes first, look for boxes with green indicators along the nearby road, interact and continue to find the next place.

When you enter the basement, you defeat the enemy "Big Blogino" here.

《》 starfield

Next, close the console, enter the control room to find evidence of someone stealing electricity, and return to the NPC to deliver the task.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

South Gate Er Alpha Star: Camp branch line-beyond the limit

Camp branch

Beyond the limits


After you complete the "one small step" of the main line, visit your apartment address, and will automatically trigger this camp branch.

《》 starfield


You need to register to join the pioneer first, and then complete the simulation trial.

As long as a set of battles (3 games) are completed, this branch line will end smoothly.

After playing 6 groups, the service life of your qualifications can be shortened to 3 years.

Finally, you can join the camp with Tura to complete the oath.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Line: Bounty of Crete Satellite

Line: Bounty of Crete Satellite

The hidden camps in the north (red circle location) of Crete satellite can receive this task.

Completion of hunting can get 3000 credit coins and 150 experience.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Bounty hunters will invite you to track the pirate leader of the dark red fleet who reward the bounty together.

《》 starfield

Mission target is forgotten military base in the east.

It is best to get in with the bounty hunter before you get closer, and it will be easier.

The enemy here is good at the beginning, except for the high level of the leader, it is weak (the leader is not strong).

《》 starfield

Find a bunker from the outside, you can first clean up the enemy of the "standing pile" at the commanding height.

The pirate robbers BOSS, that is, the goal of bounty is best to kill a blast, otherwise he would return to the shield and hide himself.

《》 starfield

The center of Living Room of the BOSS has a weapon key on the table.

《》 starfield

The military database is near the whistle.

《》 starfield

Open the key directly with the screen on the left.

The big treasure chest will basically produce gold equipment.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Line: There is a tree in the city of New Atlantis

Line: There is a tree in the city of New Atlantis

After coming to New Atlantis, near the bad room will trigger a event with scientists on the edge of the tree.

This NPC has a series of tasks.

《》 starfield

Coleton Villash invites you to collect the trees monitoring data in the city.


《》 starfield

Press L → B to see which areas are sensors.

You can also see the mission area when taking a train.

《》 starfield

Just follow the blue hexagonal reminder, and the labeling is still obvious.

《》 starfield

The conversation with Jo Ting learned that Ms. Zeng bought the sensor.

《》 starfield

Ms. Zeng actually has a lot of trading items in addition to buying back/persuasion, which is more useful in the early stage.

(For example, make cosmetics required.)

《》 starfield

Finally, return to the bad room to find Coleton to hand over the task.

Coleton finds that the big tree is changing, so that you will go to him after a while.

You only need to transmit it to other areas and then send him to pick up a new task.

《》 starfield

Line: isolated and helpless

Line: isolation and helpless

After completing the previous task, you can find Colos to pick up new tasks again when you come to the bad room.

He wants to ask you to help get the research information from colleagues Hadik.

《》 starfield

Follow the task prompt to find Hadik, but this guy is not a good stubble.

If persuasion skills are high, it is best to persuade him to get the data.

Otherwise, he can only help him to eliminate bad records.

《》 starfield

Black into the computer of the chief engineer.

《》 starfield

After clearing Hadik’s file, he can find him to get the data.

《》 starfield

Give it to Columbia to complete the task of isolation and helplessness.

《》 starfield

Line: Refine confidence

Line: Refine confidence

Triggered by the activity (but you can go without triggering), go to Observation Port to talk to the wine insurance.

《》 starfield

In the talk, I learned that Paina’s goods were detained in a safe warehouse.

You can help her retrieve, but she strongly dislikes the method of using violence.

《》 starfield

The easiest way is to go directly to the warehouse near the apron and interact with the NPC at the door.

It is better to save a file first, and then persuade, it is easier.

《》 starfield

After entering the goods, the goods were sent to Nisha and completed the task.

《》 starfield

Line: AC current

Line: AC current

After completing the network invasion, she followed Louisa, and she and the administrator Reyz did not deal with it.

She believes that Reyz is stealing electricity and is full of private sac, while Reyz believes that there are other reasons.

《》 starfield

Follow the prompt to find the wiring box 47b and interact.

《》 starfield

Go to the residential area.

《》 starfield

You can find the 101F wiring board near the Athena Apartment, and enter the Athena Apartment after interaction.

《》 starfield

Evidence of electrical stealing on the computer that has never been authorized.

《��》 starfield

It can complete the mission to Louisa or Reyz.

《》 starfield

Line: Parcel-Darvik

Line: Parcel-Darvik

This task can be received on the task release machine at the door of the Mars bar. Because there is a 5 -day time limit, it can be completed first.

《》 starfield

Direct navigation to the task planet, this time on the space track.

《》 starfield

You can hold down R to stop at 500 meters.

After holding up X, you can enter the space station.

《》 starfield

This task is to make everyone familiar with the space station stop and simple logistics tasks.

In fact, the task rely on the task is completed.

《》 starfield

Line: Daifang Late Cheng

Line: Daifang Late Cheng

After completing the first two steps of Coleton, you can continue to talk to him after completing the main line of the old residence area.

He said that through data analysis, the big tree may be asking for even.

However, this tree is sent as a gift, and the same tree is only available in the distant Aquira City.

《》 starfield

When you explore to Akila, go to the Kor family museum.

Persuct Lia to give you saplings.

《》 starfield

You can use some supernovas such as an increased persuasive success rate.

《》 starfield

Line: bureaucracy habitation

Line: bureaucracy habitation

After completing the main line of old residential area, Mars’s Treg will want to talk to you.

Go to Mars Saitinia.

《》 starfield

He said that he wanted to ask you to help add production to the mining plant, and let them get enough supplies in various ways.

As an old miner, of course you are incomparable (hahaha).

《》 starfield

The translation of this task name will not vomit, and the translation of the entire game is weird.

You need 10 iron mines (just near Treter) and put them in the resource box.

《》 starfield

Then go to the Fire Second Shipyard.

《》 starfield

Apply for positions on the information publisher.

Note that reading the letters here can get the task of transporting 5000 salamanders.

《》 starfield

As for the issue of administrative assistants, it does not affect it at all.

《》 starfield

Go back to find Treg, he asked you to delete the application information of other people.

After communicating with him, the person who learned that the personnel department got off work at 17 o’clock, and the password was Password.

《》 starfield

After arriving at the personnel department, if the time is still early, you can find a chair to sit down, and then press the B key to pass the time quickly.

《》 starfield

Wait for a person to interact with the computer, choose the bottom item, and delete the application form of all others.

Then go back and find Trefer to complete the task, you will receive a new task-bureaucratic habit.

This task is relatively long, and it will be done before it is ready.

《》 starfield

Line: bureaucratic habituality

Line: bureaucratic habituality

After completing the gloomy bureaucracy, you get the position of help.

After talking with Treter, go to Peter Brunnan and start his own work.

Burenan asked you to help find the "private work" you were detained.

《》 starfield

You go to Governor Herst to contact.

The Governor obviously knew these cats, and he also participated in it.

He asked you to help the smuggling vessels hijacked by the deep red fleet, so as not to reveal things under the table.

《》 starfield

Direct task navigation to Tiandi II, you can directly attack the governor of Governor Heaster’s spacecraft.

This is the fastest, but it cannot be picked up (but Heaster’s criminal evidence can be picked up, and you can pick it up near the wreckage).

Lie said that he was a pirate of the dark red fleet and would be allowed to board the ship.

《》 starfield

It is best to persuade the pirates first without war.

It can also master Heaster’s criminal evidence.

《》 starfield

The note on the corpse on the floor is evidence.

《》 starfield

You can leave there, or sneak, landmark/grenade, and raid the pirates on the boat, you can search for some equipment.

《》 starfield

Destroy the spacecraft when you leave and complete the task goal.

You can also pick up additional evidence after hitting the spacecraft.

《》 starfield

After returning, you can find CDDR Wuda, and give him the evidence of Heasterde’s crime.

Then you can let Wu Dade help you take the package of Burenan.

《》 starfield

Because you have evidence, you can knock him when you interact with Hete (but she will be unhappy if Salad is in the team).

《》 starfield

Then you can apply with Burenan’s computer approved.

A passing toss achieves Trefer’s purpose.

(However, the problem is not over yet, see the next task.)

《》 starfield

Line: bureaucratic habit correction

Line: bureaucratic habit correction

After completing the bureaucratic habits, Treg said that Ferraro of the device did not bring the goods in accordance with the agreement.

《》 starfield

When he went to the apron to find an administrator, he said that Ferraro did not land in the space port although he returned to Mars.

Go back to find Treg, he asked you to break the spear bar.

《》 starfield

You followed Ferrarow’s "wild practice" (alas, just walking and walking), when he was stopped, he turned his face.

At this point, he could convince him or kill him directly.

At present, persuading him to even help him cover up things, he has not received additional benefits.

《》 starfield

Note that when you do bad things, it is best not to bring salads. She is upright and can’t rub the sand in her eyes.

《》 starfield

Go back and find Trefer to complete this series of tasks.

《》 starfield

Line: space frog from outer space

Line: space frog from outer space

Heerbi can be found in the residential area of Mars Cenia.

This lonely child invite you to help you draw the painting you draw in the space station.

《》 starfield

Following the mission instructions in the core warehouse and 6 stickers to complete the task.

Press E on the wall after approaching the target point.

《》 starfield

After completion, get a reward for building a space frog poster at the post.

《》 starfield

Line: Fleeing

Line: Fleeing

Owadia can be found in the residential area of Mars Cenia.

She was tossed by the father who guarded her female, and she wanted to let his father don’t care about him again.

(You can find it near Trefa, at the mining time.)

《》 starfield

Owadia has respiratory diseases. If salads are in the team, you can give Owadia some healing props, which will greatly win salad.

Owadia invite you to make a bottle of whiskey as a meeting of persuasion.

《》 starfield

If you have good persuasion (or try more S/L, it is difficult), you can persuade Jack to give you wine.

Or buy it directly.

《》 starfield

If you do n’t want to, you can open the expert lock to steal it.

Two doors, high-end locks in the outer door lock.

In fact, even if it is not wine, there are bad things in it to search.

《》 starfield

There is a bottle on the cabinet in front of the Governor Herst.

Stealing means excellent (see the upper fingers sneak in the description) can be stolen directly.

If you do n’t work, you can use melee attack (V) or shoot, and hit the wine bottle all the way (how strong this bottle is this).

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There is basically no one in the alley that goes out to the right, and it can easily complete theft.

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When I came to Neon City, I talked to the hotel owner that there was a gift to the father of Owadia.

She will let you go to the third floor.

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It is easier for her father to persuade her father if there is wine.

Go back to find Rufa Owadia to complete the task.

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Return to the workplace

Camp task

Dragon God Group

Return to the workplace

You can automatically open this branch task from Nanmen II activities.

Here at Dashu Plaza, you will hear a group of young people discuss the incident of joining the Dragon God Group, and then find a nearby job search machine and fill in the application information.

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Next, you need to go to the neon city of Wali Alpha Star, which is the headquarters of the Dragon God Group. When you come to the company’s operation department, talk to the receptionist Ren Galsa, he will tell you the room of the personnel manager.

You can choose to let him take you over.

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Find the personnel department manager Imin Salzo and talk to her to explain your intention.

As long as you do not choose a particularly aggressive dialogue bridge, you will pass her interview smoothly.

Next, she hopes that you can go to the cafe first to buy two cups of coffee for her and her colleagues.

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Come to the classic Metro Cafe, talk to the front desk waiter here, take away coffee and leave here.

But at this time, a guy named Dongzhi came to try to stop you and show that he had worked in your post and now was fired because of your arrival.

You can convince him to leave calmly, or use violence to defeat him.

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Return to the personnel manager of the operation department, Yi Mojin, to deliver coffee, but then you need to talk with the senior executives of the company.

These people are the supervisors of management companies’ finances, legal affairs, public relations, and supply chain.

After completing the dialogue, talked to Imin again, and this branch ended smoothly.

Reward: 1000 gold, 500 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-One step lead

One step

Talk to Imin and turn on this branch.

You need to help Imukin transmit data to three data points in neon city.

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Come to Celtics, find the specific computer here, and upload the applet after completing the unlock.(Note that the difficulty of this unlocking will be slightly higher than the locks encountered before)

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If you are discovered by people nearby, you can solve this matter by persuasion, bribery or fighting.

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Finally return to Imojin to deliver the task here.

Reward: 1500 gold, 100 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-a new story

New story

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp.

When you arrive in Aquira City, find Imin, and then she will give you a confidential file.

Next, you need to sneak into Aquira’s Laruido arsenal unknowingly to replace this confidential document.

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Obviously this is another stealth task, avoid everyone’s vision as much as possible, and find a storage box.

After completing the unlock, put the confidential file in the box, and then quietly leave.

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《》 starfield

Return to Nengcheng City to find the task of Yimaojin to deliver.

Reward: 3000 gold, 100 experience

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The camp is allowed to.

Pass is the key

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp.

Go to the town of Hopp, Polo Star, and enter the factory of Hope Technology, you will reach the factory area.

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After finding the Captain Security Captain, after talking with him, he obtained his pass by persuading or bribing the bridge section.

(Through the conversation as possible, you will be besieged by a large number of Hop soldiers.)

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After completing the task, return to Imimin to deliver the task here.

Reward: 3000 gold, 100 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Passing from Better


This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp.

This time you need to persuade two special NPCs to make them different from infinity Co., Ltd..

What needs to be specifically explained is that before persuading them, they can get their personality characteristics and personal information as much as possible in advance, so as to better complete the persuasive bridge selection.

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First, read the information of Yimojin’s two people.

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After preparing, first find Zora Adsa and talk to her and persuade the bridge.

As long as you read the information of this person in advance, the blue "automatic persuasion bridge section" will appear here.

You only need to choose to persuade the bridge to pass the plot here safely.

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Then I found another NPC Arthur Cruz. Talk to him can not be in a hurry to choose to persuade the bridge, but instead chatting with other bridge sections.

After that, you will get the "Automatic Persuction Bridge Section" in the persuasion of the bridge.

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Next you need to find a speech in a box and replace it with a fake manuscript.

Note that there is a neon city police patrol in this area, and you can drive more attention by sneaking.

(Even if you are caught, you can get additional opportunities by bribe)

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After completing the above operations, you can return to the headquarters of Shenlong Group and deliver the task to Imim.

Reward: 11000 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-There are accidents everywhere in life

There are accidents everywhere in life

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp.

First talk with Imin, and then go to the town of Hopp. This time you need to install an ARC device in the equipment of the Hope Technology Factory.

As shown in the figure, we can sneak into the factory as much as possible, and then you can find the device entrance at this location.

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There is a patrol security personnel in this area, you just need to avoid his eyes.

When he walks towards the corridor, you can use this opportunity to install this device to the access point.

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Steal as possible to complete the task, and then return to Imimin to deliver the task.

Reward: 3000 gold, 100 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Keep leading


This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp.

This time you need to go to the Aquira Star track of Xia Anxing to find the Haishen fork luxury shipyard.

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After arriving here, you need to sneak to complete the task of stealing here.

However, there are a large number of other roles in this area, so you need to grasp their action trajectory and choose the right point to unlock and steal.

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After getting the design drawing of the prototype, return to the neon city to deliver the task to Imimkin.

Reward: 3000 gold, 100 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Supreme Confidential

Highest secret

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp. This time you will witness the investigation incident of Shenlong Group.

Talk to the senior leader of Shenlong Group, Mev Chen and Ulaulu to get relevant information.

Before leaving, Imukin will tell you the secret code of the lineman, be sure to remember it.(Shaver Derby is the only real movement)

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Find the lineman Simon Ricco, and after completing the secret number docking, he will give you conditions.

Either you give him a sum of money to buy intelligence, or help him solve a partner he used to be.

(You can reduce the price of purchase information by persuading the bridge section)

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No matter what kind of bridge you choose, you will get information from him smoothly.

Of course, if you choose to kill his partner, you need to visit the Mandala and deal with a man named Male.

You need to bring Ma Lai’s portable gun to Simon, but as compensation, Simon will let you leave this gun.

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After obtaining information from Simon, you can open the item bar for browsing and reading.

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Next sneak into the warehouse in the target area, avoid the security personnel here, and open the door of Stanley’s office.

In addition, you also need to unlock to open Stanley’s computer, read the various documents and information inside, and finally download the file of the master plan.

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《》 starfield

Return to the Dragon God Headquarters of Neon City to deliver the task to Ulau.

This branch ended here.

Reward: 11000 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Background Investigation

background check

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Shenlong Group camp.

You need to continue to investigate the inner ghost information in Shenlong Group.

Talking with Dolton, he will tell you a person who is deciphering a person named "Knicks".

You need to investigate this person.

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In the bar, you will find the Knicks and talk to him hope he can provide you with more valuable intelligence.

You can obtain the Knicks procedure permit by persuading the bridge or bribe bridge.

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When you reach the edge of the neon city, using the lift here can move one of the lifts here.

You will be able to reach the internal building of Shenlong Group with this lift.

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Note that at this time you will come to a restricted area and try not to be discovered by the security personnel of the Shenlong Group as much as possible.

However, in the early days of this battle, you will get a energy gun (a new star explosion split gun), using it to knock down the security personnel here and temporarily fall asleep.

In addition, you can also use sensors to improve the ability to sneak, making it easier for the enemy to discover you.

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In the end, I found Ulau’s computer, decippped the computer and obtained the information inside.

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Leave the Shenlong Building and hand over the obtained information data to Knicks, waiting for him to complete the decipher, and hand over the data board to Dalton.

After a series of data analysis, this branch line will end smoothly.

Reward: 6000 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Sinyer

Dragon God Group


This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Dragon God Group.

First talk to Yuzi and start this branch, you need to find the betrayer in the group.

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You can choose to find Benjamin first and ask him to ask for a pass from the evil Jiaga club.

However, he will be difficult for you first. If you can persuade the bridge section, you can get a pass smoothly.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t get a pass, you can sneak into the club from the back door of the evil Jiaga club.

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Sneak asburned as possible through the banned area, and then find Imukin Salzo.

After talking, you need to let her prove that she is innocent, not a betrayer.

(Note the choice of dialogue here, Imin is actually framed, so don’t kill her)

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Next, the nine tails, picked up the data board and pass card on his body after killing him.

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Back to Benjamin, pay attention to the dialogue bridge here, you can choose whether to give him the nine-tailed data board.

If you choose not to give him the data board, then you can bring it back to the Dragon God headquarters and give it to Ulau.

By the way, you can correct Ulau’s negligence, but it is strongly recommended not to conflict with her, and she must not be a real behind-the-scenes traitor.

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Finally talked to Dalton to explain what happened and asked him about your doubts.

This branch will end here.

Reward; 4000 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Key ingredients

Key raw material

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Dragon God Group.

This time you need to find a way to investigate the information of another suspect.

However, due to the increased difficulty of stealth, Yako and technician Venna recommends that you first collect some materials to make "nerve increasers".

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Go to the ship base III-α and find Liancai Station on this planet.

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Clean up the zodiac mercenaries here, defeat the key backbone, and pick up the task items on him.

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Collect data on the nearby AC-1 computers and check the reasons for the cancellation of a batch of goods in the Dragon God Group.

Then you need to read the contract order you just got, the plot is upgraded.

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Go to the interstellar clinic and enter the interior of the medical laboratory through various dialog bridges here.

Here you will find the whole situation of infinite companies conduct human experiments.

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Return to the Longshen Building and deliver the task, you can describe what you see in the interstellar clinic to Yako.

Next, you just need to wait for your teammates to make a nerve megapue. This branch ended here.

Reward: 1000 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Hearting Agent

Dealt with agents

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Dragon God Group.

After talking to Yako, you need to find Dongzhi.

Dongzhi was an employee of the Dragon God Group. He participated in some violations of the interests of the group.

You can persuade him to leave the neon city or solve him.

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Back to the group headquarters to find Dalton, talk to him and ask about the progress of data analysis.

This branch line will end smoothly.

Reward: 1000 gold, 100 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Destruction


This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Dragon God Group.

According to Dalton’s description, various data show that although Ulau and Imukin have major suspicions, they still cannot obtain conclusive evidence.

So you need to continue to find the final behind-the-scenes black hand.

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Go to the conference room and listen to the conversation of the group’s senior management.

At this moment, the nerve increase is already done. You need to reach the laboratory and start trying to use neurotransmal soul remote control of others.

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According to Wiener, after completing the surgery, go above the laboratory across the glass.

You can open the nerve operator, control Demacus and let him get the key card to open the door of the laboratory.

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After you complete the new neurotic operation, return to the conference room and discuss how to sneak into the unlimited group.

Before the last branch task, the author strongly suggested that you read all the dialogue bridges and check the various security and defense measures of the Unlimited Group.

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You can choose how to dive into a solution, no matter which method, it is similar.

First enter the unlimited company and talk to the entertainment staff here (the first plan), and he will let you wait here.

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Next, you need to find the bathroom of this floor. As shown in the figure, there is a ventilation pipe in the bathroom to reach the floor.

Through this area, you can use electromagnetic guns to halo Lucas and steal information on his computer.

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Then use the elevator to reach the roof.

Find another ventilation pipeline here, and you will find a soldier opposite a large exhaust fan.

Use the spiritual control skills to let him close the exhaust fan here.

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After the exhaust fan is closed, you can reach the control room here and open the heating system.

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Back to the floor, the next task is to find the door to the laboratory floor, as shown in the figure.

(Note that even if the heating is opened, there will still be a large number of enemies in the aisle, so as not to be discovered as possible)

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Exploring the laboratory, there will be more enemies here.

But in the end, you will come to Fay’s computer to get the information information here.

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Finally, give all the information you control to Barren, who will help you play all scandals on unlimited companies.

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Return to the Longshen Building and deliver the task to Yako.

Because the stock price of unlimited companies is about to cause bankruptcy, the next is the best time to acquire infinite acquisitions.

This branch will be closed here.

Reward: 11180 gold, 350 experience

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Camp task: Dragon God Group-Administrative Floor

Executive Floor

This branch line is the last branch line of the Dragon God Group, which is also the last branch of this camp.

According to Yako’s description, it is now the best time to acquire unlimited companies, and it is also the best time to produce neurotrans.

You need to persuade the 7 key figures of the board of directors and let them agree with these two requirements of Yako.

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All the conversations are fixed selection answers, and there is not much persuasion bridge.

In fact, at this time, everyone in the Dragon God Group has already had their own choice, and you only need to perform simple guidance.

However, if you find that you can’t change the idea of a paranoid person, you can use nerve guns to forced him to agree to your thoughts.

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Regardless of the final result, you can smoothly this branch.

Reward: 6000 gold, 350 experience

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Camp task: Three-headed alliance-maintenance peace

Three-headed alliance

Maintain peace

You will automatically open this branch from the event of South Gate II.

First come to the Three League district, find Agent Palata, talk to him and agree to participate in the activities of this camp.

As a test test, he hopes you can help him find a package.

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This package is located near a rest pavilion, and you can easily find it.

(Squat down and find the hidden package under the bench.)

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When the package is brought back to the command center, the dialogue is completed and delivered to the package.

This branch line ended smoothly.

Reward: 2000 gold, 50 experience

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Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-Hidden Do not miss

Lianhe Star Defense Force


There are many ways to start the Lianbang Star Defense Force.

The easiest way is to go to the planets, satellites or space stations occupied by the worst battleship.

This will trigger a series of battles, complete a battle, and then land on any planet. You will see members of the colonial star defense team hunting.

After that, you will be sent to the Firefront of the solar system. Here, the commander Ikand will shout you, hoping that you can join his team and become an internal response against the Red League.

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When you can move freely, follow the Star Defense Team Guard to reach the designated area and talk to Lieutenant Lieutenant Topft again.

This NPC will introduce you as a plan to be a dive.

You need to find important documents and deliver them to the Lianxing Star Defense Force, which will trigger another branch of the camp "search evidence".

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Then go to the Trade Authority to find Helsa Baoden.

Talk with this woman, do not use any threat language, should have no effect on her.

Pay to buy information from her, and the plot is upgraded.

After she read the aurora sample, you need to find the potential business partner she mentioned, Adler Kenp.

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After finding Adler, talk to him to discuss business, but you need to help him solve a debtor he hates first.

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Find Karl Philin, who is located on the lower floor of the building, and asked him about debt questions after talking with him.

At first, Carl would pretend to know anything, but in the end he admitted that he had indeed debt disputes with Adler.

You can choose to convince him to take out money, or kill him, or to disappear him as a condition to help him pay off debts.

After the problem is solved, return to Adler to upgrade the plot.

This branch ended here.

Reward: 8300 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-Cainiao See


This branch line is the follow-up branch of the dark red fleet camp.

First go to Muwei Er, find the righteousness here, talk to him and explain your intention.

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After that, you need to manually leap to Muwei Er again, find the Lagana, and try to choose a mild bridge section, so that you can stop on this spaceship.

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Find Dmitry and talk to him how to solve the problem of Austin Leke peacefully.

If you have joined the colonies at this time, you can choose the corresponding bridge to let Austin take the initiative to surrender.

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Exploring the track of Mu Weiji again, you will encounter the hunting of the zodiac mercenaries. After killing these robbers, you will stop on the Yoshida.

Before landing, you can lie to her, indicating that Austin was killed.

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Finally returned to the Lianhe Watch and delivered the task to the commander of the Ikand.

Ikand encourages you to use peaceful methods to solve the matter.

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Finally, go to Xingzhang Station and watch the recruits encountered when they first entered the space station.

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After that, it will continue to explore the entire spacecraft, which will last a long time.

Naidova will introduce you to the layout of the entire space station.

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Finally, I talked with Shen, and continued to follow her to the target position, completed the remaining conversation, and found the boss Delgado here.

You will end this branch smoothly.

Reward: 8300 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-Echo in the past

The echo of the past

This branch line is the subsequent camp branch of the dark red fleet.

First of all, go to the surface of the Suvolov star to find Delgado here. You will understand that Delgado and his men come here to find the legendary "Creska".

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At the deep lock of the purgatory entrance to the map of the map, the Groloba beast encountered during the killing road.

Waiting for Delgado, he will open the door here.

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Enter this abandoned warehouse and continue to kill all kinds of bug monsters encountered.

After talking to Delgado, you will explore the warehouse with his men.

But then Massius will ask you to rebel up the idea of rebellion, you can choose to agree or reject him.

The choice here will not affect the final plot.

In some parts of the following links, Malaysia will also want to win you standing at him and eliminate Delgado at a critical moment.

You can choose to perfunctory his bridge and do not anger him as much as possible.

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Find the conversation of the console, talk to Delgado, and then lift the super control blockade of the console.

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Go to District D and find another console here. After interaction, you can restore the electricity in Area D.

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After leaving the console, find and enter the Done Dittar of not far ahead.

Use the flight backpack to reach the target logo position. There are still many bug monsters in this area, and you need to clean up them to continue.

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After the target building in Area D, Marseis will continue to remind you of his action plan.

You can perfunctory him and continue fighting.

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Find another console again to unlock all the cell door in this area.

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Next, go to the three prisons in District D to release the cell switch here.

Come to the D District 02-106 and 108 here, search for the cell, and find hidden items in the lamp.

Pick up key items documents "plan cannot keep up with changes."

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Then open the switch of another cell, and then pick up another important document "Carter’s job" in the Carter’s storage room in the room.

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Return to the escape channel and find the console here to open the door.

Then push down the loose panel and enter the escape channel.

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Go to the port of the submarine and interact with the walkie-talkie here again to get in touch with Malaysia.

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Finally, it will collapse here, and you need to quickly escape from the tunnel and return to the spacecraft.

But when you are about to leave, you will encounter a large Groliba beast.

You need to repel with your teammates.

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After defeating the giant beast, driving the shuttle boat here and left.

Note that the shuttle boat does not have any weapon systems. It is strongly recommended that you return to some planets with engineers to replace your warships to avoid being able to fight back in subsequent adventures.

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Return to Delgado and Narwa to deliver the task here.

You can choose whether to tell them about Malaysia who wants to rebel.

If you choose to continue to cooperate with Malaysia, you can not disclose the incident first, and then appease Massis.

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Go to the end of the star to talk to Naidova and wait for her in a stool here in the bar.

You will talk to her separately in a hidden room.

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Finally, he returned to the hidden Mars base of Lianhe and reported the progress to Commander Ikand.

As a maker of this plan, he hopes that you can maintain a calm and peaceful attitude as much as possible to deal with every different camp.

This branch will end here.

Reward: 10800 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-Suddenly Entering the Bank

Go to a bank

First, go to the star of the Star.

Find the Evaggeni Rocov here and turn on this task after talking with him.

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You need to obtain important information information from Larry Duming Browki.

However, due to the ordinary commercial ships, this plan should not be caused by bleeding.

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First talk to those who attended the banquet until you ask more clues about Larry.

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At the same time, you can go near the bar to find Hillary Holroke and talk to her about the "transfer trophy".

By persuading the bridge, you will know the whereabouts of the trophy.

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Next, I found the chief flight chief Murata, talked to her, and persuaded the bridge section to inquire about the issue of the savior of the "Earth Savior Talers".

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Return to Hillary Holrok again, talk to her and persuade the bridge.

You will be authorized to enter the room where the savior cup is located, steal the trophy and leave.

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Finally, I talked to Claudia Swist and tried to provoke her relationship with Larry Dumbledoreki.

Get as much as possible to accuse her of accusing Larry.

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Now, you can find Larry Dumbledoreki, sitting on the stool next to him to consume time, and then talk to him.

Every time after consumption, you will get some new dialogue bridges.

If you successfully persuaded Claudia to accuse Larry, then you can threaten him to trade with you here.

As long as you do not choose a particularly aggressive bridge, Larry will reduce your vigilance to you.

Then you can steal the bank voucher and key on his body.

(Or you can kill him directly and pick up these key items he dropped, but that will cause large-scale operations.)

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Return to Yfgenni Rocov to deliver the task.

Then return to the city of New Atlantis, but here you will encounter a series of zodiac robbers ambush.

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Defeat the robbers, check the files in the file library, and upgrade the plot.

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Return to Xingzhang Station and give back to Delgado and Naisova the current task progress.

Afterwards, follow Naidovon to talk alone, and you can deliver the "Earth Savior Trophy" to exchange 3000 credit coins and 150 experience.

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Finally, the progress of the task of reporting to the United Nagnia, this branch task ended smoothly.

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Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-the strongest in the world

The strongest in the world

This branch is the follow-up content of the dark red fleet camp.

First, talk to Naidovo Mora, and plan to implement the next treasure hunting plan.

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Go to New Atlantis to talk to Dai Daiyu and upgrade the plot.

You need help to the Jade Swan.

After coming to this ship, continue to talk to , and then you need to go to SY-920.

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When you come to the SY-920 Space Station, talk to the joint colonies here to upgrade the plot.

You need to find the right uniform to safely pass this area.

This requires you to sneak into this uniform first.

Once you sneak a failure, you will encounter the firepower of the entire space station.

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Finding Major uniforms, it is located in a rest room.

Then talk to Yan to report the progress of the current task.

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Then you need to find an enemy of the space station, get the security password and pass card on him.

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Find the terminal data computer, read all the files (especially the content of the cracked module), upgrade the plot.

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Next, I found Dr. Gabriel to obtain the control center password and the B key card of the mouth of the boat.

《》 starfield

Return to the Xing Key Station to deliver the task. If you trigger the battle on the SY-920, then you need to clean up the Star Allianan forces that are blocked.

《》 starfield

Delivery the task to the, and then found Delgado to report the situation.

《》 starfield

《》 starfield

Finally, return to Lianhe Delivery tasks again. If you trigger the battle on SY-920, then Commander Ikand will be very angry.

However, this branch task will end smoothly.

Reward: 250 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Crimson Fleet-Crime Crimination

Burden on crime evidence

This branch is the follow-up content of the dark red fleet camp.

Go to the neon city of Valith and find Esttel asking her for transmission network technology.

《》 starfield

Find the bar of the bar and ask her about Xiaoshiya Yumei.

Try to get the permissions of entering the box through threat or persuasion bridge section.

《》 starfield

After that, you need to talk to Xiaoshiya Yu Mei to obtain a way to enter the energy facilities that enter Jieneng.

(Try to use the persuasion bridge to avoid unnecessary battles.)

Whether you choose to persuade the bridge (you need to pay an additional large information fee) or attack (or find the handle of Xiaoshiya Yumi), the plot will be upgraded smoothly.

《》 starfield

Next, go to the hidden underground warehouse described by Xiaoshiya Yumei.

Sneak or kill the enemy here to the position of the power core computer.

《》 starfield

《》 starfield

Check the important information in the computer, and then find Brunson Bayu, and get the password of his computer from him.

There will be a story about the grievances between Brunson and Benjamin. In the subsequent plot, you can choose whether to betray Bryson.

《》 starfield

《》 starfield

After getting the password, continue to view his computer and get important data information.

《》 starfield

After getting key data, return to the bar and find Benjamin Bayi and ask him to get the device you want.

However, Benjamin will ask you who leaked the company’s secrets.

At this time, you will have an additional wedding bridge. Whether you keep secrets in Esttel, you need to consider it.

《》 starfield

Return to the Star Power Station to deliver the task to Naidova, and this branch line ended smoothly.

Reward: 14000 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-Eye of Storm


Note that there may be a large number of bugs in this task. Before the start of the task, I suggest you save the game first.

You need to find the Naisova in the Starbar Warfare, and she tells you that Delgado is waiting for you.

(BUG may be generated here. You cannot find Delgado. After reading archives or archives, restart the game and try again.)

《》 starfield

After finding Delgado, first talk with him to get the plot of the exploration treasure.

《》 starfield

Then you need to talk to Jia Si next to him to complete the installation of the spacecraft’s accessories.

You need to choose the bridge section "I want to view and modify my spacecraft" first.

Then select the "spacecraft constructioner" button.

Then drag the cursor to the outer area of the spacecraft, and select the "Add" button.

Then you need to add previous tasks to get secret equipment, select the "transmission network" and "deciphering module" in the "Equipment" column, and install these two equipment on the spacecraft.

(After the installation is complete, you need to ensure that the installation equipment location meets the standard of success.)

《》 starfield

《》 starfield

《》 starfield

After the successful installation is completed, go to Bannok IV and find the legendary treasure fleet according to the prompts of the mission icon.

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After logging in to the treasure, exploring this huge ship, first you need to find the nearby key card, and then enter the control center.

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《》 starfield

Go towards it, open the various spaceships door, and clean up the robots that survive here.

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You will eventually find Jasper Cres, you can pick up his items and the legendary weapons on the console.

What needs to be noticed is that you need to pick up the key recording tape here "Gaixing Treasure Number 011: Waiting for the Game" and "Gaixing Treasure Number 012: Forbidden Return".

You need to open the item bar. After listening to these two recording throughout the process, the plot will be upgraded smoothly.

(If you can’t upgrade successfully, it may be that you encounter a bug, you need to read the game from the previous deposit disk)

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《》 starfield

Next, turn off the electric super control gate knife in the nearby corner.

《》 starfield

Complete the control device operation here, and transfer the intercepted credit currency to the headquarters.

《》 starfield

When the credit currency is transmitted, the spacecraft has a self-destruction mode, and you need to return to your own spacecraft.

Note that you will encounter many toxic areas and being blocked in many places during the way. You need to run to find exports to avoid exhaustion of oxygen.

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《》 starfield

After returning to your spacecraft, the spacecraft leaves the treasure.

《》 starfield

Camp task: Deep Red Fleet-Ending of Heritage

Ending of inheritance

If you and the Star Defense camp have collapsed, then you need to return to the Starbone Station and destroy the Star Fleet here.

Talk to Naidova, she hopes you can protect the three satellite stations around the Star Key Station.

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《》 starfield

The next task is to clean up all the Star Federation guards on these three satellites.

The task is relatively simple, with 3-4 Star Fleets near each satellite.

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《》 starfield

Finally, return to the Xing Key Station, you will face the siege of Singaporean.

In this battle, you need to attack the Star Mother Ship as much as possible, although it is very difficult to destroy.

The other small star ships of the Star Lian will be brushed out infinitely, you just need to avoid it.

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《》 starfield

After destroying or paralyzing star mothership, landed on the spacecraft.

Fighting all the way to the command center, you will face the commander of Ikand.

After completing the dialogue here, no matter how you deal with Ikander and his men, as long as you can convince him to unlocked the self-destructive agreement of the spacecraft, you can continue to promote the plot.

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《》 starfield

《》 starfield

In the end, you can talk to Delgado with Delgado to the Star Key Station and celebrate the treasure ship.

You will get a huge sum, this branch line is ended smoothly.

Reward: 250000 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Zhijie Range

Liberal galaxy alliance


When you first come to the city of Akila Planet, it will automatically trigger a bank robbery here.

This will also open the first task line of the Liberal Galaxy Alliance.

《》 starfield

First talk to Daniel Brak Public Security Officer here to understand the progress of the case.

You need to choose how to deal with this matter, and then talk to the robber inside the bank through the intercom.

In the dialogue, you will have the "persuasion" bridge to use it. It can be successfully persuaded by the persuasion of the bridge (two games in total), which can immediately end this storm.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Back to Daniel again to deliver the task, this branch line ended smoothly.

Reward: 3800 gold, 165 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Deputy Cavalry

Deputy cavalry

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the "branches" of the previous branch.

Enter the Liberal Galaxy Alliance Headquarters and talk to the NPC Emma Wilcokos here. She hopes that you will prove your strength and join the Liberal Galaxy Alliance by completing the daily commission task.

《》 starfield

There are many daily tasks on the taskboard, you can all take them down.

However, it is necessary to specify that the planets where these tasks are far away from the Aquira Planet, so you may not be able to drive there at once (need to jump multiple times).

Upgrade your spacecraft as much as possible or buy a more powerful spacecraft to obtain more powerful transition capabilities.

《》 starfield

After completing any daily task, I found Emma to talk to her again, and she would bring you to Daniel.

After some dialogue, you will get the reward of the team.

Reward: Weapons and clothing (Sagittarius, Xinglian Deputy Cavalry Badge, Sagittarius, Deputy Cavalry Uniform)

《》 starfield

Next, you need to participate in the first case processing and go to the nearby Montera Luna Star’s Vengna Farm.

Talk to the farm owner Mikala Vaerner, she hopes you can help her handle several thugs who recently threatened her at low prices.

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《》 starfield

You need to find the barracks of thugs according to the footprints encountered on the way.

You will encounter many fierce monsters on the way, you can choose to kill them or sneak as much as possible and leave quickly.

(The gravity of this satellite is very small, you can avoid the attack of most enemies through the jump of low gravity)

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《》 starfield

After coming to the camp, you can talk to the thugs here and try to convince him to abandon the plan to acquire land.

(But you will fail the high probability)

If you fail to persuade him, you can defeat him.

Note that the thug leader uses an energy gun, the damage value is high, and the bunker uses to dodge. It is better to use grenade and other throws for counterattacks.

《》 starfield

After defeating the mob’s leader and the remaining members, pick up the important items on it "task completion".

Open the item bar for reading.

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《》 starfield

Finally returned to Mikara to deliver the task, this branch ended here smoothly.

Reward: 7300 gold, 1220 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Daily Mission

Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Daily Mission

1. Kill the captain of the gangsters on McLull I-α

After arriving at this planet, if you cannot reach the position of the mission logo normally, just come here, the task will be completed smoothly.(BUG?)

Reward: 3800 gold, 125 experience

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《》 starfield

2. Kill the illegal gang head on Bojiangz V

This branch requires you to kill a deep-red fleet captain in Varo Star (planet or satellite).

You only need to transition back and forth in this galaxy until you brush out such a spacecraft and kill the captain in the spacecraft.

《》 starfield

3. Rescue the hostage in III in III in Bradley

After arriving at the designated position of the map, you need to paralyze and try to shot down your Starlon Muzi.

Then use this opportunity to launch, and then clean up all enemies in this area.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Note that you need to remove all the robbers on this spacecraft to talk to Captain NPC and complete this branch.

Search for each room of his spacecraft as much as possible.

Reward: 2000 gold, 100 experience

《》 starfield

4. Destroy the captain of the dark red fleet located in Warrow Star

You need to jump to Bojiangz V. If the distance is too far, you can choose to leap forward, but this may increase the probability of encountering the space robbers.

《》 starfield

Here is a small underground base. Pay attention to the strict defense of the base, and destroy the tower as follows and then sneak into the base.

The leader of the zodiac mercenary team that defeats here can complete this branch.

Reward: 2500 gold, 100 experience

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Hope Base

Hoping base

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the "Vice Cavalry" of the Liberal Galaxy Alliance camp.

Return to the camp where Daniel is located and talk to him to explain the treatment of farm incidents.

Next, you need to continue to investigate the employees behind the scene.

《》 starfield

Go to the orbit of Polwell, find Nia Carol’s spacecraft, and stop on this spacecraft.

After exploring, you will find Captain Nia Caru, who will explain your intention to her, and she expressed her willingness to help you.

But first of all, you need to repair her spacecraft.

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《》 starfield

There are several repair points on the spacecraft. You only need to find them and make a simple interaction.

Return to Nia Caru to reply, she will tell you the gangsters to Polwell Star.

(These repair points are located at different levels of the spacecraft)

《》 starfield

After coming to Polwell Star, you will start a battle with the enemy warship and defeat the enemy spacecraft here.

Later, he landed in the town of Hopp, Polo Star.

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《》 starfield

Talk to the NPC Nia here, and then follow her to the upper floor of the building to find Ron and watch the dialogue plot.

This branch will end here.

Reward: 7300 gold, 250 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Shadow in Neon City

Shadow in Neon City

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the "Hope" of the previous branch. You need to continue to investigate the whereabouts of the Space gangsters who threatened the Liberal Galaxy Alliance.

You need to return to Nengomi City and find the liner Jaylen Priece here. Ask him about the sales of stolen warships.

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Then follow him to find his business in Billy Clydon.

Billy does not dare to disclose the whereabouts of the gangsters easily, so you need to help him solve his debt problem first to obtain the exchange conditions.

《》 starfield

You need to go to the Xiegahui of Neon City. After finding the person from the door here, you can directly enter the house by persuading the bridge section.

《》 starfield

Emit, the person in charge of the Xiegahui, and asked him about the information about the stolen gangsters.

Emite is a very tough gang leader, but you can still obtain peaceful trading methods by persuading or helping Billy to repay his debt.

《》 starfield

When you successfully solve the debt problem of Billy, return to Billy again to talk to him as an exchange, and he will tell you that the robbers are important clue characters Grace Elly.

《》 starfield

Find Grace in the bar, talk to her and ask the whereabouts of the gangsters.

After getting important information, return to Aquira City and deliver the task to Alex.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

After delivering an important data board, return to Daniel to explain the progress of the current investigation.

This branch will end up.

Reward: 7300 gold, 250 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Tired of Running


According to the clue analysis of the data board, you will get the position of two suspected gangsters.

First go to Hongli and trace more clues to Marco Grazani.

Talk to Ultra McMilon in front of the bar and ask about the relevant situation.

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《》 starfield

Outm will take you to her lineman to discuss the hijacking spacecraft together.

Here you will meet Jiede. As a smuggling group, she roughly understands the whereabouts of the suspect.

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《》 starfield

But in the end, she will still introduce you to the owner of the Red Lid Restaurant, Mei Divad.

As the boss of the leg runner, she has more information to help you.

《》 starfield

Mei hopes that you can do trade and sale with her as a exchange, and she will tell you the whereabouts of the suspect.

But the premise is that you need to complete her leg running trial first.

《》 starfield

After the stage has gone through a greeting, you need to join the leg running competition. After reaching your destination, interact with the buttons there, and then return to the bar again.

Note that during the way you will encounter a lot of fierce beasts, use your running, jump and jet backpack ability to avoid fighting as much as possible.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

After returning to the bar, I talked with Mei again, and she agreed to tell you the position of Marco.

Talk to Jeed again and confirm the information again, and then you need to go to the Kedos satellite.

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《》 starfield

In the Kos Satellite, you will eventually find Marco.

Talk to him, choose the bridge section that does not start to fight as much as possible to complete the final persuasion, and finally get the encrypted data board on him.

(If persuasion fails, it means you have to experience a tough battle)

《》 starfield

Finally returned to Aquira to deliver the task, this branch ended successfully.

Reward: 7300 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield���

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Precision Strike

Accurate strike

According to the clue analysis of the data board, you will get the position of two suspected gangsters.

You can go to the Star Clinic, where there are more information about patients, and you may find more clues.

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《》 starfield

According to the description of the fleet’s security officer, the captain of a female ship that is compatible with the description may currently be in the ward of the clinic.

Then talk to the technician here, Eric Miller, and ask about the whereabouts of the female suspect.

Because the female suspect has used a pseudonym, it is still difficult for you to judge which ward she is in.

《》 starfield

If you have a technical talent, you can use nearby computer to investigate more information.

This will successfully find the room where the female suspect is located.

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《》 starfield

Next you need to communicate with this again, trying to allow him to allow you to go to the female suspect’s room for investigation.

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In any case, you can eventually reach the ward where the female suspect is located.

Investigate this area and get an important information board from the table. After reading, the plot has been upgraded again.

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《》 starfield

You have obtained very important clues, and the female suspect who is a pseudonym in Maya is in Saharov.

Go there and start investigating a facility.

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《》 starfield

Note that there are many roads that block you, elevators or doors.

When you encounter such an emergency escape door, you can use the cutting machine to cut it, and then continue to enter the room to explore.

《》 starfield

Some floors have a locked safety door. You need to go to the nearby computer-side security valve and release the pressure to open the iron door.

《》 starfield

Finally, you will find Maya Cruz on the ground floor, try to defeat her or talk to her, and ask about the situation of the buyer behind her.

《》 starfield

Back to Alex to deliver the task, this branch line is closed here.

Reward: 7300 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Fen Yongzhong, regard death as home

Fine brave first, treat death as home

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Freedom Star Ship Alliance camp.

Go to the city of Akila and meet with the high-level figures here. Next, you need to go to Big Horing Star II to investigate the waste mine there.

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《》 starfield

When you are close to this planet, you will encounter the attack of the first armored corps spacecraft.

After shooting these spacecraft down, you can land on this planet.

《》 starfield

Exploring the waste mine, there are a large number of soldiers of the First Armor Corps, you need to clean up them and eventually match the quality leader Paxon.

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《》 starfield

Regardless of whether you can reach a transaction with him in the end, this branch line will end smoothly.

Reward: 9600 gold, 250 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: Liberal Galaxy Alliance-Disaster from the Sky

Disaster from the sky

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the Freedom Star Ship Alliance camp.

Go to the town of Hopp and find the science and technology company owner Ron to perform a counterpart.

Obviously, Ron participated in the planet circle plan, and you can choose whether to accept the bribes he gave you or ask him to surrender.

(If you are forcibly required to lead Ron, it will still trigger the battle, you need to solve him)

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《》 starfield

After defeating Ron, he obtained another important clue from a female client Bilgit.

Ron has a two-handed Erana Ernkovo.

《》 starfield

Finally, you can tell Daniel Blake Public Security Officer about Ron Hop.

This branch line will end smoothly, and you will also be promoted to the Star Federation Cavalry. In addition, all the branch content of this camp will end here.

Reward: 2400 gold, 150 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: United colonies-hard work

Union colony

Hard work

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the combined colonial camp.

First of all, the head of the Herager who was a map of the icon was found to talk to him to upgrade the plot.

《》 starfield

Next, go to Tiacang Five II to find the settlers there.

When you arrive here, you will find a wolf borrowing here to find the injured researcher Hadeliang in the food base.

After talking to her, you will know that there seems to be some terrible alien creatures here.

《》 starfield

Use the next device to restore the security system of the Tiancang Gourmet Factory.

《》 starfield

Next, find the livestock tracking system and adjust the radio frequency here to 183.5.

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《》 starfield

Continue to find the defense system in this area and try to restore the three defense systems here.

Note that the opposite sex monster will appear at this time, and the author strongly recommends that you do not conflict with it because you are difficult to defeat it.

Bate as long as possible to complete the "optional" part of the task, so that the weapon defense system in this area will be launched, so that you can have sufficient firepower against this monster.

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《》 starfield

When you make the weapon system, you can find that monster according to the radar wave signal.

Attract it to the area where the firepower is relatively fierce, and then destroy it.

Finally, don’t forget to pick up the samples of the task items dropped on it.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Return to Hudliang here to deliver the task, and then watch the plot. When it completes the extraction of the experimental sample, talks with her again.

(You will get 1900 credit coins rewards)

《》 starfield

Return to the United In colonies headquarters to report the situation with commander John Turara, this branch ended here.

Reward: 3800 gold, 250 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: United colonies-send ghosts to the door

Send ghosts to the door

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the "hard work" of the previous branch.

Going to Mars before, looking for Australian Endubayar, talking to him about strange biological samples.

But he will tell you that he is no longer working here and asked you to visit another colleague Micicho Benjamin.

《》 starfield

When you come to the bar, visit the NPC Andrew Robial, and then talk to the wine Baolu next to him again. He will tell you that he is willing to help you, provided that you need to help him and ask him for debt first.

Continue to visit the surrounding guests and get clues. You will have multiple options to repay debts, which will smoothly upgrade the plot.

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《》 starfield
《》 starfield

You can go to a lock room upstairs first, but you need a master-level unlocking here to enter.

After entering this room, you can change the amount of low debt.

《》 starfield

Next, go to the mines of the same planet and defeat the space robber gang members and the last leader here.

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《》 starfield

I contact Canbridge Curpper again through the intercom. He hopes that you can bring him back a red iron ore sample from the mine.

You need to switch the mining equipment "cutter" and find a piece of red iron ore, and put it into the sample storage column.

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《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Next, analyze the data, wait a few seconds, get the data result, contact Cantabrich again, and get the key on the data analysis machine.

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《》 starfield

Return to the tavern and return the samples to Kanbridge. As a exchange, he will give you a data and you can bring it to Oak.

In this way, you can eliminate debt here.

Return to Lu and explain to him that you have helped him pay off the debt as an exchange, and he will tell you the position of Perisovari. And give you the keys deep in the mine.

《》 starfield
《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Enter the previous mine again. When you come to the depths of the mine this time, you will find Perisovari.

Talk to him to explain your intention, and then follow him into his laboratory.

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《》 starfield

Continue to watch the plot, Perisovari will ask you to ask you about the source of biological samples and tell you some views and guessing of this biological sample.

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Return to the United colony and come to the sixth floor of the building. You will discuss how to respond to this matter with Hardoria and Pericwali together.

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When you come to the Three-headed League, explain your intention to their senior management and choose the intention of the intention you want to cooperate.

No matter how you choose, after the conversation, it will trigger the heterosexual biological attack on the city.

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《》 starfield

Alien creatures began to attack the city’s rail platform.

Note that picking up the designated energy wall weapons above the ground, and then shoot these abnormal citizens.

Doing this can stun them down, not causing casualties.

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《》 starfield

Next, using the urban rail to reach the land port, defeated the alien monsters that are attacking the city here, and finally talked with the Chinese ages and returned to the headquarters to talk to Abasha again. This branch ended successfully.

Reward: 7000 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield
《》 starfield
《》�� starfield

Camp task: United colonies-such friends

Such a friend

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the combined colony.

First find Sam Cole and upgrade the plot with him, and he will provide you with some information about alien strange beasts.

《》 starfield

Next, I found Deputy Minister Elizabeth McCinkle of the headquarters. After talking with her, you will get some diplomatic cards and then conduct the next action plan.

《》 starfield

Finding Avan Jelly Ladykrick and asked her about the files of the prisoners being detained.

Obviously, Ivan Jelin is a relatively powerful woman. You can let her compromise with you by persuading the bridge section (try to choose a strong attitude as much as possible) to let her compromise with you.

Or, you can start with several colleagues around her and get the biological key of Ivan Jelin.

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《》 starfield

After successfully entering the file library, get the file you want, the plot upgrade.

《》 starfield

After the depths of the embassy, under the guidance of the intercom, enter the basement of the embassy.

On the way, you will encounter some mechanical turrets or robots. You can find the corresponding security room in advance and use unlocking skills to make them offline.

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《》 starfield

In the end, you will meet Ambassador Casrik Balmer here and exchange some columns with him, and you will find his interesting life.

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《》 starfield

Follow Balmmer to obtain a few documents for the file library password, and then return to Mcing Tail to deliver the task.

You can reveal to her about what you encounter in Kasrik or conceal her temporarily.

《》 starfield

Enter the archive room and deliver the file you have obtained to the file room, and then you can enter a room with a archive cabinet.

Get the data of the mutant beast here.

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《》 starfield
《》 starfield

Finally, I returned to Mcing Tail to deliver the task. You will meet Colonel Hardor, telling her that you have got the data of the mutant beast.

《》 starfield

McKintele announced that you have officially become a citizen of the United colony, which means that this branch is over, and you will open the next more dangerous follow-up branch content.

Reward: 5000 gold, 350 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: United colony-the demon you know

The devil you know

This branch line is the follow-up branch of the previous branch "such a friend".

Go to the seventh branch to attend the meeting, you will meet Francois Saunn here, he will tell you something that happened to the mutant beast and on that planet.

He mentioned that before he implemented the planet clearance plan, there was a team. The team members may still survive the world, but he has been wandering in the endless starry sky.

He hopes that you can find this person Reikinad Olas, and his ship is called the warlock.

《》 starfield

To confirm what Francova said is true, you can ask McKintel to ask about it.

Later, he found Captain Lena Marina, who was in Chaoxue Station, and talked to her to inquire about the whereabouts of the trick.

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In the end, you will lock the location of the warlock, you can break the spacecraft directly, or you can dry the spacecraft through the electromagnetic weapon and forcibly board the ship.

《》 starfield

In the end, you will get key evidence, return to Francova here to explain the situation, and hand over the ID card to the staff here.

This branch task ended here smoothly.

Reward: 3000 gold, 150 experience

《》 starfield

Camp task: United colonial-war ruins


This branch line is the follow-up branch of the combined colonial camp.

First report the current investigation progress of Hudliang’s current mutation beast.

You can also choose to tell her that you found her cloned prototype Fransova.

《》 starfield

After that, you need to go to the unique salvage company (located in Nirara), find the engineer Jer here, and ask him a robot called "Caesar".

According to his description, Caesar has been paralyzed to the surface of the planet for many days, and it seems to be controlled by others.

You can let him tell you the whereabouts of Caesar (by persuading the bridge section to reduce the payment amount), or you need to find Caesar’s whereabouts on the planet.

For efficiency, the author strongly recommends that you pay for Caesar’s position.

《》 starfield

As shown in the figure, you need to come to Lianheluzuz, where you will find the whereabouts of Caesar.

After clearing the worm on it, you also need to find a micro-honeycomb battery to repair it.

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《》 starfield

I found the engineer Jor again and buy a honeycomb battery from him.

Obviously, you still need to pay a high price to buy this time.

(But you can also choose to save the material by yourself, and then let him help you make one, so the price is relatively low)

《》 starfield
《》 starfield

After getting the honeycomb battery, repair Caesar and tell it to return to Maedevania.

But Caesar is performing the program task, so you need to complete the task to return with you.

Next you need to help it complete its mutant beast cleaning task.

《》 starfield

Follow Caesar to the place where the mission is located. There is a zodiac mercenary camp and a No. 99 mutant beast located.

You can kill the zodiac mercenaries in this camp by sneaking, but it is more difficult. If you can succeed, it means that you can catch No. 99 mutant beasts alive.

Of course, if you fail, you need to kill all the mercenaries and the mutant beast in the camp.

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After completing the cleanup work, returned to Hadrian, this branch mission ended smoothly.

Reward: 8300 gold, 250 experience

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Camp task: United colonies-enemy intelligence

Enemy intelligence

This branch line is the follow-up content of the joint colonial camp branch.

When you successfully rescued Caesar and returned to the camp, reported the situation to Hudliang, and then she hoped that you would go to the planet that the mutant beast was once cultivated and killed the remaining mutant beasts there.

This can prevent them from being used by bad people and harmed other galaxies.

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Because mutant beasts belong to high-care, you need more powerful weapons to fight them.

You can find Gward first and buy some good equipment and weapons from him.

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Next, follow the commander of Hatum into the camp where the mutant beast is located and prepare a fierce battle.

Here you will have the last chance to pick up various firearms and ammunition supplies.

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《》 starfield

After opening the gate of the change of the beast training base, the killing of various small variations appeared.

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Go to the storage room and find additional mutant beasts (note that you will encounter invisible mutant beasts, use the flight backpack as much as possible to land on a higher container)

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Pick up mutant beast samples in each container, and the plot is upgraded.

Sample is handed over to Caesar for custody and analysis.

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Then follow Hudliang to reach an elite mutant beast feeding room. After entering this feed room, it defeated and picked up the sample.

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Next, you need to restore the power of the warehouse area and restart system control.

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Defeat the last powerful mutant beast in Space Port and picked up the sample to analyze it. This branch ended here.

Reward: 9600 gold, 350 experience

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Camp task: United colony-casting inheritance

Casting heritage

This branch line is the follow-up branch content of the combined colonial camp. First talk with the Wavaviseius to describe the battle between the experience with the mutant beast.

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After that, I interacted with the Major Hadeliang, then found the cabinet, and discussed what to do next.

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Through this battle, you will be officially awarded the "first-class citizen" by the joint colonial camp commander.

At this point you will successfully complete the branch content of all the joint colonies.

Reward: 12400 gold, 350 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: scribbled ending

Wali Alpha


When you come to Vali Alpha Star for the first time, you will see the neon city guard at the elevator of the aircraft layer.

After watching the plot here, the activity will be triggered. Next, you can find Neghar in prison. Choose the bridge section that can help him and start this branch.

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《》 starfield

Go to the sleeping cabin and find the administrator Izna Sanda Laraman, talk to her and tell him the password of Needaal’s sleeping cabin.

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Next, go to Nechar’s sleeping cabin C-153, find the box inside, and pick up task items.

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The package will be delivered to Anik Langegrade (hotel owner). As a thank you, he will give you 2000 gold as an in exchange for a box.

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Then go to the warehouse in the evil club, defeat the enemies here and return to Janick to deliver the task.

Reward: Materials (chemicals)*10, experience*50

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Suspicious business

Suspicious business

This branch line is the follow-up content of the "scribbled ending" branch. Annick hopes that you can help him make "functional enhancement 1" chemical agent, which requires the use of planet’s prohibited aurora materials.

First come to the research laboratory to interact with the test table here to unlock this formula (the formula is located in the pharmacological project).

At the end of the previous task, Annick has given you a bunch of chemicals to start formula development.

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Return to Janik to deliver the task, he suggested that you go to the strange fresh fisheries to find a job and use the Aurora Lab there to complete the remaining processing tasks.

When you come to the fisheries of Dizhen, explain to the front platform that you are here to apply, and then fill in the application form from the applicant’s job search machine next to the next side, and then talk to the front desk again. You will be accepted.

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Entering the fishery’s chemical room, talk to the chemist Valentina here, and she will distribute a set of dust clothes for you next.

Instead of entering the workshop, start the operation according to her instructions, and pick up the nearby ingredient resource container materials.

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Put these materials into the machines in the medical laboratory and make "crude aurora".

Then put it into the nearby assembly, and transfer the rough aurora to the fight.

(This operation will determine the rewards you get in the end based on your operation time. The shorter the time, the higher the reward.)

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Next, you need to complete the remaining two groups of production (if the materials are insufficient, you can find materials from the laboratory or buy from the material dealer).

After the work is completed, talk to another female worker in the restaurant, and then it will be related to her plot.

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Return to Janik to deliver the task, you will meet Benjamin Bayou, a well-known local person.

In order not to cause trouble, you will be forced to agree to 20%of the profit in illegal transactions after Jenick.

This branch will end up.

Reward: 5000 gold, 50 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Supply Line

Supply line

This branch line is the "suspicious business" subsequent branch line content.

After talking with Anik, start your daily business.

Go to the "work" to make "rough-made aurora" to make profits.

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Every time you still need to complete the production of "crude light".

Then talk to the woman in the dining room.

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After get off work, go to the trash box to get the rough aurora, and this time your box will be intercepted by the disciples of the neon city.

After defeating them, they returned to Janik to deliver the task.

Reward: 2000 gold, 50 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Balanced Route

Balanced account

This branch can be received from the operation department of the Dragon God Group, and found Rafik Hamza, who was sitting on the sofa on the lobby, and asked him why he was anxious after talking with him.

You will know that he has lost a data board about the company’s accounting account.

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Find the broken Axiang, talk to her and try to return to the data board.

You can donate some money to her and change back to her actively answering bridge.

When you know the position of the data board, you can let her remove the data and then sell them as a waste product or get them back.

《》 starfield

These data stripes are scattered in nearby areas, retrieve them, and interact with Axiang again.

Finally returned to Rafik to deliver the task.

Reward: 2000 gold, 50 experience

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《》 starfield

Wali Alpha Star Branch: Interview


When you reach Neon City, you will automatically obtain this broadcast information branch at a certain stage.

Find the NPC Andersa Santoda, talk to her before going to Bridge to talk, and you will know that this person is the person in charge of the gun club.

Agree to join his gang and start the battle against the disciples.

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Then go to the area of the map logo to find the data board that Briggus wants.

But there are a large number of disciples here, you need to defeat them first.

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《》 starfield

After the delivery task, you get the trust of the gun meeting, you can continue their subsequent lines.

Reward: 3500 gold, 50 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Show the power


This branch line is the follow-up content of the "interview" branch.

After talking with Hayett, the receptionist of the gun meeting, the plot was upgraded after talking with her.

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Then you need to find the corresponding three logo control nodes in Neon City.

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When you find the last logo control node, you will encounter the guards of Neon City, try to use the persuasion bridge to avoid being involved in the battle.

(You can also use the bribe bridge section to pass them away.)

After all nodes were found, they returned to Bridge to deliver the task.

Reward: 3500 gold, 75 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Decisive Battle

decisive battle

This branch line is the follow-up branch of "showing power". Bridis hopes that you can buy decent weapons and equipment and win the main force of the disciples in one fell swoop.

You can first find James Newvir in Neon City, and you need a set of armor here.

(There is a bargaining bridge section of the dialogue plot. Through the bridge section smoothly, the amount of purchasing protective gear can be reduced)

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Return to Bridge to dialogue and choose the attack method.

You need to defeat the main force of the three disciples in the neon city.

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All disciples will appear in the troubled district of neon City, and try not to kill the civilians as much as possible, which will make the neon police get involved in the battle.

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What needs to be specifically explained is that you can negotiate with one of the disciples of the gang head.

You can choose whether to fight the water gun, but the choice here will not affect the subsequent plot.

(You can also anti-water when delivering the task to Bridge))

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Regardless of whether you choose the three teams of the killing of the clan or the anti-water guns, this task will end smoothly.

Reward: 10000 gold, 100 experience

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《》 starfield

Wali Alpha Star Branch: the masses’ mentality

Masculine mentality

Find the owner of Tavin Ansteas and talk to him about "locking".

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Then visit Frank and get more clues about the lock. You can choose to prepare how to deal with the bridge section of the lock to view Frank’s reaction.

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After finding the lock and asking about his extortion of Tavin, you can solve this matter by persuading the bridge or the battle bridge.

After the incident, return to Tavin to deliver the task.

Reward: 3000 gold, 100 experience

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《》 starfield

Wali Alpha Star Branch: Sarabro’s solution

Shatro’s solution

Find Salo Okadipip, talk to him after talking with him.

Shabolo hopes that you can help his small shop to promote and issue leaflets to five merchants in Neon City.

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In fact, it is not easy to issue 5 leaflets, because some merchants are not interested in cooperating with Sabro.

So you can try to choose the merchants who have completed their branch mission, or some merchants who have a gentle speech.

The author’s suggestion is as follows:

1. James Newville

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2. Annick Lang Grade

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3. Dr. Manning

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4. Millieva

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5. Tavin Ansteas

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Return to Shaturo to deliver the task, and the branch line ended smoothly.

Reward: 1300 gold, 100 experience value

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Naked metal

Naked metal

This branch line can be obtained from the equipment merchant Frank Renik, and you need to help him resolve a private dispute.

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Find the warlords and talk to him. You can pay him through his persuasion bridge, or attack him directly, and solve him.

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After solving this matter, he returned to Frank to deliver the task.

Reward: 2500 gold, 100 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Unnecessary secrets

Unbearable secrets

Come to the Starlight Barn , talk to the NPC Manaia here, and open this branch.

You need to help Ma Naya steal a product.

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Come to the warehouse of the map identification location, pick up the data boards of the task items abandoned, and then leave here quickly.

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Give the data board to Corman Lang and eventually reach a deal with him.

Reward: 500 gold

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Return to the hotel, find NPC Mania, and end the branch line after talking with her.

Reward: 100 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Refuction Terminal


Find Dr. Manning and talk to him after talking with him.

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You need to travel to the interstellar clinic and find Abidi Aidin to get the drug supply.

You can directly track this task in the task menu, so that the system will automatically locate the target to the Star Clinic number.

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When you are close to this space station on the front, a "call" button appears at about 1200 meters.

After clicking the call, and when you continue to reach 500 meters, there will be a bomb frame. At this time, click "Stop" to enter the inside of this star clinic.

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Finding Abi Aidin and talked to her, explained to her.

You can try to take away more medicines from her here by persuading the bridge section.

Finally returned to Manning to deliver the task, this branch ended smoothly.

Reward: 2500 gold, 100 experience

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《》 starfield

Wali Alpha Star Branch: Super Fans

Super fans

When I came to the dance floor area, I found NPC Poliad, and talked to her to open this branch.

You need to help her find the lost data board.

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First of all, you need to find the owner of a bar, McKa, and ask her about the whereabouts of the Polya Ludes data board.

(Use paid to buy clues or persuade bridge)

You will know that this data board is taken away by a crazy fan.

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Then reach the next bar, find Scholas who is drinking, and after some questioning, you will know that he does take the data board.

You need to find a way to let him give you the data board. There are two specific methods:

1. Bring him a very aurora

2. By persuading him to deliver the data board by the bridge section

You can save the game here, try to use the persuasion bridge (although there are great difficulty) to get the data board.

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After getting the data board, return to Pooria Los to deliver the task.

Reward: 2500 gold, 100 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: Passing luck

Bad luck

Find the NPC Klove and talk with her after talking with her.

You need to help Clov find a "ex-boyfriend" owed to her debt and try to chase the money back.

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You can first find a diary of Klove (the identification location on the map), and then go to see her ex-boyfriend.

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Finding Sabro Okadipipa, he and he had a good quality and hoped that he could repay his debt.

If you have got your diary, there will be an additional persuasion bridge.

Finally, return to Klord again to deliver the task.

Reward: 2000 gold, 100 experience

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Wali Alpha Star: Everyone is me for me

Everyone is me

Find James Newville, a NPC businessman on Neon Street, talked with him and asked him about the protection fee of Ditrich’s protection fee.

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You can talk to another NPC Rosa Newwell beside him to ask more about the hidden feelings of this matter.

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Finally, I found Detrich Sieghart, talked to him and tried to discourage him not to pay the police station.

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Regardless of whether you successfully persuade the bridge, this branch line will end smoothly.

Reward: 2500 gold, 100 experience

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Wali Alpha Star Branch: No Incest

Without the evidence

Come to a shop called Quikshop and talk to the NPC Catherine Luzong here.

When you come here for the first time, she will refuse to talk to you with a bad mood.

After some time I came here to talk to her again, the change will be successfully opened.

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《》 starfield

Catherine hopes that you can help her investigate the mysterious death of her husband.

You need to visit colleagues and friends of her husband during his lifetime.

Get valuable clues through various purchase information or persuasion bridge sections to upgrade the plot.

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In the end, you will find a key witness Lasi. After talking to him, you can choose the bridge section carefully to get valuable information.

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Regardless of the result, you finally need to deliver the task to Catherine.

You can tell her about the truth about her husband’s death or conceal her truth.

In the end, you can also choose whether to accept the remuneration she gave you. This branch line will end smoothly.

Reward: 2500 gold, 200 experience

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Line: Juno’s strategy

Juno’s strategy

When you arrive near the weaver actress, you will get some distress signals. After connecting and choosing help, you will automatically receive this branch after cleaning up some zodiac mercenaries in this area.

Find the position of the mission identification and enter the mysterious spaceship. On the ship, you will encounter Agent Kimbata, talk to him, and ask how to help him.

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According to the plot, Juno and the Dragon God Group have exchanges, so if you have joined the Dragon God Group, you can promote the plot more smoothly through some dialogue bridges.

By his side is his assistant, Collins, and they are distressed by "losing control" AI system.

You need to help them solve the failure of this AI robot without listening to their command.

《》 starfield

Obviously, Junuo hopes that you can turn off the AI robot system, and this AI seems to "say something", so this will trigger a series of dialogue bridges.

In the end you need to decide whether to turn off this AI system.

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Regardless of the ultimate choice, you still need to carry the two back to the neon city, and this branch will end smoothly.

Reward: 5500 gold, 200 experience

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Line: Fail

Communication failure

This branch line can be automatically obtained when you patrol the space. You need to answer communication information about this branch, and then choose to help them formally open the branch line.

First come to Androoma i and talk to the NPC Albon Lopez here to show that after your intention, he hopes that you can help him reply to the satellite of the galaxy first and get a connection with the family spacecraft.

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All satellites are located in this galaxy, you just need to find their position and repair.

But on the way, you will have a certain probability that you will encounter the space robbers in this galaxy, and you need to defeat them.

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After completing the maintenance, the three major heads of the Peroz family will come to a spacecraft called J. Lemal.

You need to board the spacecraft and try to persuade the three people to fight against the robbers in the galaxy.


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Among them, only Jie Kuilin needs you to persuade will he agree to achieve an alliance.

However, there is a paid bridge in the dialogue. If you have sufficient economic conditions, you can consider paying for her alliance.

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After completing the persuasion of the meeting, the result was told to Albon (note that at this time Albon was still on this ship, but the task target may appear to point to the wrong position).

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Next, you need to clean up the robbers on the Androoma V planet with the Pooriz family.

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When you end the battle, return to the planet base that he just appeared at the beginning, and talk to him to deliver the task. After the plot is upgraded, you need to unite them to destroy the remaining space robbers again.

(Note that the task identification here may also produce an error location, bug)

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《》 starfield

Then go to the robber’s headquarters, renovate the star station, and land there.

Clean up the remaining robbers and leaders of this space station.

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After the task is upgraded, return to the entrance of the space station and find Albon to deliver the task.

(The mission may exist in indication bug)

Reward: 7200 gold, 100 experience

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Line: Prayer


With your exploration, you will have a high probability to get a data board from the space robbers.

After opening the backpack, it will automatically trigger this branch.

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Go to the Five Emperor-1-B, land on the secret whistle station, and start exploring a secret base here.

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The enemies who defeat various mission identifications pick up their stories about "Li Ang" and "tyrant".

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If you feel that this base is easy to get lost, you can go inside according to the yellow cable on the ground.

In the end you will reach a deeper underground.

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《》 starfield

Here you will encounter Levy, and he will provide you with more information about this secret base.

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《》 starfield

Complete the computer administrator here to solve the puzzle (need to unlock the master), turn off the inhibitor, and use the trial field safely.

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In the end, you will find the underground base where the prayer star ship is located.

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Release the star ship launchers and pick up the prayer set (gold suit) in the nearby house.

After returning to the ground platform, this branch line ended smoothly.

Reward: 200 experience, prayer star ship

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Line: first contact

First contact

When you reach the East and Either Stars, you will trigger communication, and this branch will be automatically opened.

You need to land in the Paradise Park of the East II, and then ask the people’s demands.

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First of all, talk to the supervisor of Sugiyama. He will tell you that there seems to be interference signals and spacecraft around their planet recently.

You need to investigate this matter.

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Call and surround the unknown spacecraft in the east phase II, express your intention, and then board the ship to talk to the captain.

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The captain is a woman named Diana Blackenlic. Her troubles are that their clan has landed in the east phase II 200 years ago and settled here for a while.

When their star travel came back, it was found that other humans had occupied the planet here.

She hopes that you can communicate with the person in charge of the current II.

《》 starfield

Back to East and Shangxiang II, first try to use diplomatic means to solve the matter.

You can make some suggestions to the members of the parliament here, but in the end, the plan they give is more difficult to do. You will have the following three options:

1. persuade the Diana family to get their right to settle in the east of the East and II through work;

2. persuade Diana’s tribe to find another planet to settle, but you need to buy a gravity promoter for them;

3. You provide sufficient resources for the Paradise Park as a tribe of Diana.

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In fact, no matter how you choose, Diana will agree with your opinion.

However, you need to find or buy the corresponding resources to complete this branch.

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Line: Infantry

Line: Infantry

When you reach the Niu Xing, you will capture the signal of the Marion soldiers, and he asked you to help him and his team break through from the artillery fire of the zodiac robbers.

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Explore this sergeant base, defeat each layer of the zodiac robbers, and then rescue the members of each team.

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When you rescue Lieutenant Torres and Lieutenant Ming, all the members of the team will gather together to watch the conversation between them.

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Then go to the Institute to kill all the remaining zodiac robbers here and rescue the last group of captured teammates here.

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Then sail the spacecraft into the two satellite tracks of the Morning Star and clean up the remaining zodiac fleets in the track.

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After successfully resisting the last wave of the Yodao robbers soldiers, this branch ended smoothly.

Reward: 5000 gold, 300 experience

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《》 starfield

List of branch lines: camp branch lines-dark red fleet

Branch list

The "Starry Sky" branch content includes three parts: camp branch line, teammate branch line and other branch lines.

Among them, the camp branch line is mainly the process content of several major camps. Completing the camp branch line can enhance the favorability of the camp and unlock some unique weapons and equipment of the camp.

The teammates’ branch line requires the protagonist and teammates to reach a certain favorable feeling before they can be triggered. After completing the teammate’s branch line, you can reach a romantic plot with this teammate.

Other branch line content contains scattered urban branch lines, planet branches and encounters of the line content. Most of them are fixed branch content, but a small part of them require random travel triggers or conditional triggers. In addition, there are a small part of the special branch line that requires players to choose a specific occupation or character characteristics to trigger.

《》 starfield

The camp branch line:

Crimson Fleet camp

Deep Cover

Trigger condition: triggers after being illegally detained for the first time

Location/undertake person: Lieutenant Mars/Topft

Rook Meets King

Trigger conditions: Complete the upper branch line "hidden deep and not leak"

Responsible place/undertake person: Muwei II/Yishen "

Echoes of the Past

Triggering conditions: Complete the upper branch line "Rookie See"

Location/undertake person: Suvolov Star/Delgard

Breaking the bank

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Echo of the past" in the upper branch line

Responsible place/undertake person: Star Sea Demon Star/Yev Geni Rocco

The strongest in the world

Triggering conditions: Complete the upper branch line "Suddenly in the Bank"

Location/undertake person: Mars/Naisova Mora

The strongest in the world

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Echo of the past" in the upper branch line

Location/undertake person: Mars/Naisova Mora

Eye of the Storm

Triggering conditions: Complete the upper branch line "the strongest in the world"

Responsible place/undertake person: Star Key Station/Naidovo Mora

The ending of the inheritance’s end

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Eye of Storm" in the upper branch line

Place of undertaking locations/undertakers: outer space/Narva Mora

Burden of Proof

Trigger conditions: Complete the "ending of the inheritance" of the upper branch line

Responsible place/undertake person: Star Key Station/Naidovo Mora

《》 starfield

List of branch line: camp branch line-Liberal Galaxy Alliance

Freestar Rangers camp

Job Gone Wrong

Triggering conditions: The city of Aquira, the planet of Aquira for the first time, automatically triggers

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Incident

Deputy cavalry

Triggering conditions: Complete the upper branch line "Outside the Branch"

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Emma Wilcorkos

Where hope is built

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Vice Cavalry" of the upper branch line

Responsible place/undertake person: Aquira City/Daniel

Shadows in Neon in neon city

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Base of Hope" in the upper branch line

Place of undertaking place/undertake person: Neon City/Jaylen Price

Tired (on the run)

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Shadow in Neon City" in the upper branch line

Place of undertaking place/undertake person: Neon City/Jaylen Price

Surgical Strike

Triggering conditions: Complete the upper branch line "tiredness"

Place of undertaking locations/undertakers: Neon City/Automatic Trigger

Duke as the first, see the death (first to fin, first to die)

Triggering conditions: Complete the "precise strike" of the upper branch line

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Free Star Ship Alliance Conference location

The Hammer Falls (The Hammer Falls)

Triggering conditions: Complete the upper branch line "Fall from the sky"

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Hopp Town/Automatic trigger

《》 starfield

List of branch line: camp branch line-Dragon God Group

Ryujin Industries camp branch

1. Back to the grind

Trigger conditions: Automatically trigger the voice promotion of the advertising promotion of the Dragon God Group

Responsible place/undertake person: South Gate Er Alpha Star or Neon City/Dragon God Group Job Section Station

2. One step ahead

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch "return to the workplace"

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

3. A New Narrateive

Triggering conditions: Complete the "one step ahead" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

4. Pass is the key (Access is key)

Trigger conditions: Complete the "new story" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

5. Sowing Discord

Triggering conditions: Completing the "traffic is the key" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

6. There are accidents everywhere in life (accounts.

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch line "provoke off"

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

7. Mainting the edge

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch line "There are accidents everywhere in life"

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

8. Top Secrets

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch line "to maintain the lead"

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

9. Background Checks

Triggering conditions: Complete the "highest secret" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

10. Guilty Parties

Trigger condition: Complete the "background survey" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

11. Key Ingredient

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Sin Party" in the previous branch

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

12. Destruction (Sabotage)

Triggering conditions: Complete the "key materials" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

13. Administrative floor (Executive Level)

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch line "Destruction"

Location/undertake person: Shenlong Tower/Imin

《》 starfield

List of branch lines: camp branch line-united colonies

United Colonies

Super Infinite (Supra et ultra)

Trigger condition: The main line plot is automatically triggered

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis City/John Tura

Grunt Work

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch line "Super Infinite"

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis City/John Tura

Delivering Devils

Trigger conditions: complete the "hard work" of the previous branch line

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis City/John Tura

Witnesses (Eyewitness)

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch "send ghosts to the door"

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis City/Hadrian Sa Nong

Friends Like these

Triggering conditions: Complete the "Witnesses Witnesses" of the previous branch

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: New Atlantis City/Arizanda Abero

The devils you know

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch "such a friend"

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: New Atlantis City/Elizabeth McKintel

War Relics

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch "The Demon you know"

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Neira Star/Vee Victor

Enemy Intelligence

Triggering conditions: Complete the "War Relics" of the previous branch

Location/undertake person: Mars/Hudliang Saunn

Casting inheritance (A Legacy FORGED)

Triggering conditions: Complete the previous branch "enemy intelligence"

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis City/Perisoval Walker

《》 starfield

List of branch line: teammates


Divided Loyalties

Triggering conditions: Favorite with Andreya reaches the same level

Location/undertake person: Random location/Andreya

In Memoriam

Triggering conditions: The favor with Sarah Morgan has reached the same level

Location/undertake person: Random location/Sarah Morgan

Promise: Sarah Morgan (Community: Sarah Morgan)

Triggering conditions: Focusing with Sarah Morgan to reach love

Location/undertake person: Random location/Sarah Morgan

Breach of Contract

Triggering conditions: I like the preferred level with the Ballot

Location/undertake person: Random location/Barolot

Atters of the Hart

Triggering conditions: Favorite with Sam Ke reached the same level

Location/undertake person: Random location/Sam Ke

《》 starfield

List of branch line: others (1)


Spreading the news

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Aerospace Center/Tommy Bitro

Distilling confidence

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Aerospace Center/Nisa Makano

Liquid Assets

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Aerospace Center/Nisa Makano

Free wine (Drinks on the house)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Aerospace Center/Nisa Makano


Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: New Atlantis A Airlines Center UC Security Room/Yumei

Keeping the peace

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: New Atlantis A Airlines Center UC Security Room/Yumei

Search and seizure (Search and Seizure)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: New Atlantis A Airlines Center UC Security Room/Yumei

Two Tales, Two Cities)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: New Atlantis A Airlines Center UC Security Room/Yumei

《》 starfield

The Art Dealer

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Aerospace Center/San San Cebrell

Salinas’ goods (A Shipment for Salinas)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Wells/Vesides Salina

Reliable care

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Well District/Talia Ao Shey

Suspicious Activities

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Wells/Treesa Mason

The goodness of Strangers

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Well District/Andy Singh

Tapping the grid

Conditions: None

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Wells/Louisa Rayes


Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Wells/Louisa Rayes

Boots (The Boot)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Wells/Ancenio Biaqiqi

A Light in the Darkness

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Business District/Nadia Mofz


Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Business District/Marcus Losta

《》 starfield

List of branch line: others (2)

Beautiful Secrets

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking locations/undertakers: New Atlantis Business District/Waner Cornell

Due in Full

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Business District/Randri Holfeld

Gem Jealousy

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Business District/Ji Xiaomm Demo

Primary Sources

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Business District/Nadia Mafitz

A parting gift (a parting gift)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis residence area/Zavadi Wade

Terror Brew

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis residence area/Makov Suseland

Companion’s luggage (Companion’s Belongings)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Rest Area/Automatic Trigger

Power from Beyond

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Rest Area/Mirakimir Salle

Transition design (overdesigned)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: New Atlantis Rest Area/Water Stodod

Very different (Worlds Apart)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Rest Area/Barolot

A Tree Grows in New Atlantis

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Cellton Flu Shi

Iso-helplessness (out on a life)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Cellton Flu Shi

Late Bloomer

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Cellton Flu Shi

Olive Branch (Olive Branch)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Nilsh Schraraz

《》 starfield

Preventive action (repeated)

Trigger conditions: triggers after the colonies support

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Vae Victor

Pioneer Fleet: Find Vanguard: Bug Hunt (duplicate)

Trigger conditions: triggers after the colonies support

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Commander Tura

Pioneer Fleet: Vanguard: SAFER SKIES (can be repeated)

Trigger conditions: triggers after the colonies support

Location/undertake person: New Atlantis Central District/Commander Tura

Missed Connections

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Gagarin landing/Heiina Strick

Missed the Mark

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Gagarin landing/Heiina Strick

Sure Bet (Sure Bet)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Gagarin landing/Lizi Ajiro

Union colonies need you!(UC WANTS You!)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Gagarin landing/Ginada Kaipau

Juno’s Gambit

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Tiacang III, Hayam II, Shouza III/Allied Tracking Agent

The Bounty That Got Away

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: Ceidonia/Allies Tracking Agent

Freight FRIGHT

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceidy/Dennis Avinin

Heart of Mars (Heart of Mars)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceedonia/Leila Parasky

Media sponge (repeated)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Ceedonia/Mickey Benjamin

My North Star

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertakes/undertakers: Ceidy/Greatwen

《》 starfield

Excited (psyched)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Ceidy/Geely Son

Red Tape Blues

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceidy/Cui Fu Petaer

Red Tape Runaround

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceidy/Cui Fu Petaer


Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceidy/Cui Fu Petaer

Refurbished Goods (repeated)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceidy/Dennis Avinin


Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: Cydonia/Ridca Owadia

Space Frog from OUTER Space from outer space

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Ceidonia/Renni Serbi

Special Delivery

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Ceidy/Chris Karen

Start-up Stopped

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Cydonia/Jane Willer

Top of the l. I. S. T.

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Ceidy/Phil Il

Top predator (Apex Predator) (duplicate)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertakenor: Celadonia, the Red Devil Headquarters/Pericwalk Valc

Taste of Home

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Demos Constituent/Sandra Fulaton


Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Demos Conestinum/Sales Computer

Brownout (duplicate)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Homeland/Joyce Osaka

Special sauce (duplicate)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: new homeland/Lutase Atlanta

Tourist go home (duplicate)

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Xinjiayuan/Guliana Lakota

《》 starfield

List of branch line: other (3) (finished)

Starsap Tours

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: New Home/Bill Stasa

Re-Re-Application again

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertaking person: Beast Nest/Bastian Graff

Winning Hearts and Minds

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Beast Nest/Owal Romank


Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertake person: Morning Star II, Cattle Galaxy/Space Ship Call

Failure to Communicate

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Brown Star System/Oban Lopez

Dry Dock Blues: Drydock Blues: Stroud-Eklund Staryard)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: Straud Ekonde Conncry/Haval Shawn or selling computers

Dry dock blues: Hope Technology Display Room (Drydock Blues: Hopetech Showroom)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Hopping City/Inaa Lehman

Captain’s Bounty

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Hope City/Adira Fahim

The Akila Run (The Akila Run)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Hop City/Mr. Su De

Beer Run

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Sarah Philben

The Charity of the Wolf

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquila City/Amra Wolf

Protective measures

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Davis Wilson

False positives

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Konie Alpine

Leader of the Pack

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Konie Alpine

Last Will and Testament

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Elias Carter

《》 starfield

Great Laredo Caper

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Annie Wilkos

Blast Zone

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Aquira City/Guda Tatt

Rough Landings

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: Aquira City/Malco Yansen

One riot and one brave (One Riot, One Ranger)

Triggering conditions: After the 4 branch of the free galaxy alliance

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Aquira City/Tiago Monroe

Dry Dock Blues: Drydock Blues: Trident Luxury LINES Staryard)

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Trident Luxury Road Concise/Sales Computer


Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking locations/undertakers: Trident Luxury Road Concise/Gradis Coffin

Everyone is me (all for one)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertake person: Neon City/James Nainer

Hard Luck

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: neon/Corolova McNeton

The audition (The Audition)

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Neon City/Andrew Santoda

Display of Power

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Neon City/Short Ax

The Showdown (The Showdown)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Neon City/Wo Guo Fox

Bare Metal (Bare Metal)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Neon City/Frank Renk

Dry dock Blues: Drydock Blues: Taiyo Astroneering Showroom)

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Neon City/Sales Computer

Dirty Laundry

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertaking person: Neon City/Mania Adams

Loose Ends

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Neon City/Yenick Rog Logdndi

Suspicious business (Fishy Business)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Neon City/Yenick Rog Logdndi

Supply line (SUPPLY LINE) (duplicate)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Neon City/Yenick Rog Logdndi

Mob Mentality

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Neon City/Tevin Anastas

《》 starfield

Saburo’s solution

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Neon City/Saburo Okadipip

Superfan (Superfan)

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Neon City/Random Fan

Book of BOOKS

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Neon City/Rafik Hamsa

Asset management (managing assets)

Trigger conditions: Yes

Place of undertaking/undertake person: Neon City/Zhenzi

Relaf Run

Trigger conditions: none

Responsible place/undertake person: Neon City/Joseph Manning


Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking locations/undertakers: Neon City/Catherine Luron

Doctor’s order (Doctor’s Orders)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Key Star/Samina Mitzra


Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Polima II (orbit)/Wang Dongcheng · Shan Shan

Lost and Found

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Polima II (orbit)/Wang Dongcheng · Shan Shan

Tea theft (Proper Tea Theft)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking place/undertakers: Paradiso/Dirke Hedelston

Last Resort

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Paradiso/Emilian Vasiezku

Wanted Guest

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Paradiso/Captain Sugiyama

Debt Forgiveness

Trigger conditions: Yes

Location/undertake person: Paradiso/Jennite Yang

Escape from the endless voyage (Escape from the Endless Voyage)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: ECS star/Jennite Yang

Family Reunion

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: ECS star/Abel Levitz

Dear Sister

Trigger conditions: Yes

Location/undertake person: New Atlanta, ECS star/Jennite Yang

《》 starfield

Run The Red Mile (repeated)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Red Cheng/Mei Divan

DEAD Stop (Dead Stop)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: Kandera II/Grig · D. Angeolo

Ghost Hunt (Ghost Hunt)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Kandera II/Slonan Tamitop

Exorcist (Exorcism)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Kandera II/Slonan Tamitop


Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Kandera II/Slonan Tamitop

Star-type action

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Karu Budis III/Seeking help signal

Secret Lives

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Karu Budis III/Wyatter Up

Ending (Infinity’s End)

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Scorpio/Hunter

Mantis (Mantis)

Trigger conditions: none

Place of undertaking/undertakers: random/random death space traveler

Ship Racing

Trigger conditions: none

Location/undertake person: Random/random encounter

《》 starfield

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