The number of players carried things in "Wilderness 2" is limited. The backpack is full of things that can’t be taken down. How can the backpack capacity be upgraded and what materials are needed?A list of full-back upgrades shared by the article "Angry Hippot", let’s take a look.


List of full backpack upgrade materials


Effect: Add the upper limit of all types of supplemental types of purchasing and production

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Ski, 1*Perfect Gong Deer Skin, 1*Perfect Elk Skin

Raw material backpack

Effect: Add the upper limit of the portable material for the production of supplies and supplements

Unlock requirements: Take 5 animal corpses to Pilson

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Ski, 1*Perfect Skin, 1*Perfect Squirrel Skin

Tool backpack

Effect: Add the upper limit of all commonly used tool types

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Ski, 1*Perfect Elk Skin, 1*Perfect Shan Lion Skin

Supply backpack

Effect: Increase all the upper limit of the supply type of suppliers purchased from the store

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Skin, 1*Perfect Wild Crucher, 1*Perfect Raccoon Skin

Material backpack

Effect: Add the upper limit of the most edible materials that can make different items

Unlocking requirements: Make three items in the sentry camp fire (you can make or cook in the post fire at the post fire)

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Ski, 1*Perfect Wild Pig Skin, 1*Perfect iguana Skin

Valuable backpack

Effect: Increase the upper limit of the type of valuable items that can be sold and monetized

Unlock requirements: donate 50 US dollars to the camp (only accept cash, donate equivalent is invalid)

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Ski, 1*Perfect Beippi, 1*Perfect Rabbit Skin

"Eastern Legend" Backpack

Effect: greatly increasing the upper limit of all the types of items

Unlock requirements: make all other backpacks

Formula: 1*Perfect Deer Ski, 1*Perfect America Lion Skin, 1*Perfect Wolf Skin

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