Although the mission in "Wilderness 2" is more free, if you want to get the gold medal, you need to complete the additional conditions of the task. There are 70 gold medals in the game to get it. It is not easy to get all. Bring a full mission shared by "liusutai719" to get a gold medal guide, let’s take a look.


Full task to get the Gold Medal Guide

Chapter One

4 gold medals

Task: Deadly from the West

Requirement: No injury during gunfire

Search for more than 6 items from Adele Ranch

Completed at 80%hit rate

TIPS: Just shrink and fight. The enemy stared at the NPC. There was no difficulty. Strive for the 100%hit rate. Don’t think that 4 shots of 5 guns are 80%, very fascinating.

Task: Drived to enter the field

Requirement: Kill all wolves without any damage

Completed at least 80%of the hit rate

Tips: When 3 wolves appear, run in the direction of the wolf, be sure to ensure 1 shot, 2 rounds of bullets, run into the bullet, and the last one wolf cannot keep up with you. Use a gun, kick with a horse.

Task: Haller Yu Bo

Requirement: One arrow shoots every deer

Don’t scare any deer

Kill the second deer cleanly

TIPS: The first one is not difficult. The second one is not to find the two on the other side of the river. You can see the separate one on the side of the river.

Task: Develop to the east

Requirement: When entering the horseshoe iron platform, take Harveil take away

Complete the task within 6 minutes

TIPS: No difficulty, the carriage has no physical strength, walking straight, Harville will appear when it comes.

Chapter two

Chapter two

15 gold medals

Task: Who is not guilty

Requirements: Win 2 Texas Hold’em

Take a priest back to the camp within 2 minutes and 5 seconds.

TIPS: When playing cards, the first inning will win, the second inning will give up, and the third inning will win. After the priest is rescued, the timing starts. There is no problem with this route. You can use automatic ways to find a path. There is no difficulty.

Task: The damaged self-esteem expels exiting retirement

Requirement: Track the bear within 1 minute and 30 seconds

Fight more than 6 times against bear

Complete the task within 12 minutes.

TIPS: There is no difficulty in chasing bears and shooting. It may be more than 12 minutes of stuck. When you can save time, you can hit the rabbit when you see the rabbit. Regional search. When you ask if you are searching for or bait, I choose a separate search. I will trigger it when I run for a while. I feel faster, and finally choose to go back together.

Task: Valentay’s style of social gifts

Requirement: Send the lost horse back to the master

Find Karen in 45 seconds

TIPS: Karen is on the right side of the hotel on the right of the hotel, just rush up.

Mission: Americans’s daily life

Requirement: Rescue Harveil in 15 seconds

Defeat Tommy in 1 minute and 30 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty, just fight normally.

Task: usury and other crimes (3)

Requirement: Complete the task within 2 minutes and 10 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

Task: The real price of the goods is real snake oil

Requirement: Do not let Bennyk Ob Leit fall from the cliff

Tie Ob Leit in 1 minute and 15 seconds

Send Ob Leit back to the sheriff within 1 minute and 30 seconds.

TIPS: When you start riding a horse, you can use the automatic way to find mode. Once you change the lens, you can catch it with a rope. There was no problem at the beginning of the route to get back, and you can go straight to the flat ground.

Task: Visit Old Friends

Requirement: quietly kill 4 Odreiskore members

Reach 12 headshots to kill

Completed at least 80%of the hit rate

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: 1 person who peeed at the beginning, one of the two people chatted, 1 person sitting in the front tree stump, and one person sitting on the left hand, 1 person who patrolled the left hand can be assassinated with a bow and arrow headshot. This is the first. One requirement is completed, and there are 5 headshots at the same time. The early dead eyes are not easy to use, because there are two problems with the hit rate and the headshot, so it is better to use a bad person to take a little headshot. Of course, you will use it. The dead eye medicine is absolutely enough.

Task: We really loved (3)

Requirement: peaceful persuasion of the Saint Turtle Nians asked you to take Jamie away

Send Jami back to Mary in 2 minutes

Tips: When chasing Jamie, please guarantee that you do n’t need to get the core physical strength of the horse. You must follow up. As soon as Jami goes on, you can go straight.

Task: Quiet time

Requirements: Try to rebuild the old opponent

Catch the clouds that overwhelm the rain and rain

Not arrested

TIPS: Old opponents refer to Tommy, eating on the table, and talk to him until there is no prompt, you can take a look, and you will immediately check. Lanny is the last right hand on the second floor. If you go before, you will find another pair. Press the block when the arrest is not arrested.

Mission: American spine

Requirement: Search for all items from Camore Dell’s house

Don’t be discovered

Send the carriage to Emma Luo Ranch in 1 minute and 10 seconds

TIPS: Choose to wait until the evening, two people in the house are sleeping, you slowly search, and finally the carriage goes straight, just accelerate all the way.

Task: In the front, it will be behind

Requirements: Harvey quietly killed the bounty hunter by the river

Shooting the rope release Shang En

Reach 10 headshots to kill

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: There is no difficulty, just hit it as required, the enemy is enough.

Task: Pour out the oil (2)

Requirement: Send the carriage to the designated place within 1 minute and 45 seconds

TIPS: At this time, the carriage was in a place with guards. It was actually enough to run away. It was only because of the guards that it was difficult. In fact, when you saw that there was a guard, you would be reset. Then go straight.

Task: The fisherman of the person

Requirements: Fishing in 1 minute and 30 seconds after arriving at the river

Complete the task within 7 minutes and 20 seconds

Tips: There is no problem with fishing. You can collect the fishing rod to wait for Jack to do something in the first fishing, and then trigger the plot and go back to the camp.

Task: Pour out the oil (4)

Requirement: Kill all train guards before Shangen shoots

Search the luggage compartment to the empty

Escape the hunting of law enforcement units within 1 minute and 30 seconds

Kill 10 people in the eyes of death

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: This difficulty is killing 10 people with the eyes of death. It is not difficult to reworch. In fact, when acting with Sean, although the dead eyes are used, it should be killed. At this time, the dead eyes have been upgraded., Can be marked automatically. When searching, there is a cigar in a cabinet, and there is a bottle of dead eye wine opposite the cabinet. These two things are definitely enough to kill 6 people. Just run northwest when you escape.

Task: surprisingly benevolent

Requirement: The captive is sent back to his family within 1 minute and 40 seconds

Reach 5 headshots to kill

Completed at least 80%of the hit rate

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: The difficulty of this is to send the captive back. First of all, according to the position of your final horse, you will marked the possibility of two lines on your own. You will appear on the right side to the river bank. And don’t jump. In the early stage, you can follow the straight line according to the instructions.

Task: Gentle people are blessed

Requirements: When escape, kill all horse riding law enforcement officers in 55 seconds

Reach 15 headshots to kill

Completed at least 70%of the hit rate

The task is not completed without any supplementary life item

TIPS: Don’t ride with McCar to ride a horse, first stand in place to find a bunker station, try not to use the dead eyes (complete 55 seconds to kill the police when you run after the road)

third chapter

third chapter

13 gold medals

Mission: Reflection of women’s autonomy

Requirement: Remove Reimen predators within 1 minute

Reach 5 headshots to kill

Completed at least 85%of the hit rate

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: There is no difficulty in the whole process, and it is easy to cooperate with dead eyes.

Task: Emerging South

Requirement: In the absence of being hit

Seize Andes Anderson in 5 minutes and 30 seconds and send him to prison

Fishing with Deqia and Hecyia

TIPS: The difficulty is that it is not injured and fainted. It is very simple. Press the triangular card throat first, then L3 fell to the ground, and the circle ended 3.

Task: True Love (Two)

Requirement: Meeting with Penniloo without being witnessed

Complete the task within 3 minutes

TIPS: I have no concern in the early stage, and it doesn’t matter if the core physical strength of Feima consumes Ma Ma. When I arrived at the warning area, the speed ran over, the route was not complicated. After the plot of Penoniropp, there was a horse next to it. The area is complete.

Task: True Love (3)

Requirement: Complete the task within 4 minutes and 15 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty

Mission: Emerging American Art: Advertising Industry (2)

Requirement: Killing 5 Reimen predators in the tavern

Completed at least 90%of the hit rate

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: There are 5 dead eyes, and you can go to the second floor to save Hecia. The remaining is a bit stable. Basically there is no problem. Don’t wave.

Task: Magician Da Da Shi Weimi

Requirement: Check all the clues in the caravan carriage of Treluni

When tracking, keep a distance of less than 30 feet from Treloni

Within 1 minute, kill 2 bounty hunters in the corn field

Complete the task without using the task to supplement the value of life

Tips: There are 3 clues in the carriage. When tracking, as long as you do not go wrong, there is no problem. In the corn field, there is a bounty hunter on the far left and the bottom on the right. You will come out blindly.

Task: Tobacco fun

Requirements: Halliness killing the people who were attracted to the attention in the car garage house

Fall the wine in the field within 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Killing 5 Gray when you escape

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: Pay attention to the position when pouring the wine. It is sufficient to be near the two fields. One piece is immediately good. The patrol people are basically blind, and the time is plenty of time. There are only 5 enemies in total when they escape. Shangen’s land gun battle is not good. It is unambiguous to grab you immediately. You can’t walk with him, but you can’t go too quickly to abandon him. When he is about to jump from the carriage, you can escape quickly. With the dead eyes, 5 enemies are very easy.

Task: Grassroots Friends

Requirement: Complete the task without being witnessed

Complete the task within 8 minutes and 10 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty

Task: Horse meat dinner

Requirement: Kill the horse that is showing the horse

Catch the seeds in 10 seconds

Reach 5 headshots to kill

Tips: Under the eyes of death, 5 headshots are easy to kill. When you see that there are no enemies, you are parallel to the black horse on the right. Once you are prompted, you can ride directly on the black horse.

Task: He goes to preach understanding

Requirement: Use sniper guns to kill 10 Roman predators

Complete the task within 11 minutes and 30 seconds

Completed at least 70%of the hit rate

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: No difficulty, no problem in time, you don’t need to discuss with Lamney, just shoot.

Task: Doma? Back to Momora

Requirement: Search all the safe

When riding and escape, kill 5 law enforcement officers when they escape

Arrive at Tangnes Ranch in 1 minute and 55 seconds

Completed at least 70%of the hit rate

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: The safe unlocking is very simple. The headshot and hit rate are not difficult. The only thing to pay attention to is that when you escape, do not let the horse use the core physical strength. In the end, the train can be kept a little before. There is no pressure throughout the process. Do not press it. Finally, you can go to the ranch according to the route. There is no close way. If you walk near, you will die. The last road can be copied.

Task: Blessed people with harmony

Requirement: Break free from yourself and perform surgery for yourself within 1 minute

Return your weapon in Odreiskor Camp

Kill the Oderskore of Killing and shooting you

Escape from Audriskor’s camp without witness

TIPS: When shaking, it is prompted to press. Kill with a flying knife later, kill it with aiming, do not have to look at the head, do not wait for stability, but wait but wait. Finally, you can escape safely along the river bank.

Task: Battle of the Bulin Beauty

Requirement: All Roman predators from the tree-lined beauty

Clear the two corpses of the tree-lined beauty within 1 minute and 40 seconds

Complete the task within 11 minutes

TIPS: There is a predator who is a predator to sleep on the bed. Remember to kill it. Others are not difficult.

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

11 gold medals

Task: The fun of civilization

Requirement: Grasp him before the street urchins come to the market

Complete the task within 5 minutes and 30 seconds

Tips: Capture in front of the market in 5 minutes and 30 seconds. In fact, there are only one place to catch it. After being stolen by the child, it didn’t matter if he was running wildly, it didn’t matter if you spent the core physical strength. After turning on the right, there was a horse. Ride on the tram and walked on the road. You can restore your physical strength on the road. After getting off the horse, follow the child, go left and go straight and rush in and go directly into directly. The arched door, hold the circle at this time.(Another way of fighting: After the horse is off the horse, follow the running. After the child hit the carriage, follow the carriage into the alley. Then do not chase him to the right, turn to two low walls out of the iron door, wait for him to come out on the left side of the outside. Capture directly, more secure.)

Task: Help brother

Requirement: Do not threaten the shopkeeper and find the captive

Complete the task within 2 minutes and 45 seconds

TIPS: After entering the black shop, just go directly to the bookshelf to damage.

Task: Brothers and sisters family

Requirement: Find a child in 19 seconds

TIPS: After running out, go to the road to turn right and turn right, just run away.

Task: Father and other dreams (2)

Requirement: within 1 minute and 45 seconds, chase the carriage and bring it to a hidden place

Go to the theater with Mary

TIPS: No difficulty

Task: Gold-plated cage

Requirements: When the party is on the party, pour some wine, appreciate the wearing of guests, accept gifts and save people’s life

Follow the servant without being found

TIPS: When Deqi asked you to find the mayor, go down from the right. At the place near the middle channel, there are 3 ladies who can pour them for them. Then there was a woman with a feather hat in front of the performer, very conspicuous and appreciated her hat. Then I walked forward and saw a person with a high hat hats stuck, helping him to save him. Finally, there will be a ticket to your theater to get a gift to get a gift.

Task: No, no, just don’t want

Requirement: In the chasing battle, the two men who personally killed Formman personally

Completed at least 90% of the hit rate

TIPS: No difficulty

Task: Mourning a good night

Requirement: Win the Texas Hold’em Playing Board without the assistance of Steraus

Escape Youya within 35 seconds after the whereabouts

Reach 5 headshots to kill

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: Abandoned in the first inning, in the second inning, all the third innings are bet. After the whereabouts are exposed, remember to use the headshot of the dead eyes, and it is fast. If you hit it a few times, you will be familiar with the journey. Five headshots are enough. It seems that it will trigger the boat jump area. Time is enough.

Mission: Father of the United States (2)

Requirement: Hide in the carriage and sneak into the factory

Arrived from Danbury’s office without being discovered

Kill all the pursuit of horses when escape

Completed at least 80% of the hit rate

TIPS: It is very simple. Do n’t shoot guns when you escape. When you hiding in the bunker, you can run to the flying eagle. When you ride, your eyes are headshot.

Mission: Apocalypse Knight

Requirement: Fire at them before the people on Odreiskore got off the ship

Use only portable weapons to complete

Completed at least 70% of the hit rate

Reach 15 headshots to kill

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: First of all, please pay attention to use portable weapons. Do not use dead eyes in the early stage. The dead eyes are left to the people on the boat. When you go to save Mrs. Arider, just wait for the shore to wait. 15 headshots are enough.(From here, I started to like Mrs. Arider, and I think her combat effectiveness can be ranked first !!!)

Task: The fun in the urban area

Require every customer in the rail trail station

Kill 10 law enforcement officers on the tram

Do not let any law enforcement person jump behind the carriage

Fire shooting as explosives thrown

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: The only difficulty is to kill 10 people on the tram. Remember that at the beginning, the people were killed with dead eyes and turned too fast. Your pistol was not necessarily dead. On the balcony.

Task: The sweet taste of revenge

Requirement: Search for every room in Bronte Mansion

Bring Bronte with a small boat in 1 minute and 30 seconds

Reach 20 headshots to kill

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: Before entering the Bronte Mansion, there will be some corpses before finding Bronte. Please search carefully. There will be dead eye medicines to ensure that you are full after finding Bronte. The route, the dead eye head of the law enforcement officer.

chapter Five

chapter Five

2 platinum

Task: Dear Uncle Tetas

Requirement: Leave the tree-lined beauty without being discovered by Ping Keton

Complete the task within 8 minutes

TIPS: Beautiful music !!! Please take the headset for the first time. When you rewrite the horse, you can ride in front of you, just walk the straight line. You can arrive in 5 minutes, and then go directly to the right-handed table on the first floor to get a letter, and then trigger the plot. When the first person walks the door, you can get from him from him. When I came out, the others were blind, and the horses on the upside were just running, and there was the plot route behind.

Task: Life Tibetan Road

Requirement: Complete the task within 3 minutes and 5 seconds

TIPS: The original road can be completed.

Task: Welcome to the New World

Requirements: Do not lag behind when they are working with the criminals

Reach 10 headshots to kill

TIPS: At the beginning, take the initiative to follow the team and not be involved. EssenceEssenceLater, 10 headshots were aimed at the fight because you basically did not die. Try more opportunities.

Task: Barbaric liberation

Requirements: Release all workers in 4 seconds

Complete within 5 minutes and 40 seconds

Reach 8 headshots to kill

TIPS: At the beginning, guarantee that you can get yourself on the ground in 10 shaking chairs, and then immediately take the round of the circle to drop the guy, otherwise the time will not be enough. After that, he tightened him all the way. When he arrived at the sister-in-law’s hand, he had to remember to open his eyes and aimed at the hand of the sister-in-law and three ropes at one time. This could release the worker in 4 seconds. After that, just aimed at it, it was not difficult.

Chapter Six

Chapter Six

9 gold medals

Task: Do not seek forgiveness (1)

Requirement: Complete the task within 1 minute and 20 seconds

TIPS: Triangle card throat, L3 press, three circles, easy to get.

Task: Do not seek forgiveness (2)

Requirement: I found Eidith Tang Ensi in 1 minute and 10 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

Task: True Love (5)

Requirement: When they chase the train, they killed 5 people who killed 5 Bryat White

Complete the task within 7 minutes and 30 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

Task: Furious

Requirement: Flowing 2 soldiers on 2 boats

Gather the horse and arrive on the shore within 1 minute and 30 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

Task: Novice Getting Started: Archeology

Requirement: Retrieve the sacred object without being found

Retrieve the sacred object within 1 minute and 30 seconds

TIPS: You can use it here, and you must return to the horse in about 1 minute and 10 seconds. If not, you can reset it. After the resettlement, the horse is not around. You are running down and calling the horse. The horse will help you lead the enemy away. The time is absolutely enough.

Task: Theft is also a way

Requirement: See the vaccine without discovery

Complete the task within 5 minutes

TIPS: Time is a bit tight and cannot be mistaken. After the plot is triggered, ride a horse immediately from your right hand to the mountain, rush directly, and wait for the carriage to accelerate, and then press the box to jump on the carriage in parallel. You need some proficient operation, it is easy to run through the discovery or cannot keep up with a waste of time.

Task: Widow, Mrs. Cydisa (2)

Requirement: Sniper in the barn of the headshot

Take the barn without any damage

Complete the task within 5 minutes and 30 seconds

TIPS: Mrs. Arider will help you attract firepower. You can not be injured in the early stage. Do not use dead eyes. Searching is not suitable. When entering the barn, please squat down into the fence bunker on the right hand. There is an enemy in front of the bunker, and then there should be two when other enemies come upstairs. There should be two. You can see the opportunity.

Task: Fan Horn’s fun

Requirements: Use a sniper rifle headshot to kill 5 soldiers

Completed at least 85%of the hit rate

TIPS: There are only 5 people to fight you, and 4 people are killed, and one of the remaining one will run away. So when you fight like this, the first 5 people are on the carriage 2 people, one on each carriage, one person in front of the carriage, first of all, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first. The person on the right side of the carriage, this person can only see the upper body, kill dead eyes, and then kill the person in front of the carriage, kill the eyes, the rest will hide behind the box, but the head is exposed, don’t use it, don’t use it. In the dead eyes, after four people, the dead eyes sniped away.

Task: Bridge to nowhere

Requirement: Install explosives within 1 minute and 35 seconds

Avoid the trains from driving in 19 seconds

TIPS: Put the nearest explosive first.

Tailing (1)

Tailing (1)

10 gold medals

Task: The joy of the "wheel"

Requirements: Arrive at the fork-horn ranch without dropping any goods

Retrieve the carriage in 1 minute

TIPS: No difficulty.

Task: The beauty of ordinary life

Requirement: When squeezing milk, it is filled with a barrel in 10 seconds

Complete the task within 5 minutes and 15 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty

Task: Novice Getting Started: How to farn

Requirements: Repair the first fence in 1 minute and 30 seconds

Don’t be knocked down by the bull

TIPS: There is no difficulty. As long as you are not knocked down, there will be a loss of one time. You will have early action in the cow. Just see the running away.

Task: Novice Getting started: How to be Father

TIPS: Make Jeremiah exhausted in 45 seconds

Feed Yelimi to eat snacks

Teach him to ride when Jack is not thrown by the horse

Winning the Riding Back Horn Ranch Ranch

TIPS: There is no difficulty. Remember to let the horse run away and feed the horse to eat. It was fed immediately from the backpack. There was an apple.

Task: Old fault

Requirement: I defeated the Ralemi Gang without being hit

Defeat Ralemi Gang in 25 seconds

TIP: Triangle lock throat, L3 is poured, and three circles are done.

Task: Gim Milton’s strong return?

Requirements: Double-holding portable weapons kill 10 people

Reach 15 headshots to kill

Complete the task without using any supplement to the value of life

TIPS: No difficulty, please remember the double-holding portable weapon !!!

Task: Fool Getting Started: How to be Father

Requirement: Kill all 3 enemies in the eyes of death

After the confrontation, return to the fork-horn ranch in 1 minute and 30 seconds

TIPS: John has 1 bottle of eye-catching medicine and takes medicine before killing. This is very tight for 1 minute and 30 seconds. When you see a large purple sea of flowers, if you have exceeded 1 minute and 15 seconds, I recommend resetting it. There are no near ways, there are trees in the road, but the handling is not easy, but it is slow.

Task: Mother

Requirement: Complete the task within 1 minute and 30 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty

Task: Youwa and bad matters

Requirement: After arriving at Shizhu Li, find the reward target in 30 seconds

Captured and the reward target was caught within 1 minute and 15 seconds after jumping on the horse

TIPS: Go directly to the 2nd floor of the hotel to find the target of the reward. When you jump from the balcony, you can jump directly to the immediately. When the target of the reward is broken, please open the dead eyes and use a portable weapon. Hit, the horse fell, and there was a chance to fall to the ground for the reward target. It can be reset anyway, just try it slowly.

Task: House of Heights?

Requirement: Complete the task within 2 minutes and 30 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty

Tailing (2)

Tailing (2)

6 gold medals

Task: Do not know each other

Requirement: Find Charles in 1 minute and 50 seconds after arriving in Santani

Kill all Guado Mattille in 10 seconds

TIPS: You can’t go directly to the location. You must go to the tavern to trigger. As soon as you enter the tavern and talk, you can go out. After that, you will leave after the horse. There is no difficulty killing with dead eyes.

Task: Novice Getting started: home renovation

Requirements: Complete the task within 18 seconds

TIPS: The mission of super boring, I pressed my own unsuccessful, and used the continuous handle to easily get it.

Mission: New Jerusalem

Requirement: Nail with a hit rate of 80%

Complete the task within 3 minutes and 35 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

Mission: Super Bastard

Requirement: Fire 4 times when Xiong Chong attacked forward

In the eyes of death, kill 2 hostile bounty hunters

Complete the task within 7 minutes and 15 seconds

TIPS: Time is a bit tight. Where you save time, one is when you look for a corpse, just at the nearby house, go directly, and you just see the two people on the opposite side.

Task: continue to work hard

Requirement: Fishing to a fish

Complete the task within 5 minutes and 20 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

Task: The new future of imagination

Requirement: Complete the task within 7 minutes and 30 seconds

TIPS: No difficulty.

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