The legendary animals are distributed throughout the map in "Wilderness 2". If you want to hunt all the legendary animals, it takes a lot of time to effectively save time to hunt these legendary animals."Ekko" shared high-efficiency hunting legendary animal route strategy, let’s take a look.


High-efficiency hunting legendary animal route strategy

First of all, we will always have a look at the legendary animal distribution map:


In the early stages of the game, the area where we can reach it without much effort is Blackshui Town as the boundary. Therefore, except for the fork-horn, the American lion and the bison, most of the legendary animals can be hunting. Because legendary animals do not have the concept of leather, the corresponding difficulty of hunting is reduced. But the transportation of the fur has become the top priority. Although even if the fur drops, the player can still use the fur with fur at the orc, but the value of the fur itself is still very high, and it is a pity if it is dropped. Many players opened the nearby hunter’s relationship because they only opened the legendary animal in the early stage. After that, every time the hunting was hunting, the fur was often lost due to emergencies.

In fact, there are far more than one hunter in the game.

The picture below marked the location of the four hunters we can go in the early stage (there is one place in the New Ottin District, but it can’t go in the early stage):


Near the position of the legendary Grizzlies, near Annesburg.


The hunter in the northwestern part of Strawberry, pay attention to that there are American lions nearby, be careful.


On the hillside of Reggis Station.


Santa Danis City’s physical store.

In this way, we can send it to the nearest hunter’s place after hunting according to the legendary animal coordinates. And the legendary animals that are far from the legendary suburbs are far from which hunters are far from. We can ride to the surrounding Rhodes town and then take a car to St. Daniel.

By the way, when it comes to Rhodes, the black market near Rhodes is also an important part of hunting. If making clothing at the hunter only enhances your face and force, then all accessories made in the black market are real and good.


Each legendary animal has different accessories, but some accessories need extra materials in the early stage, and some accessories are not used so.

The following are several practical accessories:

Delayed the rotten beaver jewelry.


Needless to say, Gong Lujiao jewelry who knows knows how to know.


Robbery helper, Money jewelry.



So as a new hunter, the most efficient hunting route in our early stage is obvious: first, the horses are gentium to the hunting legendary male deer near Strawberry to open the nearby hunter. After returning to Valen Dingcheng, he took the train to Annesburg after the car. After hunting the north, he found the hunter in the western part of Annesburg to sell the fur. Later, after going south to kill the legendary beaver, he drove from the nearby Van Horn City to San Daniel to sell the fur in the hunter physical store. Finally, take a bus to Rhodes and make accessories we need in the black market.

Regardless of the subsequent hunting order, if you want to ensure the safety of the fur to the greatest extent, the principle you need to follow is: multiply, less horse riding, saving time first. Therefore, after hunting, you must give priority to finding the nearest hunter, and try to take a car in the nearest town to the Rhoda Black City, which can ensure the efficiency to the greatest extent.

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