The map of "Wilderness 2" is very broad, and all kinds of tasks are also very rich. In addition to the main line, there are various interesting branches and events. Let me bring you a task of "HNYMOU" sharing, let’s take a look.



Plot task

Chapter One

1. Outlaws from the West

2. Enter, pursue Enter, Pursued by a Memory

3. Old friend Old Friends

4. The consequences of Genesis The Aftermath of Genesis

5. Who is Levi Corwall? WHO The Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?

6. Eastward Bound

Chapter two

1. Polite association, Valentine’s Day Polite Saciety, Valentine Style

2. Americans are resting Americans at REST

3. Who is not guilty?

4. The first one should be the last the first shall be last

5. Call Paying a Social call

6. Currency lending and other sin 1-3 Money Lending and Other SINS 1-3

7. A quiet time a quiet time


9. Blessed with a docile person? Blessed are the meek?

10. We have loved it once, and we also loved once we loved once and true 1-3

11. Okay, honesty, snake oil Good, Honest, Snake Oil

12. The Spines of American in the United States

13. Pour out oil 1-4 Pouring FORTH OIL 1-4

14. American idyllic scene

15. Fisherman A Fisher of Men

16. The sheep and goat The Sheep and the Goats

17. A strange kind of kindness A Strange Kindness

third chapter

1. New South The New South

2. Further Questions of Female Suffrage

3. American distillation American distillation

4. The Road to True Love 1-3 The Course of True Love 1-3

5. Advertise

6. Horse Flesh for Dinner for dinner

7. The beautiful fun of tobacco The Fine Joys of Tobacco

8. Magic Movement Magicians for Sport

9. Friends in Very Low Places in a very low place

10. A honest error An Honest Mistake

11. He walks and prevents preaching forgiveness as he is while walking

12. Is it Doma? Back to Gomorra SODOM? Back to gomorrah

13. The founder of peace is blessed

14. Take a walk in a beautiful town A Short Walk in a Pretty Town

15. Blood feuds, ancient and modeln

16. The Battle of Shady Belle

Chapter Four

1. The joy of civilization The JOYS of Civilization

2. Angelo Bronte, A Man of Honor

3. Help brother out of the predicament help a brother out

4. Brothers and sisters, one and all Brothers and Sisters, One and All

5. Fortune and other dreams FatherHood and Other Dreams

6, no, no, three times, no, no and thrice., No

7. Gold-plated cage The Gilded Cage

8. A fastened night A Fine Night of Debauchery

9. Cavalry, Revelation Book Horsemen, ApocalypSes

10. The city’s happy Urban Pleasures

11. State pursue Country Pursuits

12. Revenge is the best dish Revenge is a dish best ear

13. American Father 1-2 American Fathers 1-2

14. Banking industry, ancient American art BANKING, The OLD American Art

chapter Five

1. Welcome to the New World Welcomes to the New World

2. Wild release savagery unleashed

3. A kind and kind tyrant A Kind and Benevolent Despot

4. Hell has no anger hell hath no fury

5. Fortunately, Paradise Mercifully Departed

6. Dear Uncle Tacle Tacitus

7. Better happy Fleeting Joy

8. This is THAT’s Murfree Country

Chapter Six

1. A fork in the road a fork in the road

2. Icarus and Friends

3. Visiting Hours

4. Just a social call Just a Social call

5. Don’t seek forgiveness 1-2 do not seek absolut 1-2

6. Human and angel of men and angels

7. The journey of true love 4-5 The Course of True Love 4-5

8. Currency lending and other sin 6-7 Money Lending and Other SINS 6-7

9. Fan Hon’s happiness The Delights of Van Horn

10. I don’t know where to go to nowhere

11. A rage unleashed

12. Archeology for beginners

13. Honor, in the thief Honor, AMONGST Thiefs

14. The art of talking with of conversation

15. Goodbye, dear friend Goodbye, dear Friend

16. Like your son Favored Sons

17. Wang’s son The King’s Son

18. Mrs. Sadi Adele, widow 1-2 MRS Sadie Adler, Widow 1-2

19. My last boy My Last Boy

20. The best ours

21. Wild darts Red Dead Redemption

The first part of the end

1. The wheels The Wheel

2. Simple happiness

3. Agriculture, for beginners, Farming, for Beginners

4. Father, for beginners, Fatherhood, for Beginners

5. Old habit

6. Jim Milton Rides, Again?

7. Father is a fool Father Hood, for ldiots

8. Mother Motherhood

9. Paid work Gainful Employment

10. The landlord class and the home of the villagers? The Landowning Classes & Home of the Gentry?

Tailing part 2

1. Friendship Bare Knuckle Friendships

2. Honest days are very hard an Honest Days Labors

3. HOME IMPROVEMENT for Beginners

4. Tool Box

5. A new Jerusalem

6. Give an old friend a quickly help A Quick Favor for An Old Friend

7. Uncle’s bad day of Uncles Bad Day

8. Try Trying Again again

9. A big bastard A Really Big Bastard

10. Imagine the new future A New Future Imagined

11. American venom American Venom

Below is a trophy of 100%of the completion, and other branch tasks or other items that must be completed.

All optional honor tasks

1. We once loved each other, sincerely loved each other 1-3 we loved once and true 1-3 (Chapter 2)

2. Okay, honesty, snake oil Good, Honest, Snake Oil (Chapter 2)

3. The Road of True Love 1-5 The Course of True Love 1-5 (1-3 Chapter 3, 4-5 Chapter 6)

4. Currency loan and other sin 1-7 Money Lending and Other SINS 1-7 (Chapter 2, Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6-7 Chapter 6)

5. Help brother out of the predicament help a brother out (Chapter 4)

6. Brothers and sisters, everyone and Sisters, One and All (Chapter 4)

7. Father and other dreams 1-2 FatherHood and Other Dreams 1-2 (Chapter 4)

8. Don’t seek forgiveness 1-2 Do not seek absolution 1-2 (Chapter 6)

9. Archaeological beginner Archeology for Beginners (Chapter 6)

10. The honor of thieves is HOMMOR, AMONGST Thiefs (Chapter 6)

11. Sadi Adler, Widow 1-2 MRS Sadie Adler, Widow 1-2 (Chapter 6)


Carriage robbery Coach Robberies

1. Hecktar 1-3 Hector 1-3 (Strawberry)

2. Orden 1-3 Alden 1-3 (Rhode)

Hom Robberies

1. Aberdeen Pig Farm

2. Catfish Jackson Catfish Jacksons

3. At Porter CHEZ PORTER

4. Lonnie’s Shack

5. Willard’s REST (Chapter 6)

6. Van Hom Mansion

7. Watson’s Cabin, Watson’s Cabin

Store robbery Shop Robberies

1. Rhodes Gunsmith

2. Saint Dennis Gunners Saint Denis Gunsmith

3. Strawberry grocery store Strawberry General Store

4. Valentine Doctor on Valentine’s Day

Train Robberies (first to complete Pouring Forth Oil, Chapter 2)

1. Environment Ambient

Time-Sensitive Robberies

1. Harveil, house robbery, Javier, Home Robbery (Camp 2)

2. Harveil, house robbery, Javier, Home Robbery (Chapter 3 Camp)

3. Sean, house robbery Sean, Home Robbery (Chapter 3 Camp)

4. Sean, carriage robbery Sean, Coach Robbery (Chapter 3 Camp)

5. Bill, carriage robbery Bill, Coach Robbery (Chapter 3 Camp)

6. Charles, bank robbery Charles, Bank Robbery

(Available for Owners of the Speca/Ultimate Editon of the Game Only)

7. Michashu, carriage robbery Micah. Coach Robbery (Chapter 4 Camp)

8. Lenny, carriage robbery Lenny, Coach Robbery (Chapter 4 Camp)

Stranger Missions of Strangers

1. The paradise of amateur enthusiasts ARCADIA for amateurs 1-5 (Chapter 2)

2. The smell of oil stain 1-2 The SMLL of the Grease Paint 1-2 (Chapter 2)

3. Oh, brother 1-3 OH, Brother 1-3 (Chapter 4)

4. Fund raising activity Fundraiser (Chapter 2 starts to the end of Chapter 6)

5. Of course he is the British He’s British of Course 1-5 (first complete the new south Chapter 3)

6. No good deed (first complete American distillarly first At the beginning of the third chapter, any other two story tasks can only begin between 6 am and 18 pm)

7. Historical sin 1-2 The iniquities of history 1-2 (first complete the third chapter of An Honest Mistake)

8. Bond that tied us together 1-5 The time that bind us 1-5 (First complete The JOYS of Civilization Chapter 4 Start)

9. Artist 1-4 The ArtistS Way 1-4 (starts with the Joys of Civilization first) Chapter 4)

10. A lively boy 1-3 A BRIGHT BOUNCING BOY 1-3 (first complete The Joys of Civilization Chapter 4, can only start between 6 am and 18pm)

11. Compassion of Knowledge 1-7 The Mercies of Knowledge 1-7 (First complete The Joys of Civilization Chapter 4 Start)

12. The Wisdom of the Elderly 1-5 The Wisdom of the Elders 1-5

13. Idealism and pragmatism 1-3 IDEALISM and Pragmatism 1-3 (first complete The Gilded Cage The start of the fourth chapter, and the letter to open the mayor Le Mile, can only start between 22 pm and 5 am)

14. Experienced 1-4 The Veteran 1-4 (Chapter 6 Starts)

15. Hell in the United States 1-5 The American Inferno, Bumt Out 1-5 The first part of the end starts)

16. American Dream American Dreams (First complete all three murder scenes at the scene of encounters, only from 22 pm to 5 am)

17. This is a beautiful night A Fine Night for it (first complete the TORCH Procession, Stalking Shadows, SPOOKED One of the encounters of HORSE or Voice can only start from 22 pm to 5 am)

Special collectible Special Collectibles

1. Legendary Fish (A Fisher of Fish)

2. Cigarette Cards (Smoking and Other Hobbies)

3. Exotic atmosphere (DucheSses and Other Animals)

4. Dinosaur skeletal (belief test task) Dinosaur bones (a test of faith)

5. Stone carving (geological at first scholar) Rock Carvings (Geology for Beginners)

6. Find a request (a better world, a new friend) Hunting Requests (A Better World, a New FRIEND)

7. Dreamcatcher (pure collection, reference map strategy)

8. Special tonic Tonics (pure collection, reference map strategy)

9. Chests & Lock Boxes (pure collection, reference map strategy)

Other Activities

1. Gunner task Gunslingers

(1). Noble man, and a woman 1-2 The Noblest of Men, and a Woman 1-2 (Keane’s Saloon Kane Bar Theodore levin, Evol, the second chapter starts the task)

(2). Noble man, a woman 3-4 The noblest of men, and a wooman 3-4 (First complete Chapter 4 a Fine Night of Start after debauchery)

2. Bounty hunter task BoundY Hunting

(1). LINDSEY WOFFORD (Dead or Alive) first complete the Good, Honest, Snake Oil (Chapter 2)

(2). Thellie Anne Swan (Alive) first completes good, honest, snake il (Chapter 2)

(3). Joshua Brown (Alive) first complete Blessed are the meek? And Steawberry will no longer block (Chapter 2)

(4) .mark Johnson (Alive) first complete The Joys of Civilization (Chapter 4)

(5). Robbie Laidlaw (Alive) First complete Mark Johnson, rob the Old Harry Fen Shack

(6). Ormony Foreman (Alive) first complete the Gainful Employment, Chapter 4 NO, NO AND Thrice did not kill Anthony Foreman Anthony Foreman

(7) .otis Skinner (DEAD or Alive) first completed the Gainful Employment (first part of the end)

(8) . Lias Green (Dead or Alive) first completed the Gainful Employment (first part of the end)

(9). Joaquin Arrowo (Alive) first complete the Gainful Employment (first part of the end) Witnessing The Del Lobo Execution CHANCE ENCOUNTER in Tumbeed

(10) .steban Cortez (Dead or Alive) first complete the Gainful EMPLOYMENT (first part of the end) after witnessing the encounter with the death penalty of Del Lobo’s death penalty, Witnessing The Del Lobo Execution CHANCE enCounter in tumbled

3. Treasure hunting game task TRASURE Hunting

(1) .jack Hall Gang Map 1-4 (Chapter 2)

(2) .high Stakes TREASURE MAP 1-4 (first complete the new south Chapter 3)

(3) .le Tresor des Morts Map 1-3 (digital version, special edition, ultimate version exclusive pre-order special task)

4. Loansharking mission loansharking

(1) .mr wrobel (Money Lending and Other SINS 1-2 Chapter 2) Chapter 2)

(2) . Chick Matthews (Money Lending and Other Sins 1-2 Chapter 2)

(3). Lilly Millet (Money Lending and Other Sins 1-2 Chapter 2)

(4) .thomas Download (Money Lending and Other Sins 3) Chapter 2)

(5) .gwyn Hughes (Money Lending and Other Sins 4 or Chapter 5)

(6). Winton Holmes (Money Lending and Other SINS 4, Chapter 3 or 5) Chapter 5)

(7) . Algie Davison (Money Lending and Other Sins 5) Chapter 4)

(8). John Weathers (Money Lending and Other SINS 6-7 Chapter 6)

(9). SONEY Lending and Other Sins 6-7 Chapter 6)

5. Partners find things iTem Requests

Chapter 2 8-20 At the Strive ABIGAIL demand 5 US dollars to reward Honor

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 8-20, the client BILL needs to moistor pomade reward relay ink box Repeater Cartridges

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 8-20, the client Charles requires Moonlight Moonshine Rocket Rocket Fire Arrows

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 8-20, the client Charles requires the pile of oleander to pay the poison arrow Poison Arrows

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 8-20, the client Dutch requires the smoke fighting PIPE reward of Spurs SPURS

Chapter 2, 3, 4

8-20 (Hosea sees you reading this book)

The client HOSEA needs a villain book shrew in the fog (book) reward predator Predator Bait

Chapter 2 8-20 At the point of the client Jack, the thimble of Abigail’s thimble’s thimble’s reward Jack drawing Drawing from Jack

Chapter 2 (Complete Fisherman Mission A Fisher of Men)

At 8-20 points, the client Jack needs the Osman Grove, Clawson’s Rest. Pleasance. Download, Lake Don Julio, Lake Don Julio, Five Manga Book Remuneral Chocolate Blood Chocolate Bar

Chapter 2 8-20 At the Staff Javier needs to hold the oleander to pay a poisonous flying knife, Poisoned Throwing Knives

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 20-3, the client Lenny needs the pocket watch Pocket Watch

Chapter 2 8-20 Point Mary-Beth requires Pen Foundain Pen Return Ring Ring

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 8-12, the client Pearson needs the rabbit Rabbit reward to the nutritious soup Nutritious Stew

Chapter 2 (Playing Poker) At 8-14, the client Pearson needs naval compass Naval Compass Return Rum Rum

Chapter 2, 3, 12-18, the client Sean needs the Pochon whiskey Kentucky Bourbon, Kentucky,

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 8-20, the client Susan requires the two Oregano X2 to pay a strong miracle tonic Potent Miracle Tonic

Chapter 2 (When playing Domino Bone Card) 8-20 points The client Tilly requires necklace Necklace Return, two Medicine X2

Chapter 3 8-20 At the Strike HOSEA requires two American ginseng two American ginseng X2 valid medicine Potent Medicine

Chapter 3 12-18 Corps KIERAN requires Niu Mangen Two Burdock Root X2 Return Horse Medicine

Chapter 3 8-20 At the Strive Molly requires a makeup mirror Pocket Mirror reward cigar cigar

Chapter 3 and 4 (Complete the further problem of women’s voting rights, FURTHER Questions of Female Suffrage)

At 8-20, the client Sadie needs harmonica Harmonica reward gun oil gun oil

Tailing part 2 8-20 point client Charles requires eagle feathers Eagle Feather to reward Ma Qinqi HORSE Reviver

Tailing part 2 8-20 point client Uncle needs medicinal cream, Medicinal Cream Removal Cloth CLOTHES

6. Partner activity Companion Activities

Chapter 2 Camp

Varies Domino card, poker

Lenny chop finger FIVE FINER FILLET

Javier house robbery Home Robbery

Charles Hunting Hunting

Chapter III Camp

SEAN carriage robbery Coach Robbery

Bill carriage robbery Coach Robbery

Tilly Dominoes Dominoes

Javier fishing Fishing

KIERAN fishing Fishing

Micah chop finger FIVE FINGER FILLET

Javier house robbery Home Robbery

Chapter 4 Camp

Charles Bank robbery Bank Robbery

Micah carriage robbery Coach Robbery

Lenny carriage robbery Coach Robbery

ReARSON Hunting Hunting

Uncle stealing milk Rustling

7. Gang Gangs

8. Table Games on the table (the specific trophy requires to be studied)

9. Encounter CHANCE Encounters (random event in special locations)

(1) .trease Hunter

(2) .torch Procession, Stalking Shadows, SpooKed Horse.voice (Random Night for It Chapter 4)

(3) .murder Scenes

(4) . Del Lobo Execution (First complete two bounty hunters mission, Joaquin Arroyo and ESTEBAN Cortez)

10. Special Character Special Characters (tasks of special events)

11. Place of interest Points of Internet (pure collection)

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