Blood and wine before-the book of Quinte

Before the start of blood and wine, you can buy a Quent’s book in the picture below to facilitate the collection of Quinte.

Blood and wine before —

Can’t get the BUG fixation of the wolf school drawing, you can get the silver sword-conscience condemnation, apologize letter from the position of the figure below

Quinte & mdash; Bowkland Contest, Shikaljie Islands

——Addling task:

Quinte: Bowkland Contest

Defeat the giant to the Petrochemical Chicken Snake Hotel and the hotel owner to trigger the task after playing Kuns special card -Quinte: Bowkland Contest

If you use your sword to bet on the first game, you can get the relic-level steel sword -Bravov, and get it after completing the task 1000 kar,, Home display Intersection Winner’s cup

Quinte: Shi Kelly Islands[Important: Quinte collection]

After completing the task, get the Quinte card group– Shikalijie Islands

Petrochemical chicken snake hotel notice board task

Petrochemical chicken snake hotel notice board can receive the mission-

Balance of nature:

Choose to kill the silver-organized lizard to get 400 karma, loot-silver-organized lizard trophy, relic-level steel sword-obedient steel sword.

You can get 350 kronor without killing silver petrochemical lizards.

Demon commission:

Jungle adventure:

After the task is completed, you can get a picture of the homeland -White Wolf, Count Bellada

Employment knight:

After the mission is completed

Wine war:

Belgard: Arrives at the task location and accept the task of the two to obtain the task-

Wine war:


The secondary goal of completing the task is to start a new task in the place in the figure below-


The secondary goal of completing the task is to start a new task in the place in the figure below-

Wine war:


Open a new task after completing the task–


After completing the task, you can get your own wine X5 from your home underground wine cellar every five days

Trigger the task after going to the palace garden with the Board of Palace

The main task is performed to automatically trigger the task after the pioneer to the palace garden-

Cavaliers’ love story:

When signing up, according to the selected branch, you can obtain the armor of Lvia’s Jeorot’s armor, the armor of the Ravel in Four Kori Village, as well as the home wall decoration -Vialot’s shield, the four-horn village of the four-horn villageRavik’s shield.

After completing the archery competition, you can get it according to the selection of the title of the registration.

After completing the selection of the title of the horse race, you can get it according to the selection of the title -Lairot’s saddle in Livia, and the saddle of Laviks in Sijia Village.

After choosing to continue participating in the competition, you can get it according to the selection of the title of the registration -Levia’s Jeolot’s sword, the Ravik’s sword in Sijia Village, and get the head decoration -Essence

Cavaliers’ love story follow-up

Sweet Home: Unlock your homeland.

Tao Sen can pick up the task after completion

Tao Sen can pick up the task after completion

The main line of Tao Sen is completed. After receiving the a fool’s cage, you can get it in the location of the figure below– Phoenix

The main line of Tao Sen is completed. After receiving the a fool’s cage, you can get it in the location of the figure below– Rabbit mask

The position of the figure below can automatically trigger the task to face changes, and the notice board can also be triggered

Face change【important】:

After completion, unlock blood and wine new hunting demon hunting system mutation system

Lavorburg notice board task

You can receive tasks at the Lavorburg notice board–


If you want a perfect ending, it is best not to argue with the witch. Take the bone of the handkerchief and the knight to lift the curse. No special reward

Bowkland notice board task

The borland notice board can receive tasks–

Fist: Taosont: Unlock the new task after completing this task–

Angry Wolf: After completing this task, get home display products-boxing fighting champion trophy

Not just a master (important): Unlock new tasks after completion–

Treasure hunting task -Teachermia Flying Lion Monster Celebration: After the completion, the awarding master flying lion monster set blueprint

Treasure hunting task -Equipment of Master Bear: Receive the hunter hunter suit-the blueprint

Treasure hunting task-the equipment of the master craftsman cat: Receive the hunter hunter suit-the blueprint

Treasure hunting task -Teacher Clicp Wolf Equipment: Receive the hunter hunter suit-the blueprint

Treasure hunting task -Teacher Craftsman Gryphin Beast Equipment: Receive the hunter hunter suit

National Heroes:

Get the small statue of the home decoration-Reaginard (can be placed on the table at the door of the home wine cellar), and the BUFF that greatly improves vitality recovery within a limited time to get the statue of Reggampa.


The ashes that choose to take away the old lady will get a magic-level steel sword-it is tempering in the fire. The ashes that choose to take the old man will get a Quinte card (version 1.21 is temporarily unable to obtain BUG for the time being).

Brother’s feelings:

Without special rewards, the cave can find a magic place in the mission


After completing the task, get the relic-level silver sword-the sword of the lake girl

Customers are always right:

After the task is completed, get 500 krone. If you choose to wait for a week, you will get an additional magic-level steel sword-calculator

Demon commission:

I am going to marry you today: After killing the acupoint demon, you can get the relic-level silver sword -Fenius. If you choose to take the war, you will get extra tallest products — acupoint demon

Frovov notice board task

The Froviv notice board can receive the mission–

Demon commission:

Entrusted: Dufo’s monster: After killing Sarma, you can get the relic-level silver sword -Yami, warrior -Schalma warfare. After tracking into the Schalma cave, you can pick up silver pendants next to the corpse. If you tell the client his wife to be derailed when you hand over the task, you can get an additional 100 kronor

Niu Entou: Triggea trigger new tasks

Niu commissioned: After the temper is completed, the warrior of the tactics-gliding lizard, one relic weapon, several debris. Trigger a new task–

Former dynamics: This task requires five small tasks separately, because it is simpler and there is no point, so it is no longer introduced. After completing the task, get 800 kran

-The person’s deeds: first team: no special reward

-The person’s deeds: the second team: no special reward

-The person’s deeds: third team: no special reward

-The former person: Fourth Team: No special reward

-The former person: Fifth Team: No special reward

Ending sidelines

Ending sidelines

The fairy tale nation line chose to take the ribbon of the little girl who sold the match, causing Xi Anna to die, and after letting the Dirac enter the main task iron window career, get the equipment-prison shirt.

After talking to the first prisoner, I opened the hunting demon hunter sensory survey on the wall behind him-a note found in the Taoson Prison and opened the task-

Treasure in Prison: Seven days after meditation in place to get hometown hanging paintings-prison poster

In the figure below! The location can play with the prison friends. After winning, get the bread X1

Other branch task positions

Other branch task positions

The story of a hair and a hunting demon hunter:

After completing the task, unlock a hairdressing salon hairdresser, you can use the new hairstyle of Georot here-the queen’s servant (strong recommendation)

Portrait of an elderly hunting magic hunter:

After completing the task, the warrior-griffon beast warfare, relic-level steel sword-the Principality Guardian Sword. You can spend 1,000 karma from the painter to buy home painting paintings-the portrait of Geralt

Ultimate cosplay:

The task is completed to obtain 300 krony, head decoration-ritual mask, magic-level weapon-sword of ancient elves, decorations-ancient elf shield

Prophet’s words:

In the temple of the Prophet Lei Bybi, the temple of the statue transmission point is triggered in the room after the hidden wall was shocked with Alda seal, and there is no reward

Ma Zhiling:

This task has the official vomiting of various radishes, which is strongly recommended. Obtain after the task is completed-several potatoes

Hungry Games:

After the main task of the fool chooses the curse of the monster, you choose not to eat without a spoon. After the curse is lifted, the demon ghost recovers it as a human Malin. After a while, he can go to the home to find a dialogue to receive this task. After the task is completed, it gets 460 kronor, home display — gold rod. And Ma Lin will stay in the kitchen in the home in the future, and can get a number of foods from the kitchen on a regular basis

Biography with goose:

After choosing a branch to help Xi Anna enter the fairy tale world, you can receive the commission of the hunting magic hunter in the fairy tale world notice board (the little girl selling the match). After completion, you can get itemsPoint

Fairy Tale World Prociver:

After seeing the child who came, when you walk towards the tower of the long hair princess, you will see a ghost fire triggered the unique dialogue of Georot. Following the ghost fire, you can pick up the relic-level equipment at a corpse – Taosen Set Essence

After defeating Yun Duanju people, you can also see a ghost fire at the bridge connected to the castle. Follow the ghost fire to the bridge and come to a cave. You can get the relic-level steel sword- Wittis(Dark Soul Eggs)

The shadow elder line I walked this week is not attached, forgive me.

Shadow Elderly Line can get Henggade Set and Heng Gade Mask in the cave. Because it is not difficult to find, it is not prompted. The Shadow Elderly has no unique branch task.

Golden Wo Yinwo is still not as good as …:

The blood and the main line of the wine are triggered after completion, and the visitors are decided according to the ending of this article.

Pushing and grinding:

Without special rewards, you can know that Draf killed Ludeus here.

Complete the main task [Cage of Fools] and then go to the abrasive mill of the Duke of Ludeus on the right side of the Baiye Vineyard, and will encounter a group of farmers. After killing, it will automatically trigger this task. This task is a limited time task. Promoting will no longer trigger this task.

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