"Boden Gate 3" graphic strategy, the whole plot process, the whole branch line task strategy (including the "customs clearance process", "full branch mission", "race/occupation/attribute/professional long/skill/magic explanation" "comprehensive tutorial")."Baldur’s "Gate 3)" is by Larian A magic adventure RPG produced and distributed by Studios is also the latest masterpiece of a series of legendary "The Gate of Bude" series. As one of the earliest RPG games, "The Gate of Bade" has a huge impact and milestone significance in the world, and has set a benchmark for the entire RPG game industry. More than 20 years have passed since the previous work "Borders 2", the latest sequel of this legendary series once again provided us with the epic adventure chapter of the Ferun World, let us work together to enter the new legendary journey!


Game Name: Boide Gate 3 3

English name: BalDur’s Gate 3

Game type: role-playing class (RPG) game

Game production: Larian Studios

Game release: Larian Studios

Game platform: PC

Sales time: Oct 6th, 2020


Minimum configuration

Require 64 -bit processor and operating system

Operating system: Windows 10 64-BIT

Processor: Intel i5-4690 / AMD FX 4350

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics card: NVIDIA GTX 780 / AMD Radeon R9 280X

DirectX version: 11

Storage space: 150 GB available space


Recommended configuration

Require 64 -bit processor and operating system

Operating system: Windows 10 64-BIT

Processor: Intel i7 4770K / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X

Memory: 16 GB RAM

Graphics card: NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB / AMD RX580

DirectX version: 11

Storage space: 150 GB available space


Gaming mode

This game has a multiplayer online mode and a single game mode.

Players can create different archives for archives, with completely independent archive files, which can facilitate management and subsequent MOD tests.


story background

Get the Mind Demon driving a huge warship to shuttle in different planes.

They capture their lives and use larvae for corruption.


The protagonist can’t escape the fate of being eroded by larvae.

These bugs in the bottom of the eyes will eventually control their lives and convert them into a devil.

Fortunately, the battle between the devil and the demons made the protagonist take advantage of the opportunity, and the story kicked off.

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Button operation

Button operation


1. Bit Guide: Inspection

1. Use Guide

1. Inspection

First of all, the DND rules are determined to have a personality. Although it is simple and rude, it is a game of dice.

No matter what you want to do, you need to throw the dice to see if it is successful, or what the effect has been produced, and the dice is called-verification.

Your various attributes are strengthened, all kinds of equipment props, and various operations are for one purpose-through verification or verification, there is a good result, and you can understand the rules to understand this premise.


The verification is divided into three types, and the ability testing, exemption inspection and attack verification. We use the ability test as an example.

When you have to do one thing, for example, if you want to investigate the pool, you need to conduct ability to verify. Specifically, there is a intelligent test in the ability. There will be several elements-

Difficulty level: It is equivalent to the difficulty of testing. In this example, you have to figure out the condition of the pool. The difficulty level is 10.

Dice: The verification is performed with a 20 -sided dice, called D20, and the value of the cast is greater than equal to the difficulty level.

Add value: Of course, it is not to say that you can listen to the sky by the dice. You can also have a lot of additional value to adjust the results. For example, if you conduct intellectual testing, the intellectual value can be added to the result. The author is very sad here, the intelligence value of intelligence is negative, that is, the impairment, which is also "added" to the result. In other words, even if I vote for 10, the end result is 10-1 = 9, and it is still impossible to pass the verification.


So, there are several ways to pass the verification-

Selection: There are often different methods to achieve the goal, which is simple and difficult, that is, when the income is quite important (this is very important, many times choose different income, the process and results are different), youTry to choose a way with low difficulty levels to achieve goals. For example, the difficulty of unlocking is 20 and the difficulty of smashing is 15, so it is obvious that it is easier to choose. This requires people with all kinds of abilities as possible in your team, so that you have sufficient choices.

Reinforcement: If the difficulty cannot be selected, it is necessary to strengthen the corresponding ability by relying on the enhancement of attributes, equipment, magic, and temporary props. For example, it is also smashed, and you must be more likely to value 10 people than 2. This also involves team problems, trying to make all kinds of "big guys" in the team.

God of God: In the end, it is God’s will. Even if you are all ready, you ca n’t beat the dice and lose 1, hahaha.


What can you get after the verification? Sometimes it is items, sometimes experience, sometimes task information, sometimes a sharp attack, sometimes a ingenious dodge, everything, or that, this is a dice game, this is a dice game., The dice is the world of Qiankun.

For example, just checking the pool, you have passed the intellectual test and found that the shell of the pool is fragmented. This is the information obtained by the verification. You will realize that you do n’t touch it.

Such a verification will give you a sense of increasing, and will analyze and judge and enhance interest.


If you do n’t believe in evil, uh, the pool will be overwhelmed, and you will be hurt.

In short, choose the right person to pass the appropriate verification, and you can get the reward you deserve!


In addition, some verifications are completed passively, that is, it is carried out automatically.

For example, detection can make you discover some hidden details.

This type of passive verification is directly taken by 10, which is equivalent to the dice you have already cast, the result is 10, and then add the corresponding value.

(So there is a companion who noticed the high verification. It is important to find some useful information and place items or something.).)


The order in the battle is also the result of agile+first attack capabilities, which is equivalent to performing agile first-mortem inspection for everyone. The higher the result, the more you act first.

At the same time, there will be a hidden and perceived test during the battle, and if the enemy is not found, it will be raid.

The raid characters were unable to act in the first round.


Attack and damage are also the result of the verification.

After attacking 20 -sided dice, plus the value of proficiency and attributes, compared with the opponent AC (armor level), as long as it is not lower than its AC, it can hit the opponent.

If you pass the test, you may not be subject to or less harm or immune to reducing some negative effects. For example, the agile exemption verification passed the trap damage.


1. Bit Guide: Properties/Add Value

2. Properties/value-added

We often mention the value added (impairment) in the previous section, so where does this value increase?

The value of value can be added to attributes, proficiency, level, equipment, magic, props and various effects.

One of the most important basic sources is the attribute.


Each attribute starts at 10 o’clock, and the additional value is adjusted at 2 points for each increase (otherwise the impairment).

For example, the 14 force corresponds to +2 adjustment value, and the 18 force corresponds to +4 adjustment value. These adjustment values are value-added/impairment.

These addition (reduction) values will provide bonus (reduction) -s (reduced) to the player’s roll (dice) results in the verification.

(Pay attention to the key attribute with the star number in the attribute.)



Affect the jump distance and weight.

More importantly, the power adjustment value affects the hit and damage of the attack (strength weapon).

Affects exercise testing.



It affects the first attack (the order of action in encounter) and the armor level (AC value to reduce the chance of players hit the player).

Agile adjustment value affects the hit and damage of the attack (dexterous weapon).

Affects gymnastics, clever hands, hidden verification.



Affects the upper limit of life.

Affecting the system based on the system (note that most of the judgments are actually based on various basic attributes, the same is true of strength, agility, intelligence, etc.).



Affected spells and spell success rates (DCs, the difficulty level of confrontation judgment).

Affects mystery, history, investigation, nature, religious testing.



The cast attributes of Druid, Ranger and pastors.

At the same time, it affects perception, medical care, survival, insight, and animal traineness.



The cast attributes of binquets, sacred warriors, warlocks, and evil artists.

Like to negotiate and control the ability.

Affect deception, intimidation, performance, lobbying test.


At present, the single attributes of characters in the game generally cannot exceed 15, and then there are two extra points.

At 2 o’clock, one bonus, players can distribute two attributes.

That is to make the main attribute reach 17, and another important attribute can reach up to 16.


1. Bit Guide: Proficiency

3. Professional value

This is a special value-added to the level.

At level 1 ~ 4: Proficiency value is 2

At levels 5 ~ 8: Professional value is 3

At the 9th to 12th: the proficiency value is 4

At 13 ~ 16: The proficiency value is 5

At 17 ~ 20: The proficiency value is 6


The proficiency value will be added to all your good inspection.

For example, if you are good at lobbying, in addition to the charm added value, you will add your proficient value.

If you are good at dagger, you will also add your proficiency when you attack it with a dagger.


There are also many professional skills and expertise that will add proficiency to some verifications.

In short, although the proficiency value is only linked to the level, it is a stable source of additional value. It is the most cost-effective income to introduce it to your verification as much as possible.

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Another important feature of the proficiency value is to increase the number of attacks (it can also be said that the number of levels increases the number of attacks).

At the beginning, a single weapon can only attack once per round, but as the proficiency rises, the number of attacks in each round will also increase.

The number of attacks is related to occupation. Taking soldiers as an example, the number of attacks per round at 5, 11, and 20 is increased.


1. Benefit guide: Advantages/Disadvantages

4. Advantages/disadvantages

Whether it is various interactions or combats, in other words, whether it is capable testing, attack verification or exemption, as long as it is verified, there may be advantages and disadvantages.

Your equipment, expertise and choice may allow you to obtain the advantages/disadvantages of the verification.

For example, if you are pinching your opponent, you have an attack advantage.


When obtaining an advantage, check the dice to two, and choose the one with a big throw result.

Conversely, there are two dice when the disadvantage, and the result is the small one.


Common advantage

1. Melee clamps and backstracks.

2. Remotely occupy high platform attacks.

3. Sneak through a motion to make the next attack advantage.

4. Use the ability to manufacture advantages such as virtual tricks to make the next attack advantage.

5. Reador Rev. Guide divine power to create phantoms, so that teammates have an advantage in attacking.

6. Some magic items comes with the advantage of enemy attack in the abnormal state.

7. Monster fire, enable the attacker to gain an attack advantage.

8. Dating, so that the caster has an advantage in the charm of the recipient.

9. When the enemy is falling to the ground, teammates within 5 feet have an advantage.

10. When the enemy is sleeping or unconscious, the attack is gaining advantage and hitting a crit.

Common disadvantages and response

1. When there is a disadvantage in the shadow, you can remove the disadvantage by obtaining dark vision (such as a candle of a fire handle).

2. When the enemy is close to the disadvantage of remote attacks, you can jump out of the scope of the opportunity by attaching evacuation.

3. When the enemy obtains a fixed advantage (such as recklessness), you can use the field of clouds to cover the vision to forcibly return to the balance.

4. Create your own best offset the disadvantages.


Note: No matter how much advantages, only one advantage is the same, the disadvantages are the same. The advantage can offset the disadvantages. Also, regardless of the quantity, that is, one advantage can offset the infinite disadvantages.

Try to make yourself an advantageous verification will make all kinds of verifications much easier.


1. Bit Guide: Skills

5. Skills

We mentioned a lot of skills in the verification before, which is the key to various interactions in the game players in the game.

Complete the interaction through skill testing, so as to obtain rewards and promote the continued development of the game.


For example, religious skills are related to intelligence.(For the attributes corresponding to the skill, please refer to the description in the attribute above.)

When players want to find a clue from religious information, they will make religious skills.

Players will invest 20 dice. After the results are rolled, the result is added with the mental difficulty (DC) of the information (DC), which is not less than the success of DC.

If the player’s religious skills are skilled skills, then the judgment results will be added with proficient adjustment, so that the possibility of exceeding DC is even higher.


The same is true of other skills testing.

If you want to judge the success, high-attribute adjustment is important, and this skill is more important to be skilled skills.

It is recommended that novices use medical, insight, perception, lobby (intimidation, deception), hidden and exercise as initial skilled skills to facilitate exploration, exchanges and fighting.


All include unrealistic, try to include medical and exercise through the background and birth choice.

Interactive (lobbying, intimidation, deception) is best to have one.

Inspiration and perception can better discover the enemy and secrets, and hiding can sneak into operations more conveniently.

Of course, skills do not have to be forced (or centered on race and career choices). Through the addition of subsequent characters, the skills covered by the team will become wider and wider, and they can cope with more judgments.


How many skills can be familiar with the character are related to races and occupations.

For example, human beings can be more proficient than other races, and wanders will have more proficient skills than other occupations.


1. Starting Guide: Action

6. Action

In battle (you can even click the round-round mode and operate according to the turnaround to avoid the special and complicated team’s operations). All characters take the "round" unit in turn (6 seconds in 6 seconds), and each round is in each round. You can do some movements.

The action is divided into ordinary actions (directly called action in the game) and an attached action. For example, the movement in the red frame in the figure, blue is an accompanying action, and brown is ordinary action.

Or directly look at the action description, there are differences in action/attachment to action, and even the differences between green and orange symbols.


Affiliated action is generally fast and simple action. Usually it can be performed once per round, which can be seen as an instant operation.

For example, using weapons across the flame to complete the accompanying action "dipping", so that the weapon has additional flame damage bonus.

Or jump to a certain place, push away people or objects, and conceal.


Check the classification below to see if the action is an attached action.


Ordinary actions are actions that consume more time, and usually can only be performed once per round.

For example, throwing the objects out, walking away (doubling the speed of movement in this round), fainting, assisting (helping teammates who are dying, falling to the ground, and controlling).

The use of attacks and many magic is ordinary action.


The red box below is mainly weapons and attack movements.

The blue box is magic, props, and skill movements.

The green frame is a moving bar. Each character has a movement speed (converted into a distance at 6 seconds per round). The character can be freely controlled in your own round.

In other words, if the character can move 25 feet in a round, he can allocate these mobile distances before, medium and after various actions.


In addition, when an enemy tries to leave from your side (or you try to leave the enemy), it will trigger the opportunity to attack and get an automatic free attack.

The character can get the opportunity to attack the attack bonus from different professional characteristics, equipment, and expertise.

Take the opportunity to attack the conditions automatically (you can click closely), and it will be carried out automatically outside the player’s round, and the opportunity to attack will have an advantage.


The character enters the dying after life drops to 0.

Each time the injury test will be performed, usually more than 10 will display stability once, and it will deteriorate once below 10.(You can pass the various capabilities to make the verification more beneficial)

Note that the icon in the diagram, each stable or deterioration will make the progress strip go further towards hexagonal (recovery) or skeleton (death).


Players can use assistance to help the wounded to stabilize the injury.

You can also use treatment and recovery magic to treat the wounded faster.


1. Bit Guide: Battle-Take-out/Response

7. Fighting

① Reaction/Take the opportunity to attack

The Gate of Bade is basically a standard DND war chess battle. All characters act in the order of first attack (through D20+agile adjustment+other attack effects).

The attack of the raid will be assaulted if they notice that the verification is not approved. The first round (generally called a raid wheel) when the raid is not performed.

Therefore, the more critical battles, the opportunity must be arranged in a hidden position, try to raid as much as possible, surround/cut/close to the enemy.

Active characters can move, standard actions, comes with giving action and response action every round. Basically, each action can only be performed once.


Standard movements: Standard movements are the actions that can perform once in your own round. Often, it will be some of the actions and more time-consuming capabilities. For example, perform a spell and attack. Standard movements can also be used for throwing, walking, uncomfortable strikes (stun) and assistance.

Affiliated action: Actions that can be performed once in your own round are often some faster actions or abilities. Such as a fast spell, or a deputy attack. Affiliated action can also be used for jump (evacuation), dipping, pushing, hiding.

Reaction action: The reaction is an action that can be performed in any round, and it is a response triggered when the condition is reached. But when you execute a reaction, you can no longer use the reaction until your next round. The most common reaction action is the opportunity to attack when the enemy leaves the attack range.


Here we emphasize the opportunity to attack:

The range of 5 feet around each character (you can see as a close body) is its control range. As long as there is a hostile character to leave (not to enter), it will trigger the opportunity to attack.

Therefore, when your entangled opponent wants to leave, or he wants to go through the teammates behind you (after you are close to you), it will cause the opportunity to attack.

Take the opportunity to attack you automatically attacking him once, and this attack has an advantage (two dice are big).


Therefore, the basic strategy of combat is to use tank/high-mobility melee characters (usually more resistant) to seal the high threat goals (especially remote) of the main opponent to prevent the enemy from attacking your fragile character.

Let you hit your firepower to eliminate high threat goals.

Even if the enemy wants to get rid of entanglement, the cost of spell/movement will be paid, or they will be taken to attack.


There is also a benefit of the goal of the high threat to the enemy. Such goals are often long-range damage.

Remote damage (no matter the bow and arrow or the spell), it will be disadvantaged when there is an enemy in the near-body range, and the dice are two dice.

Such entanglement will force the opponent to make a choice of delaying attacks (using action to get rid of entanglement) or bearing the opportunity to attack (leaving) to win the advantage of the battlefield.


Some spells also use reactions.

Use this spell (no action will be consumed), which will be triggered by this reaction when the conditions are achieved.

For example, the countermeasures of spells can react when the opponent is cast, and the cast failure can be decided. It is also a powerful control interruption, which is very important.


1. Bit Guide: Combat-Hit/Strike/AC

② Hit/Strike

D20 (20 -sided dice) during weapons attacks+strength/agile adjustment value+skilled added value ≥ target armor level (AC) to hit the opponent.

Depending on the weapon, the weapon attack depends on strength/agile. Most melee weapons are based on strength, while long-range weapons are based on agile. If melee weapons have smart words, they can also be based on agility. Please note that when using a melee weapon with a dexterous entry, you will use your strength or agile higher value to determine the hit. Some occupations allow you to use other adjustments to determine the hit of weapons attacks. If you use skilled weapons, you can also add your proficient value.


Spell attack depends on your main attributes.(The main attributes of each occupation have different attributes. See occupations and spells. For example, the mage is an intellectual pastor or a perception warlock or a charm.) If your cast attribute is intelligence, then your spell attack hit or not is based on your intelligence. Moreover, as long as you can apply, spell attack hitting will definitely add proficient value. The formula of the spell attack is: D20+cast the main attribute adjustment value+skilled added value. If your attack throw+various adjustment values is greater than or equal to the enemy’s armor level (AC), then attack!


Regardless of weapons or spells, if your D20 dice directly out of 20, it means that your attack will hit directly and cause a blow (double the damage dice, see below)!

If the D20 dice is 1 out, it will not hit directly.

In general, weapons and spell attacks can be divided into long-range and melee, but in most cases they calculate the same way of hitting the same, but more only some expertise/abilities, which can only be used for near//Remote attack.


The armor level (AC) is also an equally important existence in DND, depending on the type of armor you wear, and the computing method of armor will be different. At the same time, the basic armor of a creature will be 10.

Nailor: Basic armor (10)+ agile adjustment value

Light armor: light armor care + agile adjustment value

China A: China A Care + Agile Adjustment Value (only +2)

Heavy A: heavy armor care


Enemies who are unprecedented and dizziness, such as lying down, dizziness, often have a hit advantage, and the advantages can also gain the opportunity to attack or damage the advantage.

Therefore, try to make strong enemies in this unfavorable state during battle.


1. Bit Guide: Fight-Exemption

③ exemption

Exemption represents the resistance of spells, traps, toxins, diseases, or other similar threats. Depending on the different types of exemptions you do, you need to use different attribute adjustments. For example, agile exemption requires agile adjustment. At the same time, the occupation will give you some exemption proficiency, so you can add proficient value when performing these types of exemption. The formula for exemption is: D20+exemption attribute adjustment value+skilled added value.


If your exemption test is greater than the difficulty level (DC), the exemption is successful. Most exemptions will be halved (sometimes reduced) you suffer, and you will be exempted from some other negative effects.(Such as control)

When you show spells that need exemption, your goal will perform a spell exemption, and it is your spell exemption DC.

Your spell exemption DC will depend on your main attributes, not the opponent’s exemption attributes!

The formula of the spell-exemption DC is: 8+ main attribute adjustment value+skilled added value.


For example, your main attribute adjustment value 3, skilled add value 2, then spell exemption DC is 8+3+2 = 13.

Your spell requires the other party to do agile exemption, so his D20+agile adjustment+skilled adjustment must be greater than 13 to achieve success.


1. Bit Guide: Battle-Damage/Resistance

④ damage/resistance

You need to determine the damage when the attack hit or the spell causes damage.

The judgment of damage is not complicated, and it is often a simple XDY.(For example, 1D6 represents a 6 -sided dice, and 2D8 represents 2 8 -sided dice).


Some damage will allow you to add certain attribute adjustments, such as weapon attacks.(The damage based on the weapon of agile life can be added to the agile adjustment value.)

For example, the damage of light crossbow is the value of the Value of the Valley of the Crossbow.


The damage will have different attributes. Some monsters will resist the damage to certain attributes (half harm, take it down), and others will be vulnerable (double damage, take down).

If the monster has dual resistance to a certain damage, the resistance will only be calculated once. For example, monster A is resistant to flames and spell attacks, then when he is hurt by flame spells, the damage will only become half. Therefore, the caster can prepare a variety of damage types as much as possible to break the weakness of the enemy.


Strike is doubled the damage dice. For example, the damage of 1D4 has become 2D4.

Then add the attribute adjustment value, pay attention to the adjustment value without double.

Occupation such as thieves should try to use sneak attacks, pinching and other methods to cause advantages, and then it is easier to play extra damage and strikes. With additional damage to multiple attacks, it can explode extremely high combat potential.


1. Bit Guide: Fight-Keywords

⑤ Battle keywords

Attack: The attack that needs to be hit, compare with the AC of the target. The higher the value, the better.

Exemption: Resisting a certain spell/trap/emergencies, compared with the DC of the spell/trap to be resisting. The higher the value, the better.

Difficulty level (DC): The difficulty of achieving something. The higher the value, the more difficult.

Armor level (AC): The character is used to defend and avoid the value of attack. The higher the value, the better.

XDY: x a yin dice.2D8-> 2 8-sided dice.

Skills: The ability of the role in all aspects of the role is used for verification. For example, exercise, concealment, medicine, history.

Long break: For 8 hours of rest, it will return to full blood, and will refresh all the cooling of all spells, items, and abilities.

Short break: For a short period of time, a certain amount of blood will be restored and some capabilities are refreshing.

Preparatory spell: Remember some spells before rest for the next day.

Ring: The level of spells, and quantity. Using all 2 rings represents you no longer can perform 2 ring spells before rest.

Proficiency: Whether you are good at something, skilled things often allow you to add skilled value.

Sub-job: Professional branch.

Focus: Some persistent spells need to maintain concentration to continue to take effect. When it is harmed, it may be disconnected, and certain controls will be forced to disconnect.

Advantages: A certain test has an advantage or an attack has advantages. It means that the dice is needed twice D20, and the result is a result.

Disadvantages: There is a disadvantage or a disadvantage of a certain test, or the attack is disadvantaged. It means that the D20 is needed twice, and the result is lower as a result.

Resistance: Half of the damage with resistance attributes.

Easy to be injured: double when it is damaged by injury attributes.


1. Bit Guide: Magic-Ring Number/Spell position

8. Magic

① ring/spell position

Many professions can be used for magic, and the basic concept of magic is the number of ring and spell.

The ring number refers to the level of spells. From the beginning of the 0 ring to the 9th ring, the 0 ring will be called a drama, and it is a spell that can be cast without consuming a method.

Generally speaking, the higher the number of spells, the more spells, and some spells have the effect of lift. You can use a higher ring to show it to make it stronger.

In simple terms, many low-level spells have good effects, but the damage value is insufficient. At this time, you can use the ability of liters to improve. Essence


The number of spells and occupational levels do not correspond to it. Generally speaking, to perform the 9th ringworm, you must be at least 17 -instead of level 9 -caster.

For example, the mage does not reach level 17 to get a level 9 ring.


The spell position can be applied to the number of spells, which can be understood as the number of skills.

For example, character A has 4 1 rings, representing character A can use 4 1 ring spells, and so on. (The number corresponding to the mage ring in the table above is spell position).

Regardless of how much spells are known or prepared, the spells he can perform between each rest is always limited.


You can also release spells through magic items, or scrolls.

The CD of most magic items is refreshed.

The scroll is that consumables are generally fixed.


After completing a long rest, you can restore all the spell positions. You can prepare spells for appliance. In short, a spell consumes a spell position until you recover after rest.

Therefore, all cast occupations (except evil surgeons) have a daily list of law. You are ready for these available spells and then moved at each other.

Evil surgeons are all known to be applied, but the spells are generally limited (basically it is used as a fire turret).


1. Bit Guide: Magic-Classification

② Apply/caster

Rev.: Need to prepare spells. You cannot learn the scroll. Long break can be replaced at will at will. Long rest ring.

Ranger: No need to prepare spells. You cannot learn the scroll. Long rest ring.

Evil surgeon: no need to prepare spells. You cannot learn the scroll. Return to the ring.

Master: Need to prepare spells. You can learn some spell scrolls in the mage spell list. Long break can be replaced at will. Long rest ring.


If the character has an enemy near the body, it will be at a disadvantage.

The caster is best to use the push, response and other means to place the enemy’s approach (otherwise players should try to rely on and counter to the enemy).

If it does not work, you can take the opportunity to attack once within the tolerance, so as to open the distance to cast key magic.


Spells marked with concentrated (focus) are often spells that continue to cause effects. Your role needs to be concentrated to maintain its existence.

Each character can only maintain the concentration of one spell at a time, and at the same time, it may cause you to disconnect your focus. Therefore, please try to keep the character that maintains your focus away from the dangerous area.

(Improve physical fitness, enhance exemption, choosing expertise, etc. can improve your focus.)


General movements, such as mobile and attack, will not interrupt focus. But the following matters may break the focus:

-The spell that needs to be focused on maintenance: You cannot focus on two spells at the same time.

-Drocar damage: Whenever you suffer from harm during your focus, you need to perform a physical exemption to maintain concentration. The test DC is half of the damage values you have to bear, and the two are high. If you suffer from damage from multiple different sources, such as being hit by an arrow and a dragon, you need to roll the dice separately for each damage.

-Forf or death: If you fall into weakness or be killed, your focus is over.

For example, if you suffer from 30 points, then you have to perform DC’s physical exemption test, which requires D20+physical adjustment value+proficiency value (if it can) be greater than 15 to maintain concentration.


Pay attention to this column option when applying the method of the method of the method.

Whether the attack spell is effective depends on the height of the enemy’s armor, and whether the exemption of spell depends on the corresponding exemption of the enemy.

Therefore, using attack spells against enemies with low armor, and using specific exemption spells for enemies who are not good at certain types of exemptions.

(For example, a spell that requires agile exemptions for bulky monsters.)


1. Bittering: Magic-Preparatory spell

③ Preparatory spell

You can prepare the spells you can perform in the List of Law. That is, select the spells (quantity = main attribute adjustment value+caster level) that may be used in the magic spell.

For example, if you are a level 3 mage, you have 4 level 1 method and 2 level 2 method. If you have 16 points of intelligence, you will be able to prepare a total of 6 (intellectual adjustment value 3+ caster level 3) The 1 ring or 2 ring mage spell in the known magic table, the specific combination is casual. If you prepare 1 ringwheel [Magic Missile], you can choose to consume 1 or 2 ring art. A spell will not move it out of the list of preparations.

Whenever you complete a long rest, you can change your preparation method list.


Professions such as mage, pastor, and sacred warrior need to prepare spells.

The professions such as warlocks, bulky poets, ranges, and evil artists do not need to prepare spells because their spell lists are limited and obtained through upgrade choices.

Therefore, many cast occupations can obtain the ability to learn magic through part-time mage, and expand the available spell list.

Do not prepare the career of spells, carefully select available spells-this is one of the core attention points of this strategy to help players make spell choices.


1. Bit Guide: Magic-Reactions Classification

④ response category

In addition to taking the opportunity to attack and other actions, spells and abilities can also respond.

The reaction is equivalent to the free operation after triggering a certain situation. Generally, there is only once in one round. Some abilities, props, and expertise will increase the number of reactions.

Players can see the response they can make in the spell book response list. It is recommended to check inquiries, otherwise it will automatically react as long as it triggered.


For example, when you are hit, a reaction prompt will appear-whether to use shields.

For example, the small and small devils of the legend can be hit for more than 11 or more. At this time, the author uses a reaction to put the shield, which increases 5AC, and the little ghost cannot hit the author of the author.

The reaction cast is mainly a variety of protection, countermeasures, and control. For example, spell countermeasures are also reactions, so that opponents cannot release important magic.


1. Bit Guide: Equipment/Live in

9. Equipment/load

We take the short sword as an example:

Tactical melee weapons are type keywords. Related proficiency matching can get proficient value in the battle.

1D6 means that its damage is to throw a 6 -sided dice, which causes 1 to 6 points of damage.(Similar 2D8 is to throw two 8 -sided dice, causing 2 to 16 damage).

Pingling is the type of damage, and the corresponding puncture resistance will reduce puncture damage.

Light and dexterous are also weapon type keywords. The relevant Canadian is used in the correlation. For example, the dexterous weapon can use agile adjustment value instead of power adjustment values for attack and damage judgment.

It can be dipped in the weapon that can interact with scenes such as fire, acid, and get additional bonuses.

In the end, the holder can also get a chopping action, which is equivalent to the additional attack skills that can be obtained with a short sword.


Right-click weapons can also view details.

If the player character has martial arts weapons and is skilled and is agile, the short sword is a melee weapon suitable for it.

You can enjoy the proficiency bonus of martial arts weapons at the same time and the agile bonus of attack judgment.


Props are usually consumables or materials.

Players can be used to restore, BUFF or manufacture.

There are also many capabilities such as harm and control.

Pay attention to the use of props in the battle or consumption.


The most important attribute of the armor is the defense level (that is, AC).

The higher the AC, the more opponents can’t hit you.

For example, the leather armor in the game shows AC11,+3 agile. This means that if the player is highly adjusted, the player will add a maximum of 3 agility adjustment values to AC if the player is highly adjusted.

The role of agile adjustment value is 2, and eventually wearing a leather armor is 13ac (without considering other equipment and capabilities).


If your load exceeds 70%of your weight, you will become overweight. If your load is more than 90%of your weight, you will become seriously overweight (humans have a load increase, but also alsoNot particularly useful).

Overweight of items: The movement speed is reduced, and the jump distance is halved.

Severely overweight: The movement speed is greatly reduced, and it cannot climb or jump. At the same time, it will be at a disadvantage when the attribute testing, attack rolling, and strength, agility and physical exemptions will be at a disadvantage.


1. Benefit guide: Rest

10. Rest

There are two ways to rest in the game, for 8 hours of long break and 1 hour (only 15 minutes in BG3). They are many means to restore occupational capabilities.


Take a long time

Longest to go back to the camp to do it, and sometimes it becomes a node triggered by the plot. The long break will restore all the blood volume and reset the CD of almost all capabilities, spells, and items.


Short break

Can be performed twice in one day for a short break, and the cooling will be reset after a long break. The short break will restore part of the blood volume and reset some of the CDs of some capabilities.


2. Character/team: match/companion

2. Character/Team

1. Team matching/companion

Before starting to create a role, it is best to understand our teammates. We will quickly contact the following teammates–

High elves (men)

Half-high Elf Rev. (female)

Human Master (male)

Geis Symbol Warrior (Women)

Human Evil Artist (male)

Toflin barbarians (female)

Bailong Warlock (evil thoughts)


Players can choose the preset character to start the game (I make some newcomers here for the overall recommendation, and the analysis of the ethnic occupation will be seen later).

If you like to communicate, tend to find a variety of problems while interacting, it is recommended to choose human evil artists.

The high charm of the evil surgeon and the high degree of practice of human beings can give you a lot of interaction choices. Such a "leader" allows you to rely on your teammates’ interaction ability.


Although the game emphasizes that people do their best, and professional people do professional things, the author still recommends that players create a "leader" role, so that he can be responsible for most interaction, which can make you easier to play.

If you create your own role, the author’s suggestion is that human beings (dwarfs are also good choices) -Anti-resistance, can also be played, and have a practical cast ability. Power, charm and human proficiency can take many types of verification and interaction one person.


The sacred warrior is very golden and the intensity is still very high, and it is a perfect leader.

And you can also give it a new positioning through the deputy of the Holy Waelery -Guxian can have a better recovery ability, dedicate to defense, and revenge has a good damage explosion ability.

You can even let your part-time scholars/evil surgeons tend to be highly charm and cast strike ability, and there are quite rich proficiency in high procuratorial items.


It is also easier to build a team with the core of the Holy Warriors. The wanderer Asai Lun can make you miss the hidden things, discover traps, open the door and open the box.

Rivers also have a lot of skilled skills. Players who like to expand the content of the game can get a lot of extra benefits.

The wanderers can match a good combination with the Saint Samurai in the melee position and play a large number of sneak attacks.


The effects of spells in the game are very good, and the casting ability of the team is indispensable.

Evil surgeons are a long-range long-range long-range thug. Warlocks can become a high-quality turret, which are options.

But the author still recommends mage. Mage can learn more magic, and you can have different choices according to the situation, so that you have a sense of no preservation.

In addition, the attributes and proficiency of the mage can just complement the saints and thieves and partner.


The fourth teammates can be more flexible, which is also convenient for obsessive-compulsive disorder to complete all companions tasks.

It is a very stable match to treat the stress and face the undead demon.

When the enemy has a tip core, you can choose the mobility and explosive barbarians to clear it at a fixed point.

And soldiers can let you have more tactics, control the enemy with means pushing, inverted, rushing, etc.


2. Character/Team: Race-Elf

2. Race

The Gate 3 of Boddon 3 canceled the race value-added, making the difference between race is relatively small. It is encouraged to pinch people according to their preferences, and do not need to be too attached to attributes.

Race and subcuvenal will bring some tendencies. If you pursue perfection, you still need to match the race-career.


Fairy Essence: It has an advantage for the exemption of charm, and magic cannot allow you to enter sleep.

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Professional items: detect, long sword, short sword, long bow, short bow


Sub-species: high elves

There is a trick, which is the magic of 0 ring. Although the level is low, it has good practicality.

Attack, defense, and auxiliary are all available, it can be well matched with career.


Subdisia: Wood Elves

The wooden elf has a higher movement speed (1 round 10.5 meters), as well as hidden proficiency items.


Evaluation and recommendation

Elves are relatively suitable for casting, remote and maneuverability.

In the early days, the high essence system was more useful because of the existence of the drama, and the transition period of growth was smoother.

Wooden Elf Wars and Ranger can play a good advantage of maneuverability and hiding raids.

In fact, the wooden elf barbarians are also a good match that can become a meat grinding machine full of fields.


2. Character/Team: Race-Tidhlin

② Tiborin

Flame prison resistance: halve the flame resistance, the flame damage is halved.

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Qiqi trick: It is also a 0 -ring spell, which has a relatively single role, and there is no diverse choice of high essence.


Sub-species: Astontis Timfrin

Firework: It can be illuminated, or it can cause 1D8 flame damage.


Grade 3 gets purgatory and drink.


Level 5 obtains darkness.


Sub-species: Meffist Timfrin

Mage’s hand: You can interact from a long distance.


Level 3 gets burning hands.


Level 5 obtained a flame knife.


Subsidon: Zarilil Toflin

Strange: Bring advantages to intimidation and performance testing.


Level 3 gets the flame cut.


Level 5 is obtained by the mark (currently the game has a problem but the effect is no problem).


Evaluation and recommendation

Choosing Toflin went to the racial spell 1, 3, and 5.

Astontis is suitable for long-range occupations, while Merfister has further enhanced the turret, and Zaril can provide additional efficient blows for melee occupations.

Toflin is therefore more suitable for the holy warrior, wanderers, and mage who likes "doing things", so that they have more means and resistance, which is more fun.


2. Character/Team: Race-Zhuer

③ ③ ③

Fairy Essence: It has an advantage for the exemption of charm, and magic cannot allow you to enter sleep.

Senior Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark, and the corresponding is that the movement is usually 9 meters in one round.

Professional items: fine sword, short sword, crossbow


Level 3 can get demon fire.


Level 5 can obtain darkness.


Sub-species: Rosa Oath Joer

There are no essential differences between the two sub-types of Zhuoer, mainly because the plot occasionally has different choices when encountering related content. These influences are very small and don’t care about it at all.


Sub-species: Sidreyn Zhuoer


Evaluation and recommendation

For the players who like to dive into the player, Zhuer is a good scouts and assaulters.

There are advantages in the dark environment, and the skill of weapons is almost tailor-made for the risty occupation.

In addition, you can be competent as a bard poet, ranger, warlock, and evil artist.


2. Character/Team: Race-Humanity

④ humans

Tongcai: Get an additional selection of more skilled items, and the weight-bearing capacity is increased by 25%.

Professional items: short spear, spear, halberd, long handle knife, light armor, shield.

Humans have no subspecies (well, say the same in biology, laugh)


Evaluation and recommendation

Humans seem to be the biggest victims to cancel the racial value bonus. After all, all attributes +1 have been canceled.

But in fact, all +1 did not look so beautiful. Instead of like the author like the leader-type play, it feels good, and human beings are still the same.

The increase in weight is also more useful for players who do not modify, so that you will not pay attention to backpack management frequently.

Considering proficiency, the relative returns of various melee occupations are higher, but don’t care too much, so much oil.


2. Character/Team: Race-Geis Yanji

⑤ Geis Yanji

Star knowledge: Choose a kind of attribute to obtain all skills corresponding to the attribute. Note that this is continuous, you can choose again after a long break.

Mind Power: Some 0 -level dramas that are biased towards fighting.

Professional items: light armor, Chinese armor, short sword, long sword, giant sword.

The Gisan Yanji people have no subspecies (I don’t know, I didn’t say it on the biological book this time, laugh)


Level 1 gets the hands of the mage.


Level 3 obtains jumping.


Level 5 gets fascinated steps.


Evaluation and recommendation

If you also want a leader, but the demand is not high, you can pass it, and you don’t want to think too much (you still have to go, laugh), then the Geis Yanji people provide you with the answer. The game is particularly suitable).

The spiritual power can make the Geis Yanji people have more choices when fighting, it is really practical, and let me have some available remote choices.

Basically, the career of the melee can be competent. Although the proficiency items are often wasted, when you have to engage in a monk with a sword, a maverick warlock or part-time job, he has a good proficiency in value. You can be handy after you are familiar with the game.


2. Character/Team: Race-Dwarf

⑥ dwarf

Speed: 7.5 meters in a round, usually less than 9 meters.

Professional items: Tomahawk, Hand Ax, Light Hammer, Warhammer.

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Dwarf human body: It has advantages in the exemption and testing of toxins and resistance to toxic injuries.


Subspecies: golden dwarf

Life upper limit +1, an additional additional increase of each time 1.


Sub-species: shield dwarf

Get the proficiency item of light armor and Chinese armor.


Sub-species: gray dwarf

Senior Dark Vision (24 meters) has an exemption and verification advantage for illusion, charm and paralysis.


Evaluation and recommendation

The dwarf is weak, either take a long-range route or block the enemy as a tank.

Undoubtedly, as a bonus of the tank class, the gold dwarf is the most real, and the shield dwarf can bring many long-range armor proficiency. When you are going to rely on armor to protect the wanderers and the French systemAdd agile or physical attributes to other places).

The gray dwarf is a slow running.


2. Character/Team: Race-Half Elf

⑦ Half elves

Professional items: short spear, spear, halberd, long handle knife, light armor, shield.

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Fairy Essence: It has an advantage for the exemption of charm, and magic cannot allow you to enter sleep.

In fact, the main elf is mainly different from the skilled items of the elves.


Subspecies: half-high elves

You can choose a high-quality trick, which is still a lot of types.


Subspecies: Half Wooden Elf

Inherited the foot of the wooden elves, 10.5 meters per round.


Sub-species: Ban Zhuoer

Dance light, which was canceled, was given to Banzhuo, that is, the light source that lasted 10 rounds.


Evaluation and recommendation

The semi-elf is worse than the elves in hidden and perceived capabilities, and has obtained some weapons and armor proficiency.

It is also the race with Wanjin oil, especially the replenishment of melee in the semi-high elves, and the half-wood elves have strengthened mobility.

For example, the half-wood elf barbarians, the half-high elves revenge knight, and the half-wood elf warrior who follows the tactical route is a good choice.


2. Character/Team: Race-Half-Body

Half-body person

Speed: 7.5 meters in a round, usually less than 9 meters.

Lucky: Attack investment, attributes and exemptions, you can re-invest when you invest in 1 and use the results of rewinding.

Brave: There are advantages in panic exemptions.


Subspecies: light foot half-body person

There is an advantage in hiding inspection.


Subsidon: Zhuangxin Half-body (I still like the ambition in the rules of the rules)

There are advantages in toxin exemption and testing, as well as toxin resistance.


Evaluation and recommendation

Regardless of the appearance, most of the time can be better replaced by various dwarf options most of the time.

Light-footed half-bodies are particularly suitable for diveting in gameplay, wandering, poets, and even the law of no-armor/.

You can sneak in more stable, more stable sneak attacks and get more stable damage expectations.


Second, character/team: race-dwarf

⑨ ⑨ ⑨

Speed: 7.5 meters in a round, usually less than 9 meters.

Cunning: There is an advantage in the test of intelligence, perception and charm for exemption.


Sub-species: rock dwarf

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Timed in historical examinations, the value of the proficiency is added.


Sub-species: forest dwarf

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Can communicate with animals.


Subspecies: Underground dwarf

Senior Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark, and the corresponding is that the movement is usually 9 meters in one round.

The verification has an advantage when the rock terrain is hidden.


Evaluation and recommendation

Several short-legged dwarfs are very powerful and practical, and they are also high-quality candidates for leaders.

It has a strong advantage in verification, you can also choose the additional ability such as historical reinforcement and animal exchanges.

If it is a sneak flow, the dwarf in the ground is also a good choice (in fact the other two are also good).


2. Character/Team: Race-Dragon

⑩ ⑩ ⑩ ⑩

The Dragon’s itself does not have special abilities, but each subspecies have inherited the ability of the corresponding dragon.

That is, the vomiting damage of various acids, electricity, ice, and fire and the corresponding resistance.


Let’s show a large-scale appearance (laughs) –


Evaluation and recommendation

Dragon’s vomiting is a powerful attack ability, and the corresponding resistance is simple and practical.

It is relatively suitable for occupations with melee capabilities. It is easy to get started, and the effect in the middle and early stage is also very good.


2. Character/Team: Race-Half Orcs

(11) Half orc

Dark Vision: It can be seen in the dark for 12 meters, and it corresponds to 9 meters moved in one round.

Toughness and unyielding: When life falls to 0, it will recover 1 life instead of falling to the ground, that is, you will not hang up (laughs) when you hung it for the first time.

Fierce strike: The damage dice during melee weapons is 3 times instead of 2 times.

Half orcs have no subspecies.


Evaluation and recommendation

The biggest beneficiary of the racial value has appeared, and it feels that Ryerian is to balance the choice of beauty and ugliness (laughs).

Melee strong strikers, whether they are soldiers, barbarians, ranger (melee), thieves, are easy to use, and very simple and easy to use (laughs).

Experts such as lucky and brutal attacks can be well matched, and the deputy profession of warriors is super enhanced.


Second, all -ethnic characteristics comparison table

All-ethnic characteristics comparison table (made from iron ball god doctor GYRO)


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Summary

3. Occupation

① Professional review

Each occupation of the game body can be upgraded to level 12. As a reference, the Legal Legal system can be applied to 6 ringwhelms.

DLC will gradually increase the upper limit of the game level.


At the time of upgrading, you can obtain life (different from occupation, physique, race, and expertise), professional characteristics, actions, and professional spells.

Level 12 is already very powerful in DND settings. As far as the game itself is concerned, it is already rich in playability.


You can even click the increase in the career button in the upper right corner of the upgrade interface to select part-time jobs.

Part-time jobs can make up for career advantages but often cannot play the advanced characteristics of a certain profession. Fortunately, the relative impact of part-time jobs within the 12th level is smaller.


Generally speaking, the priests, mage, warlock and other legal occupations try to do not work as much as possible, so that they can obtain high-ring spells.

Of course, if they are all similar categories, they can work part-time, and they can also increase the grade of the caster to obtain high-circuit spells, but the significance is generally not much.

Usually, part-time jobs are required to provide good returns when a part-time profession can provide good returns. Get contract magic and so on.


Each occupation will have deputy choices at the beginning or level 3, which is equivalent to the direction of specialty.

Although the name is different, for example, the pastor is called the field, but the meaning is the same, just to let you choose a direction.

The melee occupation such as fighters will also have a choice of combat style, which is also a reinforcement of combat.


You can select detailed selection in the upgrade interface. After clicking on the left side of the left side, you can switch each option after clicking.

There will also be important prompts (such as selected expertise) for your reference.


In addition, all occupations can get expertise at level 4, 8, and 12 (so on).

The expertise is considered an additional strong passive ability, which is very helpful for strengthening BD gameplay. It will have more detailed explanations in the future.


2. Character/Team: Career-Ranking Recommendation

② General recommendation

The author will combine Larien’s recent interesting statistical table to make an overall racial career recommendation.

This table does not fully represent strength, and it is a comprehensive manifestation of players’ personal feelings and aesthetics.

For example, players in preset characters have clearer preferences in Gale → Kakak → Asdal → Yingxin → Wil → Leezel.

In fact, these professions have good strong BDs. There are great factors for this ranking and personal preferences.


In terms of race, Wanjin Oil Semi -Elf and Human choices are the most.

Elves, dragons, Tivillin, and Zhuer with strong spell capabilities are really easy to use.

Although the semi-orc is not pleasing, the powerful physical attack has given him a place

Three short legs of dwarfs, dwarfs, and half-bodies are really not very popular.

As for the Gisan Yanji people, it is indeed subject to appearance.


In career, the strength of the Holy Warrior is there, and it is easy to play.

The warlocks and evil artists have two turns. Although the current law is average, it can be well matched with the samurai in part-time jobs, so the statistics are quite advanced.

Due to the unlocking of the road, most of the teams will bring most of the teams, and the chairman is the professional weakened and auxiliary reinforcement version of the ribbon, and even a powerful poet leader BD.

Barbarians and soldiers benefit from the powerful melee BD, which is also a choice that is easy to appear in the team.

Ranger is far away. It is more fun to take into account the ability of survival and other explorations.

The mage is full of money, which is very interesting and functional, and warlocks, evil artists, etc. can all work part-time mage to obtain the ability to copy books.

The monk has a strong BD, but the play and image of bare hands and empty fists have always been unpleasant. Druid also has similar problems. He is still strong, but he doesn’t like it.

The priest’s bottom is basically the problem of strength.


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Barbarians

③ Barbarians

The basic positioning of barbarians is a high-explosive motor battlefield meat grinding machine.

He can quickly appear in a critical position, give a strong blow to dangerous enemies, strong single-wheeled output ability, and the control and strike effect are obvious.

Due to the built-in equipment and props, there are also high-off-defense throwing streams to choose from, and the gameplay is also very diverse.

-Barbarian professional ability comparison table

(Made of iron ball god doctor GYRO, the same below)


-The Heart of Vocational Wilder-Skills of the Heart of Beast


-The heartworm heart-the beast appearance skills table


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Yin Poet

④ Bard poet

The blooming poet has a strong exploration and interaction ability, and it is also a caster with a good auxiliary effect.

The blooming poet can have a good long-range attack, and even choose a melee route.

Poets can exist as a good leader, or to a certain extent to replace the risty exploration functionality (still worse), which is expensive.

-Pochon Poet Occupation Power Comparison Table

(Made of iron ball god doctor GYRO, the same below)


-Epou poet spell pool


-Magic Spell Pond


2. Character/Team: Professional-Pastor (Life/Light/Strange Sope)

⑤ Rev.

The priests in the DND game are more like a fortress-like auxiliary role, and they have strange effects when fighting the demon and the undead.

The field of the pastor determines its type of spell, the life is assisted, and the light bias to the crackdown on dark creatures.

The natural field is biased towards the beast traine, survival, animal and plant interaction, summoning, and a strong spell strike in the field of storms.

The field of war made a priest a devil.

Of course, the power of the pastor under the current level cannot be played well, and the strength is not enough.

-Life/Light/Strange Mods Comparison Table


2. Character/Team: Professional-Rev. (Natural/Storm)

-The natural/storm capability comparison table


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Rev. (War)

-The war capability comparison table


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Druid

⑥ Druid

Druid is a natural partner. Natural interaction, summoning, recovery, and spell strike ability are good, and there is a powerful transformation ability.

Druid’s current performance is a bit of a sense of understanding of the door essence. There are several brushes in various fields. As a caster, it is also auxiliary, control, strengthening, and summoning ability.

-Druid Vocational Ability Comparison Form


-Druid Spell Pool


-Druid Grand Social Terities Options Spell


2. Character/Team: Professional-Warrior (Battle Style)

⑦ warrior

With high life, high weapons and armor proficiency, it is good in strength and physical identification.

Excellent tanks, also have strong melee strike capabilities and advantageous manufacturing capabilities.

-The soldiers’ professional ability comparison table


-Pat style


2. Character/Team: Professional-Warrior (Excellent Dice/Austrian Cavaliers)

-Fat Master Excellence Dice Skills


-Overnic Cavaliers Spell Pool


2. Character/Team: Professional-Monk


The monk’s focus is on a elegant, no armor and no weapon, and flexible mobility to speed up.

It can cooperate with teammates output, and the restrained enemy can cause devastating damage.

High-mobility can help the battlefield to check and make up, and even obtain the application capacity through the deputy.

Although the gameplay is not very pleasing, there is a very strong melee BD.

-The professional ability comparison table


-Fuxiangzong spell pool


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Holy Wait

⑨ ⑨ ⑨ ⑨

The sacred warrior can be a defenseman, and he can be a sweepstake. He can apply for assistance. He can use spells to produce a lot of additional damage, which has an overwhelming advantage in specific evils, undead, and demon goals.

High power and high charm make it have a good space for verification, which is very suitable as a leader.

The sacred warriors can even obtain the strong ability of physics and magic through the part-time job of the law department.

-Shengwu professional ability comparison table


-Agly vower Career Comparison Table


-Pat style




2. Character/Team: Occupation-Ranger (1)


Having a flexible crackdown profession, and also good at ambush and reconnaissance, it is no less affinity with nature/beast than Druid.

Ranger can choose to be distinctive, double-holding, etc., and can also have the ability to control animal partners.

Especially for remote output and animal partners, it can be used as the core of the construction. In addition, the casting ability of the ranger is also very helpful and cannot be underestimated.

-The professional ability comparison table


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Ranger (2)

-The Ranger


-The Ranger Natural Explorer


-Argen method pool


-Argen fighting style


-Hun hunter prey


-Card tactics


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Wanderers

(11) Wanderer

Sneak, ambush, unlocking, and removal of traps.

Walking with agility and intelligence capabilities in shadows, long-distance range can fight, and various verifications are also good hands.

With strong functionality and very good explosive power, the team is tanned (the wanderers in mature teams also have a strong ability to hurt).

-The Randalists Comparison Table


-The Story Master Spell Pool


2. Color/Team: Professional-Warlock

(12) Warlock

The warlock is the existence of all the cannons. It uses various super magic to strengthen the spells to fight high explosive damage.

In fact, the warlock can also work part-time mage to obtain more spell selection rights when the categrator level is unchanged (but it will lose the spell point, and there will be less depth with the breadth).

Players who like to bombard can choose the warlock.

-The professional ability comparison table


-A warlock super magic ability


-Asmate Dragon Blood


-Asmate spell pool


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Evilist

(13) Evilist

Using charm as the cast as the main attribute of the cast, the spell selection surface is relatively small, but the operation is simple, and the role is one.

The early magic explosion can greatly simplify the battle, and the call call can also increase the flexibility of the team.

The main thing is a simple and practical, without fancy.

-The vocational ability comparison table


-Exisa Magic Magic Pray for Passive


-Exisa Magic Eunze


-Smos Spell Pond


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Master (Protection/Plastic Energy)

(14) Master

The cay with intelligence as the main attribute.

Flexible and changing, with the largest spell pool in the game. Players who are proficient in rules can make the mage shine.

The mage is the role of the team from exploring to interaction to combat to assistance, and it is full of fun (it really needs you enough to know the game).

-Amaster Career Comparison Table: Protection/Plastic Energy


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Master (illusion/change)

-Maggrical professional ability comparison table: illusion/change


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Master (Control/Prophecy)

-Amaster Career Comparison Table: Control/Proposal


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Master (Dead Spirit/Mantra)

-Amaster professional ability comparison table: Dead Spirit/Mantra


2. Character/Team: Occupation-Master (spell pool)

-Mage Spell Pool


2. Character/Team: Background

4. Background

The background refers to the past and birth of your character, and the background will give players a corresponding skill proficiency.

In terms of utilitarian, please try to choose the background of the selected occupation/race not yet proficient item.


In addition, most of the plots in the game are carried out by players choose the conversation content, so the player’s conversation content and behavior will get a little incentive point when setting the background setting of the selected role.

The incentive point can be used to re-roll the dice for the attribute test, and the number of incentive points can be stored up to four.


The following is a list of proficiency corresponding to the background.


2. Character/Team: Skills

5. Skills

In the door of Bude, there are a lot of skills. These skills are the key to various verification during the game.

Each skill corresponds to a kind of attribute. The higher the attribute, the better it may be performed in this skill. The proficiency item with this skill (you can add the proficient value to the verification) will further improve the performance.

Let professional people (those who have the corresponding skills and the attribute bonus) do professional (verification) to make the adventure easier.

Players can obtain skill proficiency through race, occupation, background and expertise, and some props and magic will also provide skills.


— List of Skills Action —

-The skills

Exercise: Climbing, jumping, traveling, running.

-Higger skills

Gymnastics: acrobatics, balance, gymnastics, etc.

Small hand: stealing, obstructive eyes, sneaky tricks.

Hidden: Dodge, hide.


Mystery: Magic-related knowledge, spells, magic items, mages, runes, etc.

History: Related knowledge, legend, war, ancient civilization and so on.

Survey: Collect clues everywhere and reason. More than perception skills noticed more attention to finding and thinking about answers.

Nature: plants, animals, etc.

Religion: deity, cult, sacred emblem and so on.

-The perceptual skills

Taming beast: tame the beasts, control mounts, appease animals and so on.

Insight: Psychological judgment of inner thoughts, judging lies, reading (laughs), etc.

Medicine: Condition, medicine, etc.

Feeling: I see, hear, smell, and perceive all kinds of things.

Survival: Track prey, predict weather, judge terrain and terrain, and so on.

-Frusing skills

Bullying: coax.

Anti-intimidation: threat, intimidation, display violence, and so on.

Performance: singing, dance, speaking, rap (laugh) and so on.

Lobby: mouth cannon.


2. Character/Team: Properties point

6. Properties point

First of all, please refer to the role of each attribute in the south of the fingers on the previous article.

Through the skills and verification chapters of the previous article, players also understand the basis of attribute adventure and fighting. A large number of interactions are based on attributes as the core.

Players recommend building characters according to the default attributes without the rules.


Since the Gate 3 of Boda Gate 3 has canceled the race value value in the 5E rules, the attribute limit is limited to 15 when creating a role is 15.

Then give players+2,+1 two free choice items.

Generally speaking, +2 is given +2 to the character’s attributes, and+1 can be given another important attribute.


For example, the samurai is the most important force and charm.

The damage type can be +2 strength +1 charm. If it is biased towards casting and interaction, it can be +2 charm+1 power.

《3》 ��

2. Character/Team: Specialty

7. Specialty

Each character can choose one expertise at level 4, 8, and 12. Most of the specialty is universal, but some expertise will have front requirements. Please choose according to the character Build.

At the same time, the attribute value of the BG3 is increased (two points to any attribute value, and the attributes do not exceed 20) are also integrated into the expertise.

The expertise is a strong passive bonus, which is very helpful to enhance the characters.

The following is a list of expertise effects-

Properties improvement: one attribute +2, or two attributes each +1, the upper limit is 20.

Actor: Charm +1, the upper limit is 20. When performing performances and deceiving verification, the additional value of the proficiency item doubles

Alert: Your first attack gets a +5 value-added, and it will not be stunned.

Athlete: Power or agile +1, the upper limit is 20. When you fall, the movement required for re-standing is lower. At the same time, the jump distance increased by 50%.

Charge: Gets charge: weapon attack and charge: push.

Strong crossbow expert: When you use a crossbow to launch an attack within the range of melee, the attack roll will not be at a disadvantage. Paste the open wound with twice the time at the same time

Defense duel: When you are launched by a melee attack on the ingenious weapon with skilled weapons, you can use a reaction to make your armor level +2, and at the same time, it may cause the attack to be unable to hit.

Double holders: Even if the weapon is not light, you can use double weapons to fight. In addition, when holding a melee weapon with both hands, the armor level obtains a +1 added value. Heavy weapons cannot be held double.

Dungeon Explorer: Get advantage in detecting the detection of hidden objects, and avoiding or resisting or resisting traps. Obtain resistance to trap damage.

Live for a long time: physical +1, the upper limit is 20 at a short break, and the full health is restored.

Elemental mentor: Your spell can ignore a type of damage resistance. When you perform the corresponding types of spells, you will not throw 1 point.

Giant weapon master: When launching a melee weapon attack, if it causes a blow or killing creature, you can launch a melee weapon attack again with an attached action. When using a heavy melee weapon with skilled items to launch an attack, the attack on the attack was impaired by -5, but the damage was +10. (You can freely switch this option.)

Use of heavy armor: Obtain heavy armor proficiency, and at the same time +1, the upper limit is 20. Requirements: Zhongjia proficiency item

Master Heavy A: Power +1, the upper limit is 20. When wearing heavy armor, non-magical attacks caused by non-magic attack-3. Requirement: heavy armor proficiency item

Light armor use: Obtain light armor skilled items, at the same time power or agile +1, the upper limit is 20.

Lucky: Get 3 lucky points that can be used to gain advantages in attack roll rolling, attribute testing or exemption verification, or let an enemy re-attack the dice.

Mage Killer: When a creature performs a spell within your melee range, all exemptions and verification will be in an advantage. In addition, you can use a reaction to immediately launch an attack on the caster. The enemies hit will be at a disadvantage in focusing on exemptions.

Flexible movement: The speed of movement is increased. When you go away, the disadvantaged terrain will not reduce your speed. If you move after a melee attack, you will not take the opportunity to attack the target.

Magic Scholar-Yin Poet: Learn 2 types of drama, and 1 type 1 ring spell in the chairman’s spell list. Every time you take a long break, you can perform 1 ringgestion. The key attributes of the three spells are charm.

Magic Apprentice-Rev.: Learn 2 kinds of dramas, and 1 type of 1-ring spell in the pastor spell list can perform 1 ring spell every time. The key attributes of the three spells are perception.

Magic apprentice-Druid: Learn 2 kinds of dramas, as well as a 1-ring spell in the Druid spell list. Every time you take a long break, you can perform 1 ringgestion. The key attributes of the three spells are perception.

Magic: -State: Learn 2 types of dramas, and 1 type of 1 ring spell in the warlock spell list. Every time you take a long break, you can perform 1 ringgestion. The key attributes of the three spells are charm.

Magic Apprentice-Evil Switch: Learn 2 types of drama, as well as a 1-ring spell in the spell list of evil surgeons. Every time you take a long break, you can perform 1 ringgestion. The key attributes of the three spells are charm.

Martial arts experts: From the deputy of the Master of Combat Masters, two kinds of combat skills are obtained at the same time. After a short or long break, the excellent dice that consumes can be restored.

Master Zhongjia: When you wear Zhongjia, it will not impose a disadvantage for hidden testing. The value of the armor grade obtained by agile adjustment becomes +3 instead of +2. Requirements: Zhongjia proficiency item

Performance: Get the skilled item of musical instruments, at the same time charm +1, the upper limit is 20

Master of long-handle weapon: When using long-handle knife, halberd, long sticks, or short attacks, you can use a motion-action weapon grip to attack. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to attack when a target enters the attack range.

Strike as a rock: a attribute +1, the upper limit is 20, and at the same time, the proficiency item of the attribute exemption test is obtained.

Ceremony Captist: Learn two optional ritual spells

Fierce fighter: When launching a weapon attack, perform two injuries and roll the dice and take the highest results.

Sentinel: When an enemy in the melee attacks an ally, you can use a reaction to launch a weapon attack against the enemy. Take the opportunity to attack the advantage. At the same time, when you use the opportunity to attack a creature, the creature cannot move in its own remaining round.

Sagittarius: Your remote weapon attack is no longer subject to the impairment punishment of the highland rules. When using a skilled weapon to launch a long-range attack, its attack roll is punished by a -5, but it will cause additional 10 points of damage.

Shield Master: When using the shield, the agile exemption test obtains a +2 added value. If a spell forces you to perform an agile exemption, you can use a reaction to protect yourself and reduce the damage caused by the effect. If the exemption of the verification fails, you will only suffer half of the damage. If the exemption is successful, you will not suffer any damage.

Cooked: You can choose any three skills and get their proficiency items.

Spell Sniper: Learn a trick. Trigger the number of attack rolling points required for the strike-1. This effect can be superimposed.

Tearr Fighter: When you launch a bare-handed attack, use a temporary weapon or roll a certain object, you can double your power adjustment value to the damage and attack the dice.

Strong: Each level is increased, the upper limit of life is +2.

Capture for Battlefields: The advantage of maintaining the exemption of spell-concentration. You can also use a response to an electric claw that moves out of the target of your melee attack.

Weapon master: Select four weapons to get skilled items, and at the same time of strength or agile +1, the upper limit is 20.


3. Professional BD recommendation: barbarians

EachProfessional BD recommendation

(Note 1: The author mainly recommends some high-quality BDs that are specialized, reinforced, and part-time. Players who are not familiar with the game can better understand the basic gameplay of each occupation with the default BD, and can be washed in the future.)

(Note 2: Refer to the effects of specialty, spells and other effects later explained in detail.)

— Savage BD recommendation —


— Description: Powerful melee, destroying and deadly, even ensuring the maneuverability and not very crispy. Even if it cannot be taken away in a wave, the damage guarantees output.

— Deputy Resort: Mad Warrior, Level 10-12 Part-time Warrior-Champions Warrior

— Attribute: 17/14/16/8/10/8

— Dedicated: Fighting and Wild Fighter/Giant weapon master/attribute improvement: strength

— Battle style: defense

-Reded mad warrior

— Description: The barbaric people taking the remote output route can buy 21 strength potions from the ghost in the early stage. In the later period, there are 23 force gloves and 27 forces. Become a strong killing device and meat shield, and even remote.(Plugs can also be the gameplay of level 11 soldiers+1 -level barbarians.

— Deputy Resources: Crazy War, 6, 7, and 8 part-time workers 3 wanders to obtain the auxiliary action

— Properties: 8/16/17/11/12/10 (If you do not need a force medicine and gloves, you must sacrifice your physique, perception, charm, and even some agility to add strength.

— Specialty: Paunasa fighting person/attribute improvement can be added to strengthen survival

— Battle style: defense


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Yin Poet

— Bard Poet BD Recommendation —

-Double crossbow sword dance

— Description: Using first-class output of double crossbow explosion can also take into account the 4 ring spells. There is no need to use sneaking to play outbreaks. It can be described as a perfect combination of output and auxiliary, and it is also very suitable for being a leader.

— Deputy Vocational: Sword and Dance Academy, level 7 part-time mage obtained the ability to learn spells, level 8 part-time soldiers obtained arrow combat style, level 9-11 part-time wanderer obtained a motion, a 12-level part-time migrant or warrior (see the expertise (see the expertiseBarn explanation).

— Attribute: 8/16/14/10/10/16

— Specialty: Specker/Gan Ruye: In constitution/level 12, you can choose a level 2 prediction mage to take the mage dice or level 2 soldiers to take the movement like a tide.

— Spell: Basically, the ability to get part-time part-time mage to obtain book copying is basic operation, so that there are many optional magic, Tasha laughed, hypnosis, demon fire, fixed, dagger clouds, shields, pets, summoning, etc. You can choose.

-The poet

— Description: It emphasizes spell ability, sneak attack, control, distant damage, auxiliary capture, the battlefield is tens of gold oil, and the team is good leader (laughs).

— Deputy Terminal: Yiwen College

— Attribute: 8/16/14/8/10/17

— Dedicated: Come on Battlefield/Struggle: Physical/Properties Improvement: Charm

— Spell: Healing Mantra/Demon Fire/Smile/Hypnosis/Ben Xing/Yu Luo/Human Determination/Dagger Cloud/Guarding Evil/Anti-Calculation/Anti-Ball/Higher Stealth/Action E free//Monster fixed/different world oaths/summoning elements/belief guards/firewall/Au Tu fans dance/heart eye light


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Rev.

— Recommended by the pastor BD —

-Peoria Rev.

— Description: Powerful assistance, treatment, blessings, protection, manufacturing advantages, and good output capabilities, difficulty/difficult/tackling combat good helper.

— Supplement: The field of light

— Properties: 12/16/14/8/16/8 or 10/14/16/8/17/8 (emphasizing assistance and casting ability, relatively far away from the first line)

— Dedicated: Battlefield Carter/Properties improvement: perception/alert or attribute improvement

— Spell: command/healing mantra/injury/blessing/guardian chain/human defaitment/enhanced attribute/support/spiritual weapon/fireball/guard carving text/soul guardians/firewall surgery/Defense Dead Elima/Manipulating Corpse/Charm Killer/Elastic Ball ball/Different Domestic Oath/Blade Barrier


— Description: This is a relatively unique gameplay. You can use the guardian link to 3 teammates, use blessings, blade barrier defense, and therapy for therapy, so that the team’s survivability is super strong. You can even hire 4 mercenaries, washing into life herds, a chain of a mercenary guardian link to a teammate, which greatly increases the blood volume of teammates and greatly increases fault tolerance. In fact, you can also work freely from level 8.

— Deputy Terminal: The field of life

— Attribute: 10/14/16/8/17/8

— Dedicated: strong/battlefield caster



3. Professional BD Recommendation: Druid

— Druid BD recommendation —

-Ey Moon Druid

— Description: The comprehensive strength is strong, and the output auxiliary summoning has enough strength. Using the lord of the water elements and reactions, it can cause high damage. However, the number of attacks of the Druids beasts and the use of the tavern fighter expertise may be fixed by Ryerian.

— Deputy Resources: Moon association, a priest in the field of 1-level war at levels at the 11th level at the 11th time to obtain a combination and military weapon proficiency.

— Attribute: 10/14/16/10/16/8

— Specialty: the tavern fighter (after the 11th washed the fierce blow)/sentinel/sentinel

— Spell: Jump/Step Ben/Monthly Light/Black Fire Services/Call of Lei/Call Forest Fairy/Summon Element Biology/Hero Feast


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Warrior Warrior

— Warrior BD recommendation —

-Giant weapon champion warrior

— Description: Using powerful heavy weapons to damage the enemy, the melee output is very violent. It is best to have a teammate to create advantages, which can increase their lives more efficiently and play the advantage of improving damage.

— Deputy Times: Champion Warrior

— Attribute: 17/14/16/8/10/8 or as the core of the leader 16/14/16/8/12/8

— Dedicated: Fierce and Wild Fighter/Giant weapon master/attribute improvement: 2 strength (first hand-wave output play can be alertable to replace attributes)

— Battle style: Giant weapon battle or choose defense when as a core of melee


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Monk Monk

— Monk BD Recommendation —

-Stana Sect Monk

— Description: Similar to throwing barbarians, is the biggest beneficiary of the tavern’s talent and strength agent, one of the most powerful melee. Take care of survival and defense, and strike multiple rounds.

— Deputy Residents: Sanda Zong, No. 7, 8, and 9 part-time workers 3 wanders, 10, 11, and 12 part-time part-time soldiers 3 soldiers choose the Austrian knight’s shield, summon magic pets, and protect good and evil.

— Properties: 8/14/17/10/16/8 (Pharmacy, 18 agile gloves)

— Specialty: tavern fascinator


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Holy Wood

— Recommended by the Holy Waishi BD —

-Wevene knight

— Description: Strong enough, almost the strongest, bug is enough to be bug, and it is likely that it is suddenly gone. Utilizing the additional BUG of the evil surgeon and the Holy Worth, the part-time mage obtained the problem of acceleration, so that the revenge knight’s melee and magic ability were very strong.

— Deputy Resources: Vow of revenge, level 6-10 part-time to high fairy evil surgeons, and the contract of the evil surgeon at the 8th level is the key to superimposed attacks. Level 11-12 part-time prediction mage.(You can also have a combination of 6 holy warriors +4 evil artists+1 Rev. or Warlock, with different casting capabilities.)

— Attribute: 8/14/16/10/10/16

— Dedicated: Fierce Strike/Giant weapon master/2 charm attribute.

— Battle style: defense

— Spell: Magic can explode and accelerate.


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Wanderers

— Recommended BD BD-

-Te shooting burst

— Description: Use the two-handed crossbow for remote blows, combined with the long-range capabilities of ranges and soldiers, as the output point of the remote explosion.

— Deputy Resort: Thieves, Level 5-9 part-time soldier-Champions Warrior, 10-12 part-time player-Shadow Shadow.

— Attribute: 10/17/16/8/14/8

— Dedicated: Sagittarius/Alert/Attribute improvement: Agile

— Battle style: arrow surgery/defense

— Enemy: Master Destruction/Ranger Knight

— Spell: Hunter mark/jumping surgery/stride


3. Professional BD Recommendation: Mage Mage

— Master BD recommendation —

-Podding Master

— Description: Using the prediction of the prediction of the dice to change the life against the sky, to ensure the stable and powerful output, it can also reverse the battlefield situation through various means such as summoning and control. It can be used as a battlefield.

— Deputy Terminal: Prophecy School

— Attribute: 8/14/16/17/10/8 or 8/16/14/16/12/8 (the former emphasizes the output, the latter takes into account some survival and assistance)

— Dedicated: Lucky/Battlefield Carter/Alert

— Spell: Master can learn spells through scrolls, so you can try spell choice without stubbornness. Priority output (fireball, firewall), second control (human/monster fixed, dominated), and then assist (shield, recovery, summoning), and can also help explore (animal conversation, flight). In short, the advantage of the mage is that you can learn everything and use everything.

-Luan Protection Master

— Description: The excellent battlefield controller can effectively combat and restrain the enemy, and the control and countermeasures of key targets can make the battle easier and flexible.

— Deputy Resort: Defense School

— Attribute: 8/14/16/17/10/8 or 8/16/14/16/12/8 (more preferred protection)

— Specialty: Properties improvement: Intelligence/Lucky/Battlefield Carter/Alert (4 Select 3)

— Spell: Cloud Misty/Human Determination/Dagger Cloud/Lost Step/Change Giant reduction/Fireball/Acceleration/Spell Cuttering/Guardian Evil/Firewall/Summon element biology/alien bound/Governing humans/monsters fixed/solving surgery/evoking dead spirits/spell invalidal enchantment/heartfelt light


Fourth, gameplay skills: easy injury/ground environment

Fourth, gameplay skills

1. Easy to hurt/ground environment

A variety of ground and special effects in the game can bring greatly improved damage, and we must master this technique.

-In the use of water-making surgery/throwing water bottle additional humidity effects, it will double with lightning attack damage.

-Plinking the water surface will cause the water bodies to have a charging effect, and anyone who enters the water body will be damaged by lightning.

-In cold spells in humid conditions, it can also be easily hurt.


You can use various spells and props to change the environment (ground) effect.

-The fire attack on the ice can melt it.

-The frozen water surface can make it freeze (at the same time to disappear the power effect).

-It to remove various ground effects, thorns are the most powerful, and the ground effect can basically be covered by thorns.


Fourth, gameplay skills: raid/preface

2. Create an advantage situation

① Attacker/sequence

Raiders are the easiest way to manufacture the opening advantage. Successful raids can greatly simplify the battle.

-The attack after hiding and stepping can reach a raid. The word "frightened" will be displayed on the enemy’s head. The raid can also allow you to move a round first. This round has an advantage in the enemy.

-As as long as all enemies can’t see you, such as mobilizing remote and magic attacks from above, outside the sight, can also cause assault.

-In the rolling person to trigger the raid.


When the order of your own character is adjacent, you can arranged the order of the action of adjacent characters at the top of the action bar.

For example, let the original priest move first, and launch watermaking to create humid conditions, so that subsequent electric attacks are vulnerable.


Fourth, gameplay skills: high and low difference

-The body can always be used to prepare a box box that is not too heavy. When you need it, there are high and low difference in three stackers. You can go up directly when you jump directly. The shooter is very practical.

-It is disadvantaged in the low place in the game, so these boxes are both offensive and defensive.

-Puzzle the box, as long as you can stack it up, you can even use many boxes to open the road (laughs). Then sneak into the box road and lose heavy objects and javelin from above.

-It is also that although there are bonuses at the high place, it is not the "advantage" of judgment. Do not obtain the advantages when attacking as a high place.


Adjust the direction with a mouse roll, and the high-altitude parabolic damage is really great.


Fourth, gameplay skills: make best

When obtaining an advantage, you can take two dice to take large value, and the benefits are very high. We must try to use various conditions to create advantages. The following are various advantages.

-In hiding, stealth spells, and stealth potions, as long as the enemy can’t see you, it will have an advantage when attacking.

-Cat the enemy’s blindness, dark darkness, and clouds.

-Phole, the weapon trip, the enemy is pushed down from the height, the icing and slipping, the fat slide, etc., let the enemy fall to the ground, the enemy who attacks the ground in melee has an advantage.

-In the state of fixed, unbalanced, spell attacks have advantages.

-Forne, demon fire, and pastor avatars allow the team to gain advantages.

-Accupance, such as barbarians reckless attacks, play tricks first.

-Cap the enemy.


Fourth, gameplay skills: avoid disadvantage

④ Avoid disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages are not superimposed. No matter how many advantages and disadvantages are, it is only one effect. As long as there is a disadvantage, it will offset the advantage (vice versa), no matter how many advantages you have.

Therefore, in addition to making excellence, we must also avoid disadvantages. The following behavior should be avoided as much as possible:

-In use armor and weapons without proficiency.

-Ingate when hiding.

-In the ground such as icing, oil and other grounds.

-Mage and archers are close by the enemy (the response method is to evacuate and push away the enemy before attacking).

-Stacked by the enemy.

-The enemy who strikes a high place.

-The remote attack range (response method-standing height can add range).

-The enemies in the dark or invisible (Lighting and other spells make it appear).


Fourth, gameplay skills: manufacture disadvantages

⑤ Manufacturing disadvantage

If the advantage cannot be created, it is also beneficial to our disadvantage to our disadvantages. We should conduct the following tactics:

-The as much as possible to the enemy’s long-range and spell occupations, let them bear the attack disadvantages.

-Ad additional magic effect to add blindness to the enemy, which is also the reason why blindness is more useful. We have advantages in attacking blind enemies, which is equivalent to two-way returns.

-Pelaced the enemy (you can increase the possibility of poisoning by allowing it to bleed or reduce your physical bonus), the physical career quenching attack has good benefits.

-In combined with the method of height differential pad boxes, throw oil bottles and other difficult grounds, so that the enemy is in a bad terrain environment.


Fourth, gameplay skills: potion throwing

3. Pottery throw

This technique is to change the single-person drug to throwing "sputtering", so that the team owner benefits through a bottle of potions.

Press the G key (hold the LT and press Y or X) to switch the team mode.

After turning off the team mode, press O (letters) keys to open the top view angle (the handle R and the right joystick are pulled down) to concentrate the team.


Then open the backpack and right-click to click the medicament you want to use and choose to throw.

Throwing to the ground in the center of the team (must be smashed floor, do not smash people), all members will be effective when splashing.

For example, all staff invisible potions.


Fourth, gameplay skills: dipping/bomb trap

4. dipping/bomb trap

Weapons can dip the additional effects such as fire and poison in the environment to make your attack more effective.

When there is no environmental effect, you can still create it yourself. The easiest way is-candle.

Put the candle on the ground to dip the additional flame damage, which is very cost-effective.


Put flammable and violent items such as smoke barrels, oil bottle, bottle, and rouge powder in the barrel or box.

You can throw it (the greater the strength of the throw), or you can place it on the ground (you can consider the weight and more materials).

Throw directly to AOE damage. Putting it on the ground is a trap. The damage is detonated with a flame arrow/spell.


Fourth, gameplay skills: stealing

5. Stealing

The general theft is very simple, just hiding and stealing theft. Here we say that the holding of others on the hand is stolen.

It is necessary for Druid to become a cat, standing near the target.

Then use commands to the enemy: discard (preferably archive first).


After the enemy was holding the holding object, the cat went up to use the cat to attract the enemy and took the enemy to the distance.

Remember to switch to the round system after the enemy stays away from the cat, go up to pick up things and leave.

Remember the bomb trap above, the cat attracted people to the side of the bomb, run away from the round, and then detonate remotely (well, hahahahaha).


Fourth, gameplay skills: timely/round switching

6. Time/time switching

The activity outside the game is timely. You can shift+space or click the next right button directly to switch the turn system.

When you want to attack the enemy, it is more secure to enter the round system.


If it is a timely controlling attack to enter the battle, it will often consume action and even have no advantage.

However, after pressing C to enter the sneak, switch the retrograde attack, the entire raid settlement will be smooth, and you will get the opportunity and advantage of the action.


5. All spells: review

"Boden Gate 3" full spell list Daquan, full professional spell effect explanations. Master’s spell effect of "Bodate 3", the magic effect of the pastor, the effect of Druid spells, the wonest poet spell, the Saint Wose, the Warlock spell, the ranger spell, and the magician spell."Bodate 3" is by Larian A magic adventure RPG produced and distributed by Studios is also the latest masterpiece of a series of legendary "The Gate of Bude" series. As one of the earliest RPG games, "The Gate of Bade" has a huge impact and milestone significance in the world, and has set a benchmark for the entire RPG game industry. More than 20 years have passed since the previous work "Borders 2", the latest sequel of this legendary series once again provided us with the epic adventure chapter of the Ferun World, let us work together to enter the new legendary journey!


Guide Guide

In the world of DND, spells are generally divided into three main categories: Master (Master, Warlock, Evilist, Bard), divine (pastors, sacred warriors), and natural magic (Druid, Ranger).

In the 5E rules, and also the rules used by the Gate 3 of Bodd, the magic is further simplified, which basically becomes based on the Olympic arms. Essence

The pastoral occupation of pastors and Druid obtained some Olympic arcanes through different fields, and then added professionalism and natural magic, which constituted the cast list of this profession.

This strategy is based on the Master’s arcane cast list, which conducts detailed explanations of all magic, including evaluation of magic and bad, which is convenient for players to choose.


For the basic knowledge of magic, please refer to our 3DM Raiders Station.

Or Raiders Encyclopedia: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3897662_14.html

This section will be described in detail in detail.



You can prepare the spells you can perform in the List of Law. That is, select the spells (quantity = main attribute adjustment value+caster level) that may be used in the magic spell.

For example, if you are a level 3 mage, you have 4 level 1 method and 2 level 2 method. If you have 16 points of intelligence, you will be able to prepare a total of 6 (intellectual adjustment value 3+ caster level 3) The 1 ring or 2 ring mage spell in the known magic table, the specific combination is casual. If you prepare 1 ringwheel [Magic Missile], you can choose to consume 1 or 2 ring art. A spell will not move it out of the list of preparations.

Whenever you complete a long rest, you can change your preparation method list.


Professions such as mage, pastor, and sacred warrior need to prepare spells.

The professions such as warlocks, bulky poets, ranges, and evil artists do not need to prepare spells because their spell lists are limited and obtained through upgrade choices.

Therefore, many cast occupations can obtain the ability to learn magic through part-time mage, and expand the available spell list.

Do not prepare the career of spells to carefully select available spells-this is also one of the core attention points of this strategy to help players make spell choices.



In addition to taking the opportunity to attack and other actions, spells and abilities can also respond.

The reaction is equivalent to the free operation after triggering a certain situation. Generally, there is only once in one round. Some abilities, props, and expertise will increase the number of reactions.

Players can see the response they can make in the spell book response list. It is recommended to check inquiries, otherwise it will automatically react as long as it triggered.


For example, when you are hit, a reaction prompt will appear-whether to use shields.

For example, the small and small devils of the legend can be hit for more than 11 or more. At this time, the author uses a reaction to put the shield, which increases 5AC, and the little ghost cannot hit the author of the author.

The reaction cast is mainly a variety of protection, countermeasures, and control. For example, spell countermeasures are also reactions, so that opponents cannot release important magic.


5. All spells: Master-Spell Pond


(Mage spell pool, please refer to: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003_54.html))


5. All spell: Master-0 ring

0 cyclic spells (drama)

(The drama provides basic damage and interactive functions. Without spell consumption, it can be used at will. Although it is not a powerful magic, there are many easy-to-use functions, which can not be underestimated.)

Mage’s hand

Create a ghost hand that can manipulate objects and interact with it.

During the exploration, the functionality is good, and it has obvious control capabilities during the battle (especially the difficult battle), and the tactical value is relatively high.

The more familiar to the game mechanism, the more powerful the trick.


Flame arrow

Throw a group of flames to cause 1D10 flame damage.

Similar to the frozen rays below, it can be padded with a knife, and the element effect can be provided when needed.


Frozen rays

Call a blue and white ice beam to cause 1D8 cold damage, and at the same time, the movement speed of the target is reduced by 3m.


Secondary phantom

Create an illusion mirror, disperse the attention of nearby creatures, and force them to start investigation. This spell can be kept in a state.

Can be used to gather monsters, restraint, and practical tricks.



Inject light spirit into an object.

Provides basic lighting functions, simple and practical.


Electric claw

Summon lightning in your hand, the lightning causes 1D8 lightning damage, and can prevent the target from responding. It has an advantage in using this spell wearing metal armor.

The damage is inferior to the flame arrow and the control is inferior to frozen rays. Fortunately, there is still a chance to prevent the reaction and metal armor advantage.


Jelly and Cold Touch

Attacking a creature with a grave-like cold, the creature was damaged by 1D8 dark erosion. Instead of recovering the health, undead creatures will also be at a disadvantage in attacking the dice.

From here, the trick of play is generally narrow. Generally speaking, the application/mixed cast/part-time cast generally uses commonly used drama fields.

The following spell-blade protection, dating, and enemies can also be selected according to the situation.


Gas splash

A poisonous gas was sprayed, causing 1D12 toxin damage.


Sour splash

Spray a strong acid bubble and cause 1D6 strong acid damage to each creature hit.


Blade protection

Obtain blunt strikes, punctures and chop damage resistance caused by weapons attacks.



Charm a non-hostile creature will gain an advantage in the charm of the creature. After the spell is over, creatures will know that they have been charm and may accuse the caster.



Create a ray of light to illuminate the radius of 36 feet.


Rivals first

Divination of a biological weakness and make you have an advantage in the attack rolls it launched.


5. All spell: Master-1 ring (1)

1 cyclic spell


It is too strong as a ring, which is why many occupations are willing to part-time in-post.

The 1 -level warlock is used to reflect the feeling of shielding. It does not need to say that the tide of chaos and wild magic is needed.

The priests and other vocational part-time scholars/spells with grades are equivalent to having more reaction opportunities (there are many spells, you can even apply this 1 ringwheel with senior law in the emergency), the survivability has increased.



The 3 -meter movement distance increase is helpful to the card position and the fast raid.

But the real key is that this spell does not need to be maintained in ritual spells (one character can only concentrate one concentration spell at a time), and it does not consume the method of spell before the battle.

Therefore, the use of free BUFF in advance, the liter also benefits the magic of multiple people and earns stable.


Tasa crazy laughter

The strong control in the middle and early stage, the scope of applications is wide, and the control effect is good.

As a high-priced target of the enemy, it can control the enemy’s high threats.

(Note that it needs to be concentrated, otherwise it will be too strong.)



In the early stage, there are not too many restrictions. It is also very cost-effective and very stable. It does not consume concentration.

The life of monsters in the middle and late stages is naturally useful.

(It can be promoted to improve the upper limit of life and choose the enemy freely, but it is still very good, but there are many alternative spells in the advanced level. The less choice of spells, the more cost-effective hypnosis.)


Magic missile

In the middle, the target is arbitrarily assigned, and rarely encounter resistance of resistance, it is not good.

In the early stage, it can be used as a key output spell, and it is also a magic skill to supplement the knife in the later stage. It can also be improved through various capabilities such as lift ring. Multi-goals of the single are easy to use (multiple injured flow missiles).

Basically, the 1 ring damage magic missile is the ceiling in the comprehensive sense.


Ice blade

It can make ice surface, monomer damage and AOE, and even some auxiliary control.

Yes, but because this kind of spell is not as stable and controllable as magical missiles, it is not so smooth to be used in the end.

(Note that this is a spell. If Master Plastic Energy uses it, it will still be exploded to teammates.)



The main thing is to value this ability to leave biological, which can create various terrain killing.

Push to the trap, push it to the ground effect, and push it under the cliff. The specific scene is particularly easy to use, so it is also a practical 1 ring attack spell.


Colorful ball

You can flexibly choose the type of damage, which is very targeted, and many times are useful.

There is also a chance to produce ground effects based on the selected damage type, which can be considered icing on the cake.



Without consumption, the control effect is also good. Good luck depends on the enemy’s roll in the oil.

Sometimes you can ignite it to change control to AOE damage to make up the knife, or the need to burn the ground.

The key is that it does not consume concentration, and it will not lose after learning. There are many occasions that can be used.


5. All spell: Master-1 ring (2)


It is a huge weakness to consume concentration. After all, there is only one concentration position. There are many concentrated magic with higher priority.

The advantage is that it can be hit, and can be soaked through water. After the lift ring, it can be harmed with equipment and super demon every round.

It belongs to the previous period, and the spell that is also okay in the middle and late stages, but it is still that, unless you really concentrate to be empty.



The mouth cannon is useful, and the combat control effect is not as good as sleeping with Tasha, and the colorful spray is the same.


Animal conversation

The plot task will be useful, but there are also potion scrolls to replace.



Extremely covered by stealing things.



Running, plot interaction is good.


Burning hand

The following attack spells are naturally not comparable than magic missiles. They are much worse than ice blades, thunder, and witchcraft arrows. Even many are not comparable to the tricks.

The following control category/interactive/protective functions can be completely replaced, and it will not be evaluated.

Therefore, as long as there is no evaluation, it is useless.


Disease rays


Hua Beasts as Friends



Skip obstacles and special terrain are also useful, but most of the time, there are other methods of treatment.

(But this can be used for a variety of bugs, skip the map plot, and do not discuss it in detail.)


5. All spell: Master-1 ring (2)

Get the magic pet


False life






Colorful spray


Magic armor


Protect good and evil

It is difficult to use the applicable surface too narrow and occupy a concentrated position.


5. All spells: Master-2 ring (1)

2 cyclic spells

Human beings

The centralized position needs to be paralyzed as long as the target cannot be perceived the exemption test.

After the lift, multiple control can be performed. The controlled enemy is default critically attacking by melee attack.

As a 2 -ring spell, although there is the possibility of out of control, the overall performance is still very bright (not the big deal, laugh), it is completely reversing the victory of the war situation.



That is the common displacement in various games: transient.

The fanfare only consumes an accompanying action, which helps the positioning and can easily avoid taking the opportunity to attack this troublesome "restricator".

When exploring the map, the fans can also play well.

(Note that the Geis Yankees can unlock the race spell at level 5, which is a great balance that has a great balance and disadvantage, laugh.)



Consumption is concentrated but cannot bring significant improvement or provides powerful functions, which is destined to be not easy to use (high hidden or good).

In fact, the invisible potion is pretty good. After the non-war state is promoted, all the members are invisible and sometimes have strange effects (the box without unlocking will not destroy the stealth).

In fact, the spell effect in the 5E rules is 1 hour, which is basically explored. It is not easy to make tricks in the game in the game for 10 rounds.


Dagger cloud

Strong, it is not to say that the dagger cloud itself is against the sky, but that the 3 -level unlocking the dagger cloud has a hard effect during this time.

Although the consumption is concentrated, there is no exemption, which is the must-have AOE.

The cast is lost once, and the enemy will get again when the enemy moves.

It can be said that the dagger cloud after 3 ring spells is not so useful, but when there is no 3 ring, it is a top flow.



It is mainly used to provide information, and it also provides an advantage for the next verification (it can even pass directly, such as some persuasion).

In non-war, it does not consume the position of the law. It is especially easy to use for players who like to explore, like-mouth artillery, and the sense of plot substitution, so that our leader is more powerful (laughs).

The disadvantage is that there is a detection of ideological necklaces and pharmaceuticals. In fact, it is not a disadvantage. It is simply to reduce the status of the spell itself because it can replace it.


Burning rays

High-ring rays are considerable, and can be used as a main output game.

If the targeted enhancement is strengthened, it is also a strong skill in the later stage.

(For example, the Golden Dragon Warrior.)



Boxes and doors in the middle and early stages are open casually.

And the lock that cannot be piloted can also be knocking.

The exploration effect is very good, and there are gloves that can be attached to strikes.

《3》 ���

5. All spell: Master-2 ring (2)

Blazing Ball

The damage is average, but the hatred can be pulled, and the functionality is not bad.

As AOE, it can still have a good effect, but it is easy to be replaced.



It can be put before fighting.

It’s just that the current game is less difficult, and shields are completely enough and more flexible.

Only the advantages of high AC in high-intensity battles can be exerted.



Consumption is concentrated, but the ceremony is applied to add points.

Sometimes functionality will have strange effects, and there are not many choices in the early stage, but in the middle and late stages, it is not used.

In addition to opening up the start time or forcing the opponent’s position, silence can also make the enemy who report the letter unable to achieve the goal.



Do not occupy a concentrated position, and the remote control of the enemy is still relatively obvious.

Targeted control remoteness is sometimes stable than human settings (after all, this kind of monster exemption is not easy to pass), but it is still far less than the fixed offensive and defensive integration and stronger control.



Let NPCs kill the person you want to kill, you can not increase your own hatred.

It is useless to use it during the battle, and it is a bit speculative effect when exploring.

(For example, let the guards near the merchant kill each other.)



The consumption concentration is not too strong, which leads to little use.

During the exploration, stealing Dongxi can use it (laughs).



Usually it is useless, but if you lose your friendly forces, you can use it to save your life.

Enemies without dark vision basically cannot respond to the friendly army in darkness.


Malf strong acid arrow

It must not be used to use damage with magic missiles and fireballs.

However, it can make a acid liquid ground and deal with high AC targets.



The range is larger than the dagger, and you can also hit some non-magic objects in the range.

It is an OOE damage skill, but the output ability is still worse than the dagger.


Reduced surgery/turning giant

Reproduction is also used in special circumstances such as drilling caves.

Change giant surgery can improve damage and verification, but the cost is concentrated.

Basically, you can better replace the giant surgery with accelerated and hits.


Dark vision

That is, it is not used for the role of spells such as light without darkness, and this role is not much (laughs).

What’s more important is that there are not many occasions that can be used, so it is basically useless.

(That is to match this, it is too narrow, too universal, and the effect is not good.)


5. All spell: Master-2 ring (2)

Protective toxins

The main occasions that can be used are too limited, and it is actually not a problem in itself.


Magic weapon




Weak rays






Secret lock




5. All spell: Master-3 ring (1)

3 cyclic spell


Because it is a reaction spell, it can play a role as long as there is a position.

The role is to abolish all the key spells of the enemy’s law.

The countermeasures of spells are so pure and powerful.

(The mage cooperates with the water element is almost invincible.)



The two-round dual movement is indeed too strong. The drowsy side effects at the end of the interruption/end can also be lifted (such as the priest’s asylum). It is a useful and powerful spell in any period. The acceleration of the warlock super magic is even more powerful.

The only problem is to avoid being interrupted and concentrated (focusing). When the enemy has a spell countermeasure, it will be more headache (prioritize these goals).

Accelerating the potion does not replace acceleration (but still strong), because the potion is only 3 rounds. Although the person does not need to maintain concentration, the user needs to maintain it. Because users often enter the enemy’s kitchen knife, it is often easier to be easier to be easierBeing interrupted.


Lightning beam

The three rings of various spells are really full of large tubes. The damage of lightning beam is already high. You can also engage in "hydropower" (water and electricity/infiltrates the electricity and easily hurt), and the damage is very powerful.

The beam path does depend on the occasion of the occasion (if there is a block/high and low difference, it will be difficult to play), but we don’t have a fireball (laugh).

(Pay attention to the teammates within the range without relevant capabilities.



The lightning beam carries the banner of the 3 ring output. Because it is a ring-shaped range, it is more flexible to use than the lightning beam.

In the later period, there are relatively many enemies of fire-resistant. The effect of fireball is not as good as in the middle and early stage, but it is too powerful before level 8.


Slow surgery

Many descriptions in the game are more "elegant" (laughs), literally translated slowly:

-2AC, with the mobility and movement cannot be used at the same time, do not allow more, and the movement speed is halved.

And it is a specified goal. There is no need to consider the standing/range. The enemy with multiple attack capabilities is basically the attack to cut off most of the attack, the movement is also shrinking, the defense also becomes poor, and the control effect is very good.

It is also a spell that is strong and stronger.



This spell 5E manual must be made for one hour before it can be successfully arranged. Larryan gives players a gift, which is directly ordinary spell.

Elemental damage types can be selected, can also be controlled, and the damage itself can be seen.

It is easy to use directly attacking spells and complementation of spells.


Hypnotic pattern

Most of the time, you might as well break a fireball and do not need a hypnotic pattern.

However, this spell range is large, and the soldiers+boss+strong enemies are still easy to be installed within this range.

The control of 2 rounds can greatly simplify the situation, so it is also a very useful spell.



Although the control effect is not as good as human beings, there is no requirement for race.

The fan-shaped range does not affect teammates, and it is also very good for the control of enemies using weapons.

Compared to the hypnotic pattern, it is weak to control but it can make your follow-up strike easier, and the location is also very useful.



Unlike hypnotic patterns and fear, it is physical exemption.

But the advantage is that the scope is better selected and the control effect is better. The main thing is a complete control.



It is mainly used as adventure spells, similar to strikes, which are useful in specific circumstances.

The flying potion is very strong, and it is still very good for everyone before the war.


5. All spells: Master-3 ring (2)


You can summon a helper, but the strength is weak, mainly used to be a cannon fodder.

Master Nad Spirit will use a lot of strength, and other law departments generally have stronger replacement.

The advantage is that it can be used before the war, and 2 can also summon 2 (but the body), and the tough battle can still play a good role.


Remove the curse

It is useless during the war. Generally speaking, cursing spells must maintain concentration.

However, it can usually be used to remove long/permanent debuff, so that you don’t need to rest frequently or use potions and scrolls.



Basically, it is used for the "blood bag" of the chain of life, and it can even be configured with blood-rejuvenating equipment to enhance survival.



Occasionally useful during adventure.


Protection energy damage

It is not necessary, the weakness does not need to be controlled, it is directly countermeasure, no need to use this.



The damage is too low, that is, to interrupt the focus.



The damage is too low. I suck the blood to do what, it is better to change the means (laughs).



It is equivalent to a 50%probability that it is not harmed in one round and the next round begins to transmit a small range.

It looks like it, but you have to focus on your face, not easy to use.



It is not very useful to occupy the focus. Unless there is a specific spell/BD cooperation in the future, it is difficult to come in handy.


5. All spells: Master-4 Ring

4 cyclic spell

Hidden stealth

One line can be described as a must-have for home travel killing.

It is not to say that it is strong to the sky, but whether it is adventurous or fighting, whether it is a blood fight or a pitman, it can always be useful.

It can be cast before the war, and even in this state, teammates can fight the mage without fighting.

Of course, it is written for 10 rounds, but it is not difficult to support high-sensitivity characters.


Ice storm

AOE damage can be seen, agile exemption, not consuming focus (concentration).

With the frost rod with ice, frozen and frozen and wet and frozen water-making techniques. Dual attacks of water elements are 2 times damage (ordinary attacks can also be frozen stiffness).

Basically is to control+output strong.

(Note that if you do n’t need this way of fighting, the ice storm is not very strong.)



You can make the ground, AOE damage is also good, and the fire warlock is very powerful.

Under the special terrain, it is often a large killing device. You can even use the Opti Land elastic ball to block the door and match the firewall.

The actual range is larger than the visual display, and the NPC is easily burned by itself. You need to pay attention to the occasion.


Summon primary element creature

It can be summoned before the war. In the early stage, if there is a scroll, it is even more powerful, and it will be small if you have more advanced summoning (in fact, you can coexist with senior summoning creatures).

The fire dwarves are good for offense and defense, and need to be a big step.

The ice bat frozen damage is very good. The mud bat can be optimized. All the summoning objects are very good.

This is a very useful spell.


Phantom killer

Aiming at the control of difficult enemies+damage composite spells, and is mostly a difficult perception exemption.

As a 4th cycle, it is pretty good, especially when you are willing to SL (laughs).



There are not many restrictions, and they will not accidentally hurt their teammates (the current version of the game is wrong).

The "back row" group that is not good at cracking down can perform excellent interference, lucky and even good killing (mutual kill).

Easy-to-use control spells.



The advantage is that the charm is exempt. Most monsters and bosses in the game are not easy to pass. As long as the exemption is not exempted, the control is stable.

The disadvantage is naturally that the number of rounds is missing and the concentration is occupied.

The warlock can be delayed and super magic can be 4 rounds, which is very good.



Good damage, but physical exemption is not very good, there are also restrictions on immortality and decoration.

Of course, the special effects of planting plants are very good, but they are not too wide.

Basically it is a spell that is still there.


Ai -Ai Black Tentacle

Scope control+damage, it sounds a bit of strengthening the meaning of the phantom killer, but control is the exemption of power (many enemies are easy to pass), and the damage is average.

The effect of suffocation is that the opponent has an advantage when it cannot be moved and is attacked.

Something to look at luck, there may also be a happy scene of controlling a bunch of enemies and blood.


Stone skin

It is basically not used in the battle, and it can be added on the cake before the war.



It is better than the duration of the surgery, and some push and investment operations can be performed after deformation, which can be killed.

It is also good to clean up the mobs if you control the boss. Just do n’t kill the boss. Leave some blood and do n’t trigger the restoration.

The disadvantage is naturally not as stable as the charm exemption of surgery.


Otelobuk Elastic Ball

It cannot be used as a conventional means, but there are strange effects in some occasions.

For example, it is still effective for board games.

With triggering, you can also save your life at a critical moment.

When you want to save people, it is also a divine skill. When you encounter a particular round of the enemy, you can also make him "aggrieved".


Any door

Most of the time, it is basically not as good as the low-loop, but it is very useful when saving people.

There is also a "super maneuverability" that can cooperate with the fan steps.

It will be more useful when it is online, and the 2+2 team will be transmitted.


Flame shield

It is useless. Under certain circumstances, you can give some resistance or as a means of absolute protection+counterattack.


5. All spells: Master-5 Ring

5 cyclic spells

Summon element creature

It is much stronger than the primary elements of the 4th ring (but the primary is still very good), and it can also be summoned before the war and lasting battery life.

Water elements are the most widely used, with various cooperation, and other elements are also practical.

With this spell, the 4 spell team can also exist (and strong).


Monster fixation

Complete control and melee attack than violence are also infantry and defense.

High-quality skills to deal with strong goals are already strong.

However, level 9 can be used to use the arcane totem scroll, and the strong Olympic totem can be beckoned to you (laughs).

Of course, no matter how monster fixed techniques are unquestionable.


Strategy Course: War Arts Art

If it is not only through the three-chapter scroll, it will be too against the sky.

(Four books under the wizard tower, three special spells.)

It is a enhanced version of the magic missile. Master Plastic Energy is even stronger to Li Pu, so there is a short break (laugh).


Dominate human beings

Powerful control, especially the legal system and long-range role of controlling the enemy.

Weakening the enemy can also strengthen themselves, which is very practical.

It can only control humans as weakness.


Remote control

Normally use is terrain killing or emergency throwing NPC (saving people). There are heavy objects around it to throw people to smash people, which is not a big use.

However, now there are "smashing flow" gameplay of the mage’s strength and heavy boxes, and the damage is indeed considerable.



The damage of the 5 ring is not enough, and there are not many opportunities for large-scale dishes.

It can be used to provide a certain degree of functionality, and it is also good to face long-range occasions.

Can’t be the main force, you can always make soy sauce.


Ice cone

The use of ice cones that are greatly reduced by Ryrian are relatively small.

When the location is appropriate, you can still make good AOE damage.

There are many restrictions, when there is no particularly good output method or the ice method is available.


Stone wall

That is to block, forcibly creating terrain advantages, can gather monsters to a certain extent.

However, in most cases, it is not very useful, and it is also possible to use the accident (players who do not want SL at all).


Different Oath

The use of the surface is relatively narrow, basically entertainment, such as controlling Mizola or something.



The plot is fun.


Cluster plague

That is to say, it is not very meaningful to hit the soldiers in a large scale.


5. All spells: Master-6 Ring

6 cyclic spell

Outti dance

According to the rules, Outti dance should be a must, and then perceived from control every round.

Now this kind of must-have for strong control is estimated to be a bug, and theoretically it should be repaired.

However, even if it is repaired, the Ou Tulu dance is still very strong control, and level 9 can get the scroll, BOSS nemesis.

(At present, this state is even more powerful.)


Wose invalid enchantment

If it wasn’t for the enemy and me, this enchantment would be super magic.

However, the use of repellarization and various walls can basically not benefit the enemy, and it is still extremely easy to use.

(Besides, the question is that this magic is only ineffective in spells. I do n’t know if it is bug or intentional. Anyway, the game is now invincible, sweat.)


Chain lightning

Powerful output, the top spells of the "hydropower" career, with the wet storm pasta, can conduct violent blows.

The super magic double flash looks cool and powerful.


Ice wall

Control the ice-based spells that are still OK. The ice method must be used (there is no choice), and other law systems can also play its effect well.

If you don’t need to focus, it is the magic skills, and you need to focus on the occasion.



The place where this spell is powerful is that one goal can be controlled in one round. The control state is sleep. The control target has been sleeping as long as the target is not exempted.

That is, good luck, you can control a large wave of enemies one after another, and you can try to control the key goals many times.

It is a spell that controls the effect but uses very flexible spells. If the Ou Tulu dance is repaired, the value of the mind will be higher.


Yangyan rays

It is necessary to consume concentration, so it is not preferred.

However, the control of itself is okay, and it can continue to wound in water. The long-term war income is still very good.



Because it is a force field damage, it is used to get some iconic bones that are not easy to output.

It is impossible to compare with the special spell war of the 5th Ring Road, but it is still possible to deal with special conditions.

Note that it is agile exemption (it is gone if you hide directly), so it is usually useless.


Opaluk ice sealing ball

There is a good range, with a little field control ability.

You can save a hair (10 rounds), and you can also be superb.

However, most of the time, the focus is recognized.


Evoke a dead spirit

It can be used before the war.


Death array

The scope is large but the damage is low.

Basically there is no place to develop. It can be used without consumption with a dead spiritual stick, but what is the lack of a staff.



During the adventure (rescue of people underwater prison), special battle (such as the last boss) is specially useful.

The role is to be developed (or it cannot be developed at all, laughs).



This thing looks like the enemy is not, otherwise we have a headache.

Petrochemicals are almost unsolved, but you have to wait for 3 rounds to take effect in you.

Although it is basically dead after effective, we don’t care what the way to die (laughs).

So it is useless.


5. All spell: Warlock


The warlock is the mage pool of the mage.

Each upgrade can choose 1 spell and replace 1 spell.

Once selected, it can only be replaced and changed when the next upgrade, and cannot obtain new spells by learning scrolls.

Therefore, the warlock and the mage are more specialized but incomplete.

The following is the Warlock Spell Pool (See the Mage See Master):


5. All spells: Evil Master

Evilist spell

Similar evil artists and warlocks are also using mage spell tables to choose and replace spells during the upgrade. Once selected, there is only a chance to replace it at the next upgrade. Usually, it cannot be changed.

Therefore, the evil surgeon is also an applied occupation with limited spells, and you must choose spells carefully.

The following is the magician spell pool (see the mage for the selection of spell evaluation):


Another characteristic of the evil surgeon is that there is only the highest ringgitic position, which means that the spell position does not distinguish between the ring. In so many positions, the 1 ring or 5 ring spells will follow you.

The total number of spells can be applied with a small number of times, and it depends on this professional ability (such as the 0 ring strong play of the magic explosion).

In addition, the evil surgeon does not have the position of 6 rings, corresponding to a mystery, which is equivalent to the 6th ringworm.


5. All spells: pastor-spell pool


The pastor spells (and Saint Wose) are called divine arts, which are expanded by mage spells.

Therefore, this section only explains the expanded spells. Please refer to the previous article in the mage’s method.

The priest divine art is automatically unlocked with the role level, and the scroll cannot be learned through the scroll, but the unlocked spells can be replaced at any time.

In addition, there are different additional spells in different areas of the pastor, and we will analyze it separately based on the field after the explanation of basic spells.

(Rev. 1 ring spells are very strong and capable of level 2 are also very capable, so the benefits of part-time job part-to-level priests are very high, very high.)

The following is the pastor spell pool (sub-field) –


5. All spells: Pastor-0 ring

0 cyclic divine art (drama)

Divine guide

Basically, you will use it before important verification. Whether it is a stealth unlocking, an intimidating performance or a swimming jump, you can strengthen it by the divine guidance.

The skeleton on the right front of the forest gate also has a god-guided necklace on the skeleton, which is a spell that is easy to use.






Burning fire




5. All spells: Pastor-1 ring

1 cyclic art

Watermaking/dry surgery

The core of hydropower and water ice play can also benefit from wet and frozen and stiff elements.

This is a venue spell. The liter can improve the range without exemptions, and even before the war, people will not have an opinion (laugh).

There is also this spell that can break the invisible, which is a practical model, and the cornerstone of multiple players.



There is no need to focus on control, the effect itself can be used, and the imagination can effectively limit the strength of the enemy.

The key is to leave the weapon so that you can get almost anyone’s weapons.



It is very suitable for the kitchen team, especially in the early stage, the law department often uses the spells of attack rolling dice, so it is more universal.

Both offensive and defensive, one more person every row.

The loud voice of the blooming poet Voro promised a hammer with a blessing of blessing, the middle and early stage artifacts.



The protection law department is constantly focusing, protecting NPCs, etc., many times can be used.

It does not take advantage of concentration, 10 convergence time is very useful.


Healing the truth

Due to the strength and mechanism, most of the recovery of spells is not significant, but the healing mantra is an action, and the cost performance is high.

It is second to add blood. The teammates used to save "hanging" are very useful, saving time and money.



The damage is OK, it can make excellence, and it is convenient to set fire.

However, the attack rolling the dice is not very stable and easy to hit.

But in general, it is also a good spell in the early stage.



In the early stage, it was more practical, especially for a common battle.

On the road to promotion in Chapter 1, find the lost goods that the Chamber of Commerce, rescue two people surrounded by werewolves, and then use the dark code they gave to the rally at the horse’s horses behind the Duke of Gao.

The rescue of Ruben and the zero area of the female boss of the Tarinn Association -Disaster Disaster Crossbow, allowing the shooting system to have disasters, split arrows can be more cost-effective. This is the most cost-effective gameplay.




Pious shield


5. All spells: Rev.-2 ring

2 cyclic art

Guardian chain

It is equivalent to sharing damage after linking, and also attached resistance, AC and exemption.

The survival power of the team’s key crispy skin is greatly improved. Needless to say, the use of the motion mercenary blood package link is used.



It is more average when the 2 ring of 2 rings is, but the upper limit of the life of the 5 ring group 20 is indeed very strong.

Summoners are also bonus, so the summoning game is more beneficial.

You can also use professional tool mercenaries to put this magic.


Spirit weapon

It is equivalent to a summoning object that can attract firepower and create a pinch advantage.

The movement itself is slow and the output is average, but it is still very useful in the early stage. It is mainly a cost-effective.


Secondary restoration

Some are used in the plot.



Under the current game mechanism, it is not very useful.


Enhanced attribute


5. All spells: Rev.-3 ring

3 cyclic art

Group healing the truth

It is equivalent to the healing of the AOE version, and it looks unnecessary.

However, with the equipment, such as gloves and rings that can be used in the forest land, a giving action can give the team 2 rounds of blessings+2 rounds of sword shield, and suddenly it is amazing.


Soul guard

Occupy focus, there is an exemption, you can only use it for yourself, limiting the gameplay.

However, the shields are good, and they are very strong when cleaning up a large number of miscellaneous soldiers.



Specific scenarios, such as the second chapter of the tree person, the vampire enemy, etc., have wonderful effects.



Because there is a resurrection scroll, it is difficult to use him in the 3rd ring.


Hope beacon

It is not very useful to occupy the concentration level, and it feels that it is assisted for the auxiliary method.


Talk about the deceased

The plot is sometimes useful.


5. All spells: Pastor-4 Ring

4 ring mirror

Free action

Mainly there is no need to focus on concentration. It is available before the war and continues until long.

The two-level pastor of the camp can cover the whole team, and the toolmaker’s pastor is particularly easy to use.

In this way, you can have more choices on shoes.


Faith guard

The effect of the terrain is very different.

When the terrain is small, the road can block the door, the enemy is concentrated, it works well. It can attract firepower and provide output and delay the enemy.

At other times, the discount is very large, and many times are not as good as spells such as dagger clouds.



Due to the difficulty setting of the game, it is not very useful. Most of the time, it is not as good as seeing the situation to cure the truth.

If it is open in the later period, the value will be much more value.

《3》 ���

5. All spells: Rev.-5 Ring

5 ring mags

High recovery

It must be useless during battle, mainly the plot.

The current version of the enemy is too small, and there is not much time for this spell.

(If you add permanent attribute injuries and negative levels in the future, it will be greatly useful.)


Flame strike

Using this is not as good as a priest in the field of light, it can only be said that there are no other output methods.

Note that two damage is not beneficial. As long as the enemy has a kind of resistance, you eat it, and the agile exemption is not good.


Group healing

It is not as cost-effective as believers such as believers.

Each mercenary level 10 can be done.


Anti-evil and evil

It needs to be focused and only fighting, which greatly limits its value. Is it not good to use shield techniques.



As a 5 ring, the effect is too weak.

The way you can use is to add it to your barbarians and keep it violent.


5. All spells: Rev.-6 ring

6 -ring mirror

Different Alliance Oath

The priest’s 6th ring has to rely on the necklace to have 2 spell positions, so the spell is very powerful (relative to the 5th ring, which is huge).

The alien alliance vowed to summon things is generally strong, and can be summoned before the war and continued until long.

Giant spirit gathers strong, and the cooperation of the law is very strong; the angel is outstanding, and the high strength is 10,000 -golden oil;


Heroic feast

It is available before the war, no need to focus, and it continues until long.

The upper limit of life and immune status are very practical, and the perception test is also icing on the cake.

Mercenary tools are more cost-effective to use. Pay attention to the scope of skills. The protagonist is at Will, the mercenary goes to the cemetery, and runs to the cemetery. Wait for the shadow heart to approach Well, and choose the mercenary to open the skills. Well, Gael, Geis Yanji, protagonist, Allen Del, shadow, mercenaries can be eaten.



Power is powerful, but there are too few 6 rings, consuming and agile exemption, many times cannot be used as the first choice.

It is a enhanced version of the cloud of dagger, and the visual effect is good. After the weird, the effect is more explosive.

(Note that it will block the shooting world.)



It is still a pot with too low game, otherwise it is still useful.


Severe injury

If it is 3E to hit 1 blood directly, this is not useful.


5. Full Spell: Rev.-Realm Schiler

Reador Territory Terrace

After the field of divine art selection, the field is obtained, and it cannot be selected. Therefore, the divine art is actually mainly selected in the field without the magic (laughs).

The intensity of God is used for reference comparison when choosing a field.

Most areas of spells have explained in mage spells. Please refer to the previous article. Here are only what is said in the statement.

-The area

Calling Lei can be used as one of the core output methods, and others need to be part-time mage to supplement lightning spells and auxiliary control.


It is necessary to focus, agile exemption, general damage, small scope, which is a weak point.

However, the key is that within 10 rounds, you can click on the right side of the right side of the skill bar for each round.

With dual moisture, it can make good damage and save a lot of law.


Annihilation wave

Compared with flames, physical exemption is not very good.

However, there is the advantage of falling backwards, which can be used, but the main problem is similar to flames, not a preferred choice.


-Linko field


Demon fire

The gospel of the early kitchen sword can break the high stealth.

As long as the kitchen knife team is very useful, the law system is useless, you can’t use the attacking spells of attack.


-The area of life

The divine arts in the field of life have been explained earlier. This field cannot be used as the main fight. It can be used as control, defense assistance, and part-time mage.


-The knowledge area

Without new divine arts, there is currently lack of choice significance.


-The natural domain

It is equivalent to adding some natural spells of Druid, and spells explain in Druid.

The natural field is not very meaningful, it is better to choose Druid directly.


-The field of surgery

There are no new divine arts and the domain spells are too weak.

The choice is not significant.


-The field of war

The field of war was finally a bit of the powerful sense of the 3E version of the pastor, leading the pioneer official of the kitchen sword team.

Many professional part-time trips 1 war pastor have greater benefits.



Affiliated with action, the middle and early stage kitchen knife team plus offensive weapon.

There are also pious shields, just like Shennan, focusing on defense.

The two spells are used according to the occasion, and the cost performance is very high.



Compared with blessing and acceleration, you know that the value is not too great.


5. All spells: Germany � — pool

Druid Natural Spell

Druid’s natural spells are similar to the pastor divine, and they are expanded on the mage spell table.

Druid Spell is automatically unlocked during upgrading, which can be prepared to be used at will. Spell preparation is equal to Druid’s perception adjustment value level.

At present, the earth and spores are not significant. Son can only say that entertainment is entertaining. See below for the earth description.

The Druidfa table is very comprehensive, the transformation ability is also very powerful, and the professional ability is a leader in the current 12th version.

The following is the Druid Spell Pool (the analysis later also explains only the unique spells of Druid, see the spell of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of the method of see):


The topographic and spells that the earth associates can choose:

(Note: If you want more magic than a part-time mage, if the mage has the ability to learn high-ring spells, it is not modified.


5. All spells: Druid-0 ring

0 ring natural spell

Rubber stick

It is easy to use in the early stage. The powerful Druid happened to be slightly weaker in the early stage, making up for it well.

The team kitchen sword is also a good enhancement.


Thorns whip

It is also a good transition spell in the early stage, medium and near-range damage+appropriate control.


5. All spells: Druid-1 ring

1 Ring Rings Spell


Need to focus on, strength exemption.

Group control, long distance, and medium range, can make excellent+inferior but unstable.

As a 1 ring, it can always be used.



In the camp, the level 5 and 6 of the Droye provides team God Berry Supply.

Very good auxiliary spells.


5. All spells: Druid-2 ring

2 Ring Ring Nature Spell

Scorching metal

In the face of a very useful spell of armored enemies, physical exemption is a bit regrettable, but after passing, you can let him leave the weapon/armor (whoever picks up it, laughs).

It does not need to be exempted from disadvantages. The effect of spell damage is also good. It has strange effects to deal with some powerful enemies.

How much to focus will still affect its value, after all, focus is too expensive.


Light of Moon Hua

The cloud of Druid’s version of the dagger was very practical in the early stage, and there were many alternative spells in the later stage.


Flame knife

Let’s put this in the early storage skills. This stage is quite easy to use.


Tree skin

It can be used in the early stage and can be applied before the war.

With potions, the value has been further reduced.


5. All spells: Druid-3 ring

3 Ring Ring Nature Spell

Plant nourishment

The control effect is too weak, and the lack of the cooperation of spells, skills, and gameplay is of great significance.

There are not many spells in the 3 ring.


5. All spells: Druid-4 Ring

4 Ring Natural Slogies

Summon forest land fairy

You can summon before the war, and the tree essence can continue to call a tree man.

Tree essence can continue to add rubber sticks, and the damage can be greatly improved.

Overall is a good summoning spell.


Greedy vine

The vine blood is too small, but there is no need to exempt.

You need to focus, there are not many timing, but you will have strange effects when you need to gather monsters.



Mainly, there is no special beast that can increase the value of spell and replace too much high-quality summon.


5. All spells: Druid-5 ring

5 Ring Natural Slogies

In the 5th Rings, in the mage and pastor table, the summoning element creatures are very strong, and others must be played as depending on the situation.

For details, refer to the previous article.


5. All spells: Druid-6 ring

6 Ring Rings Natural Spell

Spiny wall

The damage venue spell can indeed have a very eye-catching performance in the appropriate position.

Each enemy is harmed every time you pass through, and the control effect is also good.

If there is a road blocking and gathering monsters, you can also explode in the future.


Royal Wind

As a 6 ring, the value is not high, and it is difficult to have opportunities.



Probes, escape from hell


The program is unfolded on the snail shell ship, which is less difficult but has a lot of interesting expansion.

There is only one task in the entire program-escape from the snail shell.


① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: Initial location

2: Elevator, leading to the Magic Magic Parasitic Body (Brain)

3: Channel

4: Battlefield, the corpse in the flame can be searched

5: Northern Channel

6: The shadow heart is trapped. After obtaining the runes next to the room, use the switch next to the shadow heart to release it. The three switches of the nearby console are useless to release the enemy in the middle, and the enemy is directly killed on the right (not released).

7: Use terminals can turn the people in the Drin into a demon-winning demon and trigger fighting.

8: recovery point

9: The controller, as long as it reaches the place, the program is over.

② NPC/Enemies/Secrets

Green 1: Treasure box, the key is in the green 2 box.

Huang 1: The parasitic body of the heart can release it without hurting it, which can help players fight.

Huang 2: Leezel, the plot joins.

Red 1: Little devil battle.

Red 2: You don’t have to kill two BOSS of the battle, just go directly to the console (Blue 9).

Probes, escape from hell-cultivation warehouse

1. Cultivation warehouse

At first, you can scrape everywhere. Press Alt to display interactive objects, but all kinds of small things still have to find and pick up yourself.

Do not touch the pond in the middle, which will break and cause damage.


Many areas can be reached by jumping.


The developed magic lacquer in the middle of the spacecraft can be taken out (the highest one is performed through investigation, strength, and agile verification), which is a good helper.

It is not good to kill it.


Note that you must go down the elevator and jump down to seize the devil.


After meeting with the Geisan soldiers, they entered the first battle.

You can shoot arrows first, and then the enemy is close to the distance that can be melee and then turns into melee attacks.

Note that when aiming, you must have a percentage of the hit rate before confirming, otherwise it may be other targets such as the ground.


Near the flames, you can use dipping movements to damage the weapon additional flames and end the battle faster.


Continue entering the core of the spacecraft.

The red circle screws can be recovered, so that they can return to full blood after picking up the trash through the fire of the fire.

(The author recommends that Ranger and other characters with certain auxiliary capabilities and remote capabilities are used as the protagonist, and the team can be more flexible.)


Prologue, escape from hell-cockpit

2. Driving warehouse

Enter the cabin after defeating the devil at the head of the ship.


The treasure chest key in the cabin can be found in the pastor in the left room.

There are boxes and console agencies that need to be rolling or higher mysteries/intelligence capabilities to pass the verification.

The right player or the patience S/L access to the file can try it, but there is no need to force it.


It is a shadow in the cultivation of the warehouse. It does not affect the follow-up process without rescue, but it is better to save one more companion.


The key is in the cabin, the name is weird rune.


Interacting with the switch with the shadow heart can be released with runes.

You can pass the intellectual testing to determine that it is released rather than transformation (to be a demon).


After entering the cockpit, I found that the Demon and the Demon Army are fighting.

Players can move forward to the console at the end of the channel while cleaning up the little devil.

Regardless of the two leaders of the battle.


Use the flame dipping to take the attacking little devil. Due to the opportunity to attack, it is best not to run all the way, or the break is steadily advanced.


Be careful not to pass through the devil’s head, triggering to take the opportunity to attack when leaving will make the early player characters unbearable.

If you are interested, you can use the previously picked up explosives and remote weapons to attack the demon leader.


When you come to the head of the ship and the console, you can complete the program.

The spacecraft finally lost control.

Players will start the follow-up adventure from the mysterious island (the initial process similar to the original sin 2 of the God Realm, laughs).


Chapter 1: Review

Chapter 1


1. Summary

The mission system of "Boded Gate 3" is similar to the original sin 2 of the god world. The task time and place span a long span. There are many branches. Many tasks are hidden and complicated.

In addition, there are many important encounters that are not tasks, so the author first conducts a chapter and the total viewing of various regions to summarize important tasks/encounters in each region.

This story takes place in Ferren, and new and old players can discover the hidden history here and create legendary adventures.


Chapter 1 The main content is to explore the area and find the way to cure the infection of the cure.

Players need to gather teammates to deal with robbers, adventurers, goblins, gray dwarfs, Tifillin, Druid, and crickets.

There are a lot of encounters and tasks on the map.


Note that the key on the right side of the small map can travel quickly and return to the camp to rest.

Be sure to complete your teammates during the camp.

Although the partnership mission in this chapter has not been fully launched, such long-term tasks should be step by step.


When resting the camp, the plot of the devil and the person (the person who squeezes the character when creating a character) will be triggered.

All characters will get skill rewards.

The thief will also get additional blood-sucking skills because of the partner’s plot.


If you like to act with the protagonist’s field of view, it is recommended to choose a race with dark vision as the protagonist.

The protagonist actually needs to be perceived and interactive.


Chapter 1 Total: Task-Main Line

Second, task

1. Leezel in the cage

In fact, players need to walk around to gather teammates, not only Leezel, but the location is obvious. Lyezel, who was found near the crash of the spacecraft, can be found by Tidflin, who can save Ledezel without blood blade and other tests, or attack Tifillin.

2. Abandoned ruins

It is recommended that the team level 2 or higher challenge this task. There are 4 entrances to the ruins north of the spacecraft. The position of the shadow heart near the beach is the entrance 1, which can be unlocked and entered. The position of the strong stealing team on the mountain is entrance 2. The robbers can enter the door to enter, or you can cut the ropes of hanging stone at the red circle and smash a hole in. Finally, the cellar door on the right side of the chapel is entrance 4. Deep in the ruins, open the agency, obtain the deceased’s conversation necklace, and defeat the Lich talked after the secret room (the practical deceased talked necklace) can invite him to the camp to help the player resurrect the teammates.(The current test version does not need to defeat the Lich, he will also come to the camp to meet with the player after leaving.)


3. Remove the parasite

This is the main line of this chapter, including a large number of branches. The tasks of the following 3.1 to 3.8 are related to the main line.

3.1, Druid’s apprentice

The Druid Land in the forest land of West Fansas entered the Shimen to find the doctor Needi. Seeking Needi help will be poisoned by her. It can be avoided by judging from far away, agile, etc., but it is very difficult. After poisoning, persuasion, theft, or even kill Nete can get antidote (there are props such as poison on Needi).

3.2, Earth Captive

The land captive Catalum in the forest cage of Xifan Nas asked the player to save her. After unlocking, you can take Saza out of the dense road by the cliff. This can easily enter the ground essence and see the goblin leader.

3.3, Di Jing Girl Priest

After entering the earth-sophisticated fortress, unlock the team link. Single people follow the priests to the chapel. She will let the players fall asleep black tea. After drinking, she will be imprisoned to the dungeon. Regardless of whether it is successful or not to get rid of the predicament (plot killing), the dense door behind the dungeon leads to the dark area.

3.4. Elderly pharmacist

The south of the map can find Essel (ghost), seeking help to get a permanent Debuff who will get the eyes of a ghost woman, and learned that the parasites are specially produced.(You need to know the face of the broken ghost to trigger this task, but you can still achieve this goal without triggering tasks. Because it is a side effect, it is recommended not to choose. Please refer to the tea room task.)

3.5, find Druid

Talking with NPCs in West Fannas’ forest land and NPC can know that their Great Druid is missing. Druid was imprisoned in the northeast (upper right) cell inside the earth’s fortress, and Druid was a bear form. Choose to attack goblins. Two small essence will escape out and block the house door as soon as possible to kill the goblins. After clearing the exquisiteness of the room, the bear turned back to Druid. Halxin asked you to kill Di Jing three heads and return to the camp after completion. Halxin checked that the parasites were transformed by the followers of the Supreme God, and they must go to the tower of the month to find the answer.

3.6, Guangyaohui

When asked about the player, the Earthquakes of the Village can tell the truth when asking the player. After collecting the mushrooms of Qi Gaoxin’s potion (the mushrooms are in the Olympic Tower in the southwest of the dark region, there are 0 load-bearing shoes in the balcony box on the right side of the door. Jump from the balcony opposite the door with slow settlement and add light to the generator to add lightly to the generator. The language tree flower starts the elevator. After watching the script in the middle layer, you can get a bottle of flying potion in the dialogue with the robot. Take a ring called the lighting on the table. You can take the elevator to the basement of the tower. There is a staff.)Take the magic system for a good bottle of medicine for the player to drink. No matter how it is judged, the parasite will become stronger, and the role of drinking medicine will get a new AOE ability. Said the Mind Magic to sell a ring for players for sorry.

3.7, go to the monthly out

There are three roads that can go out to the tower area of the month. The map is climbing in the southwest, the northwest hidden mountain mouth, the dark area-beach by boat.

3.8, the healing method of Siyangji

Rescue Layezel told the player that there is a Gisan Yanji patrol in the Northwest. Later, Liezel was found infected and then started war with the patrol.

Chapter 1 General Examination: Task-Branch Line

4. Save refugees

This task includes three branches of 4.1 to 4.5.

4.1. Attacking forest land

Communicating with the earth, he asked us to find Zhuer Ming Sara, and Ming Sara plans to attack the forest land. Players can return to the forest land as the inside to open the door for Ming Sala, or they can report the plan to Tidlin in the forest land, and the siege of the siege of the attack troops (that is, by the way, the Druid mission is completed).

4.2, deal with gelatin

Finding Greater Druid in the ground camping, he will let the player kill Di Jing. A painting can be found in the camp, and there are three leaders in the painting. All three leaders are in the earth-sophisticated fortress, one incense Sala, a geomantic, and a female priest. It is recommended that the priests, Zhuoer, and earth essence are killed. It is best to sneak attacks, and use more scenes.

4.3. Chief Druid

You can find a lock box in the Library of Druid Gate. After prying open, there is a secret letter in Khaha. There is a big tree (near the edge of the ghost wife swamp) (there are 2 elements and 4 bats nearby), and another letter can be found on the cracks on the tree. After going back to ask Kaha, 3 animals nearby will become a shadow Druid. Here you can persuade Ikaha or kill her with other Druid. Then I found the Rune of the Wolf to get the Lasan award. An An was on the stone pillar in the stone gate in Druid to activate the four runes to open the secret room. The runes of the wolf can also be stolen.

4.4, suspicious connection

After the bookshelf of the servant residence in the Druidi Land Hall, he found the Kayha box suspiciously. Based on evidence to go to the swamp to find the letter in the gap, suspiciously proved that Kaha was a shadow Druid.(See the chief Druid mission)

4.5, deal with Druid

Contract Kaha through suspicious connection tasks, or directly kill Kaha (hostile to Druid).

5. Trial child

In the Kaha room of West Fannas, he found that Haka caught a Tofillin child, and he could choose to save the child. After saving the child, you can go back to find his parents to reward, jewelry and lighting.

6. Tea room

The south of the map found that two young people were looking for ghosts, and they would continue to find that the two young people died tragically. Come to the tea room to meet the ghost Po Essel to force Melina to eat. Whether you choose to accept the eyes of ghosts or fighting, the ghosts will escape into the rear channel of the fireplace. Followed it in and found a road blocking (actually an illusion, you can pass it directly.) Finally found the ghost to enter the battle through a large piece of poisonous gas. Here we have to put down the cage according to the control ball in front of the ghost to slap the cage.(The ghost-in-law will disappear when he fights, and it is a bit under pressure to not hit the avatar. It is recommended to use a spell missile to clear three illusions at a time.) Kill the ghost, find the ghost wands and magic wands in the back room. During the ghost puppet nest, Melina found that in front of her husband’s coffin, she used a ghost wand to resurrect his husband (zombie), and then chose to give her a magic wand. Melina would take her husband to the door of Bude.

7. Rescue the bard poet

Outside the Goblin Fortress, Voro will encounter a forced voya poet, and he will find that Voro is locked in a cage in the fortress. After saving him, he can let Varo go to the camp. Let Varro treat you with parasites, the eyes will permanently damage the debuff. The main function of this guy is a rumor inquiry machine.

8. Suspicious singing

The beach in the northeast of Druid Lynch can save the Tidelin child who is confused by the singing of the banshee. You need to come here before Toflin left to trigger the task.

9. Stealing the idol

If the child in the suspicious singing voice is saved, the forest land in Xifan Nas is suspicious, and there is a Tidovling child named Doni on the channel to Druid Lynch. If you talk to him, you can enter the shattered stone pileCovering the dragon hole. The Moore in the dragon acupoint allows players to steal the statue of Xifan Nasce. It is best to solve the Khaha problem before stealing it in the inner hall. Once he was stolen, the forest land would be caught in a civil war.

10. Operation from time to time

A dwarf was tied to a windmill in the middle of the infected village. The handle on the right side of the bottom of the windmill would throw the dwarf out to death. Go to the backpack (inside the cellar next to the windmill).

11. Pharmacist’s cellar

You can find a pharmacist’s house in the infected village, and there is a cellar door next to the table in the house. There is a secret passage behind a large cabinet in the cellar. The switch is switched on the wall behind 3 boxes (there are three stacked boxes on the left side of the wardrobe, and the tie rod is hidden behind). Open the passage and find that the pharmacist is a necromancer. At the end of the passage, there are two stone statues and ghost spraying fireballs in the room. You can choose to destroy the law book, read or read it yourself. After reading a book (verification), you can learn the skills of undead, and then if you continue to read the failure, you will have a 50 -round perception disadvantage. After this period, you can continue to read again after this period. EssenceSpells such as sacred light on the ground can be destroyed, or swallowing Gal can be destroyed.

12. Lost journey

On the north of the map, there will be a bunch of wolves around the two elves. You can choose to control the beings to kill others with a parasite to kill others and get a locking box. You can choose to open the box or find the owner of the box (there is an iron bottle printed with a 4 -level eye demon). The rescued elf will tell the player’s dens of San Tarin. Behind the house that was burned by Wak Jin’s dormant place, one of the houses in the middle of the two livestock sheds could go in with him. After opening the locking box, it is difficult to move in it peacefully. It is best not to open the box.

13. Escape the devil

In the north, there is a cottage in the east of the Wolf man. The team of the Tyr Saints Andus wants the player to chase a Tidlin named Kaikk. Katak said that he was escaping from hell by a snail shell, and was hunted by the servant of the big devil Tagarle. Choose to help Anders only get his hands. You can also get it after choosing to help Cayk, and Kayak said he would see you at the door of Bude (potential ally).

14. Rescue Duke

A hot house can be found near the dormant place in the northwest corner of the map. It is recommended that single people go in to save people. After breaking the door, the consultant told the player Duke to be hijacked to the West.

15. The trapped semi-elf

Wo Jin’s dormant land rescued Benlin in the fire house, and Benlin asked to find his wife. On the second floor of the partial room on the west side, he can find his wife’s body (throwing the body with a throw to throw the body into the courtyard) Benlin saw that the body would tell the player that his wife was carrying dowry. The dowry is in the cow shed in the west of the house. There is a straw pile that needs to be found to find it.

16. Escape Master

Sanata will go to the den. After entering, I met a businessman to catch the artist Oscar, and rescued Oscar with money or other means (it was OK to sneak in the past).

17. Undurable masterpiece

In the infected village, there are many blacksmith tools in the locked basement. The blueprint can be found on the table, and the light-language bark can be used to forge light-language weapons. Light-language bark is on the light-language trunk of the dark region (not light language).

18. Circle Ring

Entering the habitat of the people in the dark area, agreed to help the king of the people kill the gray dwarf (it is best to find the gray dwarf to complete the gray dwarf task first). After completing the task, King of the Ren will open the treasure house and allow the player to get a hidden helmet.

19. Lost shoes

In the gray dwarf camp, the gray dwarf will let the player find a dwarf slave to get back the boots. Efforts are next to Wang Bos, Wang Bos, you can get his shoes or directly grabbing. The shoes attributes are good, you can stay or return. The gray dwarf will ask players to take a boat to send shoes, in fact, it is to enter the area of the moon out of the moon.

20. Hunting Mushroom Hunter

The habitat merchant Delice told the player that his abbot Baron was surrounded by a bunch of poisonous mushrooms, northwest of the map. You can remotely control him with the backpack next to Baron, or throw him an agile verification to him.

21. Another king of people

On the way to destroy the gray dwarf, another king Grart will help players. After playing the dwarf, Grate wants to build a new ring of the people, and you can choose to help Grate destroy the ring of the king of the king. Players can also sneak directly at the light dwarf camp, and then let King Grart resurrected them. It is easier to fight with the resurrectioner once.(It should be a test version bug)

22. Find the song of dark night

On the way forward to the groundbort, two bounty hunters will be encountered, telling players about the song of the night. The dense door behind the priest of the ground priest leads to the dark area where the night of the night is located. Customs solution method: Four crescents (all black) in the place of light, the upper four full moon, two and a half months on the left and right sides, after entering, there is a dark area-fortress.

Chapter 1 Total: Task-Partner

Partner task

During the adventure and when camping, the team members will be triggered by various events. Players need to closer the member relationship, and the incident can trigger the task of each member all the way. Usually the partner task runs through the entire game, and the author will gradually add.

1. Geis Yanji warrior

After Leezel joined the team, he encountered the Gisan Yankeli patrol in the northwest of the map.

Captain refused to help Leezel, and also framed her as an artifact thief. The player had to help her clean up the siege of the Gisan Yanji.

2. Master of Sham Shui City

I met Master Gall near the ruins.

Gal’s camping said that he needed to absorb the magic nets in the strong aisle props to maintain the core stability of the body.

The ghost wands, the statue of Xifan Nas, and the Senniel amulets can be used. The magician in the cellar of the pharmacist can also give him a sucking, destroying the magician and maintaining Gal’s stability.

3, pale elves

Elven Adarine’s camping will want to suck the blood of the player.

Agree with blood blood (twice to prevent failure will be killed directly) and refuse to suck blood for him to hunt himself, Asdalun will get a blood-sucking skill.

4. Blade Blade

When he encounters Will in Tidflin, Will will let players help kill Di Jing.

In the ground camping place, he would encounter the prisoner of the interrogation, and then talked to Will for a woman who was looking for a woman named Mizola (actually a demon).

The player promised to help Well end and the demon’s contract.

5. Dark daughter

I encountered an elf shadow heart at the snail shell, and learned that Yingxin worshiped the goddess of the night.

Yingxin will fiddish a strange box in the camping.

Chapter 1 Total: The crash area

3. Mission/encounter in various regions

1. The crash area

This area is the initial area, players need to find teammates and forward directions.

There are abandoned ruins here to explore.



① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.) 1: Initial location

2. 6, 7, 8: The entrance of the ruins (see the abandoned ruins mission)

3. Portal

4. Fisherman encounters (see Lyerzel mission in the cage)

5. Portal

② Important NPC

(Yellow color mark.)

1: Yingxin

2: Asleen

3: Gal

4: Leezel

③ Secret (green mark)

1: The locking box

2. 2. Pass the test and open the stones to obtain hidden items

3: Climbing the stone wall in the north, there are many things to search

Chapter 1 Total Land: Cracker-Task-Task

Related tasks


1: Leezel (Huang 4) in the cage

2: Abandoned ruins (Blue 2, 6, 7, 8)

3: Remove parasites (talk to teammates)

For details of the full task, please refer to the graphic Raiders: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 Total view: crash area-abandon ruins

Abandon the ruins

Red Circle: Mountain Road entrance

Blue Circle: The main entrance of the beach (Shadow Heart location)

Green circle: lead to the lower floor

BOOK of DEAD GODS: Book of Death

Hidden Button: Hidden button, turn on the rear room of the idol, the Lich will enter the camp (you can resurrect the dead partners)



Red Circle: Statue back mechanism


Chapter 1 Total Land: West Fanna Slin Land

2. The forest land of West Fansas

The forest land of Xifan Nas has the Druid Land and the Tidelin refugees. Players need to regulate the relationship between the two.

In addition, there are many tasks and encounters nearby.


① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: Main entrance

2: The portal

3: Go to the infected village

4: Help those who have been chased by the assassin to get a reward through the verification, it is best to archive in the area

5: Elevator

6, 9, 11: merchants

7: Tidflin Sho Shi, Sevolo

8: The shelter leads to the upper ladder

10: Free soup

12: Female soldiers will trigger communication plots in the team

13: Prison, Earth Equipment Prisoner

14: Edge on the cliff

15: Donic’s hidden channel

16: The trial child task is located where the parents are located

17: The statue of Xifan Nasce (in the inner hall after solving the Kayha problem)

18: Entrance of the Inner Hall

19: The Tidelin woman who writes a song

20: True God believers, triggering the encounter of Xiong Cave

② Important NPC

(Yellow color mark.)

1: Vel

③ Secret

1: Secret Road

2: Secret Road

3: Lady Monster Nest Point

Chapter 1 Total Land: West Fanna Slin Land-Task

Related tasks


3.1: apprentice of Druid (Blue 18)

3.2: Earth Captive (Blue 13)

3.5: Find Druid (Blue 18)

4: Save refugees (Blue 7)

4.2: Counterfeit gelatin (blue 7)

4.3: Chief Druid (Blue 18)

4.4: Suspicious connection (Blue 18)

4.5: Druid (Blue 7)

5: The trial child (Blue 18)

8: Suspicious singing (Red 2)

9: Stealing the idol (blue 15)

22: Find the song of dark night (blue 3)

For details, please refer to the full task strategy: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 Total Land: West Fanna Slin Land-Encounter

Important encounter

After the encountering Lin Dixi and the true god believers, they can use the ability to suck monsters to make them think that the player is the true soul.

They will invite players to help the bears.

As shown in the figure.


Enter the cave.


Turn left in the cave to see the table that can jump up, with a treasure chest on it.

Climbing along the red line is behind the bears, which can be raid, but it is not necessary.


Through the mystery, you can know that there is magic on the box.


Jump to the back of the statue on the left, and you can find the prayer of the Carenie believers by detecting it.

You can understand the meaning of prayer in religious verification-pairing with magic on the box.


Put the prayer in the backpack, come to the box, and open the prayer to read the magic of the box.


Get idols, necklaces and gems.


Persuaded the true gods to kill the bear bears as cannon fodder.

You can kill the big one, but the bear will immediately start eating the mother’s body.


There are also bear eggs and corpses next to it, with green leather armor.


Chapter 1 Total: West Fanna Slin Land-Xiong Xiong’s Nest


Red circle: treasure chest position, you can climb behind the red line to the back of the bear (non-required)


You can throw and shoot down the pillars to smash the bear.


Chapter 1 Total: Dye Village

3. Infected village

The infected village is the crossroads of the first chapter of the map. Westward is the ground-camping ground, and the east to the east to the Sasling Land.

To the north is the dormant land of promotion/Wakin, and south is the sunlight swamp.

Infected villages and surrounding tasks are relatively abundant, and it is worth exploring.



① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: Xiong Xiong’s Nest Point

2: Scratch (pet dog)

3: Village entrance

4: The portal, the pharmacist’s room is next to the portal, the northeast room is the basement and the spider web hole

5: Broken bridge, leading to the road of promotion

6: Mask windmill (time to operate tasks)

7: Water well leads to the ground (the cellar/unpleasant masterpiece of the pharmacist)

② Important enemies

(Red mark.)

1: Xiong Bear

2: Eaters (hired)

Chapter 1 General Examination: Village infection-task

Related tasks


10: Coming from time to operation

11: Pharmacist’s cellar (room next to the door, the basement of the basement next to the counter)

17: Unewant masterpieces (locked cellars, obtain recipes on the blacksmith platform)

For details of the full task, please refer to the graphic Raiders: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 General Examination: Dye Village-Downsa Lands


You can enter a low language through the well, cellar, and spider web.(For details, please refer to the cellar task of the pharmacist and the task of unparalleled masterpieces).

There are blacksmith room and phase spider queen in the low language, which is not difficult to fight.

The lower right of the map is the blacksmith room.

Dark amethsyt: Open the amethyst of the pharmacist (Master Nadi).

Whispering depths: portal


Chapter 1 Total Land: Village infected by infection-encounter

Important encounter

The Xiong Xiong’s nest encountered an important encounter in the West Fanslin in front of this strategy.

In the northeast of the infected village, Gumvik’s bodies can be found, and dogs are guarded by dogs next to them.


Appetulating dogs can stabilize the dog’s emotions through the beast taming and detecting the verification.


This loyal dog’s dog scratching, players can let it go to the camp.

In fact, after scratching, you can still search for the corpse of Gumvik.


There are several eater in the southwestern house in the infected village around a corpse.

You can search for corpses (there is no task for the time being).


Players can also persuade the ogre to help themselves through lobbying verification (very difficult).

Or spend 500 gold coins to make them fighters.


Players will get a "Trump’s War Corner" once they use them, and they will summon several crazy and smashed food people.

It is best to use it in the combat of neutral/friendly forces around.

The contract is abolished after use, but you can still spend money to continue hiring them.


Two cannibals in the northern barn of the village are doing inconceivable things.


It is difficult to break the door to interrupt them.

After playing, you can search for something.(Do you bear it, laugh.)


Chapter 1 Total: Swamp

4, swamp

The mission of the ghost and the shadow Druid was completed.

There are also ports leading to Youcheng.


① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: Linking to the infected village, here will encounter villagers and pharmacists (ghosts) confrontation

2, 7: Ghost Po Church Sending Point

3: Vampire Hunter, thieves will trigger the plot in the team

4: Chaotic frogs: You will get a ghost-in-law consultation through the verification, and you can get back to get a reward for ghosts.

5: Tea room

8: The unique wooden bridge from Goblin camp, do not go to multiple roles at a time

② NPC/Enemy

Red 2: Tree people and bats, there is a khakha in the gaps on the big tree here.

Green 1: You can find the giant sword and head.

Chapter 1 Total: Swamp-Mission

Related tasks


3.4: Elderly pharmacist (tea room ghost)

4.5: Suspicious connection (the box of Druidi Caha)

6: Tea Room (Blue 1)

For details of the full task, please refer to the graphic Raiders: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 Total Overview: Walkin/Promotion

5. Walkin’s dormant land/promotion road

The infected village can enter the road of promoting and burning town -Wuskin’s dormant land.

There are many tasks with a lot of distance and time span here.


① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: lead to the infected village

2: Kakka (the escape devil mission)

3: Terr Paladin (Escape Devil Mission)

4, 5: The portal

6: Cave (missing journey task)

7: Burning Hotel Gate

8: Find the Duke Mission

9: San Talle Club base

10: Tower to the tower of the moon

② Enemy (red mark)

1: Kill the wolf before birth

2: High difficulty fighting, you can become popular 1 line to avoid

3: The ability to sucking monsters can force the leader to help players fight

4: trap channel

5: Geis Yanji fighting

③ Secret (green mark)

1: After passing the test, you can open the stone to get the bloodstone necklace

Chapter 1 Total Review: Walkin/Promotion-Task Mission

Related tasks


3.8: The healing means of Geis Yanji (Red 5)

12: Lost Travel (Blue 6)

13: Escape Devil (Blue 3)

14: Rescue Duke (Blue 8)

15: The trapped semi-elf (blue 8)

16: Escape Master (Blue 9)

For details, please refer to the full task strategy: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 Total Land: Wajin/Promotion-Encounter

Important encounter

Although there are many incidents in this area, they are all tasks. Players can view the task part of this strategy.

The relatively special encounters are the treasure chests and channels in the picture.

Skip the broken bridge from the red circle to reach the blue circle position.


Broken bridge, the Geis Yanji soldiers can jump over without 3 times the skills.


Treasure box, currently there are only some gold coins.

Go to the south to reach the ground camp.


Chapter 1 Total Land: Earth Camping Land

6. Earth camp

There are important main line tasks in the ground camp, which is the core area of this chapter.

The red marked as a trap, the entire camp is actually full of potential enemies.



① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: lead to the infected village

2: Du wooden bridge leading to the swamp (don’t go to the bridge together)

3: The gatekeeper, you need to pass the test or use the ability to suck monsters or save the prisoner of the ground.

4: You can climb to the upper floor of the camp

5: Entrance, you need to jump

6: Go to the tower area of the monthly out of the month

7: Bell Poet

8: Global merchant

9: Enter the ground essence (crushed sanctuary)

10: The damaged wall can enter through the test

11: The goblins of sleeping, too loud sounds will wake up and enter the battle

12: Portal

13: The goblins that allow the player’s feet to personally kill or steal his ring

② Secret (green mark)

1: Pharmacy

2: The locking box

3: The box behind the waterfall

Chapter 1 Total view: Earth Camping Land-Task Mission

Related tasks


7: Rescue the bard poet (Blue 7)

For details, please refer to the full task strategy: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 Total Land: Earth Camping Land-Encounter

Important encounter

The aforementioned map of green 2.


The rupture wall can enter with push or force spells.


Most of the upper layers of crushing the sanctuary (inside the ground) can jump, and there are many things to search.


On the Goblon Tower, you can get a treasure chest by skipping the broken bridge.


Chapter 1 Total: Broken Holy House

7. Broken sanctuary (goblin fortress)

This is the base camp of goblins that can complete important main branch lines and a channel leading to Youcheng.


① Important place

(The important place is the blue mark. If there is no specific explanation, it is some interactive pickup items.)

1: Main entrance

2: Earth Precision Guard

3: Earth Girl Priest

4: merchant

5: The mission area of the priest priest (single go)

6: Linking to the desecrated temple

7: The desecration of the temple, the mission of the priest of the earth, the mission of drinking the medicine after the coma is coma, wake up

8: Dadi Jing

9: Fragile wall

10: Those who are tried, there are songs of dark nights and Well’s partner mission encounters

11: Citizen, our SM thieves like it very much (laughs)

12: The location of the poet to save the voya poet

13: Ming Sarah

14: leading to prison, saving Druid

15: Greater Druid in the Bear Form

16: Organs leading to Youcheng area

17: Entry of Youcheng Regional

② Enemy/Secret

Red 1: The locked door, leading to the giant spider area

Red 2: Bear part of the enemy and me

Red 3: The Eater Bodyguard of the Earthy Priest Priest

Red 4: Leaving the temple of blasphemy, there are spiders

Green 1: Open the secret road that appears in the mechanism

Chapter 1 Total Review: Broken Sacred House-Task Mission

Related tasks


3.3: Di Jing Girl Priest (Blue 3)

3.5: Find Druid (Blue 15)

4.1: Attacking forest land (Blue 13)

4.2: Counterfeit gelatin (blue 3, 8, 13)

4.3: Chief Druid (Blue 15)

For details, please refer to the full task strategy: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 General Examination: Broken House-Temple/Organization

Desecrated temple

The map alone is as follows, the sleeping players of the priests of the earth will come here (the female priest’s room can also come down).

For details, see the task of finding the night of the night.

Moon disk mechanism rotation method (please also refer to the task of the night of the night): the mission of the dark night): upper left, right, down, left, right, left, left, left, left, left, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right,


The final effect of the desecrated temple agency is as shown in the figure.


Chapter 1 Total: Broken Holy House-Encounter

Important encounter

Broken the sanctuary into the door and turn left, and the red circle is located.


There is a room for the businessman of the San Tarin, and they are doing business with the ground.

If you enter the room with a big swing, you must pass the test to avoid fighting.


Players can sneak into the raid.

You can also jump down from the next room.

Or directly use the rocket and other means to detonate the gunpowder barrel with the rocket.


The location of gunpowder barrels in the whole and outside will explode.

You can remove the outside gunpowder buckets, so as not to be affected outside the room.

Then use the bucket in the next room to extinguish the fire.


If it is a jump, you can jump directly.


There are 3000+ gold coins in the box here, and there are also many things that can be searched on NPC.

The logo on the wall actually suggests that the desecrated temple agencies are opened.


Chapter 1 Total: Youcheng Geosteen

8,Youcheng area

Youcheng area is the huge underground world of Chapter 1.

There are many tasks here, which is also an important channel to the tower of the moon.

All kinds of encounters gather here and wonderful.


① Important place

Mushroom Picker: Mushroom Hunter

HOOKed Horros: Light-language Tree area (a large number of enemies)

Bulette: sand lizard

Duergar ambush: gray dwarf camp

To Moonrise Tower: Ship to the tower of the moon

Ruined Tower: The Ruins of the Tower of Olympics

Blurg & Omeluum: habitat

Minotaurs: Mino Tao, who will encounter from Sanata

The Festing Cove: Mermaid Cave

Portal to Sunlit Wetland: To the portal of the swamp

SPECTOR: Observer (there are corpses around and many gold coins search)

UnderDark-Fort: Fortress from the Earthquake Crusted Hall

② related tasks

3.7: Go to the monthly out (see the ship where the map leads to the tower of the moon)

17: Unexplained masterpieces (light language bark)

18: Circle Ring Ring (Habitat Habitat)

19: Lost shoes (gray dwarf camp)

20: Hunting Mushroom Hunter (Habitat of the Person)

21: Another king of people (habitat)

22: Find the song of the night (the test version cannot be completed)

For details, please refer to the full task strategy: https://www.playgameshare.com/gl/3818003.html

Chapter 1 Total: Youcheng Geostel-Murloc Caves

Muiman Cave Map


Chapter 1 Total: Youcheng Region-Encounter (1)

Important encounter

The Phantom Wall at the Red Circle of the San Tarlin can pass directly.


You can enter the Youcheng area by taking an elevator.

Or the room of the priest of the Ge Jingbao Fortress can also open the fortress of the agency into the Youcheng area.


Two bulls will be encountered from Santarin.

It is best to have a powerful remote output above, and the meat shield is below.

As much as possible to say hello, do not retain the difficult battles.


Many dangerous mushrooms can be found through natural inspection, do not approach at will.

141, -119, and 76, 244 have less obvious small search points.


With reference to the big map, you can find a fish man cave (ulcer cave) in the southeast of the beach.


You need to jump to the lower platform in the picture and climb down the red circle.


You can persuade the mermaid to get the Bol sickle.

You can also open the kill ring.

This is also a source of ordinary sickle, which can be used to complete unfamiliar masterpieces.


Dony’s drifting bottle can be picked up in the underground lake.

However, there are no other tasks.


Chapter 1 Total: Youcheng Region-Encounter (2)

If you come down from the earth’s fortress (refer to the relevant instructions of the earth and the song of the night, the terminal) will enter the fortress.

You can open the door to Youcheng.

If it is close to the fortress from Youcheng, it is best to use the turn-based mode to close the door to unlock the door, so as not to hurt the fireball machine.


The switch above the gate can turn off the energy of the fireball mechanism.

Be sure to close it before going out.


The fireball mechanism relies on the left and right ruby drivers.

Remotely take objects.


The secret door at the red circle was found to find out.


The treasure chest can be found inside.


Chapter 1 Total Land: Youcheng Geosterity-Encounter (3)

Jumping from the second floor of the fortress can enter the cliff where the observer is located.

The poisonous gas pores here can be blocked with large objects.


To kill the observer, search commander Marzley can get a lot of gold coins.


The position in the figure is the portal.


The soldiers need to jump up with 3 times the mushrooms.

Note that many mushrooms are fake.


After going up, you can directly pass through the phantom door (seem to be a mountain wall) into the interior, and there are also portal.


The internal portal leads to the swamp, behind the tea room.

The teleportation door outside is under the cliff.


1. Leezel in the cage (1)

1. Leezel in the cage

After the crash, I went to the beach of Happy Castle, oh no, alas, it should be a certain island of Ferun World, ourselves and meditating-this is the door of Bude, not the divine realm!

The player must first shake the south (blue circle) south (blue circle) on the roadside cliffs from the roadside, and find the other four other teammates.

Purple icons such as cliffs and vine ruins on the roadside are the transmission point, which can be transmitted quickly by the map.

After the team is pulled, you can enter the red dark ruins to explore, and then go north to the forest land of West Fansas.


Note that the position in the figure can jump down the cliff and find a stone along the red line.


After passing the natural test, let the characters with more than 12 moves away the stone to find the box pressed below.


There are gold coins, scrolls, gems, potions and books.


Below the transmission point of the ruins of Manosheng, the shadow heart can be found at the main entrance of the dark ruins.

It can trigger the plot nearby, and the robbers in the ruins closed the door to prevent others from entering.


Shadow Xin is the person who tried to rescue the player before.

The common encounter allowed the two to reach a consensus quickly, and became couples (Oh, no, teammates, I always feel that the plot has seen …)

They decided to find the doctor first and take out the heartbroken magic larvae behind their eyes.


The purple mark of the wall in the figure is the transmission point. Click on to transmit it back to the camp or other teleportation points.

Pay attention to the three icons in the red box of the upper right map, allowing players to return to the camp to rest, take a short break or transmit.

The camp restoration restores all states, and short breaks can restore some of the number of skills.(You can refer to each skill description)


1. Leezel in the cage (2)

After clicking the transmission, the position of the red box on the right side of the map can be transmitted.


If you enter the camp, you can use the box to store excess items.(You can also right-click the item to select it directly to the camp when you are in the wild)

During the camping, the teammates may have an exclamation mark. Remember to communicate and find out the spleen of the teammates. In the future, there should be teammates tasks.

Finally, click on the bed to sleep and rest, and it will automatically teleport to the position before entering the camp after waking up.


Remember to search everywhere, and the lock box can right-click to pry the lock.

The thieves need to be used (the beach corpses and boxes can be obtained). If you are agile and skillful, the success rate will be very high, and it will not be easy to lose the tools.

Therefore, you can wait for the wanderer to join before unlocking.

There are leather helmets in the box on the slope in the picture.


Wanderer Asleen Location.


Ascended to Asyin to try to deceive and attack players.

He could make him find something, or he was escaped with lobbying, strength, agile, etc. after he was fighting.

After all, it is a potential teammate, and soon realized that the player is not an enemy.


Astai Lun’s wild boars used to deceive players can be uniform through animal taming, but there is only one chance.


1. Leezel in the cage (3)

When you come to the middle of the battleship, you will find that a fisherman is controlled by the dying magic, trying to rescue the magic demon under the ruins.

If all kinds of verification fails, it will fall into battle.

Fortunately, attacking fishermen (or seizing the magic) quickly make them sober.


You can encounter the third allies Gall.


Gall is a mage.


After you find the mage, go to the northeast and you can find Rayerzer, which is closed by Tidflin.

Because of the relationship between larvae, she and the protagonist can induces each other.

Leezel asked the player to save her.


You can choose to deceive. After successful, Tifillin will leave, which is also the most soldier.

Lobbying can lie to Toflin to let go of Ledezel, players can attack Tifillin with Liezel.

Or do not say anything directly, the difficulty is not high.


Note that remote attacks generally have advantages in the targets at low places at high places, and the hit rate will be higher.

Leezel joined the team to superior to the teammate to return one of the teammates back to the camp. In the future, we can re-match the team in the camp.


2. Abandoned ruins (1)

2. Abandoned ruins

After finding Ledezel, walk east to see the entrance of the ruins chapel.

Here are the guards of the robbers, and it is best to sneak in.


It is best to ambush the mage on the opposite stairs.

The red lines marked by the author must pay attention to various traps on the ground.

The falling stone of the atrium can cut off the rope to smash a hole and enter the inside of the chapel.


After cleaning up the guard, you can enter the ruins by bullying, performing and unlocking.

Note that there will be traps when you go in.

I recommend another entrance.


As shown in the figure, on the southeast of the ruins.


Climb down through the red circle.


You can open the door of the red circle to enter.


2. Abandoned ruins (2)

The key can be found on the corpse in the ruins, and there are still many boxes nearby.

Books in the side room can be opened through mystery, strength, wander, and agile testing.

Then repeated religious verification to obtain a weakened ray scroll, and the mage can be used to learn spells.


Wandering in the left side of the statue, you can perceive the button switch on the wall.

Touch the switch to cause the plot.


The surrounding bodies will be resurrected, so it is best to disperse the members first (pull the heads of the players and let the chain be broken to control it), and the left and right corridors are put on the players with strong damage capabilities.

Another team member is placed in the middle flames.

In this way, members of the zombie mage can target them.


You can enter the internal cemetery after the battle is completed. You can get the deceased’s conversation necklace. After use, you can communicate with the deceased. There should be many uses in the future.

There will also be a lich-like guy in the coffin.


This mysterious Lich is not hostile. Saying some words, he also told the player to meet in the future.

Defeating it to get the deceased’s conversation necklace to talk to him and invite him to the camp.

Lich can help resurrected teammates, 200 gold coins once.


2. Abandoned ruins (3)

It is best to control teammates with dark vision so that the player’s vision is brighter.

Entering the main tomb of the hall through heavy gate, walking here, the characters will automatically perceive and perceive the verification.

Discover the ventilation of the red circle style in the figure.


Find the switch on the wall and the pillar.


A total of 6 ventilations.


You can drag the jars and boxes around the handle.

It is best to cover all 6, so there will be no acidity at all.


After covering, open the middle coffin and will not trigger the liquid eruption.

You can get a two-handed sword and key.


Then press the switch on the following pillars to turn off the fireball device on the wall.

The entire area is safe.

At this time, you can use the key to open the door when you encountered Yingxin.


2. Abandoned ruins (4)

The gorgeous door in the picture allows players to enter the area where the robber is located.


The door in the red circle in the ruins can be directly used to use weapons attacks.

Enemies for outdoor patrol are easy to solve.

You can enter the entrance of the ruins that previously said from the bedroom.


The team in the church has some strength.

It is best to sneak in and launch a raid.

Get priority to kill the mage.


The wall behind the statue can be found through the inspection of the inspection.

The author tries to find that it is not useful, so it is estimated that the door that was broken before the opening was not the door.

(If some players try to go to different situations, welcome to communicate.)


3. Remove the parasite

3. Remove the parasite

The removal of parasites is the main line of this chapter, which is highly related to the subsequent 3.1 to 3.8 tasks and the task of saving the people. I will give priority to summarizing this series of tasks.

When you come to the forest land in Xifan Nas, you can enter the forest land when you find that the land is attacking the settlement and helping them to fight back.


The Forest Red Circle area is the Tivorin refugee camp. After entering the refugee camp Shimen, you can talk to the leader Seflo and obtain the task of saving the refugees.

The blue circle is a ground prisoner and can get the mission of the prisoner of the earth.

The purple circle is the Druid Land, and you can get the Druid mission.


The forest land was controlled by Druid, but received some of the escape Tiffin.

Due to the disappearance of Greater Druid, it is now led by Kaha.

Both the entire camp and Druid are dissatisfied with Khaha.


After entering the camp, you can supply it at the businessman.

Players can also inquire about the Needi of Druid Lynch as a physician and start the apprenticeship mission of Druid.

Well, who is trained nearby, is a teammate who will join in the subsequent tasks.


Players can also help train Tifillin, which can win the approval of teammates.


Druid Lynch will discover the confrontation between Toflin and Druid.

Kaxa grabbed a Tofillin child and said that the child was a thief.

Trigger trial task.


Typhi near the elevator of the Druid Camp can let it leave through the test of Ranger and Druid.

The elevator leads to the gate, saving the way to run.


Kaya can be found in the carved gate of Druidi.

She is ruinging the forest land with horror.

Ask other Druid to get more information.


3.1, Druid’s apprentice

3.1, Druid’s apprentice

The Druidian Temple can find Neidi.

She is a new disciple of Greater Drubihar and a doctor here.

You can ask her to cure the disease.


In fact, Needi knew the magic larvae, and she thought it was dangerous.

She will try to deceive the player and poison the player, so that the player may threaten the forest land.


You can hand over the drug through lobbying, intimidation, or deception.


If not, sneak on the thief to steal it.

It is best to save a stall again, there are many good things on Needi.

It can be said that the first attempt of treatment failed.


The library near the inner hall can see a statue and the rune base around, and there is also a rune.

This rune can be stolen on the outside of Las outside, or you can wait for the Great Druid mission as a reward.

Put the runes in the empty base and light up 4 runes to open the back room.


3.2, Earth Captive

3.2, Earth Captive

Temporary prisons in the northeast corner of the forest land in West Fanas can find the land captive Saza.

A Fuflin was preparing to shoot her and avenge her dead compatriots.


At this time, you can stop Toflin, rescue the goblins through intimidation, lobbying and other means.

Players will know that this group of Zidi is currently faithing in a true divine religion, and it seems to be related to the controller of the heartbroken larvae.

You can promise to rescue Saza so that she will bring players to enter the ground camp peacefully.


Players can unlocked Saza out, and there is a dense road that can lead to the camp.

There are two entrances in Midao.

It can be found that the secret door can enter, and the poison gas can be cleaned with flame magic.


Druid, who rescued the fight in the secret road, obtained information.

The treasure chest on the right side has an organ. It is best to remove the surrounding explosive barrels and then open it.

No explosive explosives have been detonated.


The dense road leads to the forest land.


Go to the other side to reach the prison position, jump over to save Saza and run out of here.

If you fail to lift the secret organs, archive first, and run a few times, as long as Saza is not killed by the agency.

After saving Saza, you can freely enter the ground essence on the west.


3.2, Earth Captive-Earth Camping Land


The main location of the ground essence fortress:

Red circle: leading to Greater Druid cage.

Blue Circle: Female Priest.

Green Circle: Ming Sara.

Purple Circle: Earth Jing.


The ladder of the southeast of the ground camping down.

You can find a box through the waterfall.


There are 1 giant ax and other items inside.


The goblin of the goblin, the blood stains of the prisoner on the right, and a good dagger and hand ax on the stage next to the torture can be stolen.

Here will also trigger the abused plot of thieves teammates.


3.3, Di Jing Girl Priest

3.3, Di Jing Girl Priest

Find the priest according to the previous goblin fortress map.

Talking with Gate, a female priest’s female priest’s true soul, can help her to cure the magic laeries.

Be careful not to let her mark on her body.


Following her into the room, she broke the team chain and entered a single person.

She will lie to the player to drink the sleeping potion.

At this time, it can be used as an opportunity to kill the priest, and it can also be used to drink the potion.


After waking up in the dungeon, you can break the chain through twice.

If it is not successful, it may also trigger the plot to leave the player away, and it can also let other teammates come to rescue.


Going out will cause fighting, it is best to let teammates get close to this area and trigger.

Kill the priests and the food magic next to the priests.


The sacrifice Bai Tu was aware of the small bags with money and rings.

Continue to enter the area of Youcheng, the tasks of the follow-up night and the land of the moon need to be here.


3.4. Elderly pharmacist

3.4. Elderly pharmacist

The plot will be triggered near the south red circle, and some villagers and the old women think they confront them.

If you go to the swamp from other areas, you may miss this plot, but it will not have any impact.


Players can help villagers or use insights and naturally to find that old women are wrong.

Of course, it can also help old women. At this time, the choice at this time has little impact on the follow-up plot.

If the old woman is the truth of the ghost woman, players can persuade the villagers to leave, otherwise they will die (in fact, they can pick up some garbage and sweat).


The chaotic frog of Ghost Po Marsh will cause members to be confused, and the enemy and me do not distinguish.

You can get the information of the ghost from the frog mouth through the verification.

After getting the ghost, you can also find a frog to receive a reward.


Drinking water in front of Ghost Po Gate can increase the temporary life limit at 10 o’clock.


If the player does not find that the old woman is a ghost, or choose to ignore this problem.

You can find the ghost-looking eyes to remove the magic larvae.


Ghost Po himself has items that can be traded.


However, it is not a good thing to treat the ghost-in-law.

If the disease is not good, there will be a permanent eye DEBUFF, which cannot be hit and the ability to detect is also reduced.

The only harvest is to know that there are also controlrs behind the larvae.


The ghost mother will give the player a bone, and there is currently no function (ghost eye debuff may have follow-up in the formal version?).

She will run to the secret room to fight with the ghost.

For follow-up tasks, please refer to the branch line of this strategy-tea room.


3.5, find Druid (1)

3.5, find Druid

Talking with Druid, such as the Kaha room, will receive the task to find Greater Druid.

Players can go directly to the site of the ground on the left side of the map (if Saza is rescued, the location will be clearer.)

Or come to the west side of the forest land (the path of the author, jump all the way, you can see it from the map), and find two passers-by.


After approaching, it was found that it was two "true gods" believers.

Choose the ability to suck monsters in the dialogue can make them mistakenly think of the true soul.

Can kill them, or let them continue to misunderstand, players can explore Greater Druid that may become a bear shape. You can also follow these two people to kill the bears nearby, which is a small encounter.


By the way, the "True Soul" on the ground can check the larvae.

Holding all the verification and killing larvae can get 30 experience.


Continue to the west will pass the infection village. There are also some branches here. The author will summarize it in the future.

People in the village will treat players as real souls, and players can also persuade (or buy) ogres (very difficult).


Continue to the west to reach the ground camp.

If Saza is saved, she will wait for players here.


After entering the earth fortress, you can find a guy on the right.

Bringing Will triggers his plot, and Will would ask Mizola’s whereabouts angrily.

Inquiries can also know the information of the night of the night, and the information of Greater Druid becomes a bear.


3.5, find Druid (2)

Red circle: leading to Greater Druid cage.

Blue Circle: Female Priest.

Green Circle: Ming Sara.

Purple Circle: Earth Jing.


After entering the prison room in the upper right corner, the red circle became a bear’s Great Druid.

The blue circle on the left is two goblins, destroy them as soon as possible, and then clean up other enemies in the prison.


It is best to sneak the attack on the ground to start fighting.

After killing the ground, Halx will transform, let the players kill the three earth-sophisticated leaders.


The three ground-sophisticated leaders can be learned through the paintings found in the fortress, or they can be learned through Saza.

That is, the Zhuer Elf Mira, the priest’s true soul, Gate, and the earth.

This is consistent with the rescue of the precipitous mission in the refugee. It is recommended to talk to the priest first, and then kill her after triggering the plot task (see the mission of the 3.3 Earthy Priest).


Find Ming Sara according to the map given earlier (you can also find her with Saza, and even save Saza’s life).

If you want to take the evil route, you can not kill Mingsara and participate in her plan to attack the forest land (gentleman welfare).

The earth can stay until the final solution, and there are many enemies near him.


There are a lot of treasure chests when the room behind the ground is unlocked in, and you can search.


After saving Great Druid, he returned to the camp to rest. The next day Halxin would tell the player that he could only go to the tower of the month to find the black hands behind the gesture of the devil.

He will also join in as a teammate. He can choose the map to climb the mountain in the southwest of the map, the hidden mountain mouth in the northwest of the map.

Players can find Las to get rewards and open the inner hall.


3.6, Guangyaohui (1)

3.6, Guangyaohui

The gloomy area can find a earthy businessman Bulg (107, 89).

To tell him the truth, he will find his own devil friend to help players.

This land and the devil are members of the Light Association, and they are full of goodwill.


There is no need to be hostile to this devil, and look for pharmaceutical materials according to his requirements (ghost head mushroom spores and mad tongue).

Materials are in the ruins of the Austrian Tower in the southwest.


From the gray dwarf beach transmission point, you can jump north to the position of the figure.


By the way, nearby, the red circle on the left side of the coordinates 72,241 is the location of the Mermaid’s nest.


After coming to the ruins of the Olympic Tower, there will be an Austrian turret shooting player.

Hiding behind the stones can be done.

Then go around the right building.


Shooting Olympic Tower in the Tower Dukou.

Players can use turn-based models to facilitate control.

Or separate a player alone to complete the operation.


The indoor arcane turret is best to rush to the right balcony and solve it from right to left.

Try to attack behind the Olympic turret during the round.


The right balcony detects that the treasure chest can open 0 load-bearing shoes, which is very practical.

Owish Tower can still search for each floor.


3.6, Guangyaohui (2)

Using feathers or jumping, jump down from one side, and go directly to the end.

You can also go to the middle layer first, anyway, it will be searched sooner or later.


There are light-language petals in the bottom garden.

Players have undeyling petals.


Click the synthesis to put the petals into the generator in the bottom layer.

The elevator can run.


In this way, you can enter the elevator and press the buttons on the elevator floor.

The script records the dilapidated book on the middle floor table.


3.6, Guangyaohui (3)

After searching, continue to take the elevator upwards, and you will encounter a structure.

According to the script content dialogue ("or you are a friend …", "How can I believe …") can avoid fighting.


If you want to attack the constructor, first arrange the position and ambush, and use light-language petals to make the small structure disabled.


There is a ring called lighting on the corner of the corner. After picking up, wear it.


At this time, you can trigger resonance on the elevator, allowing players to continue to move up.


There are blessings on the top of the building, and there are task materials on the table. Ghost head mushroom spores and mad tongue.

In fact, many tables in the tower have these materials, which are easy to obtain.


In fact, this tower is circulating, the top of the building is the bottom of the building.

Use the control lever to open the door to enter the bottom elevator engine.


Finally, he will give the material to the magic land of the habitat, and he will be equipped with a pharmaceutical agent.

However, the pharmaceuticals did not remove the larvae in the end, but the parasites grew more.

(The character will get a 2D6 AOE skill.)


In order to apologize, the devil decided to sell a ring to the player.

It can be discounted through the verification.

The task is over, and the subsequent official version should be about the unfolding of the ring.


3.7, go to the monthly out

3.7, go to the monthly out

After saving Druid or captured the forest land of West Fans, obtained information from Druid or Delle.

To treat the magic body of the heart, you can only go to the tower of the month.

There are three ways to go. The first is the gray dwarf beach in Youcheng area, the location in the picture.


Complete the missing shoes mission of the gray dwarf, or you can use the small boat on the dock after cleaning up the gray dwarf.

The small boat leads to the area of the moon.


In the southwest of the ground, the village of infection towards the west road.


There is a cave pass here, and you can enter the area of the beginning of the month after clicking.


The last place is the northwest of the map and meets the position of the Geisan Foundation Dragon Knight.

When crossing the bridge, there is an invisible door barrier, which can also go to the tower area of the month.


3.8, Gi Siye’s healing method

3.8, Gi Siye’s healing method

When the first chapter began to find teammate Leezel, she would let the player look for the Geisyanian patrol team, and may have a way to cure the magic lachesist.

It is the northwest corner of the map. A pass will be found near -101, 566, and at the same time, it is noticed that there is a dragon knight nearby.


You can meet the Geis Yanji patrol from the level outpowers.


But the Captain Geis Yanji did not care about the creed of their tribe, and did not want to help Leezel.

On the contrary, Liezel’s infection made the captain very dissatisfied.

He also believes that the theft of the artifacts of the tribe is also from Lyezelgan, and he wants to kill the infected person, Liezel.

《3》 ���

Fortunately, the captain and the Red Dragon do not participate in the war, and it means he means.

The subsequent tasks cannot continue because the trial version is locked, and we will continue the official version.


4. Save refugees

4. Save refugees

The degree of correlation between this task and the main line is also relatively high. For example, the goblins that repel attack the forest land can also automatically rescue Greater Druid.

The rescue people include five branches of 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5.

Linktius and Druid will allow players to deal with gelatin, deal with Druid or find Greater Druid.

The Ming Sarah, which has a ground camp, will help players to help attack the forest land.


Talk to Kaha, she will let the player drive Tiffin.

Players can also directly kill Karha and the surrounding Druid in this relatively closed space.

At present, there are some bugs in the game, which may trigger all the Druids hostile to the forest land, or it may not be triggered.

But directly killing Kayha is not an easy choice or the most profitable choice.


If you obey the instructions to drive Tivin, it will also cause fighting.

Although it can solve the problem to a certain extent, it is still not a good choice.


Note that there are slopes and ladders in the Safiro room to the forest land.


Here is a Tidorin who can simply interact.

After betting with her, I agreed to see you at the door of Bade, and you can pay attention to the official version of the follow-up plot.


The edge of the border near the training ground can persuade him to join the team through the ability to suck.

As an evil surgeon, it can be the magic output of the team and the role of Wanjin oil.

Note that Will will not take the evil route.


Completing the chief Druid mission can get the runes of the wolf in Las.

Put it in the rune groove next to the statue of the inner hall.

Activate 4 runes to open the secret room, and there are many good things that can be searched.


4.1. Attacking forest land

4.1. Attacking forest land

You can encounter Ming Sara (see the main line in front of the ground).

If the player saves Saza, she will also take the initiative to recommend it.(It can be said that Saza knows nothing to protect her, but teammates will basically oppose it and the income can not be seen at present)

Ming Sala will allow players to participate in attacking forest land.


Players who do not take the evil route can kill Minda directly here. Anyway, one of the three essence leaders who want to kill Druid’s mission is her.

You can also promise Mindu Sara and return to the forest land.


Shangcheng Wall told Saflo to attack.

Broken the horn in the red circle next to fighting.

At this time, Ming Sara led the ground attack.


There are two more choices at this time.

The first is to help forest land defense and defeat the ground attack team in fact to complete the task of saving the people, and Greater Druid will return.

The second is to choose to open the door to help Ming Sara attack the forest land. After the slaughter, there will be a night spring and the spring night (laughs) with Ming Sala. It may be the formal version of teammates with evil routes.


Defending the city wall is convenient and can be shot high. Teams with strong remote and magical ability are very advantageous.

Attacking the goblins with bombs as soon as possible, killing them will explode and hurt nearby goblins.

At the same time, paying attention to the throwing of the ground essence, and it is necessary to eliminate it as soon as possible.


In fact, the defeat of Di Jing defeated their three leaders. Although the difficulty of fighting was not low, it solved the problem once and for all.

Greater Drujilin returned. After a day of rest, he would talk to him. He will join the team and guide the player to go to the tower of the month.


If you choose to help Minda, you need to kill all Titlin and Druid all the way.

Note that Wil will leave the team directly to become an enemy when he is in the team.


After the slaughter, you can enter the camp to rest.

Ming Sara will help you (laugh).


4.2, deal with gelatin

4.2, deal with gelatin

Tiffin’s leader Safir let players deal with gelatin.

This task is consistent with the requirements of the main Line Greater Druid.

The red circle in the picture is the location of Greater Druid. The other three circles are the three sophisticated leaders-priests, earth essence, and Ming Sala.


4.3. Chief Druid

4.3. Chief Druid

Las and others in Druid Camp will let players find the chief Druid.

Also refer to the main line, just rescue Greater Drubiharxin in the ground camp.

The red circle is the place where Harmens is imprisoned.


4.4, suspicious connection

4.4, suspicious connection

The servant of the Druidian Temple can find the Khalha box (red circle) after the bookshelf.


Open the box and find Karha’s secret letter. It turned out that she was the servant of the shadow Druid.

She wants to help the Shadow Druid control the camp.


There is also an agreement to meet at the swamp.


From the infected village to the south, you can come to the swamp.

Through jumping, you can find big trees in the south.


After defeating the little devil and tree essence near the big tree (the fire system was more effective), he found a letter with the red circle tree seam.

It completely proves Karha’s evil attempt.

Players can go back to find a confrontation, can persuade her, or kill her with others. At this time, it will not trigger the opposition from Druid Camp.


4.5, deal with Druid

4.5, deal with Druid

Safiro will allow players to deal with Kaha. Although they can get green glove rewards, they will lead to the opposition of the camp Druid.

Players can find the evidence of Shadow Druid according to the 4.4 connection task, and then confront Karha.

At this time, there was another opportunity to convince her.


Unwilling to convince or persuade failure to enter the battle after failure.

The 4 -person 4 -person group is still very strong. Fortunately, Druid will help players around.

Defeating Kayha can search for some blue equipment, and you can also find Saflo to receive rewards.


5. Trial child

5. Trial child

At the entrance of Druid Camp, Timflin will argue with Druid.

Kaxa grabbed a Tiflin child and said her thief.


Players can enter the inner room to find Kaya.

It is best to save the archive first to ensure that you can save your child.


At this time, you can use natural, lobbying and other inspection to persuade Kaha to let the children go.

Or use agile sports to save children.


Then go back to the trail next to the waterfall and talk to the children’s parents.

You can get jewelry and Toflin’s play rewards.

If you do n’t save your children, it ’s better not to tell them the truth.


6. Tea room (1)

6. Tea room

The red circle in the south of the map can meet the villagers who confront the old woman.

The villagers will say that the old woman is a ghost (you can refer to the old pharmacist task).

Players can find that the old woman is a ghost.


You can enter the ghost tea room all the way to the south.

Once the ghost is started, the ghost will disappear into the secret room.

(You can trade with the ghost-in-law, but don’t let her treat her eyes. After the transaction, you can start directly.)


Click on the bottom of the fireplace with a teapot to turn off the flame.

If you have a certain ability, you can find that there is a passage behind the fireplace that can walk directly.


Enter the ghost club.


There is a conscious door in the secret room, which can be opened by intimidation, lobbying, etc.

Through the mystery and other verifications, you will also find that the door is just a imaginary, and you can pass it directly.


There are also masks on the table next to the table, and you can pass through the door directly after being brought.

Note that you can remove the mask according to the equipment bar, otherwise it will be fierce.


6. Tea room (2)

Entering the tea room, several enemies who need to face the four corners are not difficult.


The indoor poison mist can be cleared temporarily with flames.

If you have noticed ability, you can find the exhaust holes around the poisonous mist, and you can stop some objects (including the garbage on the body) casually.

Or slowly find a place where there is no poisonous place.

Or just go directly to the back door transmission point (see this strategy follow-up).


After going down, you can see Merrina, who was closed in the cage.

It is best to sneak in.


The red circle is the switch, and the blue circle is the location of the ghost.

Let one person sneak into the switch position and put down Melina, and the rest siege the ghost near the blue circle.

The phantom summoned by the ghost mother was destroyed for the first time.


After the defeat of the ghost, the ghost will ask for mercy.

Players can talk to her through deception and lobbying.

It is best to be able to save both girls and gain strength (the current hair of the ghost looks no effect.)


After saving Melina, she will find that she is actually voluntarily bending the ghost.

Melina wants to resurrect her husband with the power of the ghost.


6. Tea room (3)

You can enter the back door after killing the ghost or completing the transaction.

There are many treasures that can be searched.


Note that the witch staff on the table at the red circle and the portal at the blue circle.


The portal can come to the swamp.

Players can also enter the ghost room from here.


You can meet Melina next to her husband’s coffin.

You can use the staff to resurrect her husband.


But the resurrection is only zombies.


After sending the wand to Melina, she will go to the door of Bude, and the official version must have follow-up.

This behavior caused Gal to agree that Leezel disagreed (little).


7. Rescue the bard poet

7. Rescue the bard poet

After entering the ground camping site, you will see a bard poet who is forced to perform on the table.

He will be brought into a fortress.


After entering the fortress, the poet can be found in the cage in the right room.


Dialogue with the goblins next to it, bullying and intimidating tests allow players to save the poet.

If you don’t work, you can lock people with assassination.


You can let the bard poet Voro enter the camp.

You can find him to understand the rumors in the future.

Be careful not to let this cricket treat your eyes, there will be permanent debuff, and he will fight with the ghost.


8. Suspicious singing

8. Suspicious singing

Going directly from the Druid Camp to the Bay to the Bay can trigger this task.

Please come here before Toflin leave (before solving the refugee mission), otherwise it is likely to be unable to trigger.


Players can find a Tidolin child on the shore to trigger the plot.

You can know that it is a singer’s singing.

If it is attracted by singing, the members of the team may not be controlled (the state of confusion is needed to end the perception test).


Whether you recognize the banshee or not, you will fight.


It is recommended to send remote dispatch to the cliff and blue circle before triggering the plot.

You can crawl down through the vines in the red circle.

In this way, you can shoot and cast with high comes during the battle to obtain the combat advantage.


Defeating the banshee can search for the nearby area, with boxes and experience.

This task is actually completed here.

Talk to the child who rescued the Tivorin child, he will let you find Donny and Moore, triggering new tasks.


9. Stealing the idol

9. Stealing the idol

The forest land of West Fannas leads to the Druid Land channel, and you can see the two Tiffin children who sell things.

There is also a Tidovling child named Dony.


If the player has completed a suspicious singing task, he can talk to Donny and ask the dragon point.

Doy will point out the entrance.


The entrance is next to Dorty, and the stone fragments on the ground show the hidden cabin door.


After entering, Moore, Tiborin, will let the player steal the statue of West Fans.(If the child who has not been rescued before, the task will be triggered)

You can also steal the children’s box (as long as you have to get off, laugh.)


Moore can also be traded here to strange building blocks, maybe the formal version is used.


The statue of Xifan Nas will be placed on the inner palace table after solving the Karha problem, just next to Las. At this time, the problem of stolen is not big.

Otherwise, the idol is in the center of the forest land, in the law.

At this time, it can only be pushed away by the pet to steal it, otherwise any stolen action will trigger the civil war between the forest Druid and Toflin.


10. Operation from time to time

10. Operation from time to time

In the northwestern windmill of the infected village, a group of ground split a dwarf to the windmill and kept hitting him with stones.

Close to this group can trigger the plot.

If there is Will in the team, he will seriously tend to clean up this group of ground essence.


Players can choose to defeat this gang of ground essence (there are still a lot of people, not easy to deal with), or use the ability to suck monsters to make the goblins recognize that the player is a true soul, and drive them away.

Then enter the windmill and press the "brake" button on the left to stop the windmill.


At this time, unbind the dwarf outside (need to be verified by a clever hand).

Speaking and comforting, the dwarf will tell the player that he has lost a backpack and gives the player a necklace.


You can enter the cellar from the wooden cabin beside the windmill.


There are some boxes and dwarf backpacks inside.


11. Pharmacist’s cellar (1)

11. Pharmacist’s cellar

The center of the dye village is a northeast building.


The cellar below can be entered by unlocking.


If you come in from other places, the switch in the door can also open this door.


Entrance 2: There is a well next to the village portal, and players can also enter the ground from here.


Entrance 3: There is an empty hole in the building above the cellar.

Burn off the spider web to jump from here and enter the ground.


The blacksmith studio here searches, and reading books can get tasks (see the unbelievable masterpieces).


11. Pharmacist’s cellar (2)

The rupture wall next to the furnace can be broken by magic, so that the player enters a low language.


This is the spider’s nest, which will keep the verification through the cobweb, and it will be temporarily trapped once it fails to pass agile or exercise testing.

The passage is relatively scattered. Try to keep it up. You can also go through the feathers, which is more convenient.

Spiders are the main enemies, and remotely show here.


The apprentice’s body will be found in the channel, and you will know that there is a secret pharmacist cellar here.


Back to the ground, you can find a studio in the northwest.

Here is a spider-pace boot, which can give him the most fierce role, let him immune to the cobweb, and get closer to the goal.


In the depths of the caves, the phase spider queen can be found, and the 4 -level team can work hard.

Multi-scroll, bomb and flame magic.

When the Queen burned the cobweb with fire on the cobble, she could let her fall to reduce the blood (more than 40). When the queen had less blood, she could sleep.


The little spider summoned by the queen is best to drop AOE when it is not scattered.

The queen can find the amethyst at the bottom of the nearby stone pillar, and there is a transmission array.


11. Pharmacist’s cellar (3)

Back to the ground, there are many potions here.

You can see the cellar door (as shown in the red circle) on one side.


After entering, you reach the cellar of the pharmacist, and you can turn it over nearby books.

It is noticed that the test can be found on the floor near the wardrobe.


Moving the three boxes in the red circle to see a switch on the wall elsewhere.

It is best to archive before.


After entering the closet, the interaction with the coffin will trigger the battle.

After the zombies are finished, you can rest assured to turn the coffin.

It turns out that this pharmacist is also a necromancer.


Continue to move forward, come to a door, the door wants the player to answer the question. Select as follows:

① Iron Tosos.

② Yes, allies.

③ Avoid Sazha (evil and despicable creatures).

④ Fengxianhua (I will know after seeing the doctor’s diary).

⑤ The last one is different, but you must choose options full of active attack spirit, such as revenge and killing the enemy.

Arrives before interacting with the door, answered errors, can not get in, and will be burned.(laugh)


After deepening the deeper mage’s secret room, you can find Sien’s undead spell in the door guarded by the stone statue of the stone statue.

It is best to choose to put it on the body first.


Then turn the backpack and click to read to insert the amethyst found beside the spider queen before.

Each book will pass the verification, so it must be archived first.

As long as the first verification is passed, the free deceased conversation can be obtained.


You can check the book.

At present, there is no need to read it. In the end, there will be dubeff failure, and there will be permanent Debuff.

Throwing on the ground with Holy Light spells and other attacks can destroy the method of law. After triggering Gal’s devouring artifact mission, Gal can also devour and get two birds with one stone.

Talking about the deceased allows players to get a lot of additional information, which is more interesting.


12. Lost journey (1)

12. Lost journey

In the north of the infected village, walking east after skipping the broken bridge, and you can see blood on the ground.


The wolf man is being bred. At this time, you can choose to end this wolf man (ranger), which will make the battle easier.

The wolf around and the wolf-man shooter on the hillside will join the battle.

If you can’t end the birth of the wolf people as soon as possible, there will be an opponent when fighting.


Searching for a corpse learned that a group of people were transporting a valuable box to trigger the missing journey task.

Continue to go northeast along the road.


Players can soon meet a group of wolf people who are besieging the two people in the cave.

It can sneak in the past to trigger the battle. The Wolf Director is very powerful and uses props and magic to deal with it.

Killing the Director can get +2 chain (one-handed melee).


Clean up the enemy and rescue the trapped people, they will tell the players to San Tarin’s stronghold (Wo Jin’s dormant land) and password (snake short shadow).

The two tell you that they are transporting an important box.

Players can use lobbying and intimidation to let them give you the box.


When you enter the cave, you will notice the caravan safe next to the cave.

There are currently some small bugs. If the other party is persuaded to give the box to the player, it is likely that the leader’s conversation may not be triggered after entering the base, resulting in combat inevitable.

If you do not plan to use the force team Santarin Group (at present, it has little impact, there is no follow-up), there is no need to get this box.


After the bottle in the box is opened, there is a 4 -level eye demon. There are some experience, but there are no other rewards.

Therefore, it is recommended that players do not move this box and go directly to the Tallinn base.


12. Lost journey (2)

Come to the northwest of Wuskin’s dormant village.

(The infected village walks northwest, and the burning village continues to the northwest.)


You can see a door piled up in the door to enter this door.

To say that the snake’s short shadow can pass and get the key.


Enter the basement from the cabin.


You can use the key to open the wardrobe door at the red circle to enter the Santarin base.

Note that it is best to save a file in front of the door. At present, bugs may cause subsequent conversations to be unable to perform.


If there was no box that had been scattered before, and the plot was successfully triggered, it was peaceful at the base.

Otherwise, you need to fight. After killing the enemy, there are many boxes upstairs to search.

(Note that entering the door is a trap channel, NPC will not be triggered when the player enters normally).


After searching for the northwest corner of the map.

(Pay attention to searching the body to get the key.)


The position of the red circle in the picture is a phantom wall.

You can pass directly after passing the verification.


With the previous key, you can open the lifting machine to enter Youcheng area.

This is also a way to go to the tower of the month.


13. Escape the devil

13. Escape the devil

In the center of the north of the map, the road to promotion.

The northeast of the wolf attacks the caravan can be found.


The sword of the Tur in the room told the player that he was tracking a demon named Kaikk, and he needed the player to help the rope.


The location of the Carlk is as shown in the south of the camp, at the end of the road.


I can talk to her and find that she is a Titlin.

She can know that she was also infected through the ability of spiritual suction.

Karmak will tell the player that Andez is the demon. She was slavered in hell and helped the demon fight. Now she escaped.


I believe Anders killed Kayak and returned to get a giant sword.

I believe that Kakka went back to find Ande’s conversation, saying that he would kill Andes.

Cajik should be a potential ally and the story she said is very credible, and it is recommended to kill Anders.


Kill Anders can still get the Justice Divine Sword (Giant Sword).

Go back to find Kayak, she wants to get rid of the devil’s entanglement and meet the player at the door of Bude.


14. Rescue Duke

14. Rescue Duke

The northwest of the infected village (the dormant land of Wokin) can see a burning village.

After entering the village, I saw a group of soldiers trying to break the door to enter the hotel to rescue a Duke.

At this time, it is best to separate the team and send a member and soldiers with high exercise testing capabilities and soldiers to open the door together.


After going upstairs, the door shown in the red circle can rescue the consultant Frehek.


She will tell you that the Duke is hijacked to the west, please help you rescue it.

The current version cannot continue this task.


15. The trapped semi -elf

15. The trapped semi-elf

The northwest of the infected village is the same as the Duke of Rescue -Burning Hotel (Wojin’s Dormant Land).

After going upstairs, you will see two doors. Opening the door on the right side of the right side will spread the fire. If there are no buckets, magic, water bottle and other fire extinguishing props and capabilities, don’t open it.liquor).

Open the blue door on the left (violent door).


When you enter the door, you will find a pressed semi-elf, who can save him through the test of strength and exercise.

It is also recommended to come in with high power testing. Do not run in the entire team, but it is not easy to operate.


He took the survivor named Benlin and talked to him. He asked the player to help rescue his wife.


His wife was killed on the second floor of the west room.


Skip over the stairs on the lower layer.


The character with a high power can throw the deceased (throwing all the way to Benlin, let him see it).

Benlin saw his wife’s body sad, but he would tell the player that he joked that he hid his wife’s dowry.


Through the burning door, you can enter the northwest corner of Wakin’s dormant land.


There is a dried grass pile in the corner of the cattle shed.

After interacting, you can obtain a dowry ring through detection.

The player keeps or handed it to Benrion (gain experience).


16. Escape Master

16. Escape Master

After entering Santarin’s stronghold (see the missing journey task), you can talk to Bretm.

He is a businessman, and he also controls an artist to help him draw money to make money.


Talk to the artist Oscar next to Blam, and he asked the player to save him.

Players can pay for the bargain with Brem (lobbying, intimidation, etc.) to buy painters.

You can also find the opportunity to attack, wash the Blood Tatin base, and rescue the painter.


Note that the northwest of the map is NPC who is punished by the player before.

There are a lot of gunpowder barrels here. Do not move nearby.

The rescued painter will go to the door of Bude, and then he can find his sponsors to get rewards.


17. Undurable masterpiece

17. Undurable masterpiece

Infection village, the basement of the blacksmith (refer to the mission of the cellar of this guide pharmacist).

A blueprint can be found on the table.


The blueprint records the method of making giant swords, sickle, and daggers.

Light-language bark is required to make raw materials.


Through the ground essence (refer to the mission of the Grand Girl priest) or the San Talle Council (refer to the missing journey of the Raiders), you can enter Youcheng area.

The low-language tree can be found in the west of Youcheng.


Note that there are powerful fear and lizards nearby, you can wait until the task of finishing the king of the people will get the invisible helmet.

There are many glowing light-language petals on the map. After picking up, it can prevent the magic, but it will wither soon.

Light-language petals can also be used to turn on the elevator of the lighting meeting.


The light-language bark required for the task is on the tree (red circle location).


After picking up, return to the blacksmith’s secret room, click to open the fire, and you can click on the furnace to ignite the fire.

Then click the furnace to select synthesis, put in light-language petals and click synthesis.


At this time, the fire will turn purple.

Then put in a giant sword, dagger or sickle (a little red hat from the fish man or the ghost woman near the ghost woman, and the little red hat fell into a sheep can be forged to create a light-language weapon.


They are all +1 weapons, daggers, sickle, swing, giant swords and chopping.

Choose what you need.


18. Circle Ring

18. Circle Ring

Enter the Youcheng area through the Santarlin Club or the Earthquake Fortress.

In the north of Youcheng, the king will be encountered.


Inspiration, lobbying, or establishing a connection with the king of the people, the king will let the player go to him.


Continue to go north, you can see the king of people on a high platform.

He asked the player to destroy the gray dwarf in Youcheng area and promised to give a generous reward.


The gray dwarf is in the south (it is recommended to complete the gray dwarf task of the loss of ribbons lost in dwarf).

You can sneak in and assassinate.


After cleaning up the gray dwarf, return to the habitat to find the king.

He will let you follow the Bruce (Red Circle).


Talk to Bru, follow him to the treasure house, and he will open the magic door for players to enter.


There is a hidden helmet.

You can also see the laptop pressed below.


The name of Drist Dudu appeared.

Notes are a background story, there is no follow-up content now.


19. Lost boots

19. Lost boots

The gray dwarf can be encountered in the southern part of Youcheng, which is also the goal that King King wants to destroy the player.

But at the beginning, you don’t need to be directly hostile.

Using religion, intimidation, lobbying, spiritual suction, and perception ability can get along peacefully. Of course, it is easiest to suck the true soul.


The gray dwarf will help players help find a dwarf slave and take back her stolen boots.


The slave was next to the king of the people, she was poisoned.


Players can lobby her to give up her life.

Can also snatch the boots directly, she is unable to resist.


Boots are speed boots, rewarding operations, very good.

Players can retain.(In fact, the current version can only be retained)


Go back to find a gray dwarf, he let the player hand the shoes to the sergeant Slin.

When I walked to the dock below, I said that I could get on the boat.

This ship is also a way to enter the tower of the moon, but in the EA version, the game ended.


20. Hunting Mushroom Hunter

20. Hunting Mushroom Hunter

Youcheng area is habitat, and you can find the white bone cape Deli.

Delith will tell the player’s husband Barren’s disappearance and ask the player to find Baron.


Delith itself is a businessman and can be traded.


Go to the edge of the northwestern region of Youcheng.


It was found that Baron was surrounded by a circle of mushrooms, and the natural verification allowed players to know that mushrooms would explode.

Baron also allows players not to pass.

You can get Baron’s backpack in the venue through remote manipulation capabilities.


There are fascinated scrolls on hand (also in the Baron bag) can also be thrown to Baron through agile verification, letting him run out.

It is really impossible to open the round mode and let Baron run out. Shadow Xin and other treatments are responsible for adding blood. There is still a chance to rescue Baron.

Remember to archive in advance.


Baron will give players stealth scrolls as rewards.

Go back to the habitat to find Baron’s wife to restore.


21. Another king of people

21. Another king of people

After the habitat of the dark area, after receiving the mission of the king of the puppet, he set off to the gray dwarf camp.

At this time, the Mirate next to Wang Gaotai would ask to join the team.


Note that the team will leave the team if they leave the dark region when they leave Glate.

Players can talk to him next to Wang Gaotai, Wang Gaotai, and let Grate join.

Glate can resurrect the corpse to participate in the war, and the test version of BUG can even allow it to have a resurrection legion.


After eliminating the gray dwarf, Grate will ask players to help kill the people in the current ring (including the king of the people).

Note that after the player promised his request, he could enter the battle when he returned to the habitat.

Therefore, the best task order in the dark region is-the gray dwarf task-the mission of the habitat-another king task.


Back to the Camp of the Renren, you can complete the task to kill all hostiles. A more aggressive new king was born.

(You can let Grate enter the battalion with the strong monster of resurrection, which can help.)

For players, they can get benefits from the gray dwarf, the king of the puppet, and Grate, and there is nothing bad.


22. Find the song of dark night

22. Find the song of dark night

At the intersection after crossing the bridge west of the forest land of West Fans.

Players will encounter Aladdin.


Aladdin will tell the player’s information about Greater Druid.

If you continue to ask, you will also know that there are treasures hidden in the Di Jing Fort — the song of the night.

Bringing the song of the night to the door of Bude can get a lot of bounty.


Entering the area from the groundbood to Youcheng will remind the song of the night in this area.

In other ways, this task will also be updated into Youcheng.

However, the current test version cannot continue to be completed.


The method of unlocking the agency entering Youcheng’s region from the ground is as shown in the figure.

Fang four full-month, four months below, left and half a month.


Partner task

Partner task

The reasons for the current test version have not been able to start the task of teammates, only some initial plots.

Players must chat with teammates with an exclamation mark on their heads when they rest, and invest in their feelings.

When encountering a teammate incident, you can help the partner task.


① Geis Yanji Warrior

After Leezel joined the team, he encountered the Gisan Yankeli patrol in the northwest of the map.

Captain refused to help Leezel, and also framed her as an artifact thief. The player had to help her clean up the siege of the Gisan Yanji.


② Master of Deepwater City

I met Master Gall near the ruins.

Gal’s camping said that he needed to absorb the magic nets in the strong aisle props to maintain the core stability of the body.

The ghost wands, the statue of the West Fans, and the Senniel amulet can be used. The magician in the cellar of the pharmacist can also give him to suck him, destroying the magician and maintaining Gal’s stability.


③ Pale Elf

Elven Adarine’s camping will want to suck the blood of the player.

Agree with blood blood (twice to prevent failure will be killed directly) and refuse to suck blood for him to hunt himself, Asdalun will get a blood-sucking skill.


④ Blade Blade

When he encounters Will in Tidflin, Will will let players help kill Di Jing.

In the ground camping place, he would encounter the prisoner of the interrogation, and then talked to Will for a woman who was looking for a woman named Mizola (actually a demon).

The player promised to help Well end and the demon’s contract.


⑤ Dark Daughter

I encountered an elf shadow heart at the snail shell, and learned that Yingxin worshiped the goddess of the night.

Yingxin will fiddish a strange box in the camping.


Mainline process: Prologue (1)

The following official version of the task strategy is created by the 3DM Raiders Station-Mu Linfeng ——

1. Prologue

The story starts from a snail-shell spacecraft, and the player wakes up as a parasitic host.


After watching the opening plot, you can move freely. The goal is to go to the bridge, try to escape the nautils, and leave the devil’s territory.


After moving to the first room, you can control the elevator to rise and observe the victim’s brain.


This is obviously a kind of mature magic body that has always been mature, but because the player also has a parasitic body in the mind, there is no need to be hostile.


Through a DC10 judgment (strength, agility), the larvae can be removed. If the agility is high enough, you can also use the judgment of DC15 to reduce its attributes.


Because before getting rid of parasites, we all belong to the friends who seize the magic forces, and we can let it follow and help the battle.

If you choose to hurt it, it will escape directly without entering the battle round.


Continue to move forward, you will encounter Geisia Ms. "Ledezel", and you can join the team through the induction ability of the magic magic.


Mainline process: Prologue (2)

Continue to move forward is the first battle. Several little devils can be broken one by one.


After climbing to the top, entering the cultivation room, you can see a trapped person and two victims who have basically completed the transformation.


The trapped person is called "Shadow Heart", and this person is also one of the companions.

Whether you choose to leave directly, you can meet her since then, but it is recommended to save it (add some goodness by the way).


Interacting with the console on the side, you can find the slot after selecting the investigation.


The console in the center of the room manipulated two victims, and the switch was "released", "transformation" and "annihilation" from left to right.

Because they have been controlled by the magic magic, they release them to trigger the battle. It is recommended that they rescue the shadow heart and forcibly kill them (experienced value) with an attack instruction.


The key "Strange Rune" required to rescue Yingxin can be found in the two rooms where the magic bodies seized.


Yingxin is carried on the items called "Mysterious Relics". Double-click use can trigger a partner mission plot.

Through DC10’s intelligence judgment, we can know that the text on the relic was ancient Geisyus, but there is no special effect for the time being.


After entering the bridge, the plot triggered the plot. The seize the magic has not realized that the three were not controlled, and they ordered the three to manipulate the console to escape from this place.

[Remarks] The difference between the EA version is that there is a missing scene.


Then entered the battle, and the strongest demon commander on the court would fight with the devil. We only needed to reach the console to forcibly end the battle.

[Remarks] The combat restriction is completed within 15 rounds, and you need to pay attention to time.


The blood volume of the commander is very high, but he can also get involved in him when he and the heart of the heart of the heart (it is recommended to use it when he is below 30 blood volume, and if he is attacked, he will usually be killed in spike).

Killing his reward was the "Blade of Yong Ran" by the giant sword.


After completing the battle, the plot triggered the plot, and the snail shell that escaped from the devil’s territory crashed in the wild.


Chapter 1: Common part

2. Chapter 1

The protagonist under the mysterious power was escaped and woke up on the beach.


If you have rescued Yingxin before, we can find her unconscious on the beach.

Choosing to touch the relics will reduce her favor, it is recommended to wake up directly.


Yingxin is a priest. She has the degree of proficiency in Zhongjia.

If the occupation selected by the player does not have a treatment method, her auxiliary spell is basically indispensable in the battle.


Because the author chose Astai Lun’s start, if the player chose other characters to start (or custom character), he will meet him in the figure below.

After all, it is one of the companions. No matter whether the judgment of triggers is successful, he can pull him into the team.


Asdon is a wander. As agile, he is good at using stealth and various plays. He can also use the deputy to learn magic or strengthen the ability to sneak attack/sneak.

When you encounter an unable to obtain it, he can use him to pick up or steal.


After completing the exploration of the beach, pass through the wreckage of the snail shell. Interacting with the "Ancient Rune Array" in the figure below can trigger the plot and meet a third companion.

[Remarks] This kind of legal formation is also the transmission point on the map.


This person is called Gall, and he needs to be pulled out of the French array by judging (DC7 power or DC10 agile).


Gall is a mage who can choose various schools after rising to level 2.


Continue to move forward, you can see the trapped Leezel.


Close and trigger the dialogue, using bullying (DC10 charm) can let the Tifillin leave, lobbying (DC10 charm) allows Tifillin to help kill her. Essence


① After choosing to deceive, you can use the charm of DC5 to learn about their camp position.

② Choosing to kill her cannot trigger the relevant plot of the Gis Yanji people (including the story of Ledizel’s companion).


If you choose to rescue her, use a remote weapon to attack the bottom of the cage after killing Toflin (or drive them away).


Following the clues that Toflin told us, after going to the camp (location below), we will enforce the battle and resist the impact.

It is recommended to let the team dispersed before approaching, good at remote uphill, and go to the right downhill to go close to the gate in my melee.


In the plot, our fourth companion Will also appear, but we need to enter the team after completing the battle.


The picture below shows the situation at the beginning of the battle. Directly killing the long-range enemy of the highland can relieve stress.


After that, the allies below can clean up the enemy.

After that, the mainline task is divided into four parts. Some tasks require a specific role in the team to advance.


Chapter 1: The help of the doctor Ney (1)

3. Chapter 1 -Get the help of the physician Needi

After entering the forest land, he found the young people who were training to trigger the plot with the people around him.


Later, it triggered the mind, and after completing the dialogue, Will will join the team.


Well’s occupation is "evil surgeon" and can learn all kinds of magic. According to the specialty selected by the player, he can also serve as a mage position and travel position to a certain extent.


Then walk down the steps to trigger the plot.


Knowing that a little girl in the residents made a big mistake-the theft ceremony will be used.

Choosing to try to rescue her can enhance the favor of Will.


Through the guard of the road, he entered the temple and joined the dialogue.


Choose Nature (DC15) or lobby (DC12) judgment can rescue the girls and gain the favorability of shadow and Will.

Other options have little effect.


Later, I talked to Las aside, and learned that Harxin, who was the leader of the camp, disappeared after going to the ground camping site, and Halxin had the ability to change bear.

Choose to take the task to get the relevant tasks of "Rescue the Chief Druid".


After talking with the acting leader, you can learn the position of the doctor Needi, and also unlocks another Druid with another Druid

Some dialogues of "Saifelo".


Chapter 1: The help of the doctor Ney (2)

[Remarks] Investigation of the book "Thorns" in the inner house can get some understanding of Kaha.


After that, she followed the guidelines to find Needi, and she was shocked after learning that we had a magic magic in our heads.


It should be noted that the conversation with Nete after entering the compartment needs to be completely cooperated with her. If she fails to get her newcomer, she will directly attack the player.


Obviously, Needi does not have the ability to stripping away the magic magic, but according to what she refers to Halxin, it seems that there is a way, which is reunited with the task "save Druid" that Elder Druid gave us.


Regarding the stone statue in the compartment, the task process will be obtained for unlocking, or it can be directly stolen before completing the task (not recommended).


Chapter 1: Seeking help from the priest of the ground (1)

4. Chapter 1 -Seeking help from the priest of the ground to the ground.

This task is associated with the branch of Druidi Land "Satta Saza".

Because before completing the task, the excellent forces will be hostile to players, and it is recommended to complete this part before going to the ground camp.


If the prisoner is not rescued, the route entering the camp is mainly the following three:

A: Complete the front part of the main task "Find the Geis Yanji Nourishing Room" and jump from the north trail to the mountain road.

Later, he jumped to the upper platform with light feathers (no fall damage) to break the stone wall entry, and there were enemies near the entrance.

B: Jumping from the fork of the epidemic village to the gap to the gap, you will encounter some goblins.

C: It jumps to the side from the entrance of the camps on the south. In fact, it is not much different from route B.


The premise of saving the earth can better promote this task.

The picture below is a list of maps of the broken sanctuary.

① Di Jing Girl Priest

② Watchman Ming Sara

③ Goblin Leader

④ Keeping Druid’s cell


After entering the inner hall’s "Broken Holy House", a female priest triggered a dialogue in the lobby.


After completing the conversation, she will go to her room. The player needs to temporarily leave the team and talk to her in a single person (just keep the teammate at the door).

After the dialogue, if you pass the mystery judgment, you can know that it is a bottle of sleepy medicinal water, and then fight with her.

[Remarks] It is not recommended to let teammates outside the door come in to assist. Such a can easily alarm the goblins outside and cause all hostility.


If she can get the larvae on her, if the guardian plot has been unlocked before, it can be used directly.


The watcher of the two giants of the Earth Square, Mingsara, was northeast of the map.


After the dialogue, it will trigger the life and death of Sara, and choose to keep silent. Sara is executed, so that we can kill the first leader (but cannot complete the achievement of "three savings Sara").

If she chose to assist her, she would leave her current position and convene her goblins, and triggered the siege of the Druidi Land after a long break.

In addition, she also proposes to let the player lead the team of Druid, which belongs to the evil route, and we come again for two weeks (there is a plot related to her).

[Remarks] Even if she chose to assist her, she can choose "else to complete", rescue Halxin and inform the truth, and return to the forest land to assist Druid to fight defense.


Regarding the "death Sara" mentioned above, she allowed her to feed the spiders to leave the two guards at the door of the Earth’s leader to leave, so that the enemy reinforcement was reduced when the leader was handled.


Chapter 1: Seeking help from the priest of the ground (2)

The two of the Giants of the Earthly Three were rituals in the room in the picture below.


After approaching, the plot will be triggered. There are three parts in the ceremony, which can only interfere with the two parts without discovery.

[Remarks] After interference twice, the last Dead Spirit dialogue has a certain chance that it will not be exposed. It is recommended to read the file if you want to get the leader first.


It is recommended to let the leader sit back to the throne through the interference ceremony, and the two patrol soldiers behind him can sneak.

The direct switch on the left side of the figure below sneaks and kills. Climbing to the roof of the right side (there are ladders by the wall in the inner wall of the room).


After that, concentrate on the leader. You can first throw the throw of the enemy within the top of the building, and then shoot the pioneer in the flame.

Note that the "war drum" in the icon below must be destroyed in the first round, otherwise, the essence will try to hit the drums in the past to attract a lot of reinforcements.

[Remarks] Regardless of whether the two leaders were discovered before they were killed, the entire camp (inner and outer camps, without the epidemic village) will be triggered after killing the landlord leader. Therefore, it is recommended to complete the exploration and event trigger in the ground camp.


After killing the leader, you can get the key and open the iron door behind the throne (you can also pry the lock directly).


If you have no confidence in your strength, you can first do not trigger the leader battle, enter the cell from the area below to find the trapped Druid.


There are keys on the table and guards on the signs below, but you can secretly open the door to rescue Druid (the author is finally rescued, so it is a combat state).


After rescing Druid, he talked to him. If he did not kill the three leaders before, Harmesons would propose to fight side by side and clean up the ground camp. On the contrary, he would return directly to Druidin.


If the goblin leader has been killed, you can see the corpse on the right side of the figure below in the cell in the ladder. If you pull it out and destroy the hole, you can leave directly.


In addition, when cleaning up the site, you can use the "animal dialogue" to lobby the two spiders in the lower layer to pry the door open the door to help us fight.


Chapter 1: Seeking help from the priest of the ground (3)

Finally, find the picture below in the area where Minda is located, and you can enter the compartment.


The compartment belongs to the area where it is forbidden, but at this time we have solved all three leaders, and just break through.


If you are not sure about the people of the people, you can also lead her to the right room, and then escape the detonation floor and let it fall.


In addition, you can also use the "oil barrel room" in the lobby to use reduction or converting into a gas form through the narrow seam.

[Remarks] The room where the businessman guards the guards, remember that the fireworks are prohibited in it. You can use flight or teleportation to sneak in from the next room.



After the area, the area needs to be solved, and the dark label in the center of the hall can be put on the four grid positions that are light up.

After unlocking, the control rod is unlocked to enter the "dark area" in the area.

[Remarks] If there is a unlocking tool, pry the lock faster.


Chapter 1: Find the Geis Yanji Nourishment

6. Chapter 1 -Find the Geis Yankelu Radio

This task requires Leezel to advance in the team.

From Wakin’s dormant place to the west, you can encounter Titrin named "Elika" near the wooden bridge. After completing the conversation, she will leave.

[Remarks] You can also go to the forest land to find Su Luo, but in the end you will point to the place.


After seeing the long-distance Gexi -Gengjie talked with his subordinates in the distance, he approached and triggered the plot directly.


If the "strange relics" have been obtained from the heart of the shadow, the relics will respond.


Select the lobbying judgment (DC10) in the dialogue, and you can avoid fighting with the Geis Yanji team after passing.


Conversely, it will enter the battle directly.

The proposed strategy order is 3 → 2 → 4 → 1. The captain level is high, and the fight rate and blow rate are high. It is recommended to use auxiliary spells to restrain her.


After completing the battle, you can get special items from the captain, and learn about the general orientation of the nursery after use.

If peaceful solution, you can know the position from the centurion’s mouth.


After that, you have left the pass from the side (can be returned to trigger some partners’ plots).


Chapter 1: Other parts

7. Chapter 1 -Other parts

The plot can be triggered at the broken bridge near the forest land.


When he meets the weirds dressing, he will entertain players to other places.


Obviously this "noble guest" is a demon, which claims to help us solve the problem of larvae, but it is best not to trust him (other routes) (other routes)


After three long breaks in the camp, the plot will be triggered at night (the favorability of Lyerzel needs to reach the general level).


In the plot, Ledezel will attack the players who are almost unable to maintain themselves, and can resolve the crisis by judging.


After that, you can see that the player is creating the "Guardian" of the setting, and learns the background of the relevant story.


After that, the larvae host can be unlocked when the larvae host is killed again, and the larvae consumed to obtain a ability.

[Remarks] If you want other characters to obtain the ability, you need to judge the dialogue. The larvae are shared by the team and need to be used carefully.


Chapter 1 -Go to the Tower of the Monthly

8. Chapter 1 -Find Essels to help

This task is related to the "rescue of Melina" on the sidelines of the tea room of the river bank. For details, please refer to the related page of this strategy.


9. Chapter 1 -Survey Parasites

This task triggers the location of the village in the dull region (Xun4).


After talking to NPC, he can tell him the truth, he will call a friendly demon.


Getting the heart demon claims that he can try to heal us.


The need to make a drug with "ghost head mushroom" and "mad tongue" can be found in this area.


If you choose to take the medicine, it will trigger the judgment of multiple DC10 ~ 15, and you can get nothing to each other after passing.


Despite the failure to cure us, he still expressed sorry and unlocked a special equipment for sale.


10. Chapter 1 -Go to the Tower of Monthly

There are two ways to go to the tower of the month.

The first is to complete the front part of the main task "Geis Yanji Nourishing Room", from the passing of the pass.


The second is to go underground and pass through the dark region and revenge furnace (gray dwarf camp).

The two routes entering the dark area are mentioned in the main line "Earth Girl Priest" and "Essel".

After arriving at the dark area, go to the vengeful furnace through the boat on the shore, and you will encounter a whistle with a whistle on the way.

[Remarks] There are also lifting ladders on the back of the gloomy area, but it cannot be used for the time being.


If you get the boots in the "Lost Boots" of the branch mission, you can enter the furnace of revenge friendly through dialogue.

Although it will be a little money after landing.


After arriving at the revenge furnace, turning all the way to find the route to the tower to the moon all the way, the dwarves will need a specific lamp to prompts through the dialogue.

The part of the obtaining lamp is related to the branch mission "Send Naya’s Head" and "Save the True Soul Nayle". Please move to the corresponding part to view.


Chapter 2: Step into the Tower of the Month (1)

11. Chapter 2 -Sneak into the Tower of the Moon (Dark Geosterity route)

This task is to accept the suggestions of Druid, from the secret roads in the dark area to the tower of the month.

After leaving the dark area, you can see a mage at the entrance of the next area.

After recognizing that he was the master "Ilminster Aimo", he could trigger Gal’s relevant partner plot in the camp.

[Remarks] Whether you walk first or underground or nurturing, you will encounter Aimo at the entrance to the "Film Battlefield" area.


After entering the "abandoned battlefield", it is important to note that after passing the position below, you need to light up the light source, otherwise you will enforce the round mode and have rounds of damage.


There are some hidden enemies in the area. It should be noted that the "withered needle" has an explosion after death and is defeated remotely.


Several NPCs who can see the torch can trigger the plot after approaching.


In any case, they will be interrupted by the shadows.


These shadows are resistant to physical attacks, and fortunately, the hammer can be hammered directly with a fire handle (?).

After that, the zero Lan Sandra will indicate us the direction of the safe area-the hotel.

[Remarks] If you stand on Druid on Druidi, you can meet some survivors over there.


Go all the way to the hotel. Do not touch the crow bodies passing by on the way, which will trigger a group of crow monsters.


After approaching the hotel, it will trigger the guardian plot. If Lan Sandra and others were rescued before, it can be exempted from entering the tongue directly.


Whether or not the first level is passed, it will be stopped afterwards.


In the subsequent dialogue, if the following incidents were completed in the previous Druidi Land, and the refugees finally chose to leave, someone would come over to speak for us:

① Complete the "investigation beach", "rescue refugees" and the incident "looking for the dragon hole", and obtained the favor of the little thief’s leader "Moore".

② Talk to the mage "Roland" and others in the camp, and persuaded them to stay together.

[Remarks] Even if no one speaks for us, it can promote the plot through dialogue or judgment, so as not to slaughter the village.


After showing the identity, if the relic that had been obtained before, he could directly display it to Jahila to see the suspicion of washing, and he could also persuade her through the charm of DC21.


Chapter 2: Sneak into the Tower of the Month (2)

Later, when I met in the tavern, I could know that there were self-confidence in the wine (not) through the DC10 medicine judgment.


It doesn’t matter if you drink it. There is only a physical judgment of DC6 poison, which can increase her trust in us.


After that, he started to talk about the business. If you want to be affected by the shadow and reach the tower of the moon, you need the assistance of a local pastor "Issobell".


The Issobar people on the second floor of the terrace will trigger the plot after approaching.

[Remarks] Because she will return to the house after the plot, it is recommended to peek at the document on the table first.


After watching the plot, you can talk, but she will trigger a new battle after she finished BUFF.


One member of the Yan Boxing, who had been arrested, Mars Cusz, after being transformed, hit the battle with the fear of the devil and entered the battle forcibly.


In the battle, almost everyone in the hotel area will join the battle.

Before triggering Issobell’s dialogue, the teammates will be distributed with the configuration distribution of "two people on the first floor lobby, one person on the second floor, trigger a dialogue" to ensure that some NPCs that can trigger the event are not harmed.


After completing the battle again, she also had a conversation with Issobell again. She seemed to know the other party’s "arrest" instead of "assassination", but at present we cannot know the details.

《3》 ���

Chapter 2: Step into the Tower of Monthly (3)

After leaving the hotel, he went to the tower of the month.

Several harpists will meet on the bridge that goes out, and they propose to ambush the enemy patrol with us.


After arriving at the target location, it is recommended that one person sneaks to hide in the distance. The two go to the roof, and the last person triggers the dialogue.


When encountering a patrol team, you can force the lamp through DC14’s intimidation judgment and leave the patrol team.


Of course, you can also call the ambush friend to come out to do one. The picture below is the attribute of the strongest "Kanis" of the patrol team.


Whether or not to kill the enemy, you need to pick up the lamp on the ground.

After picking up the lamp, the plot will be triggered.

[Remarks] Although you can get another lamp in the future, it will not trigger a conversation with Pick Jing.


After picking up the lamp, you can talk to the Picker inside. You can first talk about the conditions and release it to get a bell affected by immune shadow. Since then, you no longer need to hold the torch.

Of course, you can also twist the device or smash the lamp to kill it (no reward, nor the light).


Continue to go forward, you can find the notes of the Gisan Yanji people outside the light curtain before entering the town.


If the relevant plot of the "Gi Siyan Nourishment" was not completed before, Ledizel would express dissatisfaction here.


All the way to the tower of the month, I saw the Demon Mizola who signed the Magic Qiche outside the tower outside the tower.

She asked Will for "her assets" from the tower of the moon, and we could also use this to talk to her by judging (DC20).


Before entering the tower of the moon, the guard will be stopped, and it is not difficult to judge.

Later, the plot was triggered in the meeting, and the leader of the true soul "General Catherine" was seen.


In the plot, we can know that Catherine does not seem to be really hurt, and it looks like invincible.

After that, you need to decide the life and death of the sophistication. You will not support the players when you put them, but maybe you will encounter them elsewhere.


After completing the plot, if the "Geis Yankees of Nourishing Room" is still not completed at this time, Liezel will forcibly perform dialogue here and ask for leaving the team.

It can be left to leave her through a DC6 intimidation judgment, without having to care.


Then go to the second floor and trigger the plot after near the disc hernfling.


Then you need to judge the sky to cross the sea, and basically DC14 ~ DC18.


After gaining Zeror’s trust, she will give us a task to go to the tomb to find Barcelona’s custody relics.

This mission is related to "Raphael’s Rival". Please refer to the related page in the next part.


After seeing the general, I went to the second floor, and I had to pass Zeror’s "loyalty test".


If you pass, Zeror will let us go to the tomb to find the "song of the night."

If not, it will start directly.

[Remarks] After passing the verification, she can talk to the disciples who watch the door, deceive her or kill her to go to the upper level (the process of getting out of the tower on the top of the tower).


Chapter 2: Geis Yanji Nourishing Breeding (1)


From the pass to the monastery of Zhenchen, walk north after entering the region.


Through the power of DC15, you can pull the cable car over and save a lot of time.


Trimming the plot near the monastery of the morning, just happened to be taken away by a group of cults.


The door of the monastery is closed tightly, and you can go around from the position below.


After jumping a few times, use the vine upward.


After entering the gap, walking up is to explore the periphery of the monastery, and go down to enter the monastery.


The control rod on the side of the main hall can open the door, and there will be no detour.

[Remarks] There are also iron doors on both sides, there are some items and documents in it.


After some investigation, go down from the ladder on the left side of the statue and enter the Geis Yanji base.


Because the Gis Yanji ethnic group usually believes that superior is the first, the general answers can be resolved to Lyerzel.


Go all the way to the medical room, you can see some larvae on the room table. At present, you are not in a hurry.

Triging the plot after talking to a doctor.


Chapter II: Geis Yanji Nourishing Room (2)

After the dialogue, the doctor introduced us to her "latest research", and honestly let Leezel enter.


After that, the multi-paragraph dialogue will be triggered continuously. It should be noted that Liezel must be let Layezer come down here.

Although the judgment is more difficult (DC20 ~ DC23), it can settle the crisis as long as it is successful.


Finally, the machine is destroyed, and choosing to deceive the doctor can be used to be fine.

If she knew that larva was still alive, she would flee the room directly and lock us inside.


It doesn’t matter if it is locked, the wooden door can be easily destroyed, and the prying lock only has the requirements of the DC10.

The important thing is that the various props in the room can be taken directly (including larvae).


The only thing to pay attention to is to be attacked by the soldiers outside the room when they go out.

[Remarks] Doctors will use "magic countermeasures" in the farthest, and it is recommended to kill priority.


Go to find a judge, and the plot will be triggered when you pass a centuried room.

The judge seems to be looking for the relics held by Yingxin.


I thought I could finally see the judge, but because the key was taken away by the centurion, he could only talk to her first.

In the dialogue, only when you choose "You need to describe weapons" can you avoid fighting with her while keeping the relics.


Choose the other projects will basically enter the battle. The attributes of the centuries are as shown below.

It is recommended to give priority to killing a good position. One person dealt with the two wolves, one stands at the door to lock the door, and one person deal with her deputy.

[Remarks] Don’t forget to be afraid of the wolf.


Then use the key on the centurion’s long hands to continue to move forward. After opening the door, it will trigger the plot.

[Note] After triggering this plot, unless the subsequent selection of the relics will be selected, it will be completely hostile to the Geisan family.


In the conversation of the judge, you can learn about some background information about the relics.


It is recommended to add the favorability of Ledizel.

When confronting the queen, if she has won the favor (friendly or higher) of Leezel, she will respect the decision of the player to retain the relics.


The attributes of the judge are as follows. The four surrounding enemies are dead creatures and can be dispersed.

On the other hand, it is recommended to use silence and settlement to make him into wooden stakes to easily kill.


After completing the queen of Gis Yanji after the battle, you can learn more information for a while.

If she told her the relics, she would open the portal and let us go to the star to kill the "guardian".


By the way, if you refuse directly, it will only attract the anger of the gods and forcibly end the game.


If she told her the relics, she would open the portal and let us go to the star to kill the "guardian".


When trying to enter the prism, there will be prompts. If you want to know more plots, you can go in first.

[Remarks] Whether entering the prism or leaving directly, it will cause the Queen’s Geis Symbans and players to hostile.


After entering the prism, he went to the meeting with a single knife and met the guardian through the arch.


Even if you choose to kill the guardian in the dialogue, it will not really die. Instead, we know the conspiracy of the Queen of Gis Yanji.


After returning, you can convince her to show her memory.


Chapter 2: Looking for Catherine’s relics (1)

13. Looking for Catherine’s relics

Go to the mausoleum, and after entering the tomb, I heard the sound of Barcelona came from Barcelona.

Ignore the continued exploration. There are many traps on the first floor, and there are basically not many good things, mainly some documents.


The order of the tomb is "the tower of the moon" → "Daughter" → "General", just press the button under the portrait in order.


It should be noted that there are many traps in this area. It is recommended that only one person comes in.


Enter the area "Sar’s Trial". The door switch below needs to manipulate the tie rods of the four compartments around, lowering the candlestick and extinguishing.

[Remarks] As long as there is light, the door will not open (sometimes including light and torch), and there are many traps in the four compartments.


Do n’t worry about reading the door if you ca n’t open the door. You can jump mushrooms on the west to enter the trial area from the side.


It should be noted that after jumping mushrooms, the enemy will be encountered in the past.


Barcelona’s men can be found in the trial area, and they can fight against the shadow enemy with them.


After entering the trial area to the west, you can see Barcelona through a shadow war.


Barcelona is struggling to deal with Shar’s trials, and it is usually not recommended to kill him directly here.

Seeking his help by dialogue, you can get a bell that summons people.


Chapter 2: Looking for Catherine’s relics (2)

Then there was Sar’s trial related. In order to complete the relevant plot of the shadow, the recommendation was to complete the trial with her.

The first is "steadily trial". The goal is to avoid the enemy while avoiding the enemy.


The blue and yellow-green below are the enemy patrol route. After pulling the green labeling tie rod, you can drop the wall. After getting the key of the red label, you can open the door.


Recommend two simple completion methods:

① Stepping+immune ground shoes, do not take the key to use the door.

② Cigarette+turn-based system, fly all the way to use knocking.

After completing the trial, you can get the "shadow gem" required for the launch platform.


Followed by "Test with me".


The goal of this trial is "killing our team’s avatar".

The attributes and equipment of the avatars are the same as when the trial is opened for blood dripping. It is the same as that of the trial. Take off the equipment and open the trial directly. You can easily pass it when you see the avatar.


Finally, "the trial of faith", the goal is to reach the internal and directly get gems.

Adjust the gamma value of the game, you can see the hidden road in the water, or you can use flight directly.


If you are too lazy, you can also refer to the route below.



The last thing to arrive was the "Silent Library". After killing the enemy, press the left mark button to open the door and get books from the bookshelf marked on the right.


Insert the book into the switch, you can open the door and get the "dark night spear" and the equipment of some night judges.

[Remarks] For the process of the last gemstone, please refer to the related part of the branch mission "Raphael’s Enemies".


After getting all gems, start the platform and enter the area where the song of the night is imprisoned.

[Note] After entering the area, the main line of Chapter 2 will be advanced to the second half, and the branch lines limited to chapter first and 2 will be unable to complete.


Chapter 2: Looking for Catherine’s relics (3)

After entering the area, I encountered Barcelona, the main choice and influence are as follows:

① Barcelona takes away the song of the dark night-the failure of the shadow trial and leave the team forever.

② Drain Barcelona -Next.


The good-looking kindness naturally kills Barcelona. It is recommended that teammates stand in a good position during the conversation, otherwise they may be pushed down the cliff by the big skull without getting the first hand.


Barcelona’s panel is as follows (standard difficulty). It is not strong. It controls him as much as possible and uses the blind effect of "Loshan’s blood" to disperse with the pastor.


After completing the battle, I learned that the song of the dark night was the daughter of the goddess of Sellene, and entered the choice:

① Let Yingxin complete the trial, Yingxin transferred to his job and basically lost himself, and obtained the legendary equipment "Sar’s Spear of the night."

In contrast, the hotel that lost Serenne will be controlled by the shadow. All NPCs except Jahila will turn into a shadow (Jahila can be cheated into the team).


② Prevent shadows and liberate the song of the night-the next context.

[Remarks] If the relationship between the player and Yingxin is not good, the shadow heart will leave the team.


After restoring the strength, after rewarding us, Erin left the tomb and went straight to the general’s old nest-the tower of the moon.


After leaving the tomb, comforted the shadow to go to the tower of the month to make a decisive battle.


Chapter 2: Defeat Catherine (1)

14. Defeat Catherine

After arriving at the tower of the moon, you can see that the harpist alliance comes out, and we basically do not need us to fight.

Dialogue with Jahila can get her assistance, and after entering the tower, he will fight with his disciples.


The attributes of the disciple Zeror are as follows, and the starting will use mirror.

If the enemy in her or the tower has been killed before, you can go straight to the top of the tower.


At the top of the tower, confront the general, and fought together with Erin after the conversation.

If you let Barcelona take Irene, the branch of this part is as follows:

① Zerrer will ask players to go to the hotel to abduct the general, Izbel, to start the "non-fatal attack" and dizzy Issabel.

② Drain Zeror, to kill Issobell, or complete the above ① items above can enter the top of the tower. It is purified from the general’s private altar (on the steps), triggers the relics and directly enter the "main brain nest point" process.


The attributes of the general and the disciples are as follows. The disciples use human beings, and those who do not die let the pastor go.


When the general’s blood dropped to about 40%, the plot triggered the plot, and the tentacles drilled out of the Tarri took away the generals and Irene.


Before you go to the main brain nest, you can accept Jahila to the team again. Don’t forget to take the general’s ring before leaving.


The character below stands next to the general’s "private altar".


In addition, if the main brain nest process is caught, the start of the start must be broken first, otherwise the game will end due to the transformation.


Chapter 2: Defeat Catherine (2)

After entering the main brain nest acupoint, you can find the machine below in the southwest after exploring.


You can open the door after connecting the four similar nodes in the figure below.


In addition, in this area, you can also obtain BUFF by deceiving the soul maid, rescue the demon to complete the mission of Will, and save Toflin and Fan Boxing soldiers to complete the branch line.


Finally, go to the depths of the Chao Acupoint to trigger the plot.

[Remarks] After triggering the plot, there are two BOSS battles, ready in advance.


It turned out that Catherine had two ally, and their ultimate goal was to capture the door to Bod.


Wil’s father was taken away by them and implanted larvae.


Moreover, through the power of the Three Gods of Death and adding a color-resistant equipment, they talked about the main brain of the devil as their own use, trying to seize the whole world.


[Remarks] If Gal has learned his "destiny" at this time and was included in the team, you can choose "here" and "burst with them" directly, ending our glory in advance.


After completing the battle, the priority is to rescue the trapped Irene.



In addition, before defeating Catherine of the residual blood, be sure to kill several priests on the left.


Mill Kou, one of the three gods after killing Catherine, appeared and entered the second game.


The picture below shows the attributes of Mill Kou. It can be affected by the basic effects of "deterrence". Although it cannot be fixed and dispersed, the pastor is still useful.

In addition, it summons priests in the battle and devour them to strengthen them.


Triggering the plot after completing the battle, dialogue with the guardian and learned a series of truths.

The next task is to follow the footprints of the other two enemies to the door of Bod.


The main rewards of defeating Catherine are as follows, and there are some documents in the area. Don’t forget to collect it.


Chapter 2: Go to the Gate of Bade (1)

15. Go to the door of Bude

After returning to the portal, talk to people after returning, and enter the end of the second chapter.


It is worth mentioning that the tomb guard seems to know the Three Gods of Death, but it is not yet intended to tell us more.


Visit the tower of the moon again (just go out and come back), the guardian will prompt that we will call us to call teammates as much as possible (let them go to the camp).


The teammates available in this chapter are recruited as follows:

Issbeel and Irene

In Sarr’s trial, I persuaded Yingxin to give up the trial, liberate Irene, and let Barcelona take her away.

As long as I am rescued by Irene, I can basically recruit without doing bad things.


When the shadow battlefield rescued the harpist, someone was protecting when entering the hotel. When he was drinking, he could feel good at talking.

After that, he did not hostile to the harmonist, or took Issobell away to coax her.



The first chapter rescue him can basically recruit and complete the "lifting curse" of Chapter 2 to ensure that he joined the team.


Regarding the recruitment of teammates, Irene and Issobell need to dialogue in the camp to determine the recruitment, and they need to pay attention.


In addition, Irene can unlock the memory of Yingxin’s seal by Shar, and learned that she was afraid of the wolf and her life.



Corresponding to "Sar’s Dark Night Short Spear" is "Caren’s Dark Night Short Spear", which was obtained after talking with Irene.


Chapter 2: Go to the Gate of Bade (2)

If the relevant plot of the Geis Yankeli Relief has been completed before and chose the Queen of the Big Big, it will be attacked by the Gis Yankees on the way to the door of Bodd.


The attributes of the enemy general are as follows.


The plot was triggered after going to the door of Bude, and the other two "spokespersons" were irritating to the frustration of the plan, but Gotash, who dominated the matter, still seemed to have a voucher.


When switching areas, you can see the door of Bude in the distance.


After the long break, the plot will be triggered and choose your own "goal".

[Remarks] Origin characters will have additional options.


After triggering the attack, you need to reach the portal within 3 rounds, otherwise the game will fail directly.

It is recommended to change to a teammate with a higher attack value (agile) before long break, it is best to have a "alert" session.

[Remarks] It is the most convenient to find a mercenaries to find a mercenary directly.


After entering the portal, I saw the Geisan fighter in the distance was launching an attack.


Following the call of the guardian to assist, but unexpectedly our guardians were actually a devil.


Choose to help it, and then he heard him explained that it was transformed by others. By chance, he was separated from the control of the main brain and started a new life at the door of Bude.


Until one day, Gotash was discovered that its power was deprived of the new level.


Later, the historical intervention of the Geis Yanji people, the monarch (the guardian seized the demon) found the relics that detained Orevis, and used the relics to get rid of the control of the main brain. Essence


At the end of the dialogue, we can choose whether to further transform (if the larvae have been devoured before).


Choosing conversion can unlock the outer ring brain upgrade, but the nature (including the appearance) of the whole person will change and irreversible.


Passing a DC20 test can temporarily leave it, and there is a backpack at any time (re-transform when thinking).

Then there is the chapter of the door of Bude.


Chapter III: Flying Dragon Fortress outside

16. Foreign Dragon Foreign Minister Entering Flying Dragon Pass after a break.

It should be noted that because there are more NPCs in this area, this game will carry out pre-loading (or cache) of the large areas where the player is located.

Therefore, it is recommended to restart the game after entering the region and clear the cache of Chapter 2. Whenever it is stutter, restarting the game can basically solve it.


First of all, we arrived at the refugee camp. The Tivin and dwarves we saved before will appear in this area.

Moore, who was caught, was still disappeared, and their little businessmen could be found next to the material storage.


In the two areas in the figure below, you can encounter Olympic Olys in advance.

[Remarks] Right-click NPC and use "Survey" to learn the true identity of the NPC.



The rescued dwarf arrived through the secret door of the blacksmith (the opening of the hole from the beach for the first time).

They will provide a task and can also help us fight against "steel guards".


When entering the city level, if the dwarf was rescued in the dark region and the revenge furnace, and the tower of the moon was rescued again, it was necessary to choose the radical conversation options here.


The dwarf will invalidate the steel guard, just go in directly.


If the dwarfs were not saved before, they could also jump all the way from the cliffs in the east and sneak into the level.


Regarding the steel guard, when the power of the Supreme God was previously seen, if you saw it by the purple eyeball, it would not be able to pass it.

It is basically discovered when taking a good line. The current speculation is:

① The ground camping ground: kill the priests in the house and quickly kill the leader. The eyeballs in the Ming Sala’s room destroy the wooden bridge and let it fall.

② The furnace of revenge: Waiting for the death of the true soul, or sneaking the eyeballs to kill.

③ The tower of the moon out: try not to fight in the tower as much as possible, and sneak into the top of the tower in the second half.

④ Use blindness, silence, or sneak-to-eye.


After entering the level, when entering the fortress, you can use the passenger permit stolen in the "Jianwan Express" of the refugee camp.


Or the second chapter of the general BOSS theater, the invitation letter was obtained on the table below, both of which can be released directly without passing the verification.


There is also an invitation letter in the room of "Xia Ruis’s caress".


In addition, after completing the "investigation of the murder" by completing the branches, you can get a pass from the detective of Feixiang, or pass the "donation 20,000".


Chapter 3: Raphael’s Proposal

17. Raphael’s proposal

Enter "Xia Ruis’s caress" and talk to the female half-body next to the bar triggering task.

She told us that Raphael waited for us in the upper room and went straight.

[Remarks] This task is re-closed with the mission of the Geis Yankees, "Help a centimeter of Vols" and the "Gisan Yanji soldiers".


If it has previously triggered the hostile to the Queen of Gisan and received the assistance of the centurion-long Vol, you can see that she is trying to impress Raphael.


Of course, Worth cannot give Raphael what he wants, and the "trading object" he really cares about is us.


During the negotiation, Raphael temporarily sealed the monarch’s induction and confessed to us that he had the way to rescue Orevis.


It turned out that what Raphael really wanted was the crown of Ryll on the main head. To this end, it was natural to let Orevis destroy the main brain.


According to whether to sign a transaction with Raphael, the impact of the main line is as follows:

① Get the hammer, but you must give it to Raphael after getting the crown (perhaps you can kill him after giving it for Rapham).

② The relationship with the monarch after obtaining the hammer worsening, and when entering the star world again, it will trigger the plot that destroys the relics.

③ ignore the transaction, Raphael will continue to wait before promoting the main line.


Chapter III: Gotash’s Poor Stone (1)

18. Gotash’s color-resistant stone

After entering the fortress, the plot will be triggered, and the steel guards controlled by Gotash are "invited" to participate in the Gotash’s award ceremony.


Even if you ignore it, you can continue to move forward, but the devil Mizola will appear on the bridge head, and it is recommended that we take a look.


In addition, you can buy some equipment in the fortress through lobbying.


Go to the second floor of the fortress to attend the ceremony and get a chance to talk directly with Gotash.

It can also be started here, but steel guards will be a big problem.


In the dialogue, we learned that the original purpose of the three was to let Gotash control the door of Bodd, and then continuously transformed residents.


However, at the moment when the general was dead, the plan could not be carried out again, so he made a suggestion to "join hands" to us.

If you promise him, he will immediately be hostile to the Olympic forces. Of course, you can not promise him to find other methods.

[Remarks] Because fighting with any disciple will affect the situation of Bude’s door, it is recommended to complete the exploration within the region and then promote the main line.


After watching Will’s father, the Duke of Ryvar, he left the place after Crown in Gotash.


When I crossed the bridge, I met Mizola again. This time, her proposal was to restore the consciousness of the Duke of Revita.


Chapter III: Gotash’s Poor Stone (2)

21. Gotash’s color-resistant stone

Since then, if Getash’s color-resistant stone has not been obtained, he can return and choose to cooperate with him.

You can use "detection of ideas" to learn that he wants us to maintain a tough cooperative relationship, so he will be more assured.

If you want to fight with him, it is recommended to complete the "revenge of steel dwarf" by the branch line.


Getash is an ambitious person. Although he will try to exclude his enemies, he does not exclude powerful people to cooperate with him.


It is worth mentioning that even if he promised to cooperate with Gotash, he would die when he was fighting against the main brain for the first time.

Therefore, if he does not need his equipment, it is also a good choice to judge and choose to cooperate with him.

Get Gotash’s color-resistant stone, or cooperate with him and go to Mitan Wharf.

[Note] After taking a small boat, it will enter the end of this game, and all the branch processes will not be completed.


After arriving at Midan, you will go all the way, and you will encounter a round of brain-eating battles on the road.

On the way, you can find the body of the adventurer and sister, and bring the body of the sister "Lithtea" to the sister to get some gadgets (the sister’s body is locked in the locked door).


Chapter III: Calling Allies (1)

19. Call all ally

This task is raised by the alliance that should deal with the final battle.

Advisor Florek

In the Fortune Fortress, the prison can be entered from the position below.


You can get the keys on the guard with pickpocketing, because whether to see blood will affect the development of this task. It is recommended to open "non-fatal attack" or sneak throughout the process in advance.


After getting the key from the guard, you can open the door deep in the prison to rescue the prisoners.


If in the first chapter of "Wolin’s Dormant", the consultant Frehek was rescued from the sea of fire, and we could see her here.


After persuading her to join the team, she left the wall from the prison storage room.


After arriving at the outside, she will leave and expand the power first to support us in the final war.



After satisfying the following situations, this character found it in the middle of Xiacheng District. He would say that although he could not get the problem of Kazak, he could still be used as our allies (selling equipment).

① The first chapter has completed the "our irritable friends" related upgrade tasks.

② Chapter 2, did not destroy the "Final Shop Hotel", and upgraded Kaika again.



After satisfying the following situations, this character found the nine-finger camp in Xiacheng District.

Although it does not help us directly, Moore’s men can still sell some equipment.

① The first chapter is to complete the "Finding Dragon Point" related tasks (the "saving refugee" part of this strategy).

② Chapter 2, promised to bring the children back to Moore after Moore was taken away.


Chapter III: Calling Allies (2)


After this task meets the following situations, it is found in the central part of Xiacheng District.

① In the first chapter, Druidi persuaded him to stay with his friends.

② Chapter 2, he found him outside the town of Rezawi after rescing the prisoner of Tidolin.


[Note] To complete his alliance mission, it is necessary to persuade Yingxin and rescue the "Song of the Night" directly in the prisoner of the second chapter.

Talk to him and talk to the stairs and talk to Luo Ruokan’s phantom. Then use the leftmost teleportation door to transmit it to the Magic Tower.


Dialogue with Luo Ruokan, it turned out that his purpose was the same as Barzaz, just to use the power of Ms. Erin.


Regardless of whether he promised his request, he could see Lorean with her after returning to the camp to find Erin.


After going to Gaota again, Roland will also be present, and strictly refuses Luo Ruokan’s proposal to enter the battle.


Luo Ruokan’s panel is as follows, because he will use skill counterattack, it is strongly recommended to solve the surrounding element enemies first.


After completing the battle, Luo Ruokan will be executed.


You can use necromancer to know some intelligence in the underground back room (easy to complete other branch lines).


After talking to Roland, he will become the master of Gaota, and he promises to assist us in the final battle.


Chapter III: Calling Allies (3)

Calling allies (supplementary parts)


After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 1, lift the crisis of the Druid Camp, and Savelo survives.

② Chapter 2, Irene and Issobell survived (whether or not to assist the generals) and rescued Safiro in the nest.

③ Chapter 2, rescued the Timlin from the underground prison of the monthly tower and found the lost Roland.



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 1, rescue Halxin from the ground camp and let him go to Chapter 2.

② Chapter 2, complete the "curse of shadowing" by the branches.


Gisan Yanji people (centurion-long Worth)

After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 2, collect information about Roths, and resist the current Queen of Geis Yangji, triggering and promising to assist the centurion in the long break.

② Chapter III, complete the "Hope of Hope" by the branch mission, and get the Hammer of Russia, liberating Russia’s ears (no matter what time).



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 2, protects her from being taken away during the hotel’s defense war.

② Chapter 2, refused to promise the request to bring the general to the tower of the moon, and talk to her at the end of Chapter 2.


Ms. Irene

After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 2, refused to kill her in Shar’s prison.

② Chapter 2, Shar’s prison cannot let Barcelona take her away.

③ In the third chapter, in the process of "The Song of the Dark Night" of the branch mission, he rejected the proposal of Luo Ruokan and defeated him.



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter III, complete the "investigation murder" of the branch mission.

② Chapter III, rescued it in the branch mission "Baltan Referee" and refused to become a Balt’s blasphemy assassin.



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 1, talk to him in Druid Land, and learned that he is going to the ground with the ground (not completed).

② Chapter 1, rescue him in the ground camping place, and the subsequent eye-eye process can be rejected.

③ Chapter 3, rescued him in front of the steel guard’s manufacturer.


Nine fingers

After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 3, refuse to assist the Stone Lord in the branch mission "Assisting Underground forces".

② Chapter 3, the branch mission "Assist underground forces" learned the betrayal of the San Talle and returned to the nine fingers to resolve the crisis.



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 1, Astai Lun’s partner task, does not kill the vampire hunter encountered in the tea room.

② Chapter III, found Uma in the west side of Lvavatton, and promised to help find the children who were taken away.

③ Chapter III, Astai Lun’s partner task, use a staff to release prisoners after the destruction ceremony.



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 1, rescue him in the ground camping site and lift the crisis of the Druid camp.

② Chapter 2, complete the "curse of shadowing" by the branches.


Ming Sara/Minsk

After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① The first chapter is to complete the "rescue refugees" related tasks, so that the hotel is successfully entered in Chapter 2.

② Chapter 2, if you choose to assist the general to take away Issobell, you need to return to the hotel to persuade her and complete the battle.

③ Chapter III, find the hiding place of the harp player, and complete the branch mission "high-level harp player" and "assisting underground forces".



After satisfying the following situations, the characters in this faction will appear during the final war:

① Chapter 2, rescue Mizola in the nest to survive Will.

② Chapter III, talk to Mizola at the head of the Alongguanqiao head, and then triggers and accept Mizola’s proposal during a long break.

③ Chapter III, enter the Steel Throne and rescue the Duke of Gao.

[Remarks] You can also bring out the corpse of the Duke before accepting Mizola’s proposal.



After this character meets the following situations, it will appear in the final war:

① Chapter 2, rescue Mizola in the nest.

② Chapter III, talk to Mizola at the head of the Alongguanqiao head, and then triggers and accept Mizola’s proposal during a long break.


Iron Hand Bulfa/Gose believers

After satisfying the following situations, the characters in this faction will appear during the final war:

① The first chapter, the gloomy area, assisted the people and the iron hand dwarf.

② Chapter 1, the furnace of revenge, protecting the slavery-involved iron-handed dwarf.

③ Chapter 2, the tower of the moon is rescued from the underground prison.

④ Chapter III, find the base of the Iron Handwich in Levonton, and accept the branch mission "The revenge of the iron hand dwarf".

⑤ Chapter III, make a choice in the branch mission "The Revenge of the Iron Hand Bow Confucianism", and protect the trustees of Gentle.

[Remarks] The assistance of the Gentle believers needs to rescue the hostages in the steel throne.


Chapter III: Palin’s Perishmental Stone

20. Barin’s resistant stone

This task is recommended to be carried out after completing the branch mission "Baltan Referee".

Go to the "bottom city ruins" transmission point of the sewer to trigger a dialogue with the locking stone gate.


Even in the case of holding Barlin, you need to get "proof" to pass.

Of course, when holding a token, the player either has become a blasphemy (killing the flying elephant), or he has killed the believers in the referee (rescued the flying elephant).


After entering, you will be attacked by the ghost on the way. The strength is not high, but the distance is far away. You can pull back and pull back.


There is a fork on the road to the temple. On the left side of the figure below is the place of the main brain. You can first open a transmission point.

On the right is the temple to Balta, and it is basically not encountered by the enemy.


Use the amulet to enter the temple, and you can see your companions locked in the distance in the distance.


It should be noted that if the believers in the referee have been killed before, even if Getash’s color-resistant stone is brought to, it will not be able to obtain the trust of Olympic.


After entering the battle, the Olympia will be transformed. The picture below is the attribute after the transformation.

Try to control the battle around the altar can reduce the number of enemies to participate in the battle, or save the teammates on the stage to increase the hands.


After completing the battle, I won the Olympic weapon and her color-resistant stone.


Chapter III: Fighting Main Brain (1)

22. Fighting the main brain

Finally, face the color resistance brain deep in the depths of the dense pond.


Then perform a positive face-to-face duel with the color resistance, try to control its crown through color resistance.

It is worth mentioning that there are four continuous verifications here, and you can choose a specific attribute for judgment.

The difficulty is DC20 → 25 → 30 → 99, and the last judgment of the DC99 can only pass through the dice.

[Remarks] It doesn’t matter if it fails to pass all. The more successful times here, the lower the initial blood resistance of the color resistance in the final stage.


Unfortunately, even if we have the blessing of relics, we still cannot master the power of color resistance.


The restricted color-resistant brain was lifted away from its restraint, and it was summoned to win the monster and attack the door of Bude.


Helplessly, we had to return to the star world first to discuss with the monarch.

The final choice will be made to Orevus’s stay (if he has not rescued him before).


Because the larvae in our brain are still affected by the main brain, and the spiritual control ability of spiritual monsters is far stronger than other races.

Therefore, a spiritual suction monster must be allowed to operate color-resistant stones. Only in this way can we avoid interference of the main brain.

According to the player’s actions and partners who joined the team, they can be divided into the following three methods:

① When Kakka is in the team, she will take the initiative to propose to become a spiritual suction monster so that she can escape the death threat brought by the hell engine.

② The monarch who is a spiritual suction monster will take the initiative to ask him to control it, but his teammates will oppose it.

③ Regardless of the opposition of the monarch, try to rescue Orevus and give up assimilation with him.


If you choose to rescue Orevis (at this time or before), the monarch will directly invest in the master’s brain.

However, we can still make Orejus a spirit monster (or itself).


After completing the transition, leave the star world and go to Shangcheng District to the final decisive battle.


According to the completion of the "summoning allies" in the branch mission, we can summon allies in the final theater.

The key position is above the weapon bar in the lower left corner.


After entering the church, he made a speech and listened to his companions after speaking.

《3》 ���

Chapter III: Fighting Main Brain (2)

There are a large number of enemies in the subsequent area. It is recommended to summon more allies for assistance. It is okay not to kill all.


When you are close to the main brain, the color-resistant brain will summon a snail shell. It will fire a round of shells every round. The yellow circle on the ground is its shelling range.


After climbing up the color tolerance, he would fight into the battle. If he had been hostile to the monarch before, he would also appear when he arrived here.


In addition, if the Red Dragon assistance (Gao Duke branch line) below the Flying Dragon is not obtained, the red dragon appearing here will also be a difficult threat to handle.


Another thing to pay attention to is that walking on the surface of the color tolerance will have a chance to summon the tentacles.

The tentacles will restrain a nearby role at a certain probability at a certain probability.


Let our spirit monster enter the final battle area after using special skills in the main brain.

The attributes of the color-resistant brain are as follows, and the initial blood volume can be effectively reduced according to the previously approved number.


It should be noted that the main brain will cause a counterattack to the attacker. It is recommended that all teammates enter this area as much as possible (after all, there is still time limit).


In the final choice, we can also choose to kill the spirit sucking monsters, dominate the crown ourselves, and become the true god.

However, this will not be able to watch the ending part.


If you choose to destroy the main brain, you will enter the ending part, and see the ending of the partners according to the various choices made by the player.


In the end, we were carried into history as the guardians of Jianwan.


After the end, there will be an egg. The "tomb person" wakes up at the ruins near the fall point is actually the enemy of the three gods of death.


Regional Total Observatory: An nautilus crash area

1. Phaose crash area

Regional overall

The picture below shows the map in this area.

① The branch mission "Explore the ruins"

② Partner "Shadow Heart"

③ Partner "Asleen"

④ Partner "Gal"

⑤ Partner "Laezel"

⑥ The incident "injured the heart of the heart"


Line task: Explore the ruins

Branch -Exploring the ruins

In the process of this task, Gal, Asdon and Yingxin can be obtained in the process of this task.

After approaching the ruins, you can see a few thieves, and they seem to be looking for loot nearby.


You can choose lobbying, bullying, and intimidation to drive them away (the charm/intelligence/strength of the DC10).

[Remarks] Anesthesia needs to use Astai Lun for dialogue. This conversation will not let teammates know that he is a vampire.


There are three entrances of the ruins.

① Knock the door directly.

② Follow the mechanism up, shoot the upper rope above the bow and arrow, and smash the hole and jump down (no fall damage).

③ Bypass and use the unlocking tool to open the secret lane.


The first is route 1

Calling the door directly will trigger the dialogue. If the thieves outside the door before, you can’t go in anyway, you can only choose to unlock.

[Remarks] The successful use of Aslee deception can get the incentive points, but the result is the same.


After entering, you can see the thieves behind the door. After approaching, you will directly touch the battle.

It is worth mentioning that there is a switch next to the door that allows a teammate to stay aside first. After the enemy comes in, close the door and get it one by one.

[Remarks] You can choose the route after separating the enemy, kill the enemy in batches, or introduce all the enemy after introducing all the enemy.


You can also directly touch the battle and use the explosive bucket in the distance to cause damage.


Then is route 2

The shooting agency, or stepped on this area without notice the trap.

If the thieves in the area are not resolved, they will enter the battle directly after falling.


After completing the battle, pick up the thief tool after the explosion barrel, unlock and enter the ruins.

If there is no tool for lifting the trap, you can’t get good things, and this direction cannot reach the other side. Therefore, it is recommended to take the route directly 3.


Route 3

You can reach the entrance of the dense road along the way from the figure below. The unlocking needs to pass the agile judgment of the DC20.


After entering, go to a place similar to the tomb, and there are some corpses and skeletons lying around.

It should be noted that the start switch will be reborn as the undead. Therefore, it is recommended to take away their equipment in advance or sneak directly to attack spikes.


You can find the switch button through the internal stairs.

After pressing the button, the corpses and skeletons in the scene will be reborn as an undead and forcibly enter the battle.


The coffin in the room opened by the investigation agency, according to the player’s reply, the undead will do different actions in future encounters.


The boxes on the side can also get the "Lost Sound of the Lost" of the necklace.


The small rooms in the tomb can be found "The Book of Gods", and it can be opened through the magic judgment of DC15.


After unlocking the door, you can reach the side of the previous route 1 and route 2.


If you hold a tool to unlock the trap, you can get a trap coffin to get the "Guide to Steel Guard".


Triggering event: Nautilus crash area


In the crash area, you can find the wreckage of the wreckage, and the incident will be triggered after approaching.


During the dialogue, you can yield to it through the intelligence of DC15, rescue it and enter the battle.

You can also let it stay there to die, and then kill it outside the dialogue.


Regional general view: green forest land

Green forest

Red mark-area connection point

① Hidden entrances in the camp

② Dragon Point

Blue mark-task-related

① Investigate the beach

② Save refugees

③ The assistance of the doctor Ney

④ Stealing idols (interior in Longxue)

⑤ Investigate Kaha

⑥ Kaichk Personal Line

⑦ Laezel Personal Line

⑧Well location

Save Di Jing Saza

Green mark-event and NPC

① The poets

② Paralyzed Tifillin

③ Weird Bulls

④ Olan and his partner

⑤ The true soul of death

⑥ The bear (lifting ladder) who eat fish (lifting ladder)


Branch task: rescue Di Jing Saza

Rescue Di Jing Saza

Not far away from Druid Camp, you can find a hidden entrance through survival judgment.


After entering, you can see goblins in the distance.

It should be noted that the statue near the activation will be attacked, so that a character can sneak and turn it off.


The map in the dense road is as follows, the mark is the statue and the corresponding switch.


After that, sneak on the goblin above, and then sneak on the side one by one.

Let Astai Lun sneak on spikes without triggering the battle, just "enter the battle".


After coming out of the other side of the secret road, you will enter Druid’s camp, and you can pass by jumping.


Talk to the closed Global Saza, choose to rescue it to prepare to unlock (DC10 agile).

[Remarks] Whether it is unlocking or a subsequent way, once the soldiers are found by the camp, they will trigger the battle.


If you arrive here after entering the camp, it will trigger the plot that the soldiers want to get rid of the ground.

You need to choose "Stand in the middle" and then rescue it through the judgment of DC10 (intimidation/lobbying).

[Remarks] Successful completion of this scene can enhance the favor of Gal.


After rescue it, you can separate from the camp along the dense road. Almost all the goblins in the area will not attack the player for the first time (except for the werewolf).


After talking to Ming Sala in the ground camp, you can find her in the ground camp after choosing to protect her.

It is worth mentioning that once she chose to protect her, even if she was hostile to the ground, she would be counted as a neutral unit, as long as she did not hurt her, she could continue to promote her branch.


After that, the main story was advanced to the tower of the month, and when he picked up the general, he chose to let go of the ground.


Line task: rescue refugees

Rescue refugee

In the Druid camp, walking along the slope from the position below can trigger the event.


After approaching, I saw a Xiong Di Jing trying to assassinate a civilian and entered the battle.


After completing the battle, as long as the civilians do not die, the dialogue can be triggered, and the special item "soul coin" can be obtained.



The other part of this task is "Rescue Girls from Druid". Please check the "help of the physician Neidi" part of this strategy.

After successfully rescue the girl, return to the stairs.


Chapter 1 Rescue the reflexive people supplement

After completing the branch line "investigating the beach", and rescing the little girl who stole the idol after entering the forest land, found the little businessman near the beeper near the cattle.


After a trick, if the player bought any things in his shop, the child on the side will try to picked up.

After letting him go, use the password obtained in the "Investigation Beach" to enter the Dragon Point.


Finding their head Moore in Longxue, because he repeatedly rescued his partner, could get his favor.

He can help us in the process of chapter second and third, and take the initiative to help him or be able to receive the task "Stolen the Druid Statue".


Go to the island in the southwest of the tea room, return in the cracks of the wooden stakes, and return to the ritual to complete the battle.

Then use the master’s hand to throw the idol to the place where no one can see, take it and deliver it.

[Remarks] You can also steal the statue back from Moore after delivery, and you can gain gain with your body.


Triggering event: Druidi Land

Event -Apply a reply

In the Druid Camp (near the entrance of the Earth Prison Cage), you can find the lock room in the figure below.

[Remarks] When talking with the surrounding animals, you can know that there are special items in it.


On the front, you need to avoid your ears and eyes and open locks. You can also jump all the way to the back of the house near the entrance of the camp (refer to the "Sali Saza") from the ground (refer to the "Satta Saza") (need to be higher than 15 or use the potion).


After entering, the guard dialogue sitting on the ground, through the judgment of the DC10 (insight/lobby/deception/intimidation), learned that she was paralyzed and could not stand up.


Let the characters in the team use "recovery" to cure her to let her stand up, and then enter the round to steal the item "cabinet key" in the box.


Incident -True Soul

By the bridge head near the camp, you can see two young people calling the injured old man. The dialogue will be triggered after approaching.


After the dialogue, no matter how they choose, they will trigger the heart communication, and the two who see this scene call the player the "true soul".

Basically, they will go to find a bear. Only when you choose "I am not a true soul" or "I am a survivor", they will fight with the two.


In addition, after the two of them investigate the body, they can obtain special props "parasitic specimens" through "welcome its influence".

Later to Xiong Chao.

[Remarks] The exploration of the bear nest can get the inspiration point of shadow.


The fork in the bear nest can find a magic box, jump to the back of the stone statue, and you can get prayers by detecting the judgment.

After getting prayer, let’s read it, and let Yingxin open to get the equipment "Moon Tears".

[Note] Take any items except the equipment will lead to a decline in the favorability of shadow heart.


In the depths of the nest, you can see a skeletal, injured bear, bear and bear eggs.

If animal conversation (or potion) is used, the dialogue can be triggered at the first discovery, and the battle is avoided through the DC10’s judgment (intimidation/lobby).

[Remarks] Avoiding the battle only once.


It is recommended to arrive at the position above, then use animals to talk, and then jump to get the equipment (don’t take the bear egg) before returning. Even if you trigger a dialogue, you can avoid fighting.


If you really want to fight, lead the bears to the label position below, and the shooting stone pillar can cause high damage.


Regional general view: infection village

Dyeing village

Red mark-area connection point

① The Bear Bear Nest Point

② Underground entrance (spider web)

③ Underground entrance (pharmacist cellar)

④ Underground entrance (dry well)

Blue mark-task-related

① Find a song of dark night (if not received in the forest land)

② Investigate the ruins (necromancer/light language weapon)

③ Rescue dwarf (windmill)

Green mark-event and NPC

① Heterogeneous mating

② Scratch (need animal dialogue)

③ Recruiting food demons


Line task: Search the cellar (1)

Search cellar

In the house northwest of the epidemic village, you can see the ground covered by the clue, and you can jump down after destroying the cobweb with flames.


"Gaoya drawing" can be found in the box area of the cellar area.


In addition, the relevant manufacturing instructions and partners’ special materials "Purgurm alloys" can be found.


Processing light language equipment requires the material "light-language bark". Please refer to the "dark area" part of this strategy.


Continue to search the cellar, and the wall surface of the picture below can continue to move.


The area next door is the nest of the phase spider. If you go to the cobweb, there will be a restraint judgment. Burning the cobweb can let the units on the spider web fall.


After completing the battle, search the upper layer and find some related literature.


Then go to the west of the area and see a large phase spider BOSS below.


There are spider eggs in the three directions in the figure below. It is recommended to burn them in advance to avoid the boss from summoning the little spider.


After killing the spider, you can get the special prop "dark amethyst" on the lower layer.


Line task: Search the cellar (2)

The other side of the cellar is at the counter of the pharmacist, and the key found in the ruins can be entered.


There are many alchemy materials and formulas in the cellar of the pharmacist.


Find the switch in the figure below to open the hidden channel.


Entering the hidden area, note that there is an enemy sneak attack in the coffin in the figure below, because it is recommended to shoot in advance.


The mirror found in the area needs to be answered by the information found in the pharmacist cellar, and then can enter the hidden workshop by judging.


You can find the door and some equipment in the workshop. The corresponding keys are as shown below.



It should be noted that do not touch the book first after opening the door. There is a pressure plate.


The locking books need to use the "dark amethyst" in the phase spider nest to be opened. Through multiple judgments (DC10 ~ DC15), you can obtain the northern knowledge.

Of course, you can also choose to destroy it, but it is not feasible whether it is finished or damaged at present.


Regional general view: the road to promotion

Road to promotion

Red mark-area connection point

① The basement of the toll collector

Blue mark-task-related

① Kakkak

② Carpick personal line

③ Looking for the lost goods

Green mark-event and NPC

① The key of the toll collector

② Uncomfortable wolf man


Line task: hunting the devil

Hunting devil

Several knights can be found in the area below, and they will not actively attack players.


Dialogue with their leader Anders can trigger the task. Their purpose, like Will, is a demon named "Karcker".


The mission reward is his giant sword, but if Kayak’s companion task has been triggered before, you will know that they are actually dressed by demons.


It is recommended to deal with the following formations.

A role in the upper left corner stands on the cabinet (jumping over the second floor). After using non-harmful spells such as greasy surgery facing the side door, the dwarf will go to the top of the building to check (benign bug, unable to reach the target).


After she left, she could directly collect the hardest knights. It was too late to wait for the dwarves to return.

Another elves used dark fog or silence to dry aside.


If you fail to kill the knight, you can also use the flames above to smash him.


Kill him to get the task reward he promised-justice.


In addition, after entering the cellar, you can open the door with the "key to the toll collector". There are more traps in it, but at least three people need to go in to lift the agency.

[Remarks] If you learn to become fog or become smaller, you can also find tunnel into the inner side in the area.


On the side of the area, let the two players sit on the chairs on both sides to complete the puzzle and get the items inside.

There are also traps on the ground after solving the puzzle.


Branch task: find the lost goods

Find the lost goods

This branch will be triggered after a cave near the northwest of the region. It is recommended to enter from the figure below (the arrow logo of the area of the area).

There is an organ in the position of the label below, and the boulder can basically kill the player.


After reaching the cave with jumping or flying, near the NPC trigger the plot.


It was learned that they were blocked by a group of wolves in the cave, and no matter which conversation they chose, they would enter the battle.

[Remarks] If you come from the front of the cave, you will directly touch the battle.


Even if the enemy is the first, you must ensure that a NPC is survived (unless you have a necromancer).

It is recommended to use flames or dark fog to block the entrance of the cave to concentrate the firepower to deal with the wolf people who rushed in.


After completing the battle, you can get some good equipment. After talking to Lugan, he can know that he is the "San Tarin Club".


After the dialogue, he can convince him to deduct the goods, or pry him out of his prying lock to get the special prop "iron bottle" inside.

[Remarks] Using props and judging the bottle can be opened, which is the powerful monster "Observer" that cannot be dealt with in the early stage.


Regional general view: Wojin dormant land

Walkin’s dormant land

Red mark-area connection point

① Sanatalin hiding point

② Gorgeous Monastery

Blue mark-task-related

① Fire rescue consultant

② Rescue people in the fire field

③ Dowry location

④ Geis Yanji Team


Side task: rescue the trapped person

Rescue the trap

After entering the hotel area, you will see a group of people trying to kick the door. It is the related trigger of the task "rescue the Duke of Gao".


Enter the second floor of the left house, you can learn the treasure position of the corpse through the necromancer dialogue.

Another label is the husband of the corpse who is calling for help.


It is recommended to use a long-range attack to destroy the wooden board (it will cause explosion), and then let people with higher power attributes go in to save people.

[Remarks] It is recommended to turn on the round mode after entering.


Trigger and judge him to rescue him.

It should be noted that even if he was rescued, he could not act for the time being, and he needed to treat him or directly with his strength.


He talked to him after rescue him, and he mentioned the reason why he quarreled with his wife-dowry.


You can learn through the necromancer dialogue and you can know that the dowry is hidden in the west of the hotel (below icon), and you can complete the task when you return and give it to him.


Branch task: rescue consultant

Rescue Gao Duke

The second phase of this task needs to be carried out after the main line is advanced to the "Moon Tower".

This task is related to the "Duke of Gao" of Will’s partner mission.

Trigger the task near the region, you can help the characters with higher strength to help, or you can also judge by yourself.


After breaking the door, walk directly in, and go to the outside room on the second floor to attack the wooden board to rescue people.


After returning to the outside, the dialogue was triggered and learned that a group of Duke took away their leader "Gao Duke".


And this "Duke of Gao" is also Will’s father, who must be accepted without saying.

《3》 ��

The task reward is one of the three-choice of lightning weapons.


Line task: San Talin hiding point/rescue artist

The hiding point of the Sanata Club

The front of this area is the task of promoting the road of promotion "to find the lost goods."

Entering the hut in the figure below, you can see someone hiding behind the shelves.


After triggering the dialogue, if any NPC was rescued before, you can get a password.

In addition, because the rescued people have returned first, we are naturally trusted.


After entering the cellar, find the hidden door on the inside.


The overall view of Sanatalin will hide points as follows:

① The branch mission "rescue artists".

② Important NPC holding the key.

③ Treasure chest area.


Let’s go all the way. If you have not fought, you can get the incentive points of Astai Lun.

The subsequent dialogue options need to be judged to save their lives. Choosing to kill the previously rescued NPC can also maintain a friendly state.


It is strongly recommended to steal the keys on the boss (if the unlocking tool is scarce), and open the treasure chest on the innermost side of the area to get the companion’s exclusive material "purgatory alloy" and a purple equipment.


In addition, the lower-level merchants (the one you can buy paintings) can also stole some blue equipment.


Next is the "rescue artist" in the regional branch task.

Talk to the businessman and choose to "buy a painting", you can talk to the artist.


After choosing to assist the artist, you can find a businessman to redeem the artist (the minimum of 600 is used).


After that, he would leave first, saying that he could find him at the door of Bade.

[Remarks] You can know some of his backgrounds through dialogue.


Regional General Examination: Tea Room on the River

Riverside tea room

Red mark-area connection point

① Ghost Po Nest

Blue mark-task-related

① Vampire Hunter

② Rescue Melina (trigger)

③ Ghost Po Treatment

④ Rescue Melina (resurrected husband)

⑤ Investigate Kaha

Green mark-event and NPC

① Transformed magic frog


Line task: Rescue Melena (1)

Rescue Melina

This task is the pre-task of "Finding Essels" in the main task "Finding Treatment".

The two who met the two who had a dialogue with the old woman (actually a crow ghost) at the fork. They could go to the ghost hut by determining that they could see the ghost-loving camouflage, and then passed through the camouflage area (need to pass the judgment).

In the dialogue, you can try to let the ghost mother treat our larvae, but the price is one eye

[Remarks] Let the treatment of ghosts greatly affect the attack judgment, it is recommended not to.


At the same time, she can also see the missing Meinna in the hut. After choosing to attack the ghost, she will sneak into the dense road in the fireplace to escape.

[Remarks] Don’t be in a hurry to catch up, explore in the room to get the keys of some scrolls and side doors, which is convenient for returning.


[Supplement] If we agree to let the ghosts make our eyes, you can know what kind of people who control the larvae in advance.

But in contrast, players will get a permanent Debuff, and they will not be able to obtain the "chairman’s righteous eyes" in the future.


Along the way, the dialogue was triggered by the invisible wall after passing through the area of several victims.

Regardless of whether to pass the judgment, players can move the perspective to the wall and choose to move directly through.

[Remarks] Several people who were curse by the ghosts need not be ignored, and they will be mentioned again.


Continue to move forward to encounter several controlled enemies, and they can get strange masks after killing them.

The mask has a special perception and night vision, but do not wear it when the ghost is still alive.


Continue to move forward. The organs in the figure below can allow one person to take antivirus elixir to remove the trap (ventilation port), or directly use jumping and feather to pass through the area.


Arriving at the old nest of the ghost, it will trigger the battle after approaching.

[Note] If you want to rescue Melina here, you must ensure that there is a water bottle or precipitation spell on his body (water bottle is shown "water" in the item bar.


After starting the battle, the ghosts will cast a few avatars to try to attack the player, and they can kill the avatar with one blow.

The ghost also threw the flame bomb at the cage of Meinna from time to time, and Melina died after the blood of the cage burned.

Throwing water bottles or precipitation can relieve the flame effect.


After killing the ghost, it is recommended to use the necromancer to ask her true intention from the ghost’s mouth, so that it is convenient to negotiate with Meinna.

[Remarks] Don’t forget that the deceased will not talk to the killer.


If the "non-fatal attack" is opened in the passive effect, she will have a chance to ask for mercy when the blood volume is close to 20%.

[Remarks] Asking for mercy will only trigger when it is her turn. When it is her turn, she will kill her even if she uses non-fatal attacks (although she will resurrect in the follow-up chapter like normal killing).


Line task: Rescue Melena (2)

Agree to let her let her leave, and can use judgment to rescue Melina.

[Remarks] Can’t get the items on the ghost and Melina’s pendant.


After that, the ghost-in-law will give us a beam of hair, and you can choose a main attribute +1.

In addition, as long as she got the "sorrow wand" in the house, Melina’s follow-up can still be triggered normally.


Use the switch on the side (yellow light) to rescue Melina.


After telling her the truth, she could get the item "Meinna’s Drinks".



Afterwards, I can continue to get a variety of items in the Ghost Word’s workshop.

There is also a bunch of potions specially made on the table on the right.


If you still want to trigger the follow-up of Meinna’s mission, you must bring the "worry wand" here.


Continue to go forward, you can see Meinna again after leaving the magic magic rod.


Talk to Melina, and chose to resurrect her husband after using a wand to resurrect, and then let her leave her husband to the door of Bude.


Later, he used the previously obtained side door keys to return to the ghost house, and once again entered the secret road to find those who were cursed to rescue them.



The picture below shows the map of the ghost area, which can go from the blue mark area to the "dark area" in the area.


It is worth mentioning that after killing the ghost, use the animal dialogue to find the "deformed frog" in the tea room area to get some rewards.


Regional Total Land: Earth Camping Land


Red mark-area connection point

①Donghong Monastery

② Entrance of the Camp beam

③ Camp door

Blue mark-task-related

① Rescue the bard poet

② Yingxin Personal Line

Green mark-event and NPC

① Little Bear

② Poisonous pan

③ Licking the ground essence

④ Sneak into the route (change the fog drilling hole)


Regional general view: dark area

7. Dark area

Regional overall

① The entrance of the ground camping (red), the entrance (yellow) of the Ghost Po area (yellow), and other regional exports (blue).

② Light-language bark.

③ The branch mission "Find the lost boots".

④ "Find Mushroom Hunter" by the branch mission.

⑤ The branch mission "cure poisoning dwarf".

⑥ branch mission "True Soul Nayle".

⑦ Exploring the location "Afa Gao Tower".

The main task "Investigate parasites".

⑨’s reward place.


Line task: the dark area entrance

About the entrance to various regions

The first is the entrance of the ground camping site. After entering, you need to pry the lock to open the door of the post.


There are two whistle towers at the door, causing lightning damage and can basically pass through.


If you don’t want to leave from the front, you can jump away from the west, but the powerful monster "Observer" in the early stage of the reward will use petrochemical skills.

[Remarks] The petrochemical Our that has been petrified can be lifted with petrochemical oil, but they are hostile (can also be used by observer).


The entrance to the Ghost Po area is more convenient, and the blue portal can be used to reach below.


If you walk from the bottom up, you need to pay attention to the illusion. The signs below are entities.


The last one is the exit to other areas. The road passing on the way has traps. If it is unlocked, it cannot climb normally.



Line task: Lost boots (1)

Find the lost boots

[Important] In this task, you can get the boots in this task to enter the "revenge furnace" with a friendly attitude.

Near the Harbor, the dialogue is triggered after the NPC near the figure below. You can use the identity of the true soul (fake) to find the fugitive for them.



When I met the king of the Cross Camp, I could enter the camp after judging the friendship.


Those who can see the gray dwarves looking near the king of the people (thin), if they have obtained special antidote before, they can be handed over to him.


After talking to the king of him, you can go to kill the dwarfs, or you can take the evil route to kill the people.


If you choose to kill the gray dwarf, you can find another king before leaving the camp and accompany him.


Line task: Lost boots (2)

After finding the gray dwarf and triggering the battle, it should be noted that they will summon the living dead, and it is recommended to start fighting above.


It is worth mentioning that the king (fat) after killing the gray dwarf will propose anti-water, go back to kill the king (thin), and let him go.

If you choose to disagree with him here, it will directly fight him, it is recommended to consume his blood in the previous gray dwarf battle.


After getting the antidote from the gray dwarf, the dwarf given to the cricket camp can know the hidden items and the boots found by the gray dwarf.


Return to the king’s place, complete the task to unlock the reward location (see the regional general view), and unlock the branch mission "True Soul Nayle".

《3》 ���

There is a corpse in the reward location that can use necromancer and find various items in it.


Line task: find mushroom hunters

Find mushroom hunter

You can find the NPC of selling materials on the west of the Renren Camp, and take the task of looking for her husband.


Go to the target location and you can see the green plants below on the way.

Because it will cause explosion and spray poison after approaching, attack from a fire from a distance can quickly eliminate the poisonous fog produced by the explosion.


The location of the figure below leads to the material "light-language bark", and going down is the task route.

[Remarks] It is strongly recommended to go without the scroll "fascination steps".


After approaching the mushroom hunter Baron, if there is a fascination scroll in the backpack, he can be given to him through the power judgment and let him escape.

《3》 ��

If not, you can only go to the location of the figure below to find the scroll (two in total), and he can also let him come out by himself. We can remotely treat him to prevent him from violent (enable the round mode).


Back to the Camp Camp, you can deliver the task and get equipment rewards.


Line task: light language bark

Get light language bark

When you go to the target location, you will encounter some monsters on the way.

It should be noted that there is a "flower of light language" in this area, which will be silent after approaching.


If you pull the lens, you can see the route leading to the light-language bark. You need to pay attention to the enemy on the trunk and right of the picture below.

After completing this task, you can return to the furnace of the cellar of the infected village, put the light-language bark into synthesis, and then select a whiteboard equipment on the dialogue on the character head to create a light-language dress.


Triggering event: Exploring the Olympic Tower

Olympic Tower

Pass through the arch in the southwest of the area to find the Olympic Tower.


After entering the area, it will be attacked by a defensive turret. The turret is basically only affected by lightning damage. Entering the round mode is used to get it with lightning spells.


After exploring around the tower, use mushrooms (left on the left side of the figure below) next to the stairs.

Although you can also pry up directly, you have to go down in the end.


In the nearly bottom position, the form can be transformed into the tower to open the door, or you can directly pry the lock.


You can see some documents in the tower. After reading, you can learn that the facilities in the tower use "light-language tree flowers" as the driver energy.


You can find a light-language tree flower near the bottom of the tower, and return it to the reaction furnace.


After the turret in the tower is closed, the elevator can be used.

One layer of upward, you must read various books in the tower when searching, and then use these knowledge.


[Remarks] Knowledge such as books can only be obtained by clicking, and usually do not need to be carried or all over.


To the top of the tower, if you have read the script in the tower, you can enter the line of the upper structure and cannot enter the battle.

There are five lines in total. The only thing that cannot be chosen is "the living everything has light". Choosing this will directly turn to hostile (whether or not he has line).


It is worth mentioning that when the above-mentioned lines are applied, the decorative experience will put a ring on the table next to it.

After wearing a ring, you can enter the bottom of the Olympic Tower (select "Go to the bottom" by the elevator).

[Remarks] If it is not for experience, there is no need to kill the body. It has only one key and a normal equipment on it.


You can obtain some rare materials in the area and some of the owners of the owner in front of the Austrian Tower.


Regional Total: The Furnace of Revenge

8. Revenge furnace

Regional overall

① Purgatory alloy acquisition.

② evidence of the harp alliance and the green leisure court.

③ The console to the fine gold furnace.

④ Secret silver material location.

⑤ The branch mission "fine gold furnace".

⑥ The branch mission "cursed monk".

⑦ The main task is "through the dark region".


Branch task: fine gold furnace (1)

Refined gold furnace

Find the gray dwarf who whipped some sheep-like creatures (Los Beast) in the vengeance furnace, triggering the dialogue after approaching,


You can learn through the dialogue that you can reach the golden melting furnace after the gravel.


If you carry explosives (the damage throwing object), explode the broken stone to enter.

You can also help the dwarf through animal dialogue to help the dwarf and help us remove the gravel.

[Remarks] Unless the escape route is taken, it will work with the gray dwarfs in the area when completing other branch lines in this area.


Walk along the road to reach the above road of the revenge furnace.

The location of the figure below should be noted that there are stone statue ghost traps on both ends of the bridge, which causes flame damage and has a knocking effect.

There are also a lot of traps along the road, but there is no need to go through the whole journey, just find the ladder down halfway down.


On the other hand, it is important to note that a variety of molds can be found near the revenge furnace and refined gold furnace to create fine gold equipment later.

The current known model has:

One-handed hammer, plate armor, scale armor, and machete (near the golden furnace transmission point);

Long sword (picture below, on the way to the furnace);

Shield (top floor of the residential area).


Continue to move forward, you can see that the connection road is separated, let the three wait here, and let the long-range displacement characters such as flying move around the road.


Starting from the fork of the stone statue ghost trap, passing through the horizontal section.


On the way, you can pass the "residential area", and you can also get the item "Map of the Moon".

Finally, the console in the figure below. If the character cannot use flight or displacement to the left area, you can only manipulate the agency to let the three characters on the right pass.

If you can reach it, first find the teleportation point over there and let other characters pass.

[Remarks] The lapse of the figure below is the plate mold, which is also a foothold of the displacement.


Line task: fine gold furnace (2)

If you come from the platform, the battle will be triggered at the position below (flying over).


The picture below shows the mysterious silver position required to create refined gold weapons.



The operation order of the furnace is as follows:

① Putting into the mold, changing the mold, you need to pull the handle.

② Put in the secret silver.

③ Pull the switch, giant machines will hammer a central platform once.


After the hammer is hit, the platform will be moved below, and manipulate the valve below to pour the magma.

[Note] The first time in the magma will trigger the BOSS war.


BOSS is only affected by blunt damage, and various damage is immune.

Because it will set the first character in the round to the object of hatred, it can be taken to the central platform.

Then pull the hammer switch to kill him.

[Note] The magma usually disappears within 3 ~ 5 rounds. After disappearing, the debuff on it disappears, and even if the blunt device is not harmful.

[Remarks] If you don’t use the hammer to kill it, you can achieve achievement.


After killing it, continue to make the process, pull the switch when poured into the magma, and the hammer can be forged once.

The refined gold series equipment has "double-hit (weapons)" and "will not be hit".

Usually it is recommended to fight against it, after all, you can get better weapons in the future.


Line task: cursed monk

Cursed monk

In the following figure of the fine gold furnace, you can see the ladder and treasure chest in the distance.

Because there are spacious magma in this area, it is recommended to use displacement spells or jump three times.

When you open the lock and open the box, you can get the amulet. When obtaining the amulet, you will trigger the plot and see a monk trapped in the amulet.


Through some DC10 judgments, you can calm the amulets, and you can learn that the monks want to return to the place called "Flying Longguan".


This branch cannot be completed in the first chapter, and the subsequent content will continue to be updated on this page.


This part is the subsequent mission of the second chapter.

After entering the third chapter of Li Wenton, he talked to Sisters of Yannis in the "Temple of Love" and learned that the monk’s daughter had passed away.


Go to the ground from the live board of the kitchen, find the granddaughter of the monk in the tomb, and then trigger the dialogue.


It turned out that the monk was laughed at, and we could rest in peace by being cursed for him.


It should be noted that after letting him possess his granddaughter, the amulet will lose the original effect.


Line task: True Soul Nayle

True Soul Nayle

The front conditions of this task are related to the "lost boots" in the dull region.

If some columns of king of the king are completed in the dark area, it will finally let us go to the furnace of revenge to kill the "True Soul Naya" and come back to the delivery with his head.


If you hold the boots found by the gray dwarfs, you can directly pass the inspection on the way to the vengeful furnace, and enter the revenge furnace area in a friendly form.


Finding the task area in the vengeance furnace, talking to the sergeant can be known to be trapped in the ruins.


If you hold a boot, you can choose to give her a mosquito leg reward, or hide and leave the boots.

[Remarks] If you choose to confront the gray dwarf, you will not give it the same.


Then talk to the slaves who are excavated, and you can know that there are some rune explosives hidden nearby, which can be used to break the stones.

Of course, if the items (or spells) with force field damage can also be attacked and destroyed the stone pile directly.

The scope of throwing objects is large. In order to ensure that it is not injured, it is recommended to choose the upper right corner of the stone pile.


There are four ways to complete this task:

① Rescue Naya, protect the slaves-the branch line "rescue Ulbren" continues and fights with the gray dwarf and Nayle.

② Rescue Naya, not to protect the slaves- "Rescue Ulbulon" failed and fought with the gray dwarf.

③ Rescue Naya, only protecting the ash dwarf- "delivery of Nayle’s head" failed and fighting with Nayle.

④ Regardless of Nayle, once in the camp-the gray dwarf and slave disappear (the fate of slave is unknown), you can complete the "hand to Narley’s head" and pick up his items.


If you want to take a route opposite to the gray dwarf, it is recommended to complete the following operation in advance:

① Use animals near the port and drive away the spiders by persuading.


② When completing the "fine gold furnace" of the branch line, the dwarves of the supervisor were killed.


③ Drain some gray dwarfs, including two corpses at the door of the kitchen (near the port). You can also get a ring.


The two gray dwarfs in the figure below suggest that you can get the hell iron first.


Regional general viewing: cover shadow battlefield

14. Follow the Shadow Battlefield

Regional overall

Red mark-entry and exit and main line

① Bridge of Levin Si Town

② Entrance of the Monastery Courtyard

③ The entrance to the furnace of revenge

④ Hotel survivor

⑤ Moon lift lights/acquisition points

Blue mark-branch task

① Investigate Selunne (the box on the second floor of the river)

② Punishment of evil

③ Capture and seek (dismiss the curse)

④ Roland location

⑤ Outside the fire handle


Line task: punish evil

Punish evil

On the northeast of the regional "shielding shadow battlefield", you can find the NPC that uses necrosis in the figure below.

After the dialogue, I agreed to punish evil and took this task to find documents in the winery in the small town of Rezaw.


After entering the winery, the plot triggered the plot near the obesity.

Dead Spirit will drink with players, and let us tell stories. You can pass the verification (DC15 charm), and the battle will be triggered without passing.


After completing the above-mentioned part, at the counter of the winery (the location of the obesity and dead spirit), use detecting the wooden boards on the ground. After opening, get the record and return.


Talk to the necromancer when holding a record. After choosing to punish it, you can get a reward.


Triggering event: extinguishing the fire handle

Extinguish the fire handle

You can see the area with several torches in the shadow battlefield. You can know the details through the dead dialogue or viewing the surrounding letters.


Trigger the battle after attacking the surrounding torch.


After killing the shadow that appears, get a reward.


Line task: save refugees

9. Final Light Hotel

Rescue the people

This task is a summary of "Rescue Ulbulon" and "Rescue Tifillin", and the two can be completed at the same time.

If the Druids were assisted in the first chapter, the incident "persuaded Roland to stay", and the dwarfs were protected in the dark region, and the two branches were completed in Chapter 2.

First found Roland in the hotel, he lost two friends and blame the player by monsters.


Then go to the tower of the month, and enter the dungeon from the right side of the Jiejin.


In the dungeon, you can see the closing refugees, and the Tifillin and the dwarves are separated.


Talk to the dwarves to give them the bluntware, let them break the wall and escape from the place.

Let them break the wall with a low efficiency, and it will directly alarm the entire prison. It is recommended to come back and come back.


The main map of the prison area is as follows (excluding the evacuation route), and the middle is the head of the prison, and there is only him.

If the wander in the team is more damaged, you can try to sneak directly and kill him, and get the box above the key (you can also pry the lock, have a eye).


It is recommended not to jump down. Below is the area of the corpse, and there is another entrance.

[Remarks] There is nothing to pick up below, there are only three fear of claws, the only entrance is on the fork of the evacuation route.


Finally, the fork leads to the evacuation point, from the picture below to walk all the way.


You can see the vessel for evacuation, and the passage can also lead to the broken wall of the two cells.


It is recommended to disperse the team. After turning on the round mode, the two walls are destroyed with a blunt device at the same time.

In addition, it should be noted that you need to destroy the iron chain (one left and right) tied to the boat in advance, destroy the iron chain and then break the wall, and directly wait for the teammates to come over to interact with the boat to evacuate.

In addition, once the prisoner is rescued, the units in the prison will turn in hostility whether they are seen or not.

If the movement is slightly slower when the evacuation, the refugees will be chased and dragged into the battle. If you want to play some flowers, you can also steal the key to sneak, steal the key of the guard and the chief of the prison.


After returning to the hotel, you can get a reward to find a dwarf, but Roland is currently not in the tavern.


The position of Roland is shown in the figure below, the pitch fork road next to the bridge is requisitioned.


After approaching, the battle will be triggered. After completing the battle, he will also express his dissatisfaction, but he will still return to the hotel.

Back to the hotel to see that they can get a reward.

[Remarks] This part of the plot will not change before rescue Timlin.


Branch task: Wake up Alder Kura (1)

Awakening Alder Kulala

On the north of the first floor of the hotel, you can see a fist lying on the bed.


After approaching, the dialogue learned that he was influenced by the shadow, and it was difficult to restore his mind.

After getting the letter, you can go to other areas to find clues.

[Remarks] The next part is coincided with the branch line "Arabel’s Parents".


If you have not stood on the sperm side on the first chapter, or the refugees have escaped from the Druid camp, they can meet children named "Arabel" in the treatment center.

[Remarks] At the entrance of the northwest side of the treatment center.


After completing the dialogue, he can let him go to the camp first, and then continue to explore.


The picture below is the second floor of the treatment center. You can climb up from the outer eaves. The position of the icon below is found from the inside (near the central area of the central area).



If you enter the gate of the treatment center, you will meet the nurse and you can go directly through the charm judgment.

[Remarks] Even if you do not pass the judgment, you can go in directly.


Arabel’s parents were in the next room, but they were dead at this time.

You can buy some senior poison with the nurse, and you can get some intelligence (although it is not useful) to use the necromancer at Rocky (father).


After returning to the camp, he can talk to Arabel, but he is unwilling to believe the fact that his parents are dead anyway.

Then go back to the "awakening Ald" part.


Line task: Wake up Alder Kura (2)

After the central area near the treatment center, the plot will be triggered.


Men named "Marus Somme" are performing a killing called surgery with his "nurse".


You can choose to fight directly or deceive them by judging (DC15 ~ DC19).

After cheating them, they can also use the charm of DC21 to make them use their bodies to "show the surgical process" and directly win.

[Remarks] Fighting with Marus, there is still a achievement in stopping him in the battle.


You can return to the hotel after getting "Shao Rutin" on Maruus’s body, and the key can open the upper door (although you can also go directly from the outside).


Back to the hotel, interact with Alt and use Outqin to wake him up.

According to him, he needs to find Druid named Halxin, and only in this way can he save the local curse.

Halxin is naturally the first chapter of Greater Druid.


Line task: the curse of the shadow to remove the shadow

The curse of the shadow

This branch mission is connected after "Waking up Alt Cura".

After talking to Halxin at the camp, he returned to the hotel and found Alde.


After the dialogue, Halxin will take us to the river and need to keep the portal in 3 rounds.

It is strongly recommended that you come back after obtaining the "Loshan Blood", and the number of shadows is large.


Then talk to Halxin. If the "catch and seek" incident on the battlefield before, he can tell him the child we encounter.


After finding the child again, the conversation will be transmitted away.

Regarding the "Hidden and Hidden" incident, the conversation after the child starts the game, two stages (recommended to enter the area alone):

① Use the detection stealth and find him near the car near the entrance.

② Use stealth potion to avoid shadows and talk to him in the house (reward ring).


After entering the battle, kill the shadow and break his protective cover. After the conversation, return to the camp to find Halxin.

[Remarks] If the dialogue is not updated, you can complete other tasks first, and you can complete it before leaving the second chapter.


Regional General Examination: Leswen Town

15. Lei Siwen Town

Red mark-area entrance

① Tomb entrance

② Listing room, Murloc Wharf

③ Feilongguan (direction of the door of Bude)

Blue mark-task and event

① The basement of the mudwater gangsters (Selunne)

② Winery account book (the ground next to the counter)

③ Wall cracks (beams above the first layer of the moon out of the tower)

④ Moon out of the tower dungeon (rescue Tifillin/dwarf)

⑤ Ratqin (awakened Alde)

⑥ Arabel

⑦ Golden people in taxation

⑧ Dog head all ally (one floor, cut off perception)

Pharmaceutical exchange (attribute growth, dog leader next door)


Line task: Carenie’s resistance forces

Investigating Sellennie’s resistance forces

When investigating the ruins of craftsmen in the shadow battlefield, you can receive this task (see the general location of the "Shadow Battlefield" in the specific location).

Tong Yingxin went to the mudsmith guild in the small town of Rezow, found the hidden door in the picture below and entered the basement.


In addition to the secret door, there is another entrance, the lifting ladder on the second floor.


Find the control rod on the wall in the basement to open the door, and read the books on the script in the area to complete a part.


The other part is in the north ruins of the Light Hotel, from the position below.


After entering the area, there will be a group of "scared", which will cause "frightening" state to pay attention.

After killing the enemy, you can get an item that gets to the mark.


In addition, this area is connected to the underground prison of the hotel. If you are unfortunately arrested when you first enter the hotel, you can also escape without blood.


The picture below is the entrance to the prisoner.


When exploring in the area, the box is also worth the "flash ring".

It can be matched with another ring to cause additional damage to the unit under the light source.


Triggering event: winery poison, mortar room, Murloc Bay

Liquor poison

After killing the wine guarantee in the winery, he got the key from him.


After entering the basement, investigating and studying notes can unlock the new poison formula.


You can know the specific location of the material after a DC18 perception.


It doesn’t matter if it is not passed. The location is fixed.


After getting the material, you can make special poison.


Live and Mermaid Wharf

You can see a group of shadows on the west of the small town of Reiswen. After killing them, you can enter the region to "mortar".


The curse inside is more powerful. You need to use the blessing of fairy or take out the moonlight.


After continuing to move forward, they encountered a zombie, and each zombie had a trap, and the poisonous gas dissipated after lifting.


Pull down the leisure in the room on the inside, and then find the gate in the middle of the channel. Pull down another lever to open the door.



You can reach the Mermaid terminal all the way out of the door. They are all invisible and need to pay attention.

In addition, there is nothing good about toxicity along the way, and there is no good thing, you can do it without going.


Triggering event: taxation office, the temple of Shar

The golden man who is collected

Near the taxation office, you can find several floating heads below.


They are controlled by the golden people within the taxation office, and the conversation can trigger the dialogue.


During the dialogue, the golden people will ask us for gold coins, 100 at a time without the upper limit.

Use dialogue to make it a Buddha on the spot (not), and if you fail, you will enter the battle.

[Remarks] The skull can be cleaned quickly with the priest’s necromancer.


After finishing it, pick up the keys on the golden man, and open the door next to it to get some equipment.

Destroy wooden boards can also jump down, there are two boxes below.


Near the center of the town, you can see the huge statue in the picture below.

There are some enemies around you, and you can investigate after solving.


After finding the hidden door, investigate the seal stereotypes around in the order of counterclockwise to open the hidden door.


Below is the Temple of the Goddess of Shar. To investigate the statue and get the corresponding judgment of the DC14 to obtain the long break buff with attribute +5.


After completing the verification of the three statues, the inner door was opened, and it was Shar’s altar and ritual knife.

To investigate the altar and complete the ceremony, you can get some consumables.


If you choose to take the knife, the hidden guard will jump out to fight.

The attributes of the guards are as follows, with a total of three, with reinforcements with corresponding attributes.

[Remarks] The purification of the priests of undead creatures can be solved quickly.


Regional general view: Geis Yanji Nurtarians

10. Geis Yanji Nurtar

Regional overall

Red mark-area entrance

① The underground entrance of the monastery

② Entrance of the cliff

③ Luoshan Dami Room

Blue mark-task-related

① Geis Yanji therapy room

② a century-old office area

③ Where the judge is located and the prism entrance

④ The history of Orevus

Green mark-event

① The Eggs of the Gis Yanji

② Painting the statue of the Queen

③ Inquire about the judge


Regional general view: Georai Monastery Courtyard (internal)

11. Gorgeous Monastery (internal)

Regional overall

Red mark-monastery, the entrance to the raising room

① The vines next to the transmission point, after climbing up, destroy the wooden board (Little Dharma Nest)

② Outside the gate, there is a vine on the second floor after climbing the wooden box on the left

③ The cliff route, there is a downward vine on the way (the exit of the cliff in the breeding room)

④ Mountain Cliff route

Blue mark-task, location

① Luoshan Daza Ceremony Related

② Linking to the dog head nest (jumping to the northwest highland)


Line task: Luoshan Da’s blood

Luoshan Da’s blood

On the second floor of the Monuada Monastery, you can see the ceremony below.

The corresponding types of weapons need to be placed on the four stone tables, the correct weapons will shine, and the errors will be damaged by 5 points, and the characters will be forced to fall.

If there are corresponding weapons types on the body, just place it.

One has been placed in the default. The three weapons required are "war hammers", "nail head hammer", "long sword", and "Tomahawk". The glass on the ground can also be prompted.


If you do not carry the corresponding weapon, it is also possible to press the normal preparation ceremony of the route below.

In the figure below, the left side of the vine climb up to be the eagle nest, and the door on the right is a guard place.


The weapon in the eagle nest is "ritual war hammer", and there are three routes to reach.

① It is the vine mentioned earlier

② After entering the door on the left side of the figure below to defeat a group of small law monsters and jump up from a room.

③ Broken wooden boards below, and you can see the vines when you turn around.


The weapon of the guard place is "Tomahawk", and there are also three routes.

① The door mentioned earlier, the guard will attack the player directly after opening the door.

② The route below is turned out of the window from the ritual location on the right.


③ Broken the marked wall surface.


The third weapon "rust nail hammer" is in the tomb of the master in the distance, and shovel needs to be used.


The wall on the side will be opened after the neat side will be opened, and the mark of Luoshanda will be obtained in it.


Then go to the nurturing room and find a hidden passage on the left side of the judge’s room.

Just adjust the direction of the statue as follows.


Then you need to pass through a passage, the energy source of the trap and destroying the light curtain.

The position of the energy source is shown below.


Finally, you can get the imprint into the groove to get the equipment "Luo Shan Da", which is very easy to use when dealing with immortal creatures.

[Note] The scope of the range of this equipment may trigger the hostility of some neutral units. The most typical is the "treatment center", the nurse next to the body of Arabel’s parents.


You can also take the blood of Loshan Da without using the mark, but you need to remove the four surrounding energy tower around the number of rounds.


Regional general view: Georai Monastery (external)


Regional overall

Red mark-area entrance

① The entrance of the ground camping ground (fork road on the left side of the entrance)

② Get the shadow battlefield entrance

③ Entrance entrance

Blue mark-event and place

① Direct cable car (strength DC)

② Bird’s Nest (small key)

③ trap area

④ necromancer


Regional Overall: Sar’s trial

13. Sar’s trial

Regional overall

① Barcelona

② Demon Yoge

③ Trial entrance fork (jump mushroom)

④ Broken mirror (collecting debris and literature)

⑤ Rat nest (evil magic array)


Line task: Raphael’s enemies

Raphael’s enemy

This task triggered the task when the Town of Reiswen was close to the tomb.

Raphael appeared and hoped that we would kill a demon in the tomb.

[Remarks] This plot is also related to Asdon’s companion plot.


In Shar’s trial, the route that can see the "shift beast" leads to the demon.


After entering the area, the dialogue will be triggered. If you do not want to fight, you can convince it.

[Remarks] Stealing things before triggering the dialogue will enter the battle directly.


You can directly empty the area through the form of a dialogue, and the order is "Suspicious Contracts → Except the follower → remove yourself."

[Remarks] These options only appear during the first trigger dialogue. If you choose to assist in the investigation, you can only get it through the battle.


Don’t think about the counter-beast, it is loyal even if the spider meat is charm.


You can get a rare crossbow from Ug, and the gemstone required by the main line can be found near its seat (if you don’t steal it if you don’t make a branch).


Triggering event: Rat group, Shar Endi


In the regional "Sar’s Trial", many mice can be found. Their conversations are basically the same. During any one of them will cause them to be hostile.


From the location below, you find the altar at the mark of FIG. 2 and learn that it is the product of the devil ritual.



Choose to let it go in the dialogue to know the two hidden treasures (but there are not many things).


In addition, finding the altar surrounded by mice in the area can get Shar’s blessing (the effect is shown in the figure).

[Remarks] This blessing will cover the existing elixir effect.


Triggering event: The Tower of the Monthly Out of the Monthly

Barcelona’s secret room

On the second floor of the tower of the month, you can find the room of Barcelona (the alarm will not be triggered).

There are some switches on the bookshelf in the figure below, but they are all obstacles and cause damage.


Take the "heart" on the table and put it in the altar next to the bookshelf to open the secret room.

There are some research on moonlight lamps, and some collections of Barcelona.


Survey suspicious sound

On the first floor of the tower of the moon, the dialogue of the food in the right room on the right room learned that there was a strange voice in the tower.

Find a ladder from the first floor to climb up, and investigate the wall seam of the icon below to trigger the plot.


Just by judging the shot as soon as possible, the unsuccessful to take off will be transferred to the prisoner of the main brain nest (connecting the moon out of the tower prisoner to escape the route).


Assist in research

On the first layer of the tower of the month, find the NPC of the icon below to start the conversation.

According to the role of the dialogue, you can get a bottle of special potion (permanently enhanced attribute) after contributing blood.


Regional general view: seizing the nest of the heart

16. Getting the Magic Nest Point

① lead to BOSS battle

② Incubation area, rescue the Duke Guard and Saifeluo

③ Cultivation area, Will mission

④ The Barcelona Research Zone, seizing the magic stone monument

⑤ Soul maid

⑥ Prisoner, connect the moonlight tower dungeon


Line task: Mizola’s property

Mizola’s property

Take Well to the tower of the month in the main line process, and you can take this task before the entrance.


Through negotiations, Mizola promised to "reduce" Verr.


After that, in the second half of the second chapter, Mizola’s property was found in the main brain nest point -Mizola himself (or the monster).


After the investigation agency, choose to release her out.


Regional Total Observatory: Levonton

17. Liwenton and Flying Dragon Fortress

Regional overall

Red mark-area connection point

① Under the temple

② Fireworks bear basement and material location

③ Bulk Tibetan

④ water well entrance

⑤ Fortress prison

⑥ Hidden in the harpist

Blue mark-task-related

① Fireworks Bear

② Temple murder case

③ Looking for "Library"

④ Find a clown

⑤ Find a pigeon

⑥ Asdon Personal Line

⑦ Shadow Personal Line

⑧ Will Personal Line

Laezel Personal Line (Raphael)

Green mark-event and NPC

① Freshmen seize the demon

② The legendary item of Qi Giant Spirit

③ Little businessman

④ Olympic

⑤ trap area

⑥ Nine-finger Trade Union and Stone Lord

Nabel’s performance


Line task: The revenge of the iron hand dwarf

Revenge for iron hand dwarf

After entering the cave from the northwest of Levinton, triggering this task needs to meet the following conditions:

① The first chapter helps the dwarf and the king of the people in the "dark region".

② Chapter 1, confront and protect the dwarf in the "Revenge Furnace".

③ Chapter 2, rescue the dwarf at the bottom cell of the "Moon Tower".


You can buy "flash bombs" dedicated to steel guards at the hidden store.


Talk to the boss of the iron hand, and he hoped that we sneaked into the steel guard’s workshop and detonated it.


You can choose to suspend the damage and try how to blast. You can still get explosives.


Pull the lever next to the basement ladder to unlock the entrance, and you can spread it from the Levon bowls above above.

The subsequent tasks need to be advanced after entering the city.


Line task: The revenge of the iron hand dwarf (2)

After entering Xiacheng District, if you assist the king in the dark area of Chapter 1, you can find the assistant to seize the demon in the light.


He will provide some new products and tell us that he has disappeared.

[Remarks] This branch line with the sub-lines of the Steel Guardian Workshop can be completed at the same time.


In addition, you can also go to the "House of Water Queen" south of the workshop to participate in the funeral and understand the dead members.


After the dialogue, you can take the task to find the "giant beast" in their mouths.


There are three ways to sneak into the workshop:

① Jump into the area from the south shore and find a door to unlock it (easy to be discovered by the guards).

② Large swinging all the way into the room with knocking (just avoid the guards).

③ The location of the figure below, change the fog into, it is recommended to open the round mode.


After entering, you can see two enemies, you can ignore them directly from the top.

Internal NPCs are not hostile.


After being close to the crowd, the plot was triggered. It turned out that Gentle believers were also worked by Gossh with hostages and stayed up.


In addition, the collar they wear will be controlled by the supervision crystal.

[Remarks] Once fighting, the crystals in the hands of the supervisors need to be paid attention to, which will cause prisoners to die after triggering.


After that, you can get a crystal through the verification and walk around at will.


After obtaining the relevant information of the hostages inside, you can go to the ground to find out intelligence.

It should be noted that the underground is the restricted area. After being discovered, it will cause fighting, resulting in the context of steel guards in the city.


There are two ways to go down. One is to take the elevator (there are anti-hidden, not recommended).


If you just want to complete the dwarf’s blasting task, you can kill them directly all the way to place the bomb.

Keep the control panel. Titan will drop the legendary long bow.


Line task: The revenge of the iron hand dwarf (3)

If you choose to help believers, you need to leave the workshop and unlock the other side of the port to enter the "Flem Freight".

After cleaning up the enemy, move the box and enter the lower layer from the living door.


When he encountered a red hammer at the lower level, the submarine he made is actually a "giant beast."

Choosing to take him away can complete some tasks, but he cannot go to prison.


Temporarily let go of the red hammer to go to the iron throne prison, and will receive a communication from Getash on the way.

【Important Branch Note】

① Once you choose to break into prison, Gotash’s related forces will directly hostile with players.

② If Gotash is killed before triging the task, the red hammer will leave the submarine directly and cannot go to prison.


After entering the prison, you can hear the call of Omeren (the dark area seizing the demon), and learned that the Duke Gao was also detained here.


The limited time in this area is 6 rounds, it is recommended that all members drink the speed of speed.

The control rod next to the door can open the door to save people. The murder is not high.


The figure below is the prison map and related personnel position:

① hostage (except beside the stairs)

② Duke of Gao

③ Ceremony

④ Some treasure chests


After successfully saving people to leave, it will be surrounded by the trendy forces when they go ashore, letting us hand over red hammer.


Surprising the red hammer can avoid fighting and get a piece of equipment.

[Remarks] If you choose to fight, the "non-fatal attack" will cause the red hammer to "be taken away" and will also be hostile to the tide forces.


Line task: The revenge of the iron hand dwarf (4)

This task is also associated with Will’s partner tasks. The branch is manifested in the following two ways:

① After participating in the award ceremony, enter the steel throne without a long break (see Mizola).

② After participating in the award ceremony, I saw Mizora in a long break and let Will accept her proposal.


Mizola’s proposal was "keeping the duke’s life, but Will’s soul belongs to her."


If you choose to rescue the Duke of Gao, he will be alive when he enters the Steel Throne (can be rescued).

Conversely, after refusal, he could only take away his body and could not be resurrected.

[Remarks] It is worth mentioning that after taking away the corpse of the Duke Gao, you can also ask some relevant information with necromancer.


If Duke Gao can survive, players can let the monarchs "by the way" to protect him by dialogue, so that he can join the camp and understand the "another way" of the crisis.


In addition, he will reach a reconciliation with Will to assist us in the final battle.


After promising Mizola’s proposal, she would also stay in the camp. After choosing "need to be rewarded", she would help her to assist us in the final battle by judging.


To sum up, the author’s recommendation of this task is as follows:

①Suy Dark Land Assisting the King of Renren

② The vengeful furnace saves dwarf

③ Levinton found the dwarf connection task

④ Participate in the ceremony

⑤ Talk to the bridge head with Mizola

⑥ Check the hostage

Red Hammer and Queen of Water Election (Do not participate in the funeral when choosing red hammers)

Bian into the steel throne and bring back the corpse of the Duke (more convenient than let him run by himself)

I promised Mizola’s proposal after the long break

Complete the subsequent dwarf, red hammer or water queen branch line.

Interestingly, after getting the corpse of the Duke of Gao, Mizola resurrected him. The main line of "convening allies" in the main line showed that the Gao Duke, who was hovering on the edge of life and death.


Branch task: investigation murder (1)

Investigation Murder

After entering Lvyon’s "Temple of Love", he found Sisters Sisters to trigger this task after talking with Detective.

The goal is to seek the truth of Father Rogan.


Finding Father Rogan’s body in the medical room on the side, using necromancer to learn that there is a secret path below the temple.


On the other hand, some information can be obtained in the dormitory to investigate the box of the priest.


Go to the cemetery behind the temple and dig out Britig’s body to get information with dead spiritual techniques.


After that, I found the living goal door down in the temple kitchen.


There are two ways to enter the secret road. One is to press the carved switch on the wall (one on the left and right).


The second is to jump from the gap.


After that, fighting with the deformation monster, obviously this matter could not be removed.

[Remarks] In the corpse on the ground, you can find "Clown’s torso" and "Carved Key 10".


Use the "Carving Key 10" to open the bookcase on the top floor of the "Fredig Guest" and find evidence on the table.

[Remarks] This part has reconciled to each other with the branch task "Find Library".


Go to "Xia Ruis’s caress", find Feixiang detective on the second floor and put on evidence to complete the task.

Feixiang proposed to let us go to the city to find his assistant and give us a pass.


Branch task: investigation murder (2)

In Xiacheng District of Bude Gate, after heading to the "Elf Restaurant", he found a chef Rowil in the kitchen.


After the dialogue, he could pay attention to the person who intended to murder him, and he could also receive the branch mission to "clean up the mouse".


You can see the mouse group along the stairs. The amount of blood of the mouse is only 1 point, and the scope can be done.

After killing the mouse group, you can pick up the ring on the ground.


This task can also be brought with the "old hiding point of the monarch" to complete the branch line. By the way, mention it.

Press the button in the room in the gap below to open the dark door.


After entering the lobby, the plot will be triggered and fights with the Geis Yanji judge who just found here.


It should be noted that the "door owner" of the two portal door will summon a new enemy every round.


Then press the button next to the internal statue to enter the hiding point to understand some of the history of the monarch and get equipment.


In Xiacheng District, following the list we got before, you can find Frank’s remains, which requires breaking the door.


You can also find some files on the side.

[Remarks] There is usually an email on the wall of the house of the door of Bude. It is recommended to see more. Generally, there are some clues of some homeowners.


Using necrosis can obtain some characteristics of the murderer.


After finding Koala at the red wine party in Xiacheng District, it is recommended to try to take a break before 2 to 3.


Through medicine, you can go directly to the battle after you know that you are toxic in the wine, and you will directly enter the battle after frustrating the red dwarf.


The enemy has several deformation monsters to help. After killing him, he can get the broken hands of several victims.

After that, you can report to the security officer assistant, or you can use these broken hands to enter Balt’s Temple.


Line task: Ruling

Balta rally

This task is connected after the branch task "investigating the murder".

If the player does not complete the task, he needs to choose one to kill from the murder list and take away his/her palm.


Enter the tombstone store, take the paintings on the wall below and press the switch.


Enter the underground area, just walk along the torch, there is an explosion trap below.


Talk to guards at the entrance. If you do not carry the victim’s palm, you can only offer "some of the other" to enter.

The guards will disappear after completing the process in the palace.


Enter the palace and see Barl’s loyal believers -Salo Foch.

You can learn about some history about Balt believers through dialogue, and you can also know that Olympic is actually his granddaughter.


If you choose to accept judgment, Salohak will choose a palm to use necrosis. If this person is not killed by the player, you need to pass the deception judgment to complete the judgment process.


It is a relatively good battle time when judging, which allows teammates to move to the left and right highlands before the dialogue.

The attributes of Salohach are as follows. Before killing him, the followers will give him gain, and you need to pay attention.


After killing him, you can get some equipment, and you can also get the items needed to enter the Balt Temple.

After that, other processes in the palace can be completed normally.


After being judged to the side hall, Salo Faque will allow players to kill the flying elephant detectives that they met before, and rebirth as a blasphemy assassin.

This is the time to choose the battle branch, but there are many enemies around, so it is recommended that you get it in the previous dialogue.


After completing the battle or killing Salohak in the main hall, you can also go to the side hall to rescue the flying elephant detective.

He will expressed gratitude to us, and the city guards will assist us in the final battle since then.

[Remarks] After completing the "Investigation Murder", you can also find an iron hand on the second floor of the Elf Restaurant (if this process is not completed in the branch line), you can trigger what the flying elephant detective said "Tell Xiacheng District to tell the city district to tell the district of Xiacheng District"Iron Hand".


Line task: Suspicious toys (1)

Suspicious toys

After entering Levonton, you can see a craftsman quarrel with refugees.

It is recommended to solve the craftsman first, and give refugees to small money is a simple way to lose the favorability.

[Remarks] You can also "talk to the person in charge" first to enter the first half of the house to complete the task.


After getting the key on the second floor, open the dark door under the large room table on the first floor and enter the basement.


There are countless basement traps, and it is strongly recommended to directly reach the other side with the portal or flight.


After getting the evidence on the table and the box, return and confront the craftsman.


After all, we have no evidence now, and he naturally has no fear.

Go to the nearby material camp and talk to the captain after talking and enter inside to find it.


After passing the inspection near the board box, the investigation can be completed by lift the trap.

[Remarks] The trigger of the verification is slightly strict, and the big bang will be triggered before the traps.


Back to the artisan again, the conversation learned that the craftsman was also threatened.

After that, the task needs to enter the city before it can be completed.


Line task: Suspicious toys (2)

After entering Xiacheng District, follow the guidelines to the fireworks shop. The dialogue can be triggered at the boss and obtained a permission to the second floor.


The second floor can also sell some strange stuff. If you want to go to the third floor, you can only be invisible or hard.


The picture below is the basement of the fireworks shop, and the key is on the boss.


Open the box beside the wall and pull the control lever to get a lot of tobacco buckets.


There are three entrances on the third floor.

One is the top of the building in the figure below, and the other is to fly up from the outside door on the second floor, and the third is to break directly.


The NPC of the entire building after the battle will turn to hostile, and the task can be completed after completing the battle.

[Remarks] Close the doors and windows before starting to avoid being seen by the patrol.


Line task: Find a clown Deri Person (1)

Looking for clown Derbes

Before entering Lvyon’s circus, there will be a simple test (or bribe) before entering.

Before triggering the task, it is recommended to talk to the merchants in the circus, and some shops will close after triggering the task.


The stone ghost couples sell some "stone" related items and spells, and can also build a protagonist stone carving in the camp.


The displacement beast will break the cage. After talking with animals, the lock can be destroyed to avoid future battles.


"Dahong" is through animal dialogue, giving it food to avoid fighting.

In addition, you can also carry a high-profile partner to trigger the dialogue in the tree essence, and use the verification to purchase mummy products.


After that, the clown that performed on the stage will enter the battle anyway.

Except for the two monsters that are locked up by the cage, there are only four enemies, which will not be explained here.


Then talk to the head of Lukeshus, she will let us help her find the missing clown.


Of course, Duribos, kidnapped by cults, is naturally dead, and the "clown torso" can be found in the underground passage of the temple.


The merchants in the circus can stole the "clown broken hands" directly.

The subsequent tasks need to be completed in the city.


Line task: Find a clown Deri Person (2)

Clown Derritas (supplementary part)

From the "Balt Temple" transmission point of the sewer, it was triggered to find the clown’s head in a pile of corpses.


A copy of the "Rain Forest House" in Xiacheng District.



The same is the basement of the "Lavelyka House" in the upper right of the "Rain Forest House".



The basement of Limu House.



In the house near the door of the petrochemical lizard.


The figure below is a map guidelines (red dot position) except Lavinton.



After finding all the broken limbs, let the characters who were initially accepted by the task can be used to return to the circus dialogue with all the broken limbs.

[Remarks] The reward equipment can be stolen directly from the NPC.


Line task: Find a letter of loss

Looking for the loss of letters

Enter the "Sword Bay Messenger Association" in Levinton, and after the dialogue, he took the task of looking for pigeons.


Go out of the side door of the "Love Temple" and climb the roof with the vine below.


You can find a letter in the picture below the roof, and you can get another letter in the central wing cat’s nest.

You can get the cat to get an extra ring.


After returning to the delivery letter, even if he opened the letter and threatened him, he could only get additional 300 money.

[Remarks] There is a pass to enter the Flying Dragon Fortress behind the president.


In addition, if you pass the animal dialogue in the first chapter, "scratch" is brought back to the camp, and a small event can be triggered outside the house.

It is affirmed to drive the wicked away, and it will continue to stay in the camp.


There is a spare key in the corner behind the Meeting Guild. Use it to reach the top door from the side door to view various documents and letters.


Branch task: Assist underground forces (1)

Assist underground forces

Triggered from the southwest beach of Lvavaton, it will pass a trap area.

It is necessary to use the DC30 to decide on the ventilation port, and there are many explosive traps on the ground. It is recommended to fly directly.


When you arrive at the entrance of the cave, you will encounter the lord of the Stone. Anyway, you ca n’t say anything, just ignore him.

There are also some traps in the cave, you need to pay attention.


After passing through the cave, I encountered a stone lord and a nine-finger man. You must choose to stand in a team (otherwise to deal with the forces of the two parties).

[Remarks] The nine fingers are the local forces of the door of Bude. They can basically be regarded as the "Thieves Guild". The lord of the stone is the emerging forces that believe in the true God. The goal is to replace the nine fingers.


After completing the battle, you can find a log and two larvae on the boat of the Stone Lord.


After lift the box trap in the cave, you can also get equipment, and you can find some files in the cave.

The mission then needs to be advanced after entering the city.

[Remarks] You can also hear some rumors next to the back door of "Xia Ruis’s caress".


Branch task: Assist underground forces (2)

Later, unlocked from the small park in the north of the "Iron Guard Casting Plant" to enter the "restricted area", you can directly reach Minsk’s location without going to the sewer to find.


After entering the restricted area (gardener basement), step on the switch on the left and right sides of the room to open the secret road. After entering, it will trigger the plot.


It was learned that San Talle would betray the nine fingers, rely on the true god forces and prepare to attack them.


In the plot, you can avoid the perception of DC25’s perception test, and you can prepare a sneak attack.

[Remarks] Don’t forget to sneak and avoid the enemy who come to patrol first.


The attributes of Minsk are as follows. It is recommended to start "non-fatal attack" to avoid killing him. After all, we can use the power of the relics to protect him.

[Remarks] In case, there are still players who do not know that in most cases, only weapons and bare-hands can trigger this effect, and spells and drama will still be fatal.


After completing the battle, persuade the monarch to include Minsk into Majesty through the verification.

[Remarks] Some theft funds of Qingxuan House can be found from the San Talle leader for completing the branch task over there.


After finding his "partner" with Minsk, he can let him accompany.

He and Jahila will assist us in the final battle and find him in the camp.


In addition, the interaction of the switch in the dense room and the below symbol can go to the sewer.


Conversely, if you enter from the sewer instead of gardener basement, you need to control the valve switch below.

The four switches from left to right are "water release", "water valve", "steam valve" and "emergency switch".

After turning on the valve, the valve will get the "full load" buff. Because the steam valve is full of fast load, the opening time of the two valves can be done.

[Remarks] If not, you can also try to stop using emergency stopping to maintain the "perfect level", but it is more convenient to walk from the basement of the gardener.


After learning the rebellion of Santarin’s hiding place, returning to the nine fingers can trigger the plot battle.


The attacking San Tower is killed to complete the "assistance underground forces" by the branch line.

Since then, the nine fingers and her subordinates will also assist us in the final battle.


Line task: Find “Library”

Looking for "Library"

After entering "Xia Ruisi’s caress", he talked with his mother Sang and learned that a first card was missing.


Go to the guest house, open the box on the second floor, and get the letter.


After climbing the ladder to the attic, you can open the wardrobe to enter the compartment with "Flower Type 10".

[Remarks] For the acquisition of the key, please refer to the line of this strategy "Looking for Clown Derbes".



After reading the information, pick up the "blood-stained sheepskin paper" and get the way to enter the Balt Temple.

[Remarks] This article is also one of the important props for the "investigation murder" of the branch mission.


After the bed near the back room, I found the body and found the body of the bed and found Fei Yan.

You can use the necromancer to learn that her son can kill her in order to enter the Balt Temple, and he can also know his next goal.

After that, the task needs to enter the city before it can be completed.


Branch task: High -level harmonicaist (1)

High-level harmonica

The weapon shop "Danserlon’s Ax" before entering the Flying Dragon Fortress can trigger the task after talking to the manager.

The necessary conditions for this task are as follows:

① Chapter 2, enter the end of the Light Hotel, not hostile to Jahila and drinking her "self-liquor".

② Chapter 2, successfully allowed Jahila to join the team (the hotel can also be completed).


Get the key after the conversation, open the door aside and go to the lower side.


Triging the dialogue after getting close to the harmonors, and found that Jeracus seemed a little nervous during the conversation.


It turned out that the harmonies except Jerauds were deformation monsters sent by Olympic, and continued to talk after completing the battle.

If Jahila is not in the team at this time, she needs to return to the camp and talk to her to advance the task.


The next "Finding Minsk" part needs to be completed after entering the city.


Side task: high -level harmonies (2)

After entering the Xiacheng District of the Gate of Bade, I found the nine-finger camp at the location near the river bay.

If the nine-finger members have been helped in the "Assistance for Underground forces" before the branch mission, you can enter it without verification.


There is basically nothing to investigate in the camp. Go straight to the nine-finger office and find the plan of ambush stone (that is, Minsk) on the bedside desk.


Talking the plot after talking with Jien in the nine fingers. If the player has been facing the "Supreme God" before, she will welcome us here (otherwise it will be hostile).


According to her, she had a relationship with the harp player Jahila. If Jahila had previously joined the team before, she could bring her to trigger the plot.


If the file had been found before, then Jahila was not bad. The nine fingers just wanted to tell Jahila not to try to go to Tomosk.


Go to the ambush location "Clear House" and go directly to the door.


After talking to the idle manager, you can get a pass through the verification.

If there is no pass, you cannot enter the treasure house normally.


Another method to get a pass is to go to the second floor and enter the office of the "Chief Correspondent".

If the guards are discovered, they will actively use the alarm on the side.

Priority to lift the alarm can kill them "silently".


Another disobedient method requires flying and changing techniques.

Fly to the roof outside the door of Qingwu.


Go to the balcony in construction, and use changes in the position of the figure below to drill into the room of the officer.


In addition to the pass, you can also get some documents, and you can return to the original road.


Branch task: high -level harmonicaist (3)

Use the pass to go down and enter the treasure trove after passing the level.

[Remarks] You can also open the door directly from the port, but the difficulty is higher than the above two, so it is not recommended.


Forcibly through the iron door, the trap easily triggers the trap, the door is closed and sprayed out of the poison gas. The buttons next to the left counter can be lifted.


There are some simple safe in the treasure house. When you encounter the French formation, you will directly transmit the corridor, and you can avoid it with flight techniques.


Open the password of the inner door in another room on the second floor, here you can step on the switch directly in order.


After entering the area next door, the plot triggered the plot, and it happened to encounter a scene of ambush Minsk.

But obviously the treasure chest monster cannot stop Minsk.


It is worth mentioning that even if Jahila triggered the plot in the team, Minsk would not turn into friendly.


The reason is naturally a deformation strangely controlled by Olin, and Minsk naturally believes in her.


After Minsk leaves to fight, it should be noted that there are eight invisible "Balto whip" in the area, scattered around the hall, and they are attached to asylum.


After completing the battle, talk to Raciss, and you can take the task of recovering the gold coin.


After the task, he will turn into a friendly relationship, and he can pry open various safe (DC30) in the area.


Back to the nine-finger camp again, she would say that we let us not intervene again, but also obtained a permission to enter the sewer.

The subsequent part of this task is updated in the part of the branch mission "Assist underground forces", please move to the relevant page to view.


Triggering event: Levonton

Nabel’s performance

After entering the "small card installation" before entering the Flying Dragon Fortress, he will show a series of "performances" after talking to Nabel.


After watching the "performance" of all professions, he will give us a garbage amulet, but the performance is quite cheerful.


Huo Ci’s spirits

In the "Xia Ruis’s caress" bar and Holygen, she would remind her that she had a "super" new wine.


After receiving the wine glass and drinking, you will get BUFF, and later Holigan will also sell this spiritual wine and a amulet.


Giant Ling’s legendary equipment

In the circus, he can find the giant spirit of the "draw", and he is undoubtedly cheating.


Take away the rings on it with theft and turn it again to win the jackpot.


You can be transmitted to the hostile area, arrived at the end and open the treasure chest to get the legendary equipment



When the "abandoned mill" is prying the lock into the basement, you can see the sleeping new life.


Hearing the monarch’s suggestion, sneak attack it can get larvae, wake up and assist it to get larvae.

[Remarks] Fresh corpses can be used in the branch line "investigation murder case". After assisting it, kill it to get two larvae.



Regional General Examination: Xiacheng District (East)

18. Regional Overall -Xiacheng District (East)

Red mark-area connection point

①side waterway

② Flame Boxing Prison

③ Nine-finger camp

④ The monarch hides

⑤ Balm referee

⑥ Vampire House (on the wall)

⑦ Gothash’s old hiding point

Blue mark-task-related

① Clown limbs

② Secretist Karilion

③ Mummy clue

④ Suspicious toys

⑤ The residence of hope

⑥ Ghost Po Mutual Assistance Association

⑦ Find a daughter

⑧ Investigation murder

Roland’s miscellaneous shops (Nadchu, Gale, Roland task)

Green mark-event and NPC

① The basement of the sanctuary (stealing tribute)

② joke competition

③ Corporate coffin

④ Resurrection brother

⑤ Mermaid encounter war


Regional General Examination: Xiacheng District (West)

19. Regional General Examination -Xiacheng District (West)

Red mark-area connection point

①side waterway

② gardener secret room

③ Steel Throne

④ vault

⑤ Ghost Po hides

⑥ The Temple of Shar

⑦ Deep in the Steel Guardian Factory

Blue mark-task-related

① Rescue the bard poet

② Save artist

③ Sad residence

④ Find the stolen gold coin (in the vault)

⑤ Clown limbs

⑦ Find the "Giant Beast"

Green mark-event and NPC

① petition house store

② Blood bomb (blood of explosion)

③ Balt believers encounter war

④ Nine-finger materials


Line task: Book of Dead Spirit/Master Deep Water City

Book of Dead Spirit/Rebuilding Crown

This part of the branch line mission "Read the Book of Dead Spirit" or "Destroy the Book of Dead Spirit".

I found a bookman on the first floor of the magic grocery shop in Xiacheng District. After the conversation, he learned the list of precious books here.

[Remarks] You can also get the relevant information of the Naddonic Book in the branch mission "Lord Mummy".


Enter the left room on the second floor of the grocery shop, and open the book on the book frame to open the portal.


In the cellar cellar of the grocery store, you need to enter a specific door and lift the agency to open the treasure house.

The relevant literature path of the Book of Nadi is "Silver Hand → Plastic Energy → Wish".

Gal’s dujin data is "silver hand → protection → silver".


After reading related books, open the book of Nadi, and you can complete reading through the verification.


Give the corresponding books to Gal to read, and Gal can gain knowledge about the crown of Nedi.


He proposed to let us recapture three color-resistant stones, and finally reconstructed the Crown to obtain divine power.

This is also a way to end.


Line task: Anti -ghost Mutual Aid Group (1)

Anti-ghost Mutual Aid Group

After entering Xiacheng District, you can see the advertisement of the "Anti -Ghost Mutual Aid Group" on each bulletin.


In addition, because the ghost mission and the tracing task are heavy, you can first go to Yan Boxing to take the "finding a daughter" branch task.


Go to the event location of the mutual aid group and find people to go to the building.

Check the document on the desktop to know the new location.


After entering the new place, the plot is triggered. If you complete the branch mission "Save Melena" in the first chapter, you can easily gain trust.


Melina seemed to be attacked by the ghost again, and this time she was cursed.

You can see the "curse doll" that can transfer positions in the house. Do not attack them, which will hurt Melina.


Use the scroll or the magic of the pastor to "lift the curse" to get it, and then enter the battle immediately.


The enemy is a red hat of the dragon. After killing him, Melina will give some rewards.


It should be noted that there are important clues to follow-up tasks on the safe on the wall on the first floor-ghost-wives disaster recipe.


After making a hand with Melina, she learned that the girl taken away by the ghost was the missing girl.


Line task: Anti -ghost -in -law mutual assistance group (2)

Going to the "Red Face Mermaid", after talking to Captain Greesley with the shopkeeper, you can end the tracing task in another way-kill the client.

[Remarks] This is actually the trap of the ghost.


Ignore the captain and enter the basement from the door next to the bar on the first floor.


The marking wall of the basement is also a phantom, just walk in.


You can encounter the captain and controllers in the next area.

It is recommended not to cause fighting. After all, the captain is also controlled without a mask. You can restore your mind by killing the ghost.


After opening the door into the next area, destroying white mushrooms and letting the ghost appear.


The attributes of the ghost have not changed much. The only difference is that she needs to kill the white mushrooms to cause her to harm her.


On the way, she will also call the controllers outside, ignoring the captain or setting her up, and the rest can be solved.


Before killing the ghost, don’t forget to throw her "ghost disaster" first, let her spit out the child.


After completing the battle, you can return the child back.


If she did not kill the captain in the battle, she would express gratitude to us so that it was convenient to carry out activities later.


Back to Melina, you can get a reward of killing the ghost.


Following the guidance to find a girl’s mother can also get legendary equipment rewards.


Line task: Lord Mumini (1)

Mummy Lord

You can find a large house without a door in the south of Xiacheng District. The picture below is one of the entrances (required).


The recommended entrance is the balcony on the second floor. You can use the knocking directly. The disadvantage is that you need to have a verification after entering.


The picture below is the shore next to the mansion. From the marking position, it can be linked into the basement.


The owner of the mansion is a "secret surgeon".

If the player gets the Wing Book in the first chapter (the branch line "explores the cellar"), he will express his friendship and help us decipher the dead spiritual book.


Just give money, 1500 is not expensive.

For details of the deciphering of the Naddonic Book, please refer to the magic grocery store of this strategy (Nadchu/Master of Deep Water City).


It is recommended not to fight it. Its necromancer threatens greatly and cannot kill it before finding the heart.


Branch task: Lord Mumini (2)

After taking over its task, starting to find goals, you can learn the details at the entrance of Xiacheng District to find the details.


Find a "one-eyed" room in the south of the port, and open the wardrobe in the room to find Slangbo.


After the dialogue, the Slang Expo seeks our assistance, can kill it directly and take it back to deliver, or obey its suggestions, first find relevant information on the sewer.


In fact, Mummy’s heart is in Slangbo’s body. After destroying the heart, you need to throw it on the ground first, and press the "CTRL key" to attack the bottle.


Do not take out the heart of Mumini, and keep the body of Slangbo to Mumini to get the "dispersion torch" reward on the left.

Destroyed the heart and killed the mummy and got the purple equipment on the right, and then opened the box behind Mumini to get another hand.


In addition, the house where Slangbo is located is likely to be one of the hidden points of Getash. After the living panel door on the balcony goes down, you can shoot the tidling rod boot mechanism.


Gotash’s insurance library key can be obtained in the hidden area.


According to the list of Qingyuan House, the owner of the key is Gotash himself.


Line task: Lord Mumini (3)

In addition, the house where Slangbo is located is likely to be one of the hidden points of Getash. After the living panel door on the balcony goes down, you can shoot the tidling rod boot mechanism.


Gotash’s insurance library key can be obtained in the hidden area.


According to the list of Qingyuan House, the owner of the key is Gotash himself.


Go to the sewer of Xiacheng District, walk to the most inner side exit at the "Dishicheng Ruins" at the transmission point and enter the ancient room.


Many boxes can be seen in the ancient secret room, but opening any of them will wake the undeads wake up and launch an attack.

After completing the battle, find the location of the figure below (the left wall of the large pile of treasure chests), unlock or open the stone wall, and find two jars in mummy in it.


However, the heart is not here, and from the surrounding literature, you can also know that the heart is hidden in Slangbo’s body. This is why Mummy wants to find Slangbo.


After leaving the ladder to leave or unlocked the door of the door, they finally arrived near the entrance of the "Dibuya Ruins".

After leaving the ladder, use light (or dark vision) to find the control lever to open the door.


If Slangbo had been found before, he might be wandering on the street.

He can usually find him in front of Mummy’s house. After reading books in the ancient room, you can get the heart jar without killing him.


After defeating Mumini without killing Slangbo and getting a jar, you can get equipment rewards from Slangbo.


Branch task: stop publishing

Prevents publishing

The "winning mouth" of Xiacheng District can find many newspaper related information in it.


After talking to the chief editor Eitavad, it will be driven away from this area.

The editor-in-chief said that our "evil line" will be reported tomorrow, apparently he is Gotash’s loyal supporter.


Since then, it is recommended to jump all the way from the side to the top of the building.


Find the roadblocks below on the top of the building. After destroying it, you can enter the downward elevation ladder.


There are two steel guards underground, and they can easily solve them with a flash.

[Remarks] If there is no flash bomb, you can bypass the iron gate through the wall seam of the room at the end of the room.


Entering the printing area, you can see the oversized printing machine in the center of the region.


Dialogue with the printing machine, if the fairy in the moonlight lamp was released in Chapter 2, it will take the initiative to help.


Find the target template in the trash can below, and take away the three negative templates in the area to complete the task.


Line task: the residence of hope (1)


This task is related to the "Raphael Proposal".

After triggering the task, you can inquire about the "Devil’s Tip" shop owner in Xiacheng District to know the location of the residence of hope.


Go to the "Devil’s Tip" to the north of the city wall of Xiacheng District and go upstairs along the right stairs.


You can see the "hunger and thirst" on the second floor. If it is not lifted, it can only be entered through the round mode, or from the balcony outside the building.

The solution is relatively simple-stuffing a bottle of water or wine for it (camp supply items can usually be found in the supply backpack).


After entering the door, you can see the blood method on the ground.

The trigger array needs to place the corresponding items in a certain location, and the required items can be obtained in the three boxes of the label below.


The required items are "Maln’s coins", "diamonds", "skull", "hell stone egg" and "burning incense".


In addition to searching in the owner’s room, you can also obtain ritual supplies through transactions with the owner, theft and other channels.

[Remarks] You can also get the literature for rituals from the owner of the shop.


After completion, you can choose to enter the teleportation array and explore Raphael’s residence.

As long as you do n’t want the mansion to steal things, or take away the hammer of Orevus, it will not affect Raphael’s branch.


After entering the residence of hope, you can encounter a spirit name called "Hope" before entering the door.

I hope that we want to use Orevus’s hammer to relieve her restraint (the branch mission "rescue hope").

After the dialogue, you can get the "liability camouflage", and you will not be hostile to the personnel in the mansion when we are wearing this clothing.


Line task: the residence of hope (2)

The picture below is the map of the residence of hope.

① Nubardin

② Orevus Hammer

③ Charm Demon, Raphael’s bedroom (connected for fork road)

④ treasure house

⑤ Prison entrance

⑥ Prison channel, outer cliff wall


With Nurbadin, you can know that Gotus has previously sneaked into the residence of hope and stole the crown of resistance to Raphael.


From the outer balcony, you can use jump to sneak into Raphael’s bedroom.

[Remarks] The mark point in the figure below is one of the channels to the prison. After getting the hammer, it is recommended to go to the prison from this.


The position of the treasure house is as follows, and two judgments need to be passed after pressing the gem.


After entering Raphael’s bedroom, he will encounter his exclusive charm -Halep.

Harlerp will try to imitate the player’s body and tell the player to unlock the instruction position of the hammer after a fragrant scene.

[Remarks] Rejecting his/her invitation will enter the battle.


Press the button below the portrait to get Raphael’s notes. There is a pole be next to the light curtain to be lifted.


After entering the archives room, you can disguise visitors through "detecting ideas" when talking with the insurance manager.

However, even if it is disguised as a visitor, it is not very useful, and it still cannot take away the items inside at will.


Valuable in the file room is the equipment on both sides except the hammer.

The necklace is physique 23 and gloves are strength 23. Both below the two have pressure plate alarm, which need to be perceived and lifted first.


It was the same result when he was discovered and took away the hammer -Raphael returned, and then he had to fight Raphael.

If you don’t want to fight with Raphael, you just want to use two equipment to ask one person to talk to the custodian, and the other person sneaks the board and get the item (turn on the round mode).

[Remarks] Most of the NPCs in the mansion are anti-hidden, and the custodian will keep up with the latest players in the archives.


Line task: the residence of hope (3)

The following is the process of getting the hammer to rescue and defeat Raphael. For the process of not taking the hammer, please refer to the subsequent part of the "Raphael Proposal" of the branch mission.

[Remarks] It is suggested that at least one role in the team can lift petrochemicals, and at least 2 bottles of petrochemical "petrochemical lizard oil" in the backpack will be lifted.


After getting the hammer, the disguise will be forcibly lifted. Even if you take a few more clothing before, you will be forced to be lifted.


After opening the door, the alarm will be triggered. It is recommended to turn on the round mode. Sneak into the Raphael bedroom aside, and enter the prison channel along the cliff wall.

You can also open the right door and kill from the middle to the prison entrance on the other side.

[Remarks] If you don’t want to fight, you need to sneak through the situation of hidden, and you cannot stay in the enemy’s sight at the end of the round.


The rolling hell ball is as follows, and it will suffer high damage if it is hit or embarked on the flame.


After entering the prison, you will be rescued after you need to defeat the surrounding enemies.

The most important thing to pay attention to is naturally the magic of the eye, and the strength of other enemies is not high.

[Remarks] It can also break the crystal during the battle, and attack with Orevis hammer will cause additional damage.


Later, I hope to join the team in the form of a follower and return to the entrance to find Raphael.


When he met Raphael, he talked to him. If he had not fought with the devil Eu Balu at the Saer trial site before, he could let him join us by lobbying.


The attributes of Raphael are as follows, and you can give him Debuff by destroying the soul column of the green light around.

It should be noted that when the four soul columns are destroyed, he will be strengthened.


Raphael will be transformed after the battle lasts 3 to 4 rounds, and he will be strengthened when he kills the unit.

However, he is the demon body, and he can kill him with control techniques such as good and evil protection or monsters.


While completing the battle, the branch mission "rescue hope" and "Raphael’s proposal" were also completed, and the legendary equipment that hoped to give.

At the same time, she will also receive the assistance of hope, and she will assist us in the final wars (the task "convened allies").


After returning, you will also receive the communication of the monarch. No matter what you speak, you will leave a pimple, but as long as you do n’t go to the astronomical world, you will not trigger the mission of the Geis Yankees.

[Remarks] Don’t forget to Nap Raphael’s armor before leaving.


Line task: Dragon Ansu

Dragon Dragon (Rescue Duke Gao)

This task needs to complete the savior of the branch mission "The revenge of the iron hand dwarf".

Regardless of whether the Duke Gao is dead or alive, we can obtain information about An Su about "Guardian of the Gate of Bud".


Because after completing the front task, it is necessary to be hostile to Getash, players can start from the teleportation point in the south of the level, use the portal to the cliff from the bridge head, and enter the prison from the gap between the prison (see the "ally in this guide for details.(1)".

You can also put Gotash first, and swing up into the prison.

After entering the prison, you can find two "faucet torchs" in the following icon position, which can open the door to the lightning damage to them.

[Remarks] The prompts of this operation can be obtained after talking with the Duke of Gao (need to promise the Mizola proposal).


Seeing the dragon needs to pass the four trials of Bodian.

Between courage-refresh the enemy every round, and support 4 rounds and kill the enemy.


Between righteousness-use the mantra of the painting below and place it on the platform where the arrows are directed.

Looking at the surrounding paintings, we can know that men’s theft is to do good, and the judges have too much torture due to bribery.


If there is Will in the team, you can get some prompts to talk to him.


Between strategy-take the direction when entering the door, operate White according to the prompts below, and you can complete the death of Black in three steps.


If there is Gal in the team, he will give guidance deeply in Sanlong Chess (chess).


Operate according to the prompts, or click any Black to see the operation corresponding to the prompt.


The final insight walked directly from the direction of the figure below.


Between insight — Use "Monster Defining" to set up a flying book, check them and find the author who betrayed the concept of peace.


If there is Will in the team, you can get some prompts to talk to him.

Based on the prompts to kill "Solto" to complete, enter the room where Ansu is located.


An Su has already died, but its soul is still hovering here, triggering the dialogue after approaching.


It is learned that our allies "monarch" is actually the founder of Boddan, Bodian.


After entering Ansu, the picture below is the attribute of "Heart".


After the victory, you can get the legendary equipment "Bodian’s giant killer", and you can leave after picking up the "Bodian helmet" on the back of the table.


Talk to Bodian before leaving, you can know the historical stories between them.


Line task: Save the artist

Save the artist (the second half)

This task recommends that after completing the branch mission "Lord of Mummy" to complete it, or take the orange "dispersion torch" in the box behind Mumini.

Find the "Ganas Manor" in the west side of Xiacheng District, and enter the house after talking to the maid in front of the door.

Prior to this, the San Talin will redeem the "painter" in the first chapter.


Affected by dead spirits in the house, there are "promoting narrow ghosts" everywhere.

Go straight to the east of the third floor to find the artist and his wife.

[Remarks] You can fly directly from the outside of the building to the balcony to avoid fighting.


There are three enemies in the area:

① Promote narrow ghosts

② Pretend to be a torch. After the attack is destroyed, it becomes a narrow ghost.


③ Curse the skull, there are high-level resolute (50), using the spell can be destroyed directly.

It is usually placed at the entrance of the stairs. After approaching, you will use thunder to hit the player to fly down the stairs.

[Remarks] You can get closer through stealth, round mode or jumping method (thunder has cooling time).


After finding the Oscar couple, I learned that Oscar was like "possessed" after something, and her home began to "haunted".


Go to the top floor, you can go all the way from the inside, or you can use flight techniques, fog change, etc. to the top floor balcony from the outside.

Place the labeling painting on the painting frame (synthesis) to open the door.

[Remarks] You can also pry the lock directly.


Use the "dispersion of torch" to the curse painting in the secret room, and then return to Oscar with the ghost.


It turned out that Oscar used necromating in order to see him with his ex-girlfriend, all of which were "attached to the condition."


You can persuade the ghost through various means, and you can get it without fighting.


After that, Oscar will thank you, and you can get his painting "Hero of the Gate of Bade" with him to the top floor.


Regional Total Examination: Lower Waterway

20. Regional Overall -Lower Waterway

Red mark-area connection point

① Flame Boxing Prison

② Bookcover

③ Export of Nine Fingers Guild

④ A well cover near the door of Bade

⑤ Flem cargo gap

⑥ garden dense room

⑦ main brain position

⑧ Polishing Lizard Gate

Blue mark-task-related

① Rescue Orevus

② Assist underground forces

③ Balt Temple entrance

④ Mumini Kalion Church

⑤ Clown limbs

⑥ Olympic stones

/High-level harmonies/assisted underground forces

Green mark-event and NPC

① Arabel

② Solid skeleton

③ lower sewer valve


Partnership task: Asleen (1)

1. Asdon

Chapter One

After finding Astai Lun in the crash area, he usually triggers his related plots at the second long break.

He will confess his vampire identity to a player with a better relationship, and hopes that the protagonist can take him blood blood.

This plot will trigger twice. If you choose to refuse twice, he will dry the protagonist when he can’t bear it.

It can be avoided by verifying the blood of animals.


After that, you can encounter a "vampire hunter" for the first time near the tea room in Chapter 1. Through the verification, you can hide the sky and avoid fighting.

If you choose to fight, the Gur people will be dissatisfied in Chapter 3.


After that, the third chapter was found in the northeast of Levonton.


After the dialogue, they could promise them to rescue them.


From the "main wall of Xiacheng District", walk north to the city wall into the castle of Zael, the "former owner" of Asdon.


As long as there is asdonia in the team, it will not be attacked after entering the castle, and can also actively trigger some memory and dialogue.


The blocked crime door needs passwords or coat coat rings to open, and temporarily leave to find clues.


After entering the "Internal Laire’s Office", read the literature, and then passed through the fake wall to find the body of the werewolf, and got the keys in the room next door.


Be careful before entering the rooms in the lower level. There are magic of physical strength in it. It is recommended to open the turn mode single in.


Afterwards, the Zakra dictionary was obtained in the wardrobe in the room and continued to find a ring.

[Remarks] There are also some equipment in the room.


Go to the lower level, just take the ring from Ge Di through lobbying, theft or fighting.


Partner task: Astai Lun (2)

After opening the door, the battle will be triggered. It is recommended to involve the companions first.


Then go down from the lifting ladder next to the housekeeper’s room to find the ceremony location.


The door blocked by the light curtain also needs to be opened with a ring.


If you want to go to the lower layer, you need to let the upper teammates open the two-way portal, or the character below can use the knocking technique. At present, it is difficult to return directly to the top because of the viewing angle display problem.

[Remarks] Open the western door to enter the sewer and transmit it back.


The west of the upper layer is Zar’s private room, and many literatures about evil rituals can be found.


To go north, you can see the cells on the left and right sides, and the victims (including the Guer children) who have brought back from the Guerlon are detained. They are tortured after being converted into vampire derivatives.

After promising to rescue them, continue to move forward. Although they can be unlocked with knocking, the door can only be opened with Zael’s staff.


Go to the ceremony place and confront Zhal.

After choosing to help him, Asai Lun will lose his life, he usually chooses to resist.


After that, he was fighting with Zar. After all, he was still a vampire. He could weaken him with more protection of good and evil and sacred attributes.

Zar will complete the ceremony after 7 rounds, strengthen it, and Asdon will die permanently.

[Remarks] Scope of spells may not be injured "sacrifice", and you need to pay attention.


After completing the battle, pull Zael out of the coffin and make the final choice:

① Drain Zael and cancel this evil ceremony of sacrificing 7,000 derivatives.

② With the assistance of teammates, let Zar instead of Asdon as a sacrifice to make Astai Lun rise.

③ An interrupted on the way to Asdon’s ascension and will be permanently hostile to Asdon.


After the ascension, Asdown will be strengthened.

The previous blood-sucking characteristics will also be converted to "vampire supreme", the ability of blood-sucking ability is strengthened, and it can turn fog.


After that, the derivatives’ life and death were decided to let them go to the dark region through a judgment, and they did not live with human blood.

Destroying the staff or the elimination of prisoners will lead to the hostile of the Gurks.


Whether you choose to release the derivatives, you will encounter the Gurks who come when they return.

According to the previous choices, if they let go of the derivative and tell the truth, they will express their gratitude and assist us in the final battle.


At the end of the story, if Astai Lun did not become a devil, he lost the larvae, and he would be affected by the sun again and returned to the shadow again.


Partner task: Shadow Heart

2. Shadow Heart

Chapter One

In the sequence, we can see the shadow heart trapped in the warehouse, and find her from finding the keys from the hill next door to rescue her.


After the snail shell crashed, she can let her accompany her.

She can also get her relics when she is close to the ground camping ground.


Chapter two

After entering the "Shar’s Trial", Yingxin will propose to complete Shar’s trial.

Please refer to the main line of this strategy.


Find the "Song of Dark Night" in Shar’s prisoner, and the main differences appear:

① Shadow Heart killed the "Song of the Dark Night", turned to a night judge, lost some feelings and obtained the legendary equipment "Sar’s Spear of the Night".

② "Survival of the Dark Night Song", Shadow’s Lost ‘favor, if the relationship does not reach a higher level, it will leave the team permanently.

[Remarks] Only by rescued the "Dark Night Song" directly in prison can the legendary equipment "Selne’s light spear".


third chapter

Before entering Chapter 3, you need to talk to the two of Erin to learn about the life of Yingxin.

Go to the "sad residence" of Xiacheng District and trigger the plot after entering.

[Remarks] You can inquire about the clues in Lvyonton.


Enter the interior room, and open the dark door after detecting the switch of the icon below.


After entering the temple of Shar, make a choice:

① The shadow heart leaves the team permanently, and the player gets a BUFF of Shar.

② Enter the battle and kill the Shar believers.


The picture below is the attribute map of Vikonia.


After completing the battle, you can search in the temple. The NPC named "Night Song" below is a neutral unit, and you can buy some items.


Finally, the parents who triggered the switch in the depths of the temple and found the shadow-hearted parents faced Sar.


After choosing to refuse, Yingxin really came out of the shadow of Shar and re-survived as a believer in Selne.

In the final ending, Yingxin will embark on his own path and spread the belief of Serner (or Saer).


It is worth mentioning that in the temple, you can find a good "lost mirror", and you can use a knowledge held by the player to exchange.



Partner task: Will

3. Will

Chapter One

Triging the plot near the Druid Camp, I saw the "Blade of the Border" Will for the first time.

After that, you can find him in the training area of the Druid Camp.

After several long breaks, Wil will be turned into devil by the demon Mizola.


Chapter two

Complete the branch mission "Mizola’s assets" and rescue Mizola from the nest to survive.


third chapter

When I saw Mizola behind Feilong Fortress, the important choice was triggered during the conversation:


①Well surrendered his soul in exchange for his father’s survival of "Duke of Gao".

② Will refuses the proposal, and the "Duke of Gao" will inevitably die (whether or not to enter the steel throne).

[Remarks] Duke Gao’s life is only related to this option.


After entering the Iron and Steel Throne, you can know the relevant information of the guardian of the Gate of Bade: "An Su":

① When the Duke Gao survives, he talks with him and read the literature at the camp.

② When the Duke Gao died, he was talked about by the consultant Frehek when he was strolling in Xiacheng District. He could only relieve the misunderstanding and learn intelligence by judging.


Dialogue with Floque needs to complete the following three conditions:

① The first chapter, Wakin dormant her out of the fire.

② Chapter 2, the hotel has not been destroyed.

③ Chapter 3, Feilongguan Prison rescued her.


After completing the branch mission "Dragon Dragon", if the Duke Gao survives, he can choose Will’s event. According to the choice made by the player here, the ending of Wil (and Karch) will change.

[Remarks] Well and Karchk have special plots. See Kayak’s partner task part for details.


Partner task: Kakak

4. Carlkk

Chapter One

It is recommended to go to her after calling Will.

Go to the river north of the forest land and find her downstream, and use the power of larvae to know that she is innocent.


After that, she could complete her task on the road to promotion and defeat the demon hunter who hunted her.


Back to Druid Lynch, talk to the blacksmith near drinking soup, and learned that she could use the hell iron to strengthen her engine.

[Remarks] No matter whether to complete the maintenance, Karika can use the "Hell Coin" to obtain a enhanced BUFF.


Chapter two

After entering the hotel, you can find a blacksmith again at the cow shed and strengthen the engine with the hell iron.

Although she has not lifted the crisis, she will not emit calories anymore after that, and can also conduct strategies.


third chapter

After seeing Gotash in the nest of the second chapter, she would express her views. After taking her to see Gotash after the athlete ceremony, she would also trigger a dialogue.


Once Gotash is killed, her revenge journey will end, and her future will only return to hell or die in the human world.


After returning to the Star World after the defeat of the main brain, she will take the initiative to make her become a devil and defeat the main brain.


Turning to the heart of the heart is the only choice for Karkk to survive in the human world.

If you want to survive, you will only return to hell with Will with the premise of choosing Will as a origin role as a origin and as a border.


Partner task:

5. Gal

Chapter One

For the first time, he met him in the portal of the crash area and pulled him out of the portal through the test.


In the first chapter, a total of two "eating equipment" will be triggered, and it can be completed by delivering any magic items.

In the second incident, Gal would feel abnormal, and his core could not stabilize normally.


Chapter two

After that, he would encounter the magic old man on the way to the Yingying area (Chapter 2). After returning to the camp, he learned that the cause of Mistra and Galle was learned.


In the nest plot of Chapter 2, if Gal is in the team, he will make a blasting request for the first time, and the consent will end the game early.


third chapter

After entering Xiacheng District, go to the magic grocery store, and find the personal line of Will after finding the Bi Jiroure.


He said he wanted to capture the crown of Ryle, and used it to make him a god.


Afterwards, the magic old man was found in the camp, and this time Mistira’s voice was given to her crown.


Before the decisive battle with the main brain of the color resistance, Gal also made a blasting request again.


After completing the main line, Gal will leave us and go to find the crown of resistance to the water that falls into the water.

If Gall is used as the origin of the origin, you can see the follow-up of the Crown Crown and confront Mistra.


Partnership task: Leezel

6. Leezel

Chapter One

The first time I encountered Ledizel on the snail shell.

After entering the first chapter, she found a trap near the forest land and rescued her.


After entering the Druidi Land, he found the target NPC, and then went to the Pass to trigger the plot.

Regardless of the choice of fighting, or if it is concealed or not, you can get the specific location of the Geis asset-based nursery.


Go to the Geis Yankeli Relief, find a judge after a failed "treatment", and talk to the current Queen.


Regardless of whether to enter the relics to the star world, the end result is hostile to the current Queen, and after leaving the nursery, he saw a centurion Vols in the camp.


third chapter

After learning that the "Lost Prince" in the Star, Orevus was inquired about the relevant information of Orevus’s hammer before Feilongguan, and entered Raphael’s hopes in Xiacheng District.


After obtaining Orevis Hammer, go to the sewer and inform Volt and get legendary equipment.

Finally, after the first battle with the main brain, he returned to the Star World, decided to assimilate Orevis, and decide which character is the demon:

① The death of Orevis, Ledizel would oppose it.

② Orevus survives, you can choose to leave Ledizel at the end, or follow Orevis (if he has not become a heartbroken).


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