The number of eggs in "Wild Dart 2" is very large, and it is very difficult to find. Robot 969 is one of the eggs, and it is the follow-up mission "a smart boy" follow-up. Electric lamps are the key to finding robots.


Wilderness 2 Easter Egg Robot 969

The branch mission "A smart and active boy" followed, and the lamp lamp is the key to finding the robot. As long as you face the direction of the robot, the light bulbs will become red. In the end, we find it on the peak near Lidao Village. The map will be found. The map will be found. The map will be found. Northwest direction. It can be seen that the robot is sad because his creator is dead. You can choose to end the pain of the robot, attack the bulb on its head with a gun, or pay tribute to the earliest artificial intelligence.

The specific location is as shown below

Click on the picture to view the big picture



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