The number of eggs in "Wild Dart 2" is very large, and it is very difficult to find. Thunderbird is one of the eggs, and its specific content is also very rich. When you see it on the mountain, you will see a huge statue.


What is the content of the wild dart 2 egg Rashmore?

Go to the top of the emerald pasture, and see a huge statue on the side of the road to the mountain, reach the mountain in the picture below.



Take the route below and pass from a spiral step.



The well-known nationwide Rashmore is standing not far west of Badenland, South Dakota. The mountain is carved with a huge avatar of four famous presidents in the United States. In the game, this person sculpture inspiration is inspired by this. There is also a sad story here. The sculptor is drunk, and his girlfriend can’t bear to leave him. He was sighing in front of his own work. Shooting the Robe can collect notes!



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